A Girl in an Alley - Cover

A Girl in an Alley

by Marius6

Copyright© 2022 by Marius6

Drama Sex Story: A disabled veteran goes cruising for a (preferably teen) prostitute and gets lucky. In a way both the scarred middle-age Black veteran and the jailbait teen girl (her scars are inside) get "lucky" together. Hot Sex. Prostitution. Some descriptions of harsh experiences that led each of them to prostitution. Drugs are used, but don't affect consent. I am using a new (LO) word program, and a "new" (used) laptop, as well as self-editing. When you find errors, please PM me; for comments too.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fiction   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Prostitution   .

It was a gloomy evening in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. According to a weather report on the radio it had been a sunny day in Seattle. Cabin-fever and writer’s block were both plaguing me. After sending out a couple of text messages, none of my current ‘Friends with Benefits’ was available tonight; nor were any of my Regulars. So, I figured I might as well to go into Seattle and cruise an area notorious for prostitution. There is a more reasonable attitude about commercial sex in Europe, even though I face some discrimination as a Black Man.

On the West Coast of the USA Asians and East Europeans (mostly Russians and Ukrainians) run commercial sex enterprises, mostly covert brothels. They almost never run prostitutes on the streets. AMPs (Asian Massage Parlors) only some of which offer a “Happy Ending” usually only a handjob. Lots of guys hope they are going to get something more than a massage. Asian clientele tend to know were to go for “Extras” and if you have a buddy who is Asian, he might hook you up. White guys have a better chance than Latinos, and Blacks are usually held in particular contempt by both Asians and most Eastern Europeans. There is not much chance of me getting into a brothel run by a Russian mobster.

About ten years ago they started cracking down on Craigslist, and then Backpage. Now most of the more commonly known internet sites are either out of business, or are closely monitored by LEOs. There are still some ways to make arrangements using a computer or smart-phone, but even with a VPN, there are hazards. There are dangers picking up prostitutes from the street too. However, if you know what you are doing, it is easier to mitigate them. If you pay attention you can learn a few things. Remember YMMV (“Your Millage May Vary”).

“Mongering” for streetwalkers has changed quite a bit since the early 2000’s. It also varies throughout the USA. Seattle and Tacoma are significantly different than each other, and both are different from Portland, Oregon; although they are all part of the “Interstate-5 Circuit” along with a number of cities in California. There are a few organized “posses” as well as a variety of pimps some of whom are quite professional, and others who are more or less “Wanna-Bees” mostly Blacks and Latinos. All of whom run as few as one or two girls or young women, up to “Stables” of a dozen or more. Most have a mobile phone, to work as “call girls” but many will also walk the “Strolls” if they aren’t getting enough business through their smartphones.

Tonight I decided to drive my Toyota Tacoma with the “Crew Max” cab (which I still prefer to refer to as a “King Cab”). Trucks aren’t as common as SUVs in Seattle, but they are still seen a bit more than EVs or hybrids. Most “mongers” cruise in sedans. What I am driving matters, somewhat, although how a Monger drives matters more than what they drive because prostitutes, LEOs, “busybodies” and pimps all pay attention to vehicles that appear to be cruising, and in particular those that pick up hookers.

Prostitutes, at least those worth picking up, tend to be cautious of vans or other vehicles they can’t see into. Also, the value of the car, and how clean and well maintained it appears to be; those are indications of how much money a “Juke” (aka “John”) may be willing to spend. Before heading out I checked my vehicle, ensuring my headlights, taillights, brake-lights, and license plate lights were all serviceable. Prudently I don’t want to provide an easy excuse for ‘Uncle LEO’ to pull me over; especially not if I have a teenage prostitute in my vehicle. Checking the cab of my truck, I made sure that cleaned it, and removed anything (unsecured) worth stealing.

Some prostitutes are aware that a potential customer may be concerned his vehicle could be impounded by LEO. Or stolen by an opportunistic hooker, or a scammer who rarely if ever provides sex, rather she and her “pimp” (and possibly other accomplices) routinely rips of suckers for cash, their wallets and credit cards, maybe their vehicle or other items of value. Sometimes they will force a victim to go to an ATM and withdraw additional cash. Thus, some “Johns” have a “Monger Mobile” that is of low value, that they have optimized for their illicit hobby.

LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) who are worth their salt are constantly paying attention to everything. Situational Awareness is a good thing, and enhances survival (as well as noticing crimes). However, while maintaining a broad perspective it is difficult, if not impossible to pay attention to all the details. Patrol officers are scanning for anomalies, the vehicle moving much slower than traffic, or swerving, or that is significantly different from most other vehicles in the area.

Depending upon their experience and predilections, that a monger is unlikely to know, influences what an officer on patrol is likely to focus his attention upon. Even a rookie officer will have been briefed about any areas where prostitution is known by the authorities to be occurring. Rookies may not notice an experienced monger who shouldn’t be trying to pick up a prostitute with a marked patrol car in the area. Some officers, for personal reasons, are determined to arrest prostitutes, and/or Johns. Mostly, patrol officers are likely to pull you over for a traffic violation, or an out taillight, or similar infractions.

Vice cops are both, typically, more experienced, and more difficult to notice. Vice cops might be more focused on drugs, or participating in a “Sting” operation; in which case a monger with common sense shouldn’t get caught. Stings have lots of limitations, the Decoy can’t solicit you, and won’t get into your vehicle! They almost always “work” a small area, at most two blocks, but usually just a portion of a block, in an area notorious for prostitution. This is so they can be video recorded, and have back-up close at hand. Decoys are usually better looking, and often better dressed than most streetwalkers.

Busybodies broadly consist of two types. The most difficult to counter-detect are locals who are habitually nosy; or others who have become fed up with street crime “right outside their window” (not unreasonable). The easiest way to avoid them is to stay out of residential neighborhoods. Be aware that some businesses may have living quarters or one or more apartments behind, or above the business. Anti prostitution (and/or drug) watch groups may sometimes conduct patrols, and often use smart phones, or whatever, to take pictures and videos. The smart ones operate in groups, some are identified by jackets or vests proclaiming their group, some bring dogs; a few may be armed.

Prostitution enforcement is currently a gray area. Considered by some a “victimless crime” between consenting adults. “Trafficking” is a term that has come in vogue, originally it referred to human smuggling across borders. Politics or ideology results in some “squeaky wheels” insisting that every prostitute is “trafficked”/enslaved. As if no woman or teenage girl willingly, although perhaps reluctantly, engages in sex for cash or other inducements.

So, some who advocate for “de-policing” simultaneously urge harsh punishments for pimps, and strict punishments for the (almost exclusively Male) customers of prostitutes too. As if the only problem is males wanting sex, and not females wanting money. There is no political interest in enforcing laws against gay males purchasing sex from other males, even if they are very young teens. Underage boys are sold for sex, or used in gay pornography, the mentioning of which seems to be even more taboo than the activities.

I decided the current risk is minimal, since I have heard that, under-strength and demoralized, the police are not bothering to enforce laws against prostitution. Their political masters are demanding they ignore most other small crimes too. Many veteran officers have retired or left for other departments; specialty teams have been disbanded; officers transferred to fill the shortage of patrol officers. My biggest concern is that it’s still daylight, although it is off-peak time for traffic, there are still a lot of vehicles on the main drag, but at least they are not bumper-to-bumper.

Prostitution in this area has waxed and waned, police enforcement is heavily influenced by political considerations. Currently the police are significantly understaffed, and discouraged from enforcing street crime from loitering and vandalism, to car theft, shoplifting and drug dealing. Criminals are getting quite brazen, just walking into stores and stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise; many people aren’t bothering to call the cops; who sometimes don’t respond unless there is violence occurring.

While slowly accelerating after a traffic light turned green, I noticed an attractive redhead teenage girl. She caught my attention by how she was dressed, in scanty clothing, and how she was acting, slowly strolling, and glancing at the vehicles passing by. She was just the sort of eye candy I had been looking for. I couldn’t be certain, so I hit my blinker and turned off onto a side street, intending to drive around and scope out the area. While I was turning, I maintained situational awareness of the teen streetwalker, and possibly pimps, LEOs, or other threats.

The girl I am hoping to pick up is White, and appears young; I am a Black Man; that was more of a problem in the past. BLM and other political activists have created such a shit-storm about the “Po-Po” hassl’n Black Men that cops are quite reluctant to enforce even blatant violations of the law, and even busybody “do-gooders” are much less likely to call 9-1-1. Nonetheless, discretion is prudent for any “monger” soliciting the services of a prostitute in public. Younger looking teenage girls in particular may attract unwelcome attention.

