No Good Deed... - Cover

No Good Deed...

Copyright© 2022 by Charles Jeffries

Chapter 6

Trokdon and Kalath’s chamber was, Samuel had to admit, luxuriously appointed. Soft, clean animal furs lined the floor; tapestries hung on the walls; there was even something that appeared to be a writing desk on one side of the room. But the bed was the centerpiece. It was easily the largest he’d ever seen, built to hold hobgoblins, and more than two by the look of it. Heavy rings were embedded in the wood all around it, and it was piled high with blankets and furs.

Both hobgoblins had shed their clothing and Kalath lay with her head in Trokdon’s lap, sucking his cock while he reclined against the headboard. He waved the two humans over to the bed, letting a deep-throated moan echo across the room.

Samuel climbed onto the bed, still wearing his underclothes. Kalath released Trokdon’s cock for a moment, looking over her shoulder at the paladin. “Good,” she said. “Don’t be shy.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he quipped. He let his hands fall onto her shoulders, kneading the muscles there and casting his eye over her prone form. Kalath’s tawny brown skin rippled under his strong hands as he worked his way up to the back of her neck, making her purr.

“[I demand you learn to rub me like this, life-mate, ]” said Kalath.

“[I will demand a lesson from the blood-stealer.]”

“Anything to improve the relations between our people,” said Samuel, drawing a laugh from both of them.

Samuel turned his body around, leaning over Kalath to rub her lower back, working his way down past the slight flare of her waist and over her butt. He ran a strong hand down the back of one leg and she bent her knee, opening herself to him slightly. The powerful scent of her arousal filled his nose, making his dick twitch in his underclothes. He brought his hand between her legs, gathering some of her wetness and spreading it around, hearing her whine and feeling her press her hips back against him as he did it.

“Don’t be gentle, [warrior],” Trokdon grunted. “She’s used to fucking me.”

“If you insist,” Samuel said. He ground his palm against Kalath’s cunt, probing through her folds when she lifted her hips, then finding her clit and stroking it roughly. Trokdon snickered as she moaned around his cock, but then she took him deep into her throat and he let out a guttural stream of half-words that Samuel didn’t understand.

Kalath popped up off Trokdon’s cock. “Put your hand in me, you dirty—”

“Language,” Trokdon said, palming the back of her head and forcing her back down onto him. “Do whatever you like. She wants to be filled, but she sucks my cock better when she doesn’t get it.”

“Well that’s quite the dilemma,” Samuel said, smirking. He reached for Kalath’s clit again, pinching it between his thumb and finger. She shrieked and tried to lift her head, but Trokdon held her in place, groaning his approval.

The bed moved, and Samuel looked over to see Isobel climbing onto it. He was briefly awestruck at her nudity, having shed her clothes in a perfect pile. Her pale skin contrasted sharply with Trokdon’s darker brown as she snuggled up to his side, running a hand over his incredibly broad chest, flicking his nipples and causing him to shudder. His hand nearly encircled her entire thigh as he wrapped his arm around her narrow frame. Samuel found the two of them quite distractingly pretty, albeit in diametrically opposite ways.

“You should definitely put your hand in her, Samuel,” Isobel said. “If only so that I may have a turn with Trokdon, here.”

Kalath gushed over Samuel’s hand, soaking his palm and fingers. He swiped them over her clit again, drew his hand up until he found her opening, and then plunged his entire hand into her all at once. This time, Trokdon let her up when she lifted her head to moan, and Isobel immediately took her place, wrapping her hand around his cock.

Kalath got her hands underneath her and began to buck backwards as Samuel fucked her with his hand. He draped himself sideways over her hips, finding both a comfortable angle and enough room to curl his fingers around and make a fist inside her cunt. Kalath howled out her pleasure, riding his fist and clenching down around him.

“She’s so beautiful,” Isobel whispered in Trokdon’s ear.

“Especially when she comes,” he replied, eyes fixed on his mate, cock twitching in Isobel’s hand.

Isobel slowly ran her fist over his cock with long, smooth strokes, taking advantage of Kalath’s saliva, her fingers grazing each of the firm ridges ringing his shaft as she went. “Not so fast, big boy,” she said, nibbling on his pointed ear and squeezing his balls. Trokdon groaned, but it turned to a growl as he gripped her leg more tightly.

Kalath lifted her head again, locking eyes with Trokdon, her mouth hanging open. “He’s told me all the stories from your visits,” she said to Isobel between moans. “How you treat him like a [farm-serf].” Samuel listened intently while trying to keep pace and match Kalath’s rhythm. “How you never let him fuck you.”

