Hotel California - Cover

Hotel California

by Jake Collins

Copyright© 2022 by Jake Collins

Erotica Sex Story: Dylan and Dennis get more than they bargained for when they meet their online gaming partners in person.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   FemaleDom   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   White Couple   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   .

Dylan and Dennis were standing outside a beachfront café, peering through the window. In perfect unison, they transferred their gaze downwards to the smart phones in their hands.

‘It’s definitely them,’ said Dylan.

‘Yup,’ said Dennis. ‘They match the profile pictures perfectly.’

‘I’m having a troublesome thought, Den.’

‘What’s that, Dil?’

‘What if they think we’re just a couple of silly little kids?’ said Dylan.

‘Why would they think that?’ said Dennis.

‘Because they’re nineteen and we’re sixteen,’ said Dylan.

‘That doesn’t matter,’ said Dennis. ‘We already know we make a great team!’

‘On missions, yeah,’ said Dylan. ‘Clearly they have a lot of respect for us as gamers, but in real life ... well, they might not like us.’

‘They already like us,’ said Dennis, ‘otherwise they wouldn’t have said they wanted to get together, would they?’

‘They like us through a headset,’ said Dylan. ‘It might not be the same in the flesh.’

‘Of course they’ll like us in the flesh,’ said Dennis. ‘We’re very likeable, aren’t we?’

‘Yeah, I guess we are,’ Dylan laughed.

‘Come on,’ Dennis grinned, giving him a clap on the shoulder, ‘let’s go inside and prove it!’

The boys stowed their phones in the back pockets of their board shorts, then Dylan followed Dennis into the café and across to a table that was occupied by the two girls from the profile pictures.

‘Er ... Tammy and Tara?’ Dennis ventured.

Both girls looked up and smiled welcomingly.

‘Dylan and Dennis!’ one of them exclaimed. ‘Wow, that’s fantastic! We’ve been really looking forward to meeting you, haven’t we, Tara?’

‘We certainly have, Tammy,’ said her companion. ‘Take a seat, guys. We’ve ordered sodas for all of us and the waitress said she’d bring over the sandwich menu.’

‘Cool,’ said Dylan, as he and Dennis sat down opposite the girls.

‘We’ve been really looking forward to meeting you too,’ Dennis added.

‘Good,’ said Tammy.

‘Glad to hear it,’ said Tara.

A little while later, the table was littered with the discarded remains of four light meals and its occupants were all staring at their smart phones.

‘Okay, so if we all pool our points now,’ said Tammy, ‘we’ll be able to add the attack dogs to our group inventory.’

A bout of frenzied tapping followed this statement.

‘Are these dogs really as useful as you say?’ asked Dennis.

‘They sure are,’ said Tara. ‘They can dig under fences and go along narrow tunnels and they always make it through ‘cause there’s about thirty of them.’

‘Which means that even if most of them get killed,’ Tammy elaborated, ‘there’re always plenty left over to do the job. And most of them do get killed.’

‘That’s horrible,’ said Dylan.

‘Or at least it would be if they were real dogs,’ said Dennis.

‘Exactly,’ Tara grinned. ‘Anyway, all thirty always turn up when you want to use them again, so the dead ones must’ve come back to life.’

‘Either that or they’ve been replaced with even more dogs,’ Dylan pointed out.

‘Yeah,’ said Dennis. ‘This whole game is a canine massacre!’

‘They’re not real, guys,’ Tammy giggled.

‘It’s cute that you care, though,’ Tara said solemnly.

‘We don’t really,’ said Dennis, and the four of them laughed freely together for some seconds.

‘It’s a great game, isn’t it?’ said Dylan.

‘It sure is,’ said Tammy. ‘For one thing, the two of us met because of it.’

‘Our boyfriends were always playing the thing together,’ said Tara, ‘and we figured if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!’

‘We started playing as a four,’ said Tammy, ‘but we turned out to be way better at it than they were and they absolutely couldn’t stand that!’

‘So we decided to get rid of those bastards and form our own quartet!’ said Tara. ‘And we’re really glad we found you guys to complete it.’

‘So are we,’ said Dennis.

‘And we’re absolutely ecstatic about your being way better than us!’ Dylan added. ‘We’d never have reached expert level without your help.’

‘Yeah,’ said Dennis, ‘we really like following your lead!’

The girls giggled and exchanged a look.

‘We’ll be sure to remember that,’ said Tammy.

‘Did you two meet through the game as well?’ asked Tara.

‘No,’ said Dylan. ‘We’ve been best friends since seventh grade.’

‘Aw, cute!’ said Tammy.

‘Although we were drawn together by a shared love of online gaming,’ said Dennis. ‘We used to spend our whole lives glued to our phones, waiting for each other to show up for quests and stuff.’

