Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 22

The day had been full of communication and waiting for further status as the InterSAR Clipper investigated the drone mothership. The Astral Feather was joined by the Star Guard Cutter, a vessel two thirds the size of the Feather, but a lot bulkier. It carried a missile pod underneath, drone pods on the port and starboard sides, and a coilgun pod on top. Equipped with immense detection capabilities and ECM as well as thick armor, multiple PDs of a better caliber than the Feather, it was well equipped to handle aggressive criminal vessels. Several Star Guard members had boarded the Astral Feather to carry out an investigation and gather statements from the crew. Wearing blue-gold uniforms, they held a meeting in the rec room to address the crew before having a separate officers meeting in the primary ready room. Afterwards, they had brought the crew individually into a pair of secondary meeting rooms or the cluttered wardroom off the galley, to give their statements. Lucinia made a mental note to clean the room up and restore it with the prospect of a growing crew and the need for more space. As it was, the room was never used and had become a storage space.

The Star Guard officers departed the Astral Feather later in the day and some follow up meetings occurred with InterSAR. They had found more crew aboard the drone mothership, trapped in sections of the vessel where they had rapidly expired from a lack of atmosphere. Lucinia had been hard on herself for not attempting a rescue upon hearing the news, but the Astral Feather did not have the means to carry one out with any urgency. The trapped crew would have been gone long before a rescue could have been carried out. With the majority of the InterSAR and Star Guard meetings behind them, Lucinia set to work with the crew to prepare a buffet style dinner for the evening with all current non-essential duties suspended until the following day. They would still be required to go to Pranza Station for further interviews, but for now, they were to remain near the Star Guard ship for safety.

Jack walked into the rec room and was immediately greeted by Cardox, Sita and Pri, who stood close to the entrance.

“Jacko, you doing goodo?” Sita took a fresh beer off the nearby counter and popped the top off, then offered it to him.

“Not bad,” Jack thanked her for the beer and took a drink. “Taking it as it comes. How about you three?”

“Another day, another dollar,” Sita shrugged. “I get some are fucked because of the situation,” She frowned for a moment. “Hope they get over it or deal with it well enough. Fucking pirates. Even in death do they fuck with my, er our zen.”

“Yep, even pirating our good vibes.” Cardox took a long drink. “I couldn’t care less over their loss, but what comes next, well...” He went silent.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “With luck, nothing.”

“Would be most favorable of fortunes,” Pri added as she downed a bottle of water and discarded the container.

“I presume we will be at maximum readiness for a while?” Cardox asked.

Jack nodded. “At least until Pranza Station. Possibly longer since we don’t know if there’s any fallout yet. Likely be a security meeting soon to cover anything further, involving planetary leave or port freedoms.”

“I could use a fuckin walk on the ground for a bit,” Sita remarked. “Fuckin stuffy as a school of flatulent sardines up in this place.”

“Smell of ass not predominant, but reference is understood,” Pri looked at Sita who moved in to playfully punch at her stomach.

Pri was quick enough to deflect the light strikes before Sita caught Cardox with a playful belly slap.

“Oomph,” Cardox leaned forward and did his best to keep from spitting out a mouthful of beer.

“We should go fuck up one of the towns on Pranza,” Sita said. “I need something rowdy.”

“Like what?” Jack asked. “A nightclub or some back alley brawling ring?”

“That’ll do, so long as it’s a rough place,” Sita replied.

“Whatever rough intent is desired, count me out,” Pri held her hands up.

“What would you do if you had some leave?” Cardox asked her.

“Find new muse for paintings or drawings,” Pri replied. “Someplace quiet.”

“Here’s to that,” Jack raised his bottle and took a drink as Cardox and Sita followed.

Jack offered his bottle to Pri, but she refused the alcoholic beverage, and he gave her an apologetic nod.

As Jack continued to speak to Cardox, Sita and Pri; Kazlaena entered the rec room and gave him a quick wave. When Jack waved back, she walked over to him at a quick pace and came to a stop beside him. He wrapped his arm around her as she leaned against him, looking up at him a bit meekly.