“Fuck me? He’s lucky if I let him come,” Isobel said, firmly drawing her hand up his cock from base to tip.

Trokdon growled again. “Someone’s about to get lucky whether you want him to or not,” he said. Kalath laughed, and Samuel took the opportunity to pick up the pace, slamming his hand into her with as much strength as he could muster. Isobel smiled, relaxing her grip and speeding up her hand job along with Samuel.

The two humans drove the hobgoblins towards their orgasms. Kalath fell against the bed as Samuel fisted her. Isobel squirmed out of Trokdon’s grip and lowered herself to his lap, opening impossibly wide and sucking the head of his cock into her mouth while continuing to jerk him off with her hand. Kalath’s moans turned deep and guttural while Trokdon’s became higher and more shrill, both of their bodies tensing up as they raced towards their peak.

They exploded together. Kalath buried her face in the mattress and groaned, squeezing Samuel’s fist with a crushing force. Trokdon threw his head back and lifted his hips, trying to drive himself deeper into Isobel’s throat. Kalath’s orgasm went on for several long seconds, her cunt finally relaxing and fluttering around Samuel’s hand. Trokdon slumped back down to the bed, having spent himself into Isobel’s mouth. Happy sighs from both hobgoblins echoed around the chamber.

Samuel slowly pulled his hand out of Kalath’s cunt, laughing softly.

“What?” she asked.

“You nearly took my hand off,” he said, shaking his hand. “I’ve been trapped under a downed warhorse in battle and I don’t think I’ve ever been crushed like that before.”

“My apologies,” she said, rolling over to look at him. “But it filled me in all the right ways.”

“No apologies necessary, my lady.”

“He calls me ‘lady’! Perhaps there will be peace between our people,” she said, laughing.

Trokdon smiled, an enigmatic look on his face. “Only one thing could truly bring that,” he said.

“What’s that, my mate?”

“To plunder this delicious cunt,” he said, suddenly picking Isobel up and tossing her onto her back, “and hear this wizard sing my praises.” Samuel scrambled out of the way as Isobel landed with a yelp, and before she could offer any resistance, Trokdon had spread her legs and begun to eat her out.

“Fuck!” Isobel screamed as the hobgoblin’s roughly textured tongue found her clit. The sheer size of his head forced her thighs apart, and he wrapped his hands around her waist and held her down while he drank his fill from her.

Kalath laughed. “You vicious brute,” she said, reaching her hand underneath him to grab his cock. “You owe her for drinking your seed.”

“I owe her nothing,” he said, sliding a finger into Isobel’s cunt while he spoke. “But she will need to be wet if she is to take my cock.” Isobel grabbed him by the ears, pressing his head down against her cunt to silence him.

“You couldn’t possibly. He’d split you in half,” Samuel said quietly, partially in awe and partially in concern.

Isobel looked at him with a smirk. “Never lay a challenge like that on an Eros Mage, Samuel.”

Kalath sat up. “I would see that,” she said. “I would watch my war champion fuck a human.”

“A trade, then?” said Isobel, groaning as Trokdon continued to work her over with his tongue and fingers. “A game?”

“A game?” Kalath echoed, eyeing up Samuel. “What sort of game?”

“First one to come loses,” said Isobel, her breath speeding up. Samuel’s eyes went wide. “Forfeit to be determined.”

Kalath snorted. “Accepted. I mean no offense, Samuel, but I doubt you are carrying anything that would match my champion.”

Trokdon lifted his head. “And this one doesn’t count,” he said, plunging a second finger inside Isobel and rasping his tongue over her clit. “So that we begin on even ground.”

Isobel’s eyes rolled back as Trokdon bore down on her in earnest. As he drove her towards her peak, she reached out and grabbed Samuel by the ankle. Her head lolled to one side, and he saw a green flash of energy in her eyes accompanied by a tingling sensation in his foot.

Trokdon growled, Isobel moaned, and Samuel’s mouth fell open. Isobel screamed out her orgasm, shrieking unintelligible words, and Samuel felt a surge of energy shoot straight to his groin, his cock swelling to full hardness in response.

Trokdon sat back on his haunches, his once again fully erect cock slapping against his belly. Kalath wrapped herself around him, pressing her breasts against his arm and grabbing his cock. “Fill her, my mate. Split her open and let her feel your [fuck-loops]. I want to hear her cry out on your cock while you fill her with your seed.”

Samuel tried to cover his laugh at the ‘colorful expression’ with a smile, although it didn’t come across as seductively as he hoped. “I should enjoy the same from you,” he said to Kalath.

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