Me, My Roommate, and Her Brother - Cover

Me, My Roommate, and Her Brother

by Another Smut Writer

Copyright© 2022 by Another Smut Writer

Incest Sex Story: My roommate’s brother comes to visit our college for the weekend. After a night out, we come home drunk and wired. A friendly game of Truth or Dare takes a turn I couldn’t have possibly expected.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

When I first went off to college I chose to stay in the dorms and get assigned a roommate. I didn’t know anyone else going to the same college so it seemed like a good idea. I got the name of my roommate, looked her up on Facebook, and we started chatting. Turns out we had a fair bit in common and it looked like we would get along really well. We spent the first year in the dorms and things went swimmingly. Of course there were some minor issues but nothing major. After the first year we decided to split on an off campus apartment together. We could still live together, but have our own separate rooms. I think she frustrated me more in the apartment than in the dorm, but whatever. We still got along and would regularly hang out together.

We rarely had guests that stayed long term. Occasionally she’d have a guy over for a night or two, and sometimes I’d do the same. Though I didn’t really like bringing people to my place. I feel like it’s easier to leave if I go to them.

We were nearing the end of our second year and, at the time, I was 19 and she was 20. Her brother, who had just turned 18, was looking at colleges and ours was on his list. We talked it over and agreed he could stay for a few nights to get a feel for the area and do the campus tour. We decided that he’d take her room and she’d share mine. I have a pretty big bed and we spent a year in the same room anyway. No big deal.

We made plans to take him out to some college bars on the first night. It was Thursday when he was supposed to arrive, so it they weren’t going to be super busy. That would be good, since his tour was Friday morning. Then he’d spend the weekend with us and head back home Sunday night. My roommate and I spent some time talking about all the things we could do over the weekend and what we could show him around the campus. I think we both have a bit of a planning kink, haha.

So he showed up on Thursday, as planned. I was at class when he got there so my roommate let him in and got him settled. We’d already moved her stuff into my room the night before. By the time I got home from class they were sitting in the living room chatting. I’d seen pictures of him on her facebook and ig, but I guess none of them really did him justice. I tried to play it cool, but I had a pretty instant crush on him.

Maybe I should stop and tell you about us. You don’t want to hear a story about me and my roommate. You want to hear about actual people.

Let’s start with me. My name’s Jane. At the time of this story I’m 19, but closing in on 20. I’m fairly tall, standing about 5’8” and pretty skinny. My ass is pretty small, but firm, and my hips aren’t very wide compared to the rest of me. My legs are long and toned (this is the feature the guys drool over the most), and my breasts are quite small and perky. My eyes are a light blue and a light patch of freckles rests on the bridge of my nose, except in the winter. My skin is very pale and my hair is very red (yes, I’m a ginger. Yes, the carpet matches the drapes. No, you can’t see). I changed up my style before coming to college and got myself contact lenses, so I could skip the glasses, and my hair cut down to a very short pixie cut. If I’m wearing sweats and a hoodie, I can look pretty androgynous. My face is awfully cute though, even without make up.

My roommate is Bri, she just turned 20 and is my best little friend. She’s about 5’2” and I always pick on her for being so tiny. Compared to me, at least. But she calls me a giant, so it’s only fair, right? Anyway, her hair is super black and usually hangs loose midway down her back and she has has bangs in the front. Her eyes are a deep brown and occasionally hide behind her bangs if she hasn’t had them trimmed in a while. She keeps her eyebrows nice and narrow and has the best eyelashes I’ve ever seen (yeah, kinda jealous). Her skin’s pretty tanned and her lips are big, plump, and much more red than mine. But you really want to hear about the rest. She is pretty much the opposite of me in most ways. Her hips are nice and wide and her ass is big. She has a flat stomach too, but then has these really really big boobs. Like they don’t seem to fit her frame, but she’s made it work for her. Low cut tops with lots of cleavage are pretty much all she wears.