“Hey sweetie,” he said as he rubbed her shoulder a few times. “Feeling better?”

“Um, some,” She nodded.

“Good to hear Kazzio,” Sita leaned in enough to bump her shoulder with a fist.

Kazlaena smiled at her and saw Cardox give her a friendly wink, she winked back.

“Hey little Sherrif,” Pri patted Kazlaena’s shoulder. “If stomach seeks sustenance, bounty of food and drink sit upon tables.”

“Um,” Kazlaena was in thought for a moment. “Ok, am kind of ‘ungry.”

Pri held her hand out and Kazlaena took it. “Can acquire nourishment together.”

“Sa serrif and sa deputy will get sa good stuff.” Kazlaena said and Pri gave her a smile.

Kazlaena went over with Pri to get something to eat from the variety of foods available at the temporary buffet. A few moments later Rusu and Nyka walked in. They greeted Jack and the others before Rusu and Nyka pulled Jack aside for a moment.

“All well?” Nyka asked.

“All is going well so far.” Jack replied.

“Is good, so far too.” Rusu added. “Seem ok. Hope no trouble await.”

“We should be good.” Jack patted his shoulder.

“Oh, uh, I see Kaz is here.” Rusu immediately focused on her.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “Just getting something to eat.”

Rusu slid his data specs up on top of his head.

“Oh!” He saw Kazlaena wave at him and waved back.

“Everything ok?” Jack asked.

Rusu nodded. “I uh, just kinda started uh, talk more with her. Talked more and more, had lunch together earlier. Seem be ok. Hope she is ok. Hard for Vandeans to harm others willingly, even if they in danger. I uh, just spoke from heart.”

“It is hard for them,” Jack nodded. “It will be hard for her to fully come to terms with, but you seem to have made things easier for her.”

“Uh, well hope so,” Rusu rubbed his hands together. “Will help as much as she need.”

“You’re a good friend to her,” Jack said, seeing Rusu’s ears stand up tall at that remark. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Being there for those you care about will have the strongest feeling in here.” He bumped Rusu’s heart.

Rusu took him in a quick hug, then caught sight of Kazlaena returning.

Pri returned to her conversation with Cardox and Sita as Kazlaena stood between Jack and Rusu, offering up her plate to share with the group. Jack declined and Rusu took a roll of ham on a toothpick with a smile and nod.

“I will get, in moment,” Nyka said as she held up a hand. “No take all you, yours.”

“Oh? Sat’s ok Nyka, you can take some if you wis.” Kazlaena said.

“Ah, no, is ok. Hungry, so will get bunch, er lots,” Nyka smiled briefly and Kazlaena nodded.

“Speaking of, I gotta get something to eat,” Jack said as he discarded his beer bottle. “Nyka, care to join me?”

“Ok,” Nyka nodded.

“Alright, back in a minute, ok?” Jack said to Kazlaena and Rusu.

“Ok,” Kazlaena looked up at him with some cheer.

Jack handed Nyka a plate and they loaded up on several of the different foods available. Nyka went primarily with the ham rolls or beef buns and cheese while Jack took similar food but with some carrots and broccoli florets.

“No veggies?” He teased Nyka and she shook her head.

“No, none,” she said. “Potato good, carrot ew, broccwi, er brocc-oli, get stuck teeth, in teeth.”

“What’s that vegetable you guys like?” Jack asked. “Solano root?”

“Is,” Nyka nodded with a bit of a smile. “Miss eating solano dishes.”

“Can we not find any at provision markets?”

“Can, or no can, no sure,” She replied.

“Hmm,” Jack scratched his chin. “I’ll help look into it. See what we can find.”

“Oh, thank Jack, thank,” She replied as he motioned for them to step out of earshot from the crew.

“Hey, I was meaning to talk with you about a personal matter,” He set his plate down on a table beside them.


“It’s about your brother and a possible relationship he may be developing,” They both looked at Rusu and Kazlaena, who were talking excitedly with each other with the occasional laugh or giggle.

