Nathan at Sail Camp - Cover

Nathan at Sail Camp

Copyright© 2022 by Dionysos

Chapter 7: Friday

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7: Friday - Nathan returns to Sail Camp on the Spanish Island of Mallorca to take his instructor’s tests. He is also hoping to find some hot young girls to have fun with and he is not disapointed. After a fun day sailing, the beach is the place to hang out to check out the girls in their bikinis.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   First   Oral Sex  

Friday was their last day sailing, before leaving in the morning. It was also race day. The first race was for beginners and Jose and Larissa were entered in the Laser 2. There was only one other Laser 2 with two boys racing against them. The other beginners were not so confident and opted for single person Lasers and Topper dinghies with better handicaps. There were prizes for first over the line and first on handicap

The start went well and soon both Laser2’s were pulling ahead of the rest of the fleet, close beside each other as they approached the first buoy which they had to round. The other boat had the advantage of being on the inside and so was able to pull ahead after the turn. At the second buoy, the boats had to tack. Larissa was really quick releasing her harness, sprinting to the other side and clipping on again, allowing Jose to pull in the mainsail quickly so they managed to take the lead which they held until the end of the race. After they tied the dinghy up to the jetty, an excited Larissa launched herself at Jose giving the boy a surprised hug and a kiss.

Nathan was amused and only a little jealous. He went over to pat Jose on the back, congratulating him then Larissa almost jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips more passionately.

“For beginners, that was amazing!” Tina exclaimed, handing Jose and Larissa a coke.

They went to sit in the shade and watch the second race which was for kids who had sailed before. All five Laser 2’s were racing and they were all using spinnakers to increase boat speed on the downwind leg.

“That looks even more exciting!” Larissa exclaimed.

“You will just have to come again” Tina replied.

Larissa giggled. “I really want to!” she replied as she looked at Nathan, causing him to spill his drink.

At lunch, Larissa’s phone beeped with a WhatApp.

“It’s from Dad” she explained “He’s OK and they just got back to Poland with Anna and her parents. Oh, but they are helping some other refugees trying to sort out travel documents and visas so won’t get back for another week. He’s asked me if I can fix to stay with a friend until they get back”.

“You can come and stay with me!” Nathan grinned.

“Don’t tease!”

“I’m not” Nathan replied. “I’m sure my parents would be pleased to help out.”

He took out his phone and rang his Mum. “Hi Mum, my friend from sailing has a bit of a family crisis, is it OK if Lari comes to stay for a bit?”

“Of course, Larry would be most welcome” she replied.

“Thanks Mum, see you tomorrow.”

“No problem, it’s been too quiet without you this week. Bye.”

“You can tell your dad it’s all fixed” said Nathan as he ended the call.

Larissa had been close enough to Nathan to hear the conversation. “But your Mum thinks I’m Larry, a boy!” she exclaimed.

“She’ll soon realise she was mistaken when she sees you!” Nathan laughed.

“You should have checked with her.”

“I promise she won’t mind at all. When she realises her mistake, she’ll think it’s really funny.”

“If you’re sure, I’ll text my dad.”

She typed “All OK Dad. Will be staying with Nat and parents in Alaro XX.”

He replied immediately “Thank Natalie and her parents from me. XX.”

When she showed him the message, they both burst out laughing.

The first race of the afternoon was a mixed instructor and student race. Nathan and Larissa had entered in a Laser 2. Again, all of the Laser 2’s were taking part with Tina and Jose in one of them. The start was busy, but Nathan and Larissa were lucky to get away in clean air to lead up to the first mark which they rounded without incident. Halfway through the race, they were still in the lead closely followed by another Laser2 which was slowly catching up with them as the wind picked up. Tom was on the trapeze of the other boat with his instructor on the helm. Both kids were having a great time, hanging out on their trapeze, only inches above the water with their feet on the edge of the deck. Despite both Nathan and Larissa leaning out as much as they could to balance the boat, Nathan had to spill some wind out of the mainsail to stop it blowing them over and capsizing.

Tom was quite a bit heavier than Larissa and his instructor was quite a lot heavier than Nathan, so they did not need to spill any wind and were able to overtake Nathan and Larissa.

“Bummer!” shouted Larissa. Nathan just laughed.

Another boat was closing on them, but they just managed to hold on to second place until the end of the race. Once they had tied up to the jetty, Tom rushed over to shake Nathan’s hand and give Larissa a hug and kiss. Nathan realised he would have to get used to the idea of other boys kissing his girlfriend whenever they got the opportunity.

They watched the final instructors’ race and then headed back up to the villa to shower before dinner which for their last night was a BBQ on the beach.

As Larissa and her roommates were getting ready for the BBQ, she casually announced “I might not come back to the room tonight but don’t worry.”

“We’ll cover for you if you promise details tomorrow” Maria replied.

“It’s a deal” Larissa agreed “but please don’t tell anyone else”.

“We promise” Francesca grinned.

Larissa finished drying herself and put on a tiny pair of lacy white panties, then slipped on a strappy mini sundress, without a bra. She put on a tiny amount of eye makeup and brushed her hair. The other girls put on their own sundresses and Larissa helped Maria with some makeup.

Maria dared them to go down to the bbq without any panties. Larissa was excited by the idea and agreed. Francesca was not so sure but agreed anyway.

Larissa grabbed her small rucksack containing her towel “in case I fancy a swim” she said. The other two girls also grabbed bags “We had the same idea” they said. They wandered down to the beach together where Nathan was helping set up the bbq.

