Stephanie Earns a Little Beer Money - Cover

Stephanie Earns a Little Beer Money

by Stanley Shore

Copyright© 2022 by Stanley Shore

Erotica Sex Story: Stephanie is a student and, like most students, she is short of money. When she's offered the chance to earn a little beer money to take part in a survey she jumps at it, especially when she finds out it's a sex survey. The questions are fun but then she's offered the chance to take part in some more tests, physical tests...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   .

Stephanie was a first year Psychology student at UWE, The University of the West of England.

She was walking through the centre of Bristol one afternoon, at the end of the days classes, when she was approached by a young woman with a clipboard.

Wary of getting the hard sell on something she almost certainly didn’t want, Stephanie tried to give her a wide berth but was still close enough to hear her.

“Excuse me, would you like to take part in a survey?” the woman asked her.

Stephanie was is no rush and decided to find out a bit more.

“What would it involve?” she replied, moving a bit closer.

“The questions are of a sexual nature. There is a small payment involved. Would you be interested at all?”

“How small?”

“Five pounds.” the woman replied. That would buy Stephanie a couple of pints just for answering a few questions.

“I’m in.”

The woman led her to a door between two shops which led up a flight of stairs. They went through the first door on the right into a small office containing two chairs either side of a desk. They both sat down.

“I’m Sara by the way, and you are...?”


“Right, let’s get started.” the woman said turning over a sheet of paper on her clipboard.

“Which of these terms best describes your sexual orientation? A Heterosexual, B Lesbian, C Bisexual, D Transgender, E Other?”

“C” replied Stephanie, without having to think.

“Which of these best describes your level of sexual activity in the past year. A None, B A little, C Average, D Frequent, E Promiscuous?”

“C” Stephanie replied, but thought that D might be more accurate; it was all a bit woolly.

“When was your last sexual encounter?” A Months ago, B Weeks ago, C Days ago, D Earlier today?”

“C” Stephanie answered, fondly remembering the previous night with Pam and her delicious arse. All this talk about sex was starting to get her a bit worked up.

“Did you reach sexual climax on that occasion?”

“Yes.” Stephanie said. “Twice actually.” And she couldn’t help smiling. Sara smiled back with a wicked little twinkle in her eyes.

“When you have sex how often do you reach climax? A Never, B Rarely, C Often, D Always, E Always multiple times?” Stephanie wondered how many E’s they got.

“C” she replied, kind of wishing it were D. There were a few E’s and recalling them made her a little more moist.

“How frequently do you masturbate? A Never, B Monthly, C Weekly, D Daily, E Multiple times daily.” Hmm, thought Stephanie, it’s not every day but sometimes it’s more than once a day, but it’s definitely not weekly.

“D” she replied eventually.

“When you masturbate do you use? A Your fingers, B A sexual aid, C Both, D Other?” Fucking hell, thought Stephanie, this is getting a bit detailed.

“C” She answered truthfully.

“When you masturbate how often do you reach climax? A Never, B Rarely, C Often, D Always, E Always multiple times?” Stephanie wondered again how many E’s they got.

“C, no D ... no C, well it’s almost always.”

“We’ll call it a D then shall we?”

“OK yes.”

“Which of the following activities is most likely to result in you achieving climax? A Clitoral stimulation, B Vaginal penetration, C Anal Penetration, D Vaginal and anal penetration, E All of the above.” Stephanie pondered hard about that. She’d never tried DP but, now she thought about it, it seemed like a good idea. Fuck, she thought, E sounded awesome. Dragging her mind back to the question she answered honestly.


“Last question. Which of these terms best describes your level of sexual arousal right now? A Not aroused, B Mildly aroused, C Aroused, D Very aroused, E Reached climax earlier on?” Sara asked her, then laughed. “I was joking about E.” Then she looked a little worried. “You didn’t did you?”

“D, no C.” Stephanie answered, there was no denying that her pussy was throbbing and decidedly wet.

“Final answer?” The woman asked giving her a look that was half way between curious and lecherous.

“Yes, C, final answer.”

“OK, that’s all the questions. There is a second optional physical part of the survey. Would you be interested in taking part in that?”

In Stephanie’s now decidedly horny state she wondered if Sara going down on her might be part of it, if it was then she would definitely be up for it.

“I don’t know, what does it involve?”

“You would be required to touch another individual and describe both your own and their responses.”

Stephanie thought about that. It clearly would involve touching of a sexual nature.

“There would be an additional payment of ten pounds.”

Four pints for feeling someone up!

“OK.” Stephanie said with a big smile.

Sara picked up the phone on the desk and pushed a button. “Ready?” she asked into it. There was a short pause before she said “OK good.” and she hung up the phone.

“If you could come with me please Stephanie.” she said standing up. Stephanie also stood and followed her.

