Stellar Drift - Cover

Stellar Drift

Copyright© 2022 by Rogue_Aquarian

Chapter 10

Interstellar space, Fleet networked with The Rockpig, En route to the Payum system

Timestamp: 7 / 5 / 2296

13:30 Sol standard time

Jack passed through the door to D deck and headed for his room when he caught sight of Pri exiting her quarters down the hall. She was in black sportswear with a towel over her shoulder and a water canteen in her hand. She heard Jack moving down the hall and waved a little cheerfully, heading towards him as he returned the gesture.

“You look a lot better.” Jack said when they reached each other, noting that she looked her usual well-trimmed and focused self.

“Apologies for last appearance, Jack. Alcohol had ruthless grasp on senses and appearance.”

“Recovered then, huh?”

“Stand ready for duty.” Pri gave a nod. “Had desired better state of deportment upon your return. Again, Apologies.”

“Hey,” Jack gave her a bit of a serious look as he reached out and touched her upper arm. “I was led to believe it was a bit of a drinking game with you and Saito. Is that all there was?”

She looked at him hesitantly, before shaking her head.

“Another dream?” He asked.

“Night before,” Pri replied. “Memories of tragic dream clung with sharpened claws to mind. Fell to bottle far harder than intended. Actions were, are, regrettable. I bear concern I may condemn myself...” She trailed off when he held up both hands.

“We’ll work on it together, Pri.” Jack was caught off guard when she suddenly slipped in and embraced him.

He felt her tightened grip and had a sense she was releasing built up emotions, using his contact as a form of catharsis. He held on to her as tight as he felt was needed, to make sure she got the message he was here.

“Sound mind?” She asked him.

“Better mind.” Jack whispered. “Still much to deal with, to get over. You?”

“Waves and storms amid moments of calm...” She whispered back.

“Sorry I left.”

“Apology not needed. You stand here now.”

Jack moved his head enough to kiss her on the back of her cheek, feeling her nuzzle his shoulder with her chin. After a moment, he played with the feathers at the back of her head, something she always found comical, but welcome.

“The Coralane remembers to tease and jest with valued feathers?”

“Always will, Doodle. Come to me before the bottle, yeah?”

“I will.” Pri let out a chirpy noise that Jack knew was an expression of affirmation.

“Thanks for looking after little Sprocket while I was away.” Jack said softly.

“Would you expect any less?” Pri patted his back. “To see her flourish is something I share in desire. I have borne unwelcome experience when those around me cast doubt and cry foul of my decisions. I do not wish that upon her, even if primary source of current dissatisfaction is just one First Officer. One foul insight from singular individual can cause much malaise if no support is to be found.”

“I’m here now,” Jack replied. “I usually draw his ire. With that, he should ease up on the little one.”

“You help her, you help me, you offer aid and insight to others...” Pri hesitated for a moment. “Who stands to help you?”

“Seeing all of you doing well is plenty good enough,” Jack patted her back and they separated. “I’ve been lucky enough to find some good friends to help me if or when needed.” He bumped her chest a couple of times with his fist.

She looked at him with a warm expression and ran her hand over the feathers on her head a few times.

Jack looked over her towel and water bottle. “Heading up for a workout?”

“Affirmative.” Pri took the towel off her shoulder, rolled it and tucked it under her arm. “Would like to see you acquire same intent.”

“Eh,” Jack was a little reluctant, leaning towards a lazy desire but he yielded as he saw her staring hopefully.

“Body in motion yields favorable fitness.” She remarked.

“Yeah, yeah. I was just trying to be lazy.”

“Opportunity to further pursue reunion has presented itself.” Pri said as they both stepped up to Jack’s quarters. “Given such little time to unite due to varied shifts.”

“Ok, I understand,” Jack nodded and entered his quarters. “You convinced me. I’ll be right out. On second thought, come here a sec.”

Pri stepped into his quarters a bit reluctantly, looking over the walls first with concern, then surprise. “You really cleared all pictures?” She asked. “Action was carried out with unexpected swiftness.”