Of course, the opportunity to have sex with an attractive teenage White girl is even more appealing than purchasing sex from a twenty-something skank of any race, color, or creed. My head is on a swivel, scanning for any pimps, other thugs, or police; vice cops in unmarked vehicles in specific. This particular “stroll” (an area where it is notorious for prostitutes to walk slowly, or just linger, and “Johns” or mongers know to look for them) along Aurora Avenue/Highway-99, is only a mile or two from the North Seattle Police Precinct complex.

Unfortunately, the block I turned onto continued several blocks west until the next intersection. Considering the young woman I was hoping to pick up was already in the middle of the block, I might lose her if I drove all the way around. Not seeing any potential threats, I made a snap decision, and turned right, into the alley, behind the businesses on the main drag I had just turned off of. This alley provides access to some parking spots behind the businesses, and several apartment buildings on the other side of the alley, just off Aurora Avenue.

Although it is always a possibility, I was still surprised to encounter a car in the middle of the alley. It was a grimy beater, at least twenty-years-old, sitting there idling. At least I was approaching the car from behind. I doubt the bastard noticed me; nor did I figure him, and I’m sure it was a him, for an undercover cop. There was a cute teenage girl leaning in his passenger window. A white girl, her tight ass was encased in denim cut-offs, and she had trim, “coltish” legs. I don’t know if he noticed me, and I spooked him, but he drove off without her getting in the car.

I took a good look at this girl, probably in her mid or early teens. Pale complexion, most of her skin was exposed, as she only wore a small, off-white, “wife-beater” halter-top with spaghetti straps, faded blue denim “Daisy Dukes” tiny cut-off shorts, and dirty pink athletic shoes. Her short black hair was mussed, and in sharp contrast to her pale skin. Gusestimating her height, based on the car that was driving off, I figured she was about five-foot six. Lean, with a flat belly, her stomach didn’t sag, nor ‘bunch’ while she was leaning into the car.

She looked like a street kid. Not like one of the younger teen hookers that are part of a “Crew” of pimps and younger prostitutes that operate up and down the I-5 corridor. Too many of the pimped girls get strung-out on drugs. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and other bad choices, as well as the girls being overworked by their pimps, result in them appearing less appealing. For the most part I avoid the girls being run by any “Crew”; although, I have, on occasion, helped a teen get out of a crew and in to better circumstances.

Obviously, she noticed my truck, she was frowning as I pulled forward, and lowered my passenger window; defeatedly she asked, “Are you at least willing to spend a fifty bucks?”

Her face was not as pretty as the redheaded teen girl out on the stroll, or maybe that was because of the grime, and her obvious exhaustion. I felt compassion for her. I’ve never had to sell my body, but I have lived out in the elements, and endured exhaustion; Albeit in the US Army. On the spur of the moment I became determined to get this girl off the streets, at least for the night. It wasn’t just noble altruism on my part, her skimpy clothing revealed a lean yet shapely body, that I found very appealing. I could just discern her nipples, and figured she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Allowing my little head to do my thinking, I unlocked the passenger door and said, “For you I am willing to spend at least fifty. Hop in.”

As soon as she climbed in and shut the door, I asked her, “Please put on your seat-belt.”

She complied, and I put my truck in gear and drove slowly to the end of the alley. I tried to avoid the worst of the potholes, while also remaining alert for law enforcement, looky-loos, thugs, or pimps. I didn’t notice anyone, not even in the windows of the apartments looking down into the alley. At the end of the alley, I glanced both ways, used my turn signal (not wanting to provide “Uncle LEO” with an excuse to conduct a traffic stop), then turned left, away from Aurora Avenue.

“Hey, where are you going?” Asked the teenage girl.

I told her, “Away from Aurora. I figured neither you, nor I wants to attract any attention. Especially not from the cops.”

“Oh? I guess that makes sense. You’re not a cop, are you? Trying to be clever, and trick me?” She asked.

It’s a typical question that just about every prostitute asks a potential customer, soon after getting in a vehicle; I wonder if they know that undercover cops are allowed to lie about that, and a lot of other things? Not that it matters to me, I am certain that she was no vice cop. Not just because she is obviously underage, way too young to be a police officer. Even while conducting a sting, LEO’s will never get into a vehicle. Too risky! Currently, the SPD is not allowed to peruse a fleeing vehicle; of course, they will record the license plate.

