Poppy Discovers Her Power Over Men (and Women) - Cover

Poppy Discovers Her Power Over Men (and Women)

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Girls, when was the first time that you realized that boys (or girls of course) were interested in your body? Did it make you feel good? Were you tempted to show them a little more? Come on now, be honest. That's the point where this story starts for young Poppy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Grand Parent   First   Masturbation   .

Before puberty Poppy was a very ordinary girl who did very ordinary girl things and didn’t really give her body a second thought, as long as it was working properly that is.

When she reached puberty though all that changed: she was fascinated by what was happening to her body and regularly spent quite some time naked in front of her full-length mirror checking to see how it was changing.

She would examine her breasts from all angles, cupping and squeezing them to see the effect. They were only small as yet but she loved them dearly. She especially loved the way her nipples had become so sensitive and she would tease them into tiny hard peaks.

And a waist: seemingly all of a sudden she had a waist rather than just her chest going straight down to her hips. Her bottom, which had been tight and dimpled, like a boy’s, was now rounded and wonderfully sensitive to the touch.

Legs, which had been primarily a means of moving rapidly from place to place as she played, normally with scabbed, knobbly knees, grew longer and more slender.

The part that she loved the most though had changed the least, visually anyway. Her pussy now had a light dusting of downy hairs but otherwise looked pretty much the same as it always had done. But the way it felt! No longer simply something to pee with and keep clean, it was an almost constant source of pleasure to her.

She remembered the first time she had discovered the little bump at the top which she only later found out was called her clitoris. Touching it had made her tremble and gasp for air so much that she’d had to stop. But not for long. It was far too nice to stop for long.

All of this was in the privacy of her own room and she was blissfully unaware that other people were also aware of the changes in her, until one day when she was fourteen and a half.

She was staying with her grandparents and wanted Grandpa to take her to the mall. He was busy working on the stupid old car of his and said he wouldn’t but, when he took a break to get a beer, she noticed him staring at her titties. They weren’t very big yet so many times, this day included, she didn’t bother wearing a bra. She was surprised that he was that interested, seeing as how small they were and everything, but he definitely was.

His eyes on her had an interesting effect: it made her tingle a bit down there in the same way she felt when she touched herself. She also had a strange desire to show him a little more: to see if he liked her breasts as much as she did.

She turned her back on him briefly and undid a couple of buttons on her blouse. Then she turned back but in such a way that he’d be able to see one of her breasts through the gap she’d created. She could almost feel his eyes burning into her little tittie.

“I guess I’ll ask Grandma if she’ll take me,” she told him.

“No, no, I’ll take you,” he said with a sigh, as if he were doing her a big favor.

All the way to the mall he kept sneaking glances at her and it made her feel good: the way she could make him do what she wanted just by letting him look at her. Not to mention the way it made her feel to be looked at like a woman and not like a little girl.

Normally on these trips, he would wait in the car but this time he wanted to come with her. He was being much nicer to her as well, and when there was a skirt that she liked, but couldn’t afford, he told her to try it on anyway.

It was much shorter than any skirts she’d had before and Mom and Dad wouldn’t have approved, but when she went out and showed it to Gramps, he smiled.

“Give us a twirl then sweetheart,” he said encouragingly. She spun around a few times, knowing that the skirt would rise up and probably show her knickers. When she looked at Gramps again he was grinning, but then so was the shop assistant, Millie.

“You look gorgeous,” Gramps said. “doesn’t she?” he added, looking to Millie for confirmation.

“Absolutely beautiful,” Millie replied, gazing lovingly at the skirt.

“I’ll buy it as an early birthday gift for you.” he declared, and she was so excited she gave him a big hug to say thank you. He hugged her back, pressing himself against her so firmly that she felt something hard pushing against her tummy.

She’d only just gone into the changing booth when she heard Millie outside the curtain.

“Do you want some help sweetie?”

She didn’t really need it but she thought why not?

“Come on in.”

“Let’s get you out of that,” Millie said kindly and stood behind her and drew the zip down. Then she knelt down and slowly pulled the skirt down her legs. Millie was so close that Poppy could feel her breath on the back of her legs and it made her all goose-bumpy. Then Millie stood up.

“I’ve had an idea. Don’t move,” she told Poppy, who stood there in just her blouse and panties while Millie went off. When she came back she had one hand behind her back.

“Wouldn’t these look so much better with that skirt?” she said, bringing out a pair of silky pink panties from behind her back. There was not very much to them at all, they were proper grownup girls’ naughty panties!

“They’re lovely,” Poppy replied. “but I’m not sure Gramps would pay for those as well.”

“We’ll call them a gift from me. Try them on,” said Millie, gently stroking her arm.

She was looking at Poppy almost hungrily now, like a dog looks at a cookie it wants. Poppy was fairly sure that Millie just wanted to see her with no panties on and was amazed that some women seemed to want to look at her too. On the other hand, the panties in her hand did look very pretty.

Poppy reached out for them but Millie held her other hand out and Poppy guessed it was for her old panties. She turned her back and felt herself blushing as she slipped them off. Then she turned around and handed them over. She was shivering as she stood, naked from the waist down, in front of Millie even though it was quite warm in the changing room.