“Oh,” Nyka looked at him and nodded. “Is uh, is good Jack.” She said a bit quietly. “At first, in honest, was uh, how you say, nervous. Was nervous he leave, have not time for family, if road goes other ... another way.” She let out a nervous breath. “But glad ... no ... happy for him. He need more in life. More than sister can do or be. I can no stand in way for him to be happy.”

“I doubt he feels you’re in the way,” Jack took her hand in his, momentarily noting the small, slender build of her fingers and palm, before rubbing it in a comforting manner. “I can’t imagine it’s easy to see these things develop when you two need and depend on each other, given your circumstances. I just want to make sure you don’t feel like you’re getting left behind or anything like that if this develops, however it may develop.”

“Oh, no, never at all,” Nyka shook her head. “He family, but you all family too. Er, crew family. When near crew, there is comfort.” She took in a deep breath, let it out, then gave him a genuine smile.

“I’m glad to hear,” Jack spoke softly as she brushed his cheek with her cheek, then tapped his forehead with her nose in a more affectionate manner than a typical Lexocanus greeting. “Talk to me, if you need to, ok?” Jack gave her a hug and brushed her back a couple of times. “I’ll be there where and when I can.”

“You do, er always are,” Nyka smiled and ate one of the ham rolls. “See him making er, moving front, no forward, may be can, er, I do, some day.”

“If you find interest, you have my support,” Jack chewed on a carrot.

“No mix race...” Nyka frowned for a moment. “Not lots accept mix race, er, two peoples together, mix race peoplings...”

“Mix race couples?” Jack clarified.

“Yes,” Nyka nodded.

“A Lexocanus and a Vandean will raise few eyebrows,” Jack said. “Lexos don’t seem to approve it, but Vandeans are pretty open and accepting. Given the situation, I don’t think Rusu will face much backlash.”

“Uh, no,” Nyka shook her head. “Hope no.”

They looked over to Rusu who was trying to stop himself from laughing as Kazlaena looked at him with a smile.

“Well,” Jack spoke. “As I said, if you want to find something more than what you have on the ship, I’m at your side.”

“Thank, Jack,” Nyka lowered her head and looked at the floor uncomfortably. “Hard though. Hard to think of find.”

“Why’s that?” Jack asked.

“Stuff of past,” Nyka replied quietly.

“When you’re ready,” Jack touched her forearm briefly and caught a thankful look from her.

“In, er, other things, seen weird video things in aft hold,” Nyka said.

“Oh?” Jack was curious.

“Camera do weird. Flicker weird. Some thing there ... maybe,”

“There might be something in the hold?”

“No sure, possible,” Nyka’s voice had some hesitation.

“Oh,” Jack bit his lower lip and felt a bit of a chill up his spine. “You uh, show the captain yet?”

“No yet,” Nyka shook her head. “You can there?”

“Can I be there?” Jack made sure he understood her question right.

“Yes, you be there?”

“I can,” Jack nodded. “Why me, specifically?”

“You not bad react.”

“Fair enough.” Jack understood. She wanted him as a firebreak in case Proculus was there and acted in his typical manner. “I’m kinda curious about what’s on the recording now.”

“Soon time, Jack, soon time.” Nyka gave him an anxious look and ate another ham roll. “Need more verify findings not anoma-anomalous.”

“When you’re ready.” Jack said and she nodded.

Nyka headed over to where Zakia and Delilah were speaking while Jack finished off his meal and made a cup of coffee before intending to head back over to Kazlaena and Rusu. He caught a bit of their conversation about vidgame consoles and some VR games and decided not to intrude, following Nyka instead to catch up with the chief engineer and chief steward.

“Hi Jack,” Delilah gave him a hug and a smile.

“Hey Delilah, Zakia, how are you both?”

“Eh, good here,” Delilah nodded.

“Alright Jack,” Zakia replied. “I have many concerns but I’m trying not to focus too much on the bad. I’ve been busying myself with lots of extra tasks that need catching up on to keep the mind at bay.”