Then there’s Liam. Insert drooling face emoji here. He’s 6’2” with short, scruffy brown hair. The same tanned skin and eyes as Bri. Actually, looking at their faces side by side, the resemblance is so easy to see. He isn’t really muscle-y anywhere except his arms. They seem to make the short sleeves on his shirt pretty tight. Yes, I was admiring that a lot. Shut up. Otherwise his shirts are pretty baggy. I think he buys them bigger than he needs because he has pretty wide shoulders. He was always wearing jeans a T-shirts. The jeans made his ass look pretty nice, from what I could see, but it was almost impossible to see much of a bulge in the front. I found myself wishing he’d shown up in grey sweat pants and no shirt. That I was home alone and my roommate was out ... sorry. I’ll stop.

Is that enough? Got a good mental picture going on now? Good. Then we can get on with the story.

So, Thursday ended up being a bit of a wash. Liam was tired after the drive and wasn’t really up to going out. So we decided to stay in and watch some movies. It was fun, and I could already feel the sexual tension building between him and I. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part, but I think he was into me right from the start too.

We went to bed early and Bri took Liam to the campus in the morning for his tour. We both had morning classes and met up with him again when the tour ended. The three of us were getting alone great. I feel like I fit right into their dynamic. Like we had all been friends for years. We grabbed an early dinner at the cafeteria, torturing Liam with some of our colleges absolutely wonderful food (/s) before heading back to our apartment.

“If you need to shower, you can use my bathroom,” Bri told Liam. Our apartment had two bathrooms and we each claimed one as our own.

Liam nodded and grabbed a change of clothes from Bri’s room before ducking into the bathroom.

“What’re you going to wear?” I asked Bri as I followed her into her room.

“I’m going a bit more conservative tonight,” she said, sounding a bit disappointed.

“That’s no fun,” I answered with a little pout.

“The last thing I need is a bunch of guys following me around when I’m out with my brother.” She skimmed her closet, looking at possible outfits.

“Your brother’s the reason I’m not dressing conservatively,” I smirked at her.

“Ugh, not you too,” she rolled her eyes at me. “All of my friends in high school wanted him too.”

“I can believe that.” My gaze was miles away as a few little fantasies popped into my mind.

Bri shrugged. “I mean, you could do worse.” She pulled out some clothes and held them up to herself before turning to me. “What do you think?”

She was displaying a burgundy turtleneck and a pair of casual slacks. This was far less revealing that I was used to seeing on her when we go out. But I nodded in agreement. I’m sure it would look fine. She set them on her bed and grabbed some underwear from her drawer.

We heard her shower turn off as she scooped up the clothes and we headed for my room so that Liam had a place to get dressed.

“It’s all clear,” she called to him as we closed the door to my room.

My mind was busy imagining him walking through our apartment in nothing but a towel, still glistening from the shower. I felt a little shiver pass through my body before I shook the thought away.

Bri and I undressed so we could get changed. After sharing the form for a year we had become very comfortable changing in front of each other. I grabbed a pair of underwear from my drawer, black hipsters for those of you keeping track, and pulled them on before moving to my closet.

“I want something tight,” I said, mostly to myself as I looked at my options.

“No bra?” Bri asked as she clasped her heavy duty industrial bra.

I looked over my shoulder and gave a little scowl. I didn’t answer. She would ask this all the time. I think she was a little jealous that I didn’t need the support that she did. I was always a little jealous of how much attention her chest got though. I guess there’s pros and cons for both of us.

I pulled out a dark purple mini dress. I already knew this was what I would settle on. I pulled it on and stood in front of the full length mirror on my closet door. I loved this thing. It came about a third of the way down my thigh, leaving lots of exposed leg. The fabric clung tight against my body almost like it was painted on. It wasn’t low cut or anything, but the way it fit me you could make out the full shape of my boobs. It’s always been one of my favourites and never fails to get me some attention. Especially if my nipples perk up, at which point I might as well be topless.

Bri and I did our makeup, finished getting ready, and met with Liam in the living room. Tight black jeans and a shirt that was just a little bit too small for him. I felt the butterflies in my stomach the moment I saw that shirt clinging to his torso. I knew I wanted to make something happen between us before the weekend was over.