Anyways, I know how the game is played, so I said, “No, I am not a cop.”

“Can you prove it?” She asked.

As I continued to drive, and keep my eyes peeled for potential dangers, I replied, “I can. But, give me a couple of minutes to get a bit further away from any prying eyes.”

Once I got past the intersection with a traffic circle, I continued another block, turned left, traveled two short blocks, turned right to continue west. My passenger was fidgeting, and before she spoke up, I glanced around, confirming that no one seemed to be following us, nor were there any cops in sight. I unfastened my seat belt, then my belt and my pants. Her attention was now on my crotch as I exposed myself.

As she stared at my semi-hard cock, I told the girl, “Okay, I’ve proved I’m not a vice cop. You prove that you are not a C.I. or an L.E.O. undercover. Kiss my cock.”

She didn’t look at my face, she just stared at my exposed cock. Expressions flitted across her face. She hesitated. I thought she was going to tell me to fuck-off. Then, she licked her lips, unfastened her seat belt, and leaned over the center console. Her head in my lap, she swirled her tongue around the crown of my cock, then took the first couple of inches of my hardening shaft into her wet, willing, mouth. Shockingly this cute young teen girl has a pierced tongue! Swiftly my cock swelled to near full length and thickness.

She teased me for nearly a minute, then leaned back and said, “Why are you paying for pussy? And, what is a Leo or see eye, anyway?”

Before I answered, I shook my head, and glanced around to prevent crashing my truck, somewhat distractedly I said, “Maybe I don’t feel like playing any games in a club tonight. I prefer no bullshit, and both of us getting what we want.”

She seemed to be waiting for the answer to her other question, so I said, “L.E.O. is a Law Enforcement Officer, and a C.I. is a Confidential informant. A C.I. is a person who is not a cop, but is directed to get information for them to justify an investigation, or an arrest. Most people who are C.I.s were caught in a minor drug crime, and coerced into working for the cops. Such as a teenage girl, pretending to be an even younger girl to allow the cops to charge a guy for a more serious crime. So, how old are you?”

She glanced at me, then muttered, “Uh, I’m ah, six-uh, eighteen.”

She was obviously lying, so I said, “Riiiight. Okay. No matter, I like young teenage girls. White girls in particular.”

She turned her head to peer at me, probably trying to figure how big a freak I am, and more importantly if I posed a danger to her. I continued driving to the location where we would consummate our “date” without being bothered, and hopefully we, in particular, I, would not be arrested. By now we were a bit more than a mile west of the “stroll” on the stretch of Aurora Avenue near where I had picked up this girl. I still didn’t know her name, nor how young she might be. I figured she had to be at least fourteen, so, I let my little head do my thinking.

We were almost to my destination, when she asked, “Where are we going? I can’t be too far from ... uh, where you picked me up. I can’t be gone too long. I gotta get back soon.”

While stopped at a stop sign, I turned to look at her and stated, “Why? Do you think you can earn more money from cheapskate Johns who won’t even pay you fifty dollars? You’re Work’n the Street Baby Girl. Y’all’re good enough looking, and young enough to be able to earn good money. But also get a lot of rejections. I’m willing to pay more than a hundred bucks. If you are willing to provide the services. You wanna get Paid? Or do you wanna walk?”

I couldn’t read the expression on her face as she asked, “How much are you willing to pay?”

Smiling at her, before I said, “That depends upon what you are willing to do. We’ll start with a blowjob. If you are good, we’ll do more, and you’ll get more money. Could be a lot more if you are willing?”

Her expression was partly a sneer, yet partly a smile, as she said, “If you’ve got the cash, I am willing to do almost anything!”

I didn’t respond. Instead, I checked both directions for traffic before I drove across Greenwood Avenue. Once I was across the thoroughfare, I turned into an alley. Driving halfway down the block, I then backed into a tight space between two concrete walls; it would be almost impossible to open the passenger door. I shut off the engine of my truck, and grabbed the sunscreen from a pocket on the back of the passenger seat, and with the help of the young girl, we covered the windshield, and part of both front windows.

She asked, “What now?”

