Trying to Be a Good Neighbor - Cover

Trying to Be a Good Neighbor

by Stanley Shore

Copyright© 2022 by Stanley Shore

Erotica Sex Story: When Henry saw a young girl drying herself through her bathroom window his first thought wasn't to warn her that she was visible to her neighbors. No, that was about his third thought. You probably won't be surprised by that. What you may be surprised by was her reaction when he finally did tell her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

My name is Henry. I’m a thirty eight year old author of travel books, which means I spend most of my time either traveling or working from home.

I live with my wife, Rebecca, and we have a daughter Chloe, who is nineteen and at college where she lives with her latest boyfriend.

Early one evening, just as it is getting dark, I notice a lit window in the house diagonally opposite, and there is movement there. At first all I see is a head as they’re bent over and drying their hair with a towel. When I notice a shower behind them I realize that it’s a bathroom and suddenly I sit up and pay close attention.

When they stand up I see it’s a girl and she looks young. The family in that house only moved in quite recently, maybe a few months ago, and I guess that she must be the daughter.

Then she steps forward a little and I can see her little breasts. I grin to myself and squeeze my cock through my pants. I’m starting to get hard. Her breasts are small but high and perky and lovely, and I guess she can’t be more than about fourteen.

I feel like a dirty old man but that doesn’t stop me from undoing my pants and freeing my dick, which is now fully erect. She turns her back on me and I can see that her long, straight, dark red hair reaches almost to her ass. I can just see the top of her cheeks and I stroke myself, wishing I could see just a little more of them.

When she finishes drying herself she moves closer to the window, I guess in front of a mirror, because she’s looking straight ahead, and she begins to stroke her little breasts.

I’m really hard now and I and I begin to wank in earnest. When she turns and examines her ass over her shoulder, stroking that too, I can see her tiny butt cheeks and I cum all over the papers on my desk.

I clean up the mess and, as I do, I feel more and more guilty. If that had been my daughter, I think, and someone had seen her accidentally exposing herself, I would have hoped they would have behaved ... better somehow.

The next night I am at my desk at the same time, with my light switched off, and nothing happens. I watch carefully but nothing continues to happen for about an hour until Rebecca comes home and I go downstairs.

The night after that something does happen: same time, same window, same girl, same erection. This time I can see her pussy and, even from this distance, I can see she was shaved down there. When she strokes that darling mound I cum again. All over myself this time.

I still feel guilty and I think about telling her. I go through what her likely reactions might be:

Most likely her eyes open wide in horror, she raises a hand up to mouth. Why do people do that? I’ve never understood it. Anyway her hand up to her mouth, a deep blush and then she says something like ‘Oh my God’ and then she runs away.

Second most likely I think is just the blushing and the running away.

Third she might call me a pervert and call the police. In the, hopefully very unlikely event that things go that way, I am quite happy that looking out of my own window won’t be seen as too unreasonable.

In the end it’s thinking about what I would have liked to happen if it had been my daughter that decides it for me.

The next day I’m in our front yard and I see the girl leaving her house. I walk quickly over to her.

“Hi, I’m Henry.” I say with what I hope is a reassuring smile. “I live in this house here.” And I point to it

“Sandy.” she says simply, and looks at me uncertainly.

“Hi. I don’t really know how to say this ... but when you’re in your bathroom you can be seen.” Her first reaction is not one I had anticipated: she smiles.

“And you saw me?” she asks. It’s not what I’d been expecting.

“Weeeelll ... yes, that’s how I know.” I say, and I’m starting to feel a little nervous.

“You saw me naked?” she asks, and her smile is wider now.


“Did you like what you saw?” she says and she giggles. It’s a very cute giggle but this isn’t going at all as I’d imagined, then I watch, stunned, as she touches her groin with a fingertip.

It’s only then that I notice that she’s wearing black, skintight leggings, and the shape of her pussy and her slit are clearly visible. Her finger is stroking gently up and down that slit.

I’m acutely aware that my cock is swelling.

“You’re a very beautiful girl. Anyone would like ... seeing you.” I reply feebly, still watching her finger.

“Do you want to watch me again?” I hear it, but it’s a second or two before it registers, and then my eyes snap up to her face. Her smile is broad and radiant and there’s no sign that she’s not serious.