“Good strategy,” Jack nodded. “Used it myself on ... uh ... an occasion or two.”

“Were you scared out there?” Delilah asked. “Being so exposed in a starfighter like that?”

“Not something I look forward too.” Jack said. “If something goes wrong, you don’t have a lot of options. I did have a pretty good scare out there though.”

“What happened?” Zakia asked with concern.

“Round through the cockpit, missed me by going between my legs. They’re actually kind of sore from that, should probably see Charm to make sure there’s no lasting damage.”

“What?” Delilah looked at him with concern. “You had better take care of that! Don’t need you suffering complications.”

“I will,” Jack promised.

“You scared then?” Nyka asked.

“I was, some,” Jack nodded. “The exposure factor is one thing, being hunted by the drones was something else.”

“I have growing concerns involving this line of work,” Zakia said. “I have a family back home. I don’t want to be in danger all the time during contracts and one day leave my kids one mother down. My partner is very concerned about what happened and wants me to leave the ship and come back home.”

“A difficult situation,” Jack scratched his chin. “I wouldn’t fault you for leaving Chief. I can understand the situation you’re in is a complex one with a difficult choice to be made. What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know Jack,” Zakia replied. “I don’t wish to leave but my family comes first. I may need to compromise it out.”

“I hope you can,” Jack grabbed her upper arm for a moment and gave it a squeeze. She responded by grabbing his forearm and running her hand over it a couple of times.

“Here and now, I’m glad you came back safely,” she said.

“Same here,” Delilah bumped his stomach a couple of times with her fist.

“Me too,” Jack grinned. “Spinning about in the void without my Scapa wouldn’t have been fun. Woulda been a weird arm flailing dance until I was picked up.”

“Maybe we don’t find you and you don’t get picked up,” Delilah spoke seriously, but Jack treated it like a joke and grinned.

After a moment, they shared a laugh.

“Oh, speak of dance,” Nyka spoke up. “You still? er still want?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “Might help me learn a useful thing or two. Also help with the growing waistline.”

“Would do,” Delilah noted. “No more sweets for you.”

“Well damn,” Jack frowned. “Stuck on a diet now.”

“Stop smoking,” Zakia said. “That will help with a lot of issues.”

“Oh, speaking of smoke, bout time I had one,” Jack joked.

“Some peoples kids,” Delilah muttered.

“I know, eh?” Jack remarked and she laughed, shaking her head.

“You like, stink puffs?” Nyka asked.

“Not really,” Jack said. “It’s an addiction though. Need that tap of nicotine or I get irritable, anxious and sometimes have trouble sleeping.”

“Maybe don’t quit then,” Zakia said. “We need our Jack in good spirits so he can go to battle with Proculus.”

“You all like me getting in the cage with him, huh?”

“We’ll get in the cage,” Delilah said. “Just like to see it when you do. You have a particularly effective way of handling him.”

“Just gotta confuckle him and he’ll give up fast,” Jack said.

“No kidding,” Zakia agreed.

As if on cue, Proculus entered the rec room, along with Lucinia, Saito, Kejeh and Andor.

“Speak of the Procudevil.” Jack whispered.

“Uh, oh,” Nyka said quietly as she saw her brother and Kazlaena urgently making their way over.

“Your shadow’s on her way over,” Delilah remarked. “Seeking refuge from the Spazo.”

Jack held in an outburst of laughter but had to hide his face as he found the remark far funnier than Delilah had intended it to sound. As Proculus looked over to them, Jack kept himself facing away as he quietly laughed, doing his best to stop and failing at every attempt. Proculus started addressing the crew in a serious tone which made things far more complicated for Jack.

“Star Guard has completed their primary investigation and we are not to be held at fault for the loss of life in this tragedy. We are required to dock at Pranza Station for further questioning, however, that will involve myself and Captain Scaro. Everyone else will have some time off or the option of signing on for extra duties at time and a half. Station leave is permitted, planetary leave is still under discussion due to the risks.”

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