I told her, “We climb in back, I pay you, and you suck my cock. Please take off your shoes before you climb over my leather seats.”

She shrugged. While she was bent over untying her shoes, I punched in the combination for the cipher lock to open one of my gun-safes, in which I stashed my keys, wallet, phone, and pistol. If she noticed what I had locked away, she didn’t say anything, instead she just took off her socks and stuffed them inside her dirty pink Sketchers, with extra chonky soles, while I pulled off my Justin cowboy boots. As she scrambled over the center console into the back of the cab of my truck, I was able to admire her tight ass covered in threadbare denim.

I retired from the US Army Special Forces a couple of years ago. I have also been wounded a couple of times, and have a 100% disability rating. Now that I am 42, it may not be the answer to life, the universe and everything; but I am not as limber as I used to be. I also had a “muscle” stiffening in my lap, making it even more awkward to clamber into the back of the cab of my truck. On the other hand, with some young teen pussy to motivate me, I found that I am once again up to the task.

She scrambled out of my way as I lumbered into the back of the cab, before she could ask, I handed her two fifty dollar bills, and said, “Fifty for sucking my cock, and another fifty for you do do it naked, and no condom.”

Several expressions flitted across he face, but she didn’t say anything. Since she had already taken the head of my cock into her mouth it wasn’t like she could claim she wouldn’t suck a cock without a condom. She could complain about getting totally naked, but it was obvious no one could see into the cab. She had asked for a minimum of fifty, and I promised her that. Now I had already given her twice that. She shrugged her shoulders, and with a slight frown, began to take off her halter top.

Not for the first time I noticed the silver ring piercing her skin above her belly button. It drew my eyes, and probably many other men too, to notice her taut, flat belly, otherwise they might only notice her firm and near perfect tits. She has a half-dozen studs or posts piercing the lobes of her ears; they are small and subtle, but draw the eye to her shapely ears and attractive face. She is more cute than beautiful, her freckles add to her cuteness and obvious youth.

This young teenage girl is a bit more petite than I thought when I first saw her; perhaps because of the thick soles of her shoes. Sitting next to me she seemed smaller, fragile, vulnerable. Yet she was bold too, I could see the determination in the set of her jaw. Perhaps she was a bit of a tomboy, her tousled hair, no makeup, cut-off jeans, and what appeared to be a boy’s tank top that had been shortened to expose her belly. Her heart-shaped face is defiantly feminine.

Fresh! Unusual for a streetwalker, even one in her early teens. Her appearance, and manner were subtly fresh. Seemingly not jaded. At least not yet. Classic “Girl Next Door” (in suburbia) appearance made her all the more appealing to me, and probably to many mongers. She looked like she should be earning money as a babysitter for some nice couple, not for sucking some Nigger’s Big Black Cock. My cock stiffened in anticipation of cumming in her nubile mouth, before I fuck her.

To be clear, this young girl appears to be fresh. She could use a shower. She didn’t stink; actually she was wearing something with a light floral scent. Even when I first saw her I noticed traces of dirt and grime. Her hair was mussed and oily, there were traces of grime behind her ears, on the back of her neck, on her hands, and as she took her skimpy “wife-beater” off her back was dirty. However, once her tits were revealed I no longer cared about minor blemishes.

Perfect breasts. Peaches, full and firm, near perfectly round, and to me just right in proportion to her lean body. Her arms raised above her head as she took off her top, I could detect her ribs. Perhaps she could benefit from a more nutritious diet, but she was no skinny waif either. I had noticed her perky nipples when I first saw her. Even from a distance they were obvious through the thin material of her halter-top. Pierced nipples, tiny stainless-steel barbells, that were not as obvious as her seemingly perpetually stiff nubbins.

She looked over at me and said, “Aren’t you going to take your pants off? Or at least unzip.”

I assured her, “I will, but first I am enjoying watching you strip naked.”

She shrugged again, but complied. She unbuttoned her denim cutoffs, and then slid them down her slim legs. She leaned back into the seat and raised her legs to untangle her shorts from her shapely feet. Some girls have tiny little feet, others their feet seem a bit elongated compared to their petite build; as with every other part of her body, this young teen’s feet seemed to be in perfect proportion. She hesitated for a moment, but when I nodded, she removed her red thong panties too.