I’m quite literally struck dumb and I can’t answer. She laughs, a beautiful high, girly sound.

“What’s your mobile number?” she asks me, and, without thinking, I tell her and she types it into her phone.

“Bye bye Henry.” she calls out over her shoulder and she begins to walk away.

“Bye Sandy.” I call back to her.

The shape of her ass is quite clear through her leggings and there is no sign whatsoever of any panties. It’s small but beautifully formed and jiggles delightfully as she moves. She looks over her shoulder and catches me watching her. She giggles prettily and wriggles her ass at me in an incredibly erotic way as she strolls away and out of sight.

I look down and my shorts are tented right out. I scan around to see if anyone’s looking and limp back to my house, trembling faintly.

After I’ve had a wank and I’m thinking more clearly I start worrying about what just happened:

I was just looking out of my own window. Oh God, if she texts me there’ll be a log of that. Is it an offense to encourage a minor to expose themselves? What if Rebecca finds out? It’s all scary as hell but ... she’s just too gorgeous to turn the opportunity down!

From that moment on my phone never leaves my side. Two days later it pings with a text:

Sandy: gng 4 shwr

Henry: Thanks

I watch her strip and I take off my pants and briefs. I watch as she gets into the shower and she lathers up her tiny tits. I’m standing at my window wanking but my groin is below the window sill so it can’t be seen.

As she washes her ass, lovingly rubbing the soap into her firm little buttocks, I’m getting close to cumming. Then she turns around and begins to wash her lovely bald pussy.

As she rubs soap into it she looks up, and I can tell that she’s seen me because her eyes widen and she smiles at me. I grin back and stand on my tip-toes so that she’ll be able to see the end of my cock, and I wank furiously as she runs her fingers up and down her little slit.

Even over the road I can see her giggle and then she puts her hand over her mouth in mock horror as I cum all over the window.

A bit later my phone pings again.

Sandy: u enjoyed it thn

Henry: I need to see more, closer

Sandy: only whr ppl mite c

Henry: How?

Sandy: yer clever wrk it out

Henry: OK

I thought about it for a while.

Henry: How about a nudist beach?

Sandy: prfct

Henry: When?

Sandy: summer brk. 2mr arvo?

Henry: I’ll pick u up at the end of the road at 3. OK?

At ten past three I’m getting worried, but then she arrives with a big smile and a beach bag. God. I think, this is really going to happen!

It turns out that only part of the beach is nudist so we walk along beyond the signs warning the unwary. I want to go on to the end of the beach where it’s less crowded but Sandy insists on being in the heart of the action.

Of course she strips off as soon as she can, and standing so close to her has an immediate effect on me. I’d never been on a nudist beach before and I’m relieved to see that it isn’t compulsory to be naked. I have a feeling that my erection would be considered bad form at the very least.

Watching her apply suntan oil to her lovely body is a joy, and she seems to have no embarrassment at all about rubbing it in to her little breasts, bottom and pussy. All the while she does it she’s looking around to see who’s watching and seems disappointed that more people aren’t.

“Is this what you wanted?” I ask her.

“Nearly,” she says. “but they’re expecting everyone to be nude, so it’s not quite right.”

“What exactly is it that turns you on?” I ask, because I really don’t understand.

“It’s seeing the shock on their faces and knowing that I’m making them aroused when they aren’t expecting it.”

“Do you want to go home?” I ask her, holding my breath.

“No,” she answers. “it’s still quite nice.” And I let the breath out.

There’s still no way I’m taking my shorts off and, even with them on, I have to bend over at the waist when she asks me to put lotion on her back. Her skin is so soft and flawless under my hands and the temptation to go a little lower is huge, I resist it but only just. Her little white bottom is so near yet so far.

I’m guessing that most people will assume that we’re father and daughter, so I have to be careful not to stare at her too much. Even so lying next to her glistening body is quite literally a mixture of agony and ecstasy, and I wrack my brains for something that will really satisfy her unusual needs.

Then I seem to remember a video I saw somewhere of a girl walking around a busy village, in Czechoslovakia I think it was, she was naked but had clothes painted on her body.

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