Evie’s Story - Cover

Evie’s Story

by The elliptic pencil

Copyright© 2022 by The elliptic pencil

Erotica Sex Story: Evie gets pantsed by her brother and his friends. She finds that she likes it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   ENF   .

All the while Evie was being pantsed, she screamed her head off. It was shrill, high-frequency, ear-piercing, and bloody painful to hear. She was also kicking, sometimes painfully, and scratching, drawing blood. When she stopped screaming, Evie bit down on Tommy Enders calf and perhaps, except for the protection afforded by his Levis, would have removed a mouthful sized chuck of his leg. She didn’t let go until Tommy pounded her face with his fat fist.

“Fucking bitch!” Tommy yelled at her. But he was almost completely drowned out as she resumed her screams. Tommy doubled over when a split second later Evie’s brother Archie planted his foot solidly into Tommy’s balls.

As Tommy dropped into a self-protective crouch Archie yelled at him. “I told you nobody better hurt her. You heard me. You deserved that, buttface.” Tommy only groaned.

Evie’s pants came all the way off, her underwear at her knees. With a now free foot, she landed a kick on Jeff’s nose. He backed off a couple of steps to determine the damage.

Nick was able to get her underwear off. He stood back and held out his prize and quickly moved back to provide better clearance from Evie’s flailing feet. She landed another kick on Tommy’s head as he remained much too close in a protective heap. He quickly crawled his way further from the girl.

Evie sat up on the floor. “You assholes! You had no right to do this to me. Give me back my clothes.” She glared at Jeff, Nick, and her brother, Archie. “You can’t do this and expect to get away with it. You’re all going to be in so much trouble.”

“You are not going to tell anyone about this, Evie.” Archie sounded confident. “You already flapped your yap about my stash and I got it taken away. Plus I am still on a short leash of restrictions, that will probably last who knows how long, all thanks to you. This is just getting a little bit even, sis. Just getting back at you. So if you want to escalate this war, you can, but it won’t end there. I assure you. I’ll make you regret it.”

“If this is getting even. Then okay, we’re even. Give me back my clothes, right now.” Her lips were quivering, Evie was on the verge of tears. The boys, all of them were eyeballing her, now naked from the waist down, except for her shoes, which had not come off during the pantsing. She sat on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest. She was humiliated, violated. Her brother had glimpsed her naked more than once, she knew. But other boys, no, never ever.

“We’re not done yet,” Archie told her. “Stand up, show yourself.”

Evie looked from boy to boy. She was terrified. She glared at Tommy. Still sitting on the floor like a fat pile of pale shit. Her face ached where he had hit her. Evie was desperate to hold on to some sliver of control. She pointed an accusing finger at Tommy. “Make him go away first. He hurt me.”

“Yeah,” Jeff agreed, “There wasn’t supposed to be any violence. He knew that goin’ in.” He sent an angry look at Tommy. “Get lost, Tommy.”

“She fucking bit me!” Tommy whined. “I had to do somthing to make her stop.” He looked at the other boys, and shifted his gaze to Archie, who was more or less acting as their leader. “She deserved it,” he said softly.

“Fuck off,” Archie replied. “Just get lost before something worse happens to you.”

After a long moment of silence, Tommy pulled his bulk up and left. Everyone else waited and watched him go. They were all silent.

“He’s gone now,” Nick observed as the boys turned their attention back to Evie.

“Stand up, Evie,” Archie repeated. “Show yourself. Peel off your top too. Get naked for us Evie.”

Evie still sat, trembling. “Wh-what’s gonna happen? What are you gonna do to me? You’re all gonna get in big trouble when this is over you know.” She didn’t even sound very sure to herself.

“There’s not going to be any trouble, because you’re not going to say anything to anybody and neither are we.” Jeff was talking to her again. “You’re just going to do what we tell you. First off, you’re going to pose for us, naked, and we’re going to take some pictures.” He paused a second or two. “For insurance. So if you tell anyone, we’ll see that these pictures of you find their way to the kids who know you at school. You’ll be a laughingstock. Everyone will know about you.”

“You’ll be the school slut’” Nick added. “Boys will think they can get away with anything with you. And trust me, they’ll be wanting to touch you and do things with you whenever they think they can get away with it.”

Jeff picked up again, “but if you do what we say, and keep your yap shut, then the pictures never come out in the open. Nobody else knows any of this happened except us. We can keep a secret if you can, Evie. It’s all on you.”

Evie hadn’t budged an inch.

“Stand up, sis. You just gotta do what we tell you. Stand up and pull off your top. You’re gonna show us plenty. Show us your titties and pussy for these pictures. Not that you got all that much yet.” Archie found a good vantage spot and activated his camera app while she was still pulled up with her knees in front of her. “Stand up now. Take off the top. Pose for us.”

Evie was out of options.

“Naked.” Jeff added, enthusiastically.

Nick was more subdued. “Yeah.”

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and stood up.

“Oh, sweet.” Nick might have been talking to himself.

“Your top,” Jeff reminded her, sounding just a little insistent. “Off,” he added.

“Yeah, naked. Yeah.” Jeff sounded pleased as Evie was down to bare skin now except that she still had her black sneakers and low cut white ankle socks. But none of the boys were concerned with her feet.

“Open your eyes. Look at us. Smile.” Archie’s orders sounded somehow encouraging. Evie did what was asked. It was hardest to smile, but she even managed that. For the moment at least the boys were consumed in their camera apps.

“Look sexy. Look older.” Evie wasn’t even sure which one said that. She was trying hard not to be thinking about what she was doing. She was at least partly successful. She tried to look sexy. How do you look sexy when you’re already naked? When you aren’t even sure what looking sexy is. I can’t just be older, she told herself, so she didn’t try. Sexy was probably more than she could manage. At the boy’s urging, she moved from pose to pose. Time was passing very very slowly for her.

“Now beat off,” Jeff suggested. Evie didn’t know what that meant. Maybe they were done and she could get her clothes and get away from them. That wasn’t what Jeff meant. “Do it, Evie,” he continued. “Put your fingers in your pussy and beat off.” Evie continued to hesitate.

“Yeah Evie,” Archie said. “Masturbate yourself. You know what that is don’t you?” She did, she thought, but she didn’t want to admit knowing. She didn’t want to do that in front of them. She didn’t want any pictures taken of her doing that. She just slowed down like she wasn’t sure what to do next. That was easy enough. She really wasn’t sure, not of what to do, not at all.

“I can encourage her,” Nick suggested. That didn’t sound good to Evie. She was gradually drifting towards becoming catatonic in her response to being violated.

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