Unexpected Consequences - Cover

Unexpected Consequences

Copyright© 2022 by ShadowJack

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A teen girl comes home with a bag of shoplifted merchandise. Her brother catches her and decides to punish his sister. Her punishment leads to some unexpected (and erotic) consequences.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Gang Bang   Bestiality   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex  

Thursday night they argue long and hard. Lori tells her brother that she has already done what she agreed to do. A week of practically being his slave, getting humiliated by him ... which wasn’t part of the deal ... and giving blow jobs to him and two other guys.

Not only that, but he raped her again! That definitely wasn’t part of the deal. Neither was getting raped by the damn dog again!

Billy angrily warns his sister that she better not use the “R” word again. He intended all along to take her to this party. She had never sucked a guy’s dick before. So those blow jobs were only practice. Lori couldn’t very well expect him to take her to the party when she didn’t know what she was doing, now could she?

It’s an argument the hapless girl can’t win. Her brother holds all the cards. More to the point, he still holds the merchandise she shoplifted at the mall. And with it, the threat of her still being in rehab when the new school year begins.

So Lori concocts a web of lies. She lies to their mother about spending Friday night at a friend’s house. She lies to her friend about why she needs the cover story. And her friend lies to her own mother so she will verify the plans when Lori’s mom calls.

That clears the way for Billy to take his gorgeous little sister to a party Friday night. A party at which the 14-year-old girl will be around guys her brother’s age and older; a party at which she will be giving out blow jobs.

Friday arrives...

While Lori takes a shower, Billy goes to her bedroom and searches for the right outfit. Wrapped only in a bath towel, she is startled by his presence in her bedroom. Staying close to the door, she angrily demands he get out of her room.

Looking at his pretty sister, all that damp skin, with only a towel separating him from all her delights, Billy feels the impulse. He almost fucks the hell out of her right then and there.

“I’ve picked out a sexy outfit for the party.”

His choice of clothing stuns his sister. Shiny black, hip-hugging shorts she got for a gymnastics class. She hardly ever wears them, and never out socially. They are too short and too tight. A snug-fitting black pull-over that shows some cleavage and barely reaches her belly button. Mom doesn’t know Lori has this shirt and would confiscate it if she did.

An awkward silence, as the flustered girl looks with growing alarm at her brother and the all too revealing outfit he expects her to wear. She asks about wearing a bra.

“I have to wear one with this little thing.” “Nope.”

“Billy, I’ll just about ... fall out of this shirt without a bra.”

“No bra. No panties, either.”

Clutching her towel, she gasps in shock.

“There is no way I’ll wear this outfit to a party. Especially without any underwear.”

“Yes, you will, Lori. Don’t give me any shit, or I might just fuck you right now.”

She moves toward the door, then yelps in sudden alarm, as he reaches over her and closes it. Scared of him, the defenseless teen backs away from her brother the rapist.

“I’ll tell Mom.”

“She won’t believe you, Lori. Not after I show them the stuff you took from the mall. They probably won’t believe me, either, when I tell them I caught you having sex with the dog.”

Billy stares at his sister. She stares right back. He smiles victoriously when he sees tears trickling down her face. Her tone softens. She asks him again about letting her wear something else. Then she pleads with him. Finally, she begs him not to make her wear that, as the tears flow.

“I didn’t realize before how hot a body you have. I want to see you in that sexy outfit while you’re sucking my dick.”

Those are hard words for a sister to hear.

Lori wears jeans and a shirt while they eat supper. As their parents settle down in front of the TV, they thank Billy for offering to give his sister a ride to her friend’s house. He starts the car while Lori dashes into the rec room to change. Back in the car, he makes her pull down the shorts enough to confirm she isn’t wearing any panties.

“Damn, you look hot!”

Her face flushed, Lori turns away. She doesn’t feel sexy. The lovely young teen feels half-naked and way too vulnerable.

Billy briefs his sister on the party. This isn’t the crowd he ran with in high school. This is an older crowd, mostly people in their twenties. They don’t know her and obviously they can’t know who she really is. Brad and David will also be there but they won’t say anything. She is some girl he picked up who claims to be 17. People will know she is lying about her age. Probably because 17 is the age of consent in this state and she wants to party. They will figure her to be about 16.

“I think you could pass for 16.”

“I don’t like it. Sounds slutty to me. Especially ... dressed like this.”

Billy considers giving her a false name for the party, but rejects the idea. Too easy to slip up and give it away.

Lori feels intense anxiety about this party. Grown men, practically, believing she is some teenaged slut. Once they start drinking and getting high, it probably won’t matter to them if she is underaged. The 14-year-old girl grows more and more afraid of what might happen. By the time they reach the party, her heart is pounding. She bends over, holding her stomach.

“Billy ... I’m soooo scared.”

He can tell Lori is truly petrified. He becomes her big brother for a moment.

“Look, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Except ... you know. Some guy fucks with you, I’ll fuck with him.”

He puts an arm across her shoulder. Despite everything, reassurances from her big brother seem to help. After regaining her composure, the skittish teen follows him out of the car. He checks her out in the moonlight.

“Damn, Lori. These guys are going to love you.”

She doesn’t need to hear that right now.

They enter the house. Billy doesn’t know the first group of faces he sees. He spots one of his new friends and pulls his nervous sister along. Winston is the host of the party. Seems like a friendly guy. He introduces them to Donna, his live-in girlfriend. Billy introduces Lori, referring to her as “a girl I just met.” Donna is friendly toward Billy, but, while the guys chat, she eyes Lori skeptically. As Winston walks on, playing the role of host, she whispers to him. “No way that little bitch is 17. You want an underaged girl at this party?”

“Okay, maybe she’s 16. But that’s Billy’s problem. If he wants to take a chance fucking jailbait, that’s up to him.”

The substantially underaged teen feels stung by the young woman’s disapproval. She rises on tiptoes so her brother can hear her over the loud music.

“She doesn’t like me being here! She knows I’m not 17!”

“Don’t worry about it! Most people will think you’re 17, or at least 16!”

Lori doubts that. As her brother gets into a conversation, she looks around. There are a lot of people. Mostly guys, it seems like. Lots of beer drinking. Some folks passing a joint in the corner. Most of the people here look older than Billy. She notices the way some of the men are looking back at her. Their leering smiles deepen the young girl’s anxiety. She clings to her big brother. He sees the apprehensive look on her face. Handing her a beer, he tells his sister to sip it slowly. She can have another one later. But no pot-smoking.

As they meander around the party, Billy introduces “this girl I just met” to some people he knows. He also meets some new people. But they seem more interested in Lori. Two men they just met give her a hug, then hit on the alluring teen. After that, Billy keeps an arm around her. He even shocks Lori with a rather passionate kiss.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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