‘You guys are just too adorable,’ Tara giggled. ‘You’ll have to excuse us for a couple of minutes now – we need to go to the bathroom, don’t we, Tammy?’

‘Urgently, Tara,’ said Tammy.

With that, the girls jumped to their feet, stowed their smart phones in the pockets of their cut-off jeans, gave the boys enormous smiles and then disappeared into the nearby restroom.

‘You see?’ Dennis said with a grin. ‘They do like us!’

‘Yeah, I guess they do,’ said Dylan. ‘Oh, unless they’ve gone to climb out the toilet window!’

‘I bet they haven’t!’ Dennis laughed. ‘They like us, and we like them, don’t we?’

‘We sure do,’ said Dylan.

‘The three-year age gap just isn’t an issue, is it?’

‘It certainly doesn’t seem to be.’

‘Let’s ask them out, then!’ said Dennis.

‘On a date, you mean?’ said Dylan.

‘Of course,’ said Dennis.

‘But we’re on a date with them right now, aren’t we?’

‘Um ... yeah, I guess we are. So, let’s tell them we want to go on another one as soon as possible!’

Dylan laughed and said, ‘Okay, let’s!’

Tammy and Tara emerged from the bathroom a short time later. Instead of sitting back down, they glanced at the bill that had been placed on the table and then started pooling their money.

‘So,’ said Tammy, ‘are you two about ready to come back to our hotel room?’

Dylan and Dennis paused in the act of opening their wallets and exchanged a look.

‘You ... you want to take us back to your hotel room?’ said Dennis.

‘Of course we do,’ said Tara, giving his blond hair a fairly severe ruffle.

‘Unless you guys had somewhere else in mind,’ said Tammy.

Looking rather bemused, Dylan and Dennis shook their heads.

‘Our hotel room it is, then!’ said Tara.

‘What, er ... what are you planning on doing with us when we get there?’ said Dylan.

Tammy and Tara indulged in another round of giggles.

‘We’ve been talking about that,’ said Tammy.

‘The first thing we want to do is jerk you guys off,’ said Tara.

Dylan and Dennis looked at each other, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

‘You ... you do?’ said Dennis.

‘Yes, we do,’ said Tammy. ‘Ever so much.’

‘We think you’re both really cute and we want to see how much cuter you look when you come,’ Tara elaborated.

The boys exchanged a meaningful glance, then they quickly paid their share of the bill and leapt to their feet.

‘Lead the way!’ Dennis said eagerly.

‘You know how much we like it when you do that,’ Dylan grinned.

Tammy and Tara sat down on the edge of the double bed in their hotel room. Divested of their T-shirts and dressed only in their board shorts, Dylan and Dennis came to stand in front of them.

‘Wow, you guys are absolutely gorgeous,’ said Tammy, reaching out to run her fingers over Dylan’s rich brown six-pack.

‘You sure are,’ said Tara, stroking Dennis’s pale but prominent four-pack. ‘Plus you’ve managed to retain your boyish charm – the perfect combination!’

‘Thanks,’ Dylan and Dennis said in unison.

The girls smiled, then they pulled down the boys’ board shorts. Dylan and Dennis gasped and quivered with anticipation as their genitals were sensually caressed.

‘You know,’ said Tammy, ‘our boyfriends were never very grateful when we used to do this for them, were they, Tara?’

‘They certainly weren’t, Tammy!’ said Tara. ‘They always complained we were doing it wrong.’

As they stood there with their rock-hard cocks pointing upwards at an angle of forty-five degrees, Dylan and Dennis exchanged a look.

‘That doesn’t make any sense at all,’ said Dennis. ‘There’s nothing to do wrong – you just grab it and move your hand up and down!’

‘I’d say any guy who complains about the technique of someone who’s taking the time and effort to do that for him doesn’t deserve to get jacked off!’ said Dylan.

Tammy and Tara giggled.

‘We’re glad to hear you say that,’ said Tammy.

‘For one thing,’ said Tara, ‘it proves you two really do deserve to get jacked off!’

The girls took a few moments to remove their tank tops and their bras; the boys stared in delighted awe at their newly exposed breasts.

‘Oh my God,’ Dennis whispered.

‘Wow,’ Dylan breathed.

Tammy and Tara were delighted to see that both Dylan and Dennis were now sporting sizeable beads of pre-cum at the tips of their cocks. Without further ado, the girls started to jerk the boys off.

‘This feels amazing,’ Dennis panted a short time later.

‘Thank you so much,’ Dylan exhaled heavily.

Tammy and Tara laughed, then they said in unison, ‘You’re welcome.’