Millie was looking down at her pussy as she took them. Then she knelt down in front of Poppy and looked up at her face.

“Lift your foot darling and I’ll slip these on,” Millie said, beaming up at her, and then looking directly forward at Poppy’s pussy. As she lifted her foot Poppy felt her pussy lips part a little and, from the expression on Millie’s face, Poppy thought that she wanted to kiss her down there and the crazy idea made Poppy’s pussy tingle wonderfully.

Millie’s soft hands drew the panties up her calf.

“Other leg,” Millie instructed, and her voice sounded strange, almost strangled. Poppy switched legs and Millie drew the panties up her legs agonisingly slowly. Her breath was hot on Poppy’s pussy and the little girl was trembling like a leaf. Her pussy was throbbing now and her earlier idea of Millie kissing her kitty now seemed like a very, very good one.

“So very beautiful,” Millie whispered just before she covered Poppy’s sex with the panties. She smoothed them down at the front, her hands making Poppy quiver as they touched her never-touched-before-by-a-stranger vulva.

She spun the little girl around and adjusted the back meticulously until she was finally happy that they were just so. Poppy loved the feel of the older lady’s hands on her naked bum cheeks and was terribly disappointed when she stopped.

“Perfect,” Millie announced finally, sitting back on her heels to admire the effect. “would you like to wear your new things home?” Poppy could barely speak she was so excited and simply nodded.

Millie helped the shaking girl back into her new skirt and smoothed it down lovingly afterwards setting her off all over again.

When they went out her grandfather was looking a bit confused and even a little cross at how long they’d taken. Poppy looked around to see if there was anyone watching, but there was only Millie paying them any attention. Poppy flipped the back of her skirt up briefly in front of him and saw his face light up and all signs of his anger were gone in an instant.

Her grandpa’s driving was very erratic as he tried to look at her legs as well as her breasts on the way home. Poppy thought that this was pretty funny and couldn’t stop giggling.

When they got back from the Mall Grandma was not very happy though.

“You can’t wear that,” she told her. “your mother would kill me if I let you.”

“Don’t be silly Alice,” Gramps told her, a bit crossly. “all the girls are wearing skirts like that nowadays. She looks lovely.”

Poppy only wore it one more time while she stayed with them in case Grandma got really upset and told her mother.

That day she’d gotten bored and went to find Gramps to see what he was doing. Of course, he was working under his old car. It wasn’t very interesting looking at his feet poking out from under it.

“Hey Gramps, is there anything I can do?” she called to him. He swiveled around on his trolley thing and poked his head out.

“Pass me that hammer over there please dear.” She picked up the hammer from the bench and, as she handed him the hammer, his eyes were glued up her skirt and he had to grope around until she placed it into his hand.

She stood up and moved just far enough away that he couldn’t see much. Gramps hit something under the car.

“Could you get me that wrench?” he asked her, pointing vaguely to his toolbox. Poppy went over to it and pointed to one at random.

“This one?”

“Yes, that’s the one, bring it here would you?” he answered. Poppy was very suspicious. As she took it back to him, she thought that she knew what he was up to: he just wanted to see up her skirt again.

She stood a little way away.

“I know what you really want,” she told him.

“The wrench?” he answered innocently.

“Do you want to know what I really want?”

“What’s that?”

“A silver bracelet, just like Grandma’s, for my birthday.”

“Just for passing me a wrench?”

“We both know it’s not about the wrench,” she told him, and he looked a bit embarrassed but also a bit excited.

“Well I don’t know Poppy they’re kinda expensive...”

Poppy thought for a few moments and had an idea which made her little pussy tremble. She walked a few steps away, reached up under her skirt, and slipped off her panties. She twirled them around on her finger as she walked back so that Gramps could be in no doubt about what she’d done.

“Do we have a deal?” she asked him with a naughty smile. He grinned back.

“We surely do darling.”

She stood next to his head with her legs about a foot apart and handed him the wrench. He took it and placed it on the floor next to him without taking his eyes from her naked bottom and pussy.

She was so excited at the way his eyes were fixed on her sex that she wanted to touch herself, but instead, she just swayed from foot to foot. She couldn’t see what he was up to under the car but his shoulder was shaking and his breathing got very fast. Then he groaned and his face went all sort of scrunched up and then relaxed completely.

“Thanks, Poppy, you’ve been a great ... help. Maybe you’d better get yourself dressed and give Alice a hand in the kitchen. No need to mention any of this ... to anyone.”

When Dad came to pick her up Gramps handed her a small parcel when Grandma wasn’t looking and winked at her. She put it in her bag. A lovely bracelet just for letting him look! It made her wonder if she should have asked for more?

She’d learned some lessons on that trip and deliberately wore her new skirt for the trip home. Before they got in the car she had it as low on her hips as it could get.

“Do you like my new skirt Dad?” she asked him. “Grandpa and Grandma bought it as an early present. He looked a bit dubious but probably figured that he couldn’t object without offending them.

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