Alcoholic’s Daughter - Cover

Alcoholic’s Daughter

Copyright© 2022 by ShadowJack

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is a story about a 15-year-old girl whose dad is an alcoholic. Every Friday, he has friends over to drink. Problems begin to happen when drunk men see a gorgeous teen girl in the house. Then they begin smoking crack…

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Tracy laid on top of the covers with her pants on and the hammer close at hand. She was unable to sleep because of the racket down the hall, but most of all because of the stunning revelation that her dad was smoking crack. It was unbelievable, but she knew it was true, and the thoughts running through her head left the troubled young girl in turmoil.

She must have dozed off. When she awoke, all was quiet and still. Tracy looked outside. Only one other car in the driveway. She opened the door and peeked out. Hammer in hand, she tiptoed down the hall and found her dad stretched out in his recliner. An old drunk who had been coming around for a long time was passed out on the sofa. She was safe. For now, at least.

It was a relief to finally take a shower so she could feel clean again. With the fear of more rape allayed for the time being, the impact of last night’s