When it became obvious that both Dylan and Dennis were fast approaching orgasm, the girls yanked their cocks downwards so that they were at right angles to the floor. Quickly but meticulously, Tammy and Tara lined up their own chests with the boys’ urethras.

‘Don’t hold back now, guys,’ said Tammy.

‘Yeah,’ said Tara, ‘let’s see what you can do!’

Dennis came first. Letting out a bestial roar, he blasted Tara’s tits with jizz; she laughed delightedly as the warm, creamy goo spattered across her chest.

Before Dennis had finished spurting, Dylan started. He emptied his balls all over Tammy’s breasts, eliciting just as much delighted laughter from her as Dennis’s efforts had earned from Tara.

As the boys’ orgasms finally subsided, they stood there with their chests heaving and their dicks rapidly deflating.

‘You guys really do like following our lead, don’t you?’ Tammy giggled.

‘Yes,’ Dylan panted.

‘You feel like taking a little more instruction from us?’ Tara suggested.

‘Always,’ Dennis gasped.

The girls rose to their feet, grasped the boys by the shoulders and guided them onto the bed. Dylan and Dennis had no idea what was going to happen to them next, but they were both incalculably excited to find out.

‘Lie on your backs,’ Tammy instructed.

‘And pull your knees up to your chests so your legs are sticking into the air,’ Tara added.

Dylan and Dennis followed the girls’ instructions to the letter. When they were happy with their partners’ positions, Tammy and Tara reached out and gently guided the boys’ genitals between the backs of their thighs.

‘You have to stay in that position until we say you can move, okay?’ said Tammy.

‘Okay,’ Dylan and Dennis said in unison.

The girls nodded in approval, then they removed their cut-offs and their panties. As the boys watched this spectacle in wide-eyed wonder, their cocks quickly returned to full wakefulness. Naked now, Tammy and Tara walked over to a nearby nightstand and reached into a drawer.

‘It feels like you’re about to put diapers on us,’ said Dennis.

‘We don’t have any diapers,’ Tara giggled. ‘I guess these will have to do instead.’

Dylan and Dennis both felt thrills of excitement as they saw that the girls were now holding a foil-wrapped condom each. With slow, deliberate steps, Tammy and Tara walked to the foot of the bed and removed the contraceptives from their packaging.

‘Just so’s you know,’ said Tammy, rolling her condom onto Dylan’s fully erect penis, ‘this is purely for the purpose of birth control.’

‘Yeah,’ said Tara, as she got Dennis rubbered up. ‘We don’t have any horrible diseases to give you, and we’re sure you don’t have any to give us either.’

‘You’re right,’ said Dennis. ‘We’ve never done anything like this before, have we, Dil?’

‘No, Den,’ said Dylan, ‘we never have.’

‘Wow,’ said Tammy, ‘that’s really cute.’

‘We promise we’ll be gentle with you,’ Tara grinned. ‘Well, mostly. Just lie back and enjoy the ride!’

The girls knelt on the bed and shuffled forward so that their thighs were straddling the boys’ buttocks. Tammy then grabbed Dylan’s ankles and forced his legs into a position that meant he was practically folded in half at the waist, while Tara did the same thing to Dennis.

‘If you want to stop following our lead at any point, just let us know,’ said Tammy.

‘Yes, do,’ said Tara. ‘We don’t want to come across as domineering.’

‘You can dominate us all you want!’ Dennis panted excitedly. ‘Can’t they, Dil?’

‘Fine by me, Den!’ Dylan grinned.

The girls giggled, then they manoeuvred their dripping pussies onto the boys’ sheathed cocks.

‘Oh my God,’ Dylan breathed, as he felt Tammy’s vaginal walls closing around his shaft.

‘Fucking hell!’ Dennis gasped, as his dick disappeared into Tara’s slit.

Tammy and Tara immediately got to work with their hips. As they were truly and utterly pinned, the boys could do nothing but lie there while the girls fucked them energetically. Being ridden like a pair of merry-go-round horses, Dylan and Dennis looked at each other and exchanged grins.

Ten minutes later, all four occupants of the bed were caked in sweat and struggling for breath. With one accord, the girls forced the boys’ legs outwards slightly and then leant their own hips further forward. Dylan felt Tammy grinding herself against him as she continued to ride his cock, while Dennis experienced the same alteration in technique from Tara. The boys exchanged a slightly puzzled look, but they soon began to understand.

As they neared orgasm, Tammy and Tara started to moan and gasp. All of a sudden, both girls squeezed their eyes shut and let out piercing screams. Dylan and Dennis whimpered in ecstasy as they felt their partners’ orgasmic contractions against their cocks. Both boys came harder than they had ever come in their lives before, spurting ream after ream of spunk into their condoms.

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