“Wow! Three beautiful ladies” he exclaimed. They smiled at the compliment and returned his greeting. One of the instructors finished setting up the speakers and turned on the music creating more of a party atmosphere. After half an hour, Mark, the Camp Manager switched the music for a microphone.

“Hi Guys and Gals! I hope you all had a great week!”, getting a noisy, positive response. “You’ve been a great team and I’d like to thank you for entering into the spirit of things. Thanks also to our fantastic instructors”. Which resulted in more cheers. “I’ve been really impressed by how well the beginners are sailing after just one week and the more experienced sailors have improved loads.”

“Now for the prize-giving. First over the line in the beginners’ race and with amazing skills to be able to control a Laser 2 after only one week, Jose and Larissa”. There was generous applause as Larissa grabbed Jose’s hand and they approached Mark to receive their prize, a miniature Laser 2, one each. Someone shouted “Kiss” and others joined in until Jose grabbed hold of Larissa and planted a kiss on her lips which she returned enthusiastically. They parted, both beaming at each other. Nathan felt a slight twinge of jealousy until he remembered whose bed she would be sleeping in that night.

Mark announced the first beginner on handicap who was a boy sailing a single-handed Laser, and the first Topper which was Maria. He then went on to award the prizes for the remaining races before concluding by giving Nathan his instructor’s certificate then inviting everyone to come back to Sail Camp soon. Then everyone drifted off to the BBQ area to get some food. Nathan and Larissa chatted to people they knew and new friends they had made that week. They made a special point of finding Tina and Mark and thanking them both, saying what a great time they had had.

They joined in the dancing for a couple of hours and people started drifting back up to the villa. Nathan and Larissa wandered along the beach. Soon there was just a boy and two girls at the other end of the bay.

“Kiss me” Larissa asked.

“Exactly how many boys do you plan to kiss today?”

“Only one more. Were you jealous?” she asked, remembering kissing both Jose and Tom.

“Only a bit, I wouldn’t want to stop you having fun. If you can’t flirt at 14, you never can” he replied.

They kissed passionately, their tongues playing with each other while their hands explored their lovers’ bodies. When they came up for air Larissa said, “I hope the others go soon, I really want to get naked with you, but it’s not properly dark yet.”

“Me too. Let’s walk back to see if we can get an idea how long they will be”.

So they strolled along the beach and when they got closer Larissa laughed “That’s Maria and Francesca both fooling around with Tom!”

“Hi Nathan!” Tom greeted.

“Hi Tom! Were you planning to head up to the villa soon?” asked Nathan.

“We were planning to go for a swim but were hoping for some privacy.”

“So were we cos we seem to have forgotten swimmers” explained Nathan.

“What a coincidence, so did we” Tom replied, laughing.

“We could all swim together” suggested Maria with a giggle.

Francesca was a bit shocked with the idea of two boys seeing her naked.

Larissa, on the other hand joined Maria’s giggle “Sounds fun!”

“Let’s go down to the other end of the beach, it’s more secluded and they can’t see or hear us from the villa there” Nathan suggested.

The five of them wandered down the beach, holding hands and when they arrived, they dumped their bags on some rocks at the foot of the cliff. They hesitated, wondering who was going to strip first.

“Boys look back down the bay and strip.” Larissa ordered “The girls will look the other way, strip and run into the water. Only when you hear us splashing are the boys allowed to look round. Then it’s a free-for-all kiss chase! Just like 10-year-olds. Or not!”

They all agreed and were soon naked. The girls held hands and were laughing as they ran down the beach. The boys did not keep to their orders and immediately looked around to see three pairs of bum cheeks running towards the sea. They gave chase and caught up with the girls just as they got to the water. The girls squealed as their bums were slapped, just before they dived into the sea.

The boys both chased Francesca and soon Tom was kissing her and pulling her bum cheeks to him so that his cock was rubbing her pussy while Nathan stood behind her and reached around to grasp and fondle her breasts, his cock trying to force itself between her bum cheeks. She was so excited with two boys increasingly pleasuring her that she knew she would soon be unable to stop them. Using all the willpower she could muster, she pushed Tom away and laughing, dived away from Nathan to swim vigorously into deeper water.

The boys turned to the other girls and were really excited by the sight of Larissa and Maria kissing each other. They swam over to them and grabbed a girl each from behind. Tom had got to Larissa first, leaving Nathan with Maria. Nathan had started behind Maria, so he kissed her neck and reached around to grab her breasts and play with her nipples. He tweaked both of them then slid one hand down over her tummy and pubic hairs to cup and squeeze both labia. His finger then traced up the slot between them until he came to her clit hood which he rubbed gently, causing her to shudder and squeal.

Suddenly he felt a body behind him, her breasts squashed against his back and pubic hairs against his bum. She reached around him and grasped his erect cock then began pumping it up and down. It was not long before he gasped as he orgasmed with sperm shooting up Maria’s back. He turned to look at a smiling Francesca who was still holding his deflating cock. He continued rubbing Maria’s now fully exposed clit and gave her a second orgasm as he heard Larissa announce her own with a little scream. Nathan swam over to her and she released Tom to kiss her boyfriend. The two of them swam a little away from the others and floated on the surface for a little while, enjoying the sensuous feeling of the small waves caressing their naked bodies. Eventually, they returned to the shore to join the others who were rinsing off under the shower, all having lost any inhibitions about being naked together.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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