“Just the ones without headlines. There’s a fat stack of papers here.” He opened the drawer to his desk, and she saw all the printed pictures of him and his concert mishap.

Jack pointed over the door, and she saw all the ones with headlines, causing her to burst out laughing.

“So, I got a few things for a few people. You are one of those people.” Jack reached into his locker and pulled a box off the top shelf. “I know some of these are hard to find, so, here...” He handed her the box and she took it, if a bit hesitantly.

“Jack...” She whispered. “Gifts are not required.”

“No, but I got you one all the same.”

She took the lid off the box and looked over the contents, casting him a heartwarming grin a moment later. Pri sat on his bed, pulling out a pack of high-grade drawing pencils. Underneath that was a pack of colored pencils, about fifteen bottles of her most used paints and some drawing tools. She stood up and embraced him for a second time, parting after a good long moment.

“Hey, go drop that off, eh?” Jack gave her a wink. “Let me get changed so we can go up level and get sweaty.”

She grinned and walked away with some enthusiasm.

Jack exited his room a couple minutes later in suitable workout attire. He wore a t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts that showed off his untanned, hairy legs, which bore several marks and scars from combat wounds. Pri was standing near his door, waiting patiently.

“Legs leave something to be desired.” She commented. “Color does not match arms.”

“Easy for you to say with a uniform light fuzz over most of your body,” Jack ran the back of his hand over her forearm, catching her grin.

“‘Light fuzz’ does require care and attention. Perhaps an afternoon tan would rectify corrupted leg coloring?”

Before she could react, he tapped her exposed stomach with his own towel, making her lean in reflexively enough to get her in a headlock.

“You’re not as fast as I remember,” Jack humored.

“Is that so?” Pri grinned and freed her hands of her workout gear, then used one arm to hold his waist while the other sought to throw one of his legs off balance.

Jack pressed against the wall to try to keep himself from slipping over, knowing she could arrest his fall if he did. He would be at her mercy then, giving up what he hoped was the upper hand. As they started laughing amidst their wrestling, they heard someone heading down the stairwell.

“Oh shit, danger close, danger close.” Jack said in a forced hush as he released her, and she steadied him. She swiftly picked up her towel and water bottle just as the door opened and Proculus entered.

“I always do enjoy a good workout,” Jack replied casually.

“Agreed,” Pri nodded as Proculus eyed them suspiciously, then headed down the hall without a word.

“Fucken,” Jack gave her a concerned look as she fought back laughter, bearing a suppressed grin. “C’mon, we better get the fuck outta here before he goes detective, wondering why we’re outta breath ‘before’ our workout.”

“Idea may be above IQ of some.” Pri remarked and Jack covered her mouth.

“Shh, the walls have ears too.”

“Eardors?” Pri said, muffled.

“Yeah, Andor ears, wherever he is.”

“Definitely above that IQ.” Pri replied.

“Watch out or he’ll rattletale on ya.”

“That one seeks to drive nose beyond event horizon of First Officers rear.” Pri remarked, causing Jack to lean forward with laughter.

Jack opened the door to the stairwell and allowed Pri to pass through first, following her up level to C deck and the fitness room. Inside, along the right wall, were a variety of fitness machines. The left wall had hooks and a couple of benches near the front of the room. There was an open area for aerobic or calisthenic activities in the center. In the back was a change room with a small lavatory and shower, as well as a storage room full of equipment.

“Efficient way to counter negative effects of timber sucking habit.” Pri gave him a bit of a grin as she set her gear down and began stretching out.

“Suppose so,” Jack failed to hide his lack of enthusiasm for the current activity.

“Growing disinterested in maintaining physical condition?” Pri paused in her stretching for a moment.

“Eh, I kinda like to exercise only when I have to.”

“Present moment held in contempt?” Her large eyes rested on him with a bit of concern.

“No, it’s good.” Jack started stretching out his limbs. “Probably a good thing you got me to join you. I should be doing better, doing more to keep in shape.”