To skim over a long boring story, we went out to some of the bars and introduced him to college life. Bri spent a bunch of time being hit on while we were out. That worked out well for me, since I got to spend some more time with Liam. We talked and flirted. The more the night went on, the more I realized he was definitely interested in me too. The night flew by and it wasn’t long before we were making our way back into the apartment. We were all pretty drunk and I fumbled with the keys trying to get the door unlocked.

Bri, Liam, and I stumbled into the apartment and we all ended up just sitting on the floor. After such a fun night we were still pretty wired. It was just after 2 in the morning, but we weren’t quite ready for the night to end. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from our small liquor cabinet and brought it over to the group.

I took a drink from the bottle and passed it over to Bri.

“What do we do now?” She asked after taking a drink herself.

She was met with silence as she passed the bottle to Liam. He took a drink too and handed it back to me. I took one more and screwed the cap on for now.

“Truth or dare?” I asked while my head continues to spin from the booze.

“I’m down,” Liam answered, as he gave me a little smirk. I’m pretty sure I blushed a little when he did.

Bri shrugged. “Sure.” She sounded a little excited for the idea.

“Who starts?” Liam asked then looked between Bri and I.

“Truth or dare.” I said to Liam, taking the initiative to start.


“Who was your first kiss?”

The game went on with a few truths to get the ball rolling. No one was too eager to jump into the dares. We talked about first kisses, losing our virginity, and current crushes. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

“Have you ever kissed another girl?” Liam asked me.

I looked over at Bri who returned my glance. We both broke into giggles the moment our eyes met.

“Holy shit,” he sounded a little surprised. “You two?”

I gave a dismissive shrug, but it was obvious he already knew the answer. For you, dear reader, the answer was yes. We’d made out on occasion, but just for attention from guys we were interested in. We’d never gone any further than that.

“Truth or dare.” I turn back to Bri after our laughter settled.

“Dare.” She responds.

“Mmm. That’s kinda ballsy.” I was surprised she was the first one to take a dare. “Show is your ass.” I can’t keep a straight face and start laughing again. Probably because of the alcohol.

“No, I’m not doing that.” She takes another drink from the now half empty bottle before changing her mind. Bri gets up onto her knees, undoes her pants, and pulls them down just enough to show off her amazing ass. Aside from the little triangle at the top of her thong you’d swear she wasn’t wearing anything. I couldn’t help myself and gave it a little smack. Bri help and pulled her pants back up.

I looked back to Liam who had the most “wtf” look on his face. I get it, he did just take a good look at his sister’s ass after all.

“Truth.” Liam answered me next. I think he was a bit nervous about what she might dare him to do.

“Did you like looking at your sister’s ass?” She had on the biggest grin. I’m pretty sure she likes tormenting him.

Liam stammered over his words a little before he could answer properly. “I guess so. I mean, it is a pretty nice ass.” He looked a little uncomfortable answering, but I guess he realized he couldn’t deny it. Bri did have an amazing ass.

“Truth.” I say, also worried what he might dare me to do.

“Have you two ever masturbated together?” He’s mainly looking at me, but his gaze drifts to Bri before coming back to me.

“Well, duh.” I smirk and shake my head. “We shared a tiny dorm room for a year.”

Bri buried her head in her hands and made an embarrassed groan.

“Truth.” She says, her voice muffled a bit by her hands. We’ve stopped asking each other by this point. Each of us just taking a turn to pick truth it’s dare and letting it be a bit of a free for all. So Liam jumps in with another question.

“Does she make noises when she cums?” He glanced at me with a smile. I definitely blushed and looked away.

“Sometimes,” Bri lifts her head since it’s now my turn to get embarrassed. “Not all the time, but sometimes she’s really loud.”

“Oh my god,” I said with obvious embarrassment.

Liam squirms a little at the revelation. I’m pretty sure he was trying to adjust himself without us noticing. I think the thought of me cumming was starting to get him more than a little excited.

“Dare.” Liam says.

“Show us your dick!” I practically yelled it out the moment he finished. The game had got me more than a little horny and I was drunk enough I didn’t care.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Bri butted in. “That’s a bit too much.”

“Ok, fine. Just show me then.” I offered a compromise.

Liam looks to Bri who just shrugs and turns around. Once Bri’s back is to us Liam turns to face me and stands up.