Naked in the back of the cab of my truck, the young teen hooker turned and looked at me. There was no expression on her face. Despite her blank mien she was still attractive. With a smok’n bod such as hers, any Man’s cock would be rock hard. Nonchalantly she watched as I unfastened my belt, then unbuttoned my pants. While I was undressing, I didn’t need to watch myself, so I ogled her body. Her pubes had been shaved leaving a “landing strip” a narrow tuft of fine black hair; although she also had a bit of stubble indicating she should shave her pubes again.

Unbuttoning my cuffs, and a couple of the top buttons, I then pulled my flannel shirt over my head. I took off my t-shirt next. She inhaled, almost a gasp as I revealed the numerous scars on my torso. The map of my misadventures continued as I removed my pants. Scars, mostly from shrapnel, but also a few bullets, and even a couple of blades told a tale to those who could read it. I don’t figure this young girl could understand completely, but the gist of what has been done to my body is obvious.

It is more of a struggle for me to take off my pants in the back of the cab of a truck than it was for her. It’s not just the aches and pains, and my reduced flexibility, I am about a foot taller than her, and probably a hundred pounds heavier. My shoulders, and hips are much broader than hers too. So, it took a bit more effort, after staring at my pattern of scars for a couple of seconds, she reached over and assisted me getting my pants off. I folded my pants, set them aside and then took off my socks.

The young teen girl’s eyes seem drawn to my tented silk boxers. She licked her lips, leaving them slightly parted as she gazed at my cock that was all too obvious despite the efforts of my dark blue silk boxers to contain my manhood. I took my time, watching her face, and the spreading flush on her cheeks, her breasts, and her neck. We both were enjoying the shows. When I did pull the waistband of my shorts over the head of my tumescent cock she did gasp aloud.

Now I was eager to feel this jailbait girl’s mouth upon my cock, so I whipped my boxers off and said, “Now show me that you are worth a hundred bucks or more! Get to sucking my cock baby girl.”

Without hesitation she got down from the seat on my left, and climbed between my knees. She had to contort herself a bit to get on her knees facing me. At least the front passenger seat is a bit more forward than the driver’s seat. That is why I had chosen that side to go to when I climbed in back; it gave us a bit more room. She didn’t look up at my face, she just concentrated on my dick. She bent her neck and laved the head of my cock with her tongue.

She took just the tip of my cock into her warm, wet, nubile mouth. Swirling her tongue around the head, teasing just under the crown of my penis with her piercing. She used both her hands to tuck her hair behind her ears to give me a better view of her face, and her ovaled lips stretched around the shaft of my cock. Erotic and obscene they way my tumescent shaft completely filled her mouth emphasized the taboo of a little jailbait girl sucking the cock of a middle-age man.

Contrasts between her fair complexion, and pale pink lips devoid of makeup, and my dark skin is an incredible turn on for me (and many others). Innocence of this little white girl is belied by her multiple piercings. Perhaps some wholesome suburban girls might get multiple piercings in the lobes of their ears. Only sluts get their tongue pierced, and few of them before their “Sweet Sixteenth” birthday. Belly button piercings are more common, but only naughty little freaks have their nipples pierced at all, let alone before they are in high school.

Keeping her head down, while taking the base of my cock into her little right fist, to hold me steady while licking up and down the shaft of my cock, the teenage streetwalker seemed determined to earn her money as a cocksucker! Twisting her torso slightly one way, then another, she brushed her nipples, and piercings against the inside of my thighs. Her movements facilitated her being able to lick all of my cock to lubricate my shaft for what was to come.

Teasing me to rock-hard stiffness was just the preliminary act. Perhaps she thought that such antics would have provoked me into cumming already. Not hardly, I enjoy having my cock sucked, even if the woman or girl is not as skilled as this little minx. I am able to control my passions, and if necessary, refocus myself to prolong my pleasures. At first she only took about a third of my cock into her mouth, while bobbing her head and swirling her pierced tongue all over my meat.

Damn, she was barely old enough to be a high school dropout, maybe even young enough to still be in junior high, and yet she sucks cock like a talented call girl or porn starlet. Clutching the shaft of my cock in both fists, she kept bobbing her head until her lips touched her left fist. Stimulation from her prowess at fellatio was matched by the visual stimulation of watching a little white jailbait girl perform a blowjob upon a big black cock.

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