“No offense intended,” Pri said as she stepped up onto the treadmill. “Just desire longevity and health in treasured friends. In most treasured friend.” She closed her eyes a little as she grinned.

“I get where you’re going, Pri,” Jack replied kindly. “I may have little enthusiasm for the activity, but your intentions are appreciated.”

Jack took the treadmill beside her and began at a slow walk, building to a light jog after ten minutes. By then Pri was in a sprint that she maintained well after he tapped out and sat down to catch his breath. As he recovered, she slowly wound down to a fast walk before stepping off to recover herself.

“Good burn.” He remarked.

“Much so.” Pri sat down beside him with her tail resting over the bench on the opposite side.

They sat there in silence for a few moments before Jack noted a bit of a peculiar shift in her posture. She leaned forward and rested her head in her hands, elbows resting on her knees. She seemed to be heavy in thought, as if her mind was at a boiling point of memories and states.

“Once, you sought knowledge on namesake, ‘Spear of Aquilar’,” Pri said quietly, brushing at the feathers crowning her head.

“Yeah, you were reluctant to go into detail.” Jack focused on her. “You told me it was because you led a counterattack onto an Emmivak ship and was the last one standing from either vessel. You left it at that.”

“That was day my chosen life mate died.” Pri spoke softly. “Followed me into breach. Ten of us became eight, became five, then five fell to two. He died assisting in death of Omnarch aboard enemy vessel. Faded in arms to leave me broken and hollow. Title of ‘Spear’ has no pride, no triumph, only sadness. Just a void hollow enough to hold every star and still want for room.” She looked up at him suddenly. Tears had built at the corners of her reddened eyes. “Apologies. My intent today was not sudden divulgence of past burden. I had desire to speak of current topic long ago, but you had to satisfy own burden and opportunity was lost when I felt ready. I press now for fear of hesitation and new opportunity is lost as well.”

“Don’t be sorry for speaking your heart, Pri.” Jack said softly. “You got my back, I got yours. That means in the core too, in the heart. I had to go to Artema to deal with some things that just wouldn’t stop bothering me. but I’m here to stay now.”

“Ever grateful you came back.” Pri said.

“Always meant to.” Jack replied. “This is my family. This is where I belong. What’s on your mind?” “I desired words with you, from common experience in past events.”

“Emily,” Jack whispered. “She was meant to be the better part of me, but the civil war on Artema saw that come to an end.” He reached over and gently took hold of Pri’s hand. “I didn’t get to say goodbye, not before she died. But the loss is one and the same.” He felt her turn her hand and take his fingers between her own. “It was years before I moved on, but you never get over it, not really.”

“My ... burden ... It gives purpose to drink,” Pri said in a low tone, almost ashamed. “Reason for anger and frustration so spirits drown sorrowed emotion. Keep the mind in higher spirits so burden does not fall to unintended actions with other crew. Bottle is but poor substitute and not correct answer.”

“I wish I had the answers, Pri. I wish I knew what to say to fill the void. My own burden has been well-hidden on nights when the mind can wander to far distant shores.” He let out a soft sigh. “I think the pain reminds you it was real. That way you don’t think it was an old, hollow dream from a half-remembered past.” “Dream,” Pri whispered. “No shortage of such to be found. Not always fond. Most dark memories fall to emmivaks, to war, defending Sikarran Empire ... and to lost love.” “Jalkoru.” Jack whispered and Pri looked at him as if she was surprised that he remembered the name. “You haven’t spoken of him much, perhaps for the same reasons I speak little of Emily. The pain is still too much. I know Sikarrans pick a single mate and expect to be reunited with them in the next life. Makes it impossible to find another to care about and have that closeness, without feeling like you are abandoning your true mate.” Pri was surprised he knew about such a situation. She knew he cared about her, but to see that far, that deep into her race and culture and her plight, without her speaking more than a few words of it, and to remember, surprised her the most. People usually did not remember stuff that was not held to much importance when it came to others, be it race or culture.

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