“Are you sure?” He asks, a little nervous.

I just nod enthusiastically. Liam’s hands are trembling a little as he undoes his pants. I can feel my heart racing with anticipation. He gets the button undone and the fly comes down. He reaches down inside of his boxers and pulls out his cock.

I have to say, it was big. I don’t know if it was BIG big, but it looked almost comically huge on his body. I could tell he was only about half hard, but it was really thick and looked pretty long already. The head was glistening with precum, so I was sure he’d already been turned on for quite a while now.

“Hoooooooooooly shit!” I exclaim with utter shock. I can’t help myself and I start to laugh. Liam obviously doesn’t know how to react to this.

“What?” Bri asks without turning around. “What’s going on?”

I can’t stop laughing long enough to answer her. Liam puts his dick away, still not sure what to make of my reaction.

I finally pull myself together and stop laughing. Another shot of vodka from the bottle helps me settle a bit.

“You can turn around now,” I finally manage to tell Bri. She turns back to us, looking very confused.

“What the fuck just happened?” She asked.

“Did you know your brother’s hung like a fucking porn star?” I respond.

Liam’s face lights up hearing this from me. I swear I could see the bulge in his pants grow a little bigger.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” The disbelief in her voice kinda amused me.

“Your brother’s dick is fucking huge!”

“Really?” I could tell she was a bit intrigued, but still a little hesitant about hearing more.

I look back at Liam. “Dare.”

“Gets your tits out.” He tells me. It’s obvious the kid gloves are off now. I look down at my dress and just decide it’s best to pull the whole thing off. So I get up on my knees and pull it up over my head. The way the dress hugged my body meant he wasn’t seeing much more now. Except that now it’s bare skin instead of the purple fabric. My little pale pink nipples were already hard and I watched Liam’s eyes travel over my body. Luckily I had on my hipsters and not a thong, so I still didn’t feel completely naked.

“You like?” I arched my back, sticking my chest out at Liam. Bri was looking, but she’s seen them more times than I can count.

“They’re amazing,” he answered with a smile. I blushed a little in response.

I looked over to Bri.

“Dare,” she said with a little sigh.

“You HAVE to see this dick.” I couldn’t hide my excitement. I could describe it to her in detail and I still don’t think she’d believe me.

“I don’t really want to,” she said, looking a little unsure. “But I kinda need to see what all the fuss is about.”

I could tell she was nervous. Showing her ass was one thing, but she was about to see her brother’s dick for the first time since they were kids.

Liam didn’t hesitate for a moment. He jumped up and started fishing his cock out again. He didn’t seem to give a shit that his sister was watching.

The moment it’s out, Bri’s jaw dropped. Her eyes went wide and she tried to speak, but couldn’t say anything for a long moment. She just stared at her brother’s cock. I couldn’t help but look between her face and Liam’s amazing dick.

“Holy fuck,” she finally managed, “how the hell have you been hiding that?” She asks in disbelief.

Liam was again beaming with pride. Two girls were in awe at his cock and he was eating up every minute of it. He finally tucked it back into his pants. I seriously have no idea how he fit that thing in there.

“Truth,” Liam said as he finished putting himself away.

“Did it turn you on showing your dick to your sister?” I asked. I saw the look on their faces when I said that, I think it just sort of clicked in what had happened.

“Well, yeah,” Liam started, “when girls say you have a big dick it’s hard not to get turned on.” He added a little nervous chuckle afterwards before grabbing the bottle and taking another drink.

“Fair enough,” Bri replied and grabbed the bottle from him, taking another drink as well.

“Dare!” I jumped in, urging the game forward.

“Do you wanna touch it?” Liam asked.

“Hell yes!” I said enthusiastically and inch forward. He stayed sitting and pulled his cock out again. I kinda started to feel bad for him since he kept having to put it away and get it out.

Bri watched me as I reached out and grabbed it. I couldn’t even get my hand entirely around it. That’s when I realized he wasn’t fully hard. I could feel it growing in my hand. I wrapped my other hand around his shaft above the first one and the head was still entirely out in the open. I was amazed and could tell Bri was too. She just shook her head at the whole thing.

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