“Please bear in mind that this girl is a volunteer off the street, much like yourself.”

They went along the corridor to to another room where there was a girl standing in a perspex box not much bigger than she was. Stephanie could see her head and bare shoulders and she was very pretty. She really, really hoped that this was the girl she was going to touch.

Below the girls shoulders the perpex seemed to be lined on the inside with black cloth. There were small labelled doors at what appeared to be significant locations: A around the breast, B stomach, C thigh and, most excitingly, D the pussy region!

The girl in box looked very nervous but managed a thin smile at Stephanie, which she returned, hoping her own wasn’t too lustful.

“I have a timer here. I will tell you the letter of a door and you may touch what you find behind it as you see fit. You have thirty seconds for each door. Do you understand?”

Stephanie was amazed and if anything even more excited. She was being given carte blanche to grope this complete stranger in any way she liked. The girl was looking even more nervous now.

“OK.” Stephanie tried to reply, but her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. “OK.”

“Right let’s start. C.” She said, and she clicked on a stopwatch attached to the clipboard

Stephanie hurried over to the box and opened door C. The black fabric covering the hole had cuts in it which Stephanie pushed her hand through and she felt the girl’s bare thigh. Her skin was incredibly soft and smooth and Stephanie’s pussy was tingling like mad as her fingertips grazed over it.

Stephanie looked at the girl’s face and saw a pleading look there. Stephanie reached in and stroked the inside of the thigh while still looking at the girl’s face. As Stephanie stroked her gently she saw her relax and smile faintly.

“Time.” Said Sara. “On a scale of 1 to 10 how aroused are you feeling right now?” “6” replied Stephanie.

“On the same scale how aroused do you think the subject is now?”

“I don’t know,” replied Stephanie, looking at the girl’s face again. “Maybe a 4?”

It was B next and the girl had a beautiful stomach and Stephanie thought she probably worked out quite a lot. As her fingertips caressed her she could now see that she was breathing hard. Thirty lovely seconds later...

“I’m a 7 and she’s a 5 I reckon.” she volunteered.

“OK, door A.” Stephanie hadn’t been absolutely sure that the girl was completely naked until she put her hand through the cloth surrounding that door. She felt a perfect little pert breast and a very erect nipple.

Stephanie licked her lips as she caressed it and rubbed the nipple between her fingertips.

When she looked at the girl’s face it was smiling at her and her eyes were almost closed in ecstasy.

Thirty seconds came up in no time and Stephanie reluctantly took her hand out after one last little stroke.

“8 and... 7.”

“Last, but not least, door D.” Stephanie’s hand cupped a gorgeous feeling, bald pussy. As her fingers traced the girl’s lips Stephanie could feel how wet they were. She looked at the girl and saw her mouth the word ‘Please’.

Stephanie wetted her thumb in the girl’s copious juices and then slipped two fingers into her vagina. She sought out her little clit with her thumb and rubbed it gently in little circles, while frigging her with her fingers.

The girl’s face was a picture of wanton desire and Stephanie was sure that, with a little more time, she would have cum, but then there was no more time.

Stephanie realised that she wouldn’t have needed long to bring herself off either, she was that excited.

“A pair of nines, I’d say.” Stephanie said breathlessly. “I don’t suppose...?”

“I’m afraid not.” replied Sara. Stephanie cast one last longing look at the girl who now mouthed the words ‘Thank you’ to her. Stephanie grinned at her and followed the woman back to her office.

“I’d like to thank you for all your help today.” Sara said. “Here’s your money.” And she handed over a ten and a five pound note.

“We do have some openings for subjects in the box.” she said, looking at Stephanie intensely. “That pays fifty pounds for a day. It that something that would interest you?”

It possibly wasn’t an ideal time for Stephanie to be making decisions. A large amount of the blood that would normally be flowing through her brain was currently engorging her pussy and especially her clit. It sounded like a very good idea, certainly the girl in the box had obviously enjoyed the experience.

A tiny, rational, part of her mind was still functioning however.

“What happens if people get rough?” she asked.

“I’ll always be there and we have a security man thirty seconds away if anyone should turn nasty. We haven’t had to call him in yet by the way, if that helps at all.”

“OK,” Stephanie said, “Count me in. When’s my first gig?” Sara looked through the paperwork on her board.

“Next Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock?” Stephanie thought she had that afternoon clear and, if she didn’t, it soon would be.

“Excellent, see you then.”

When Stephanie got back to her digs she scored a solid E using just her A’s.

When Tuesday afternoon came around the entrance to the offices was closed. Stephanie rang the bell and Sara opened the door a short while later.

Now she was thinking clearer Stephanie was very nervous. The idea that absolutely anyone would be able to finger her was terrifying ... but also strangely thrilling. Fifty pounds, she thought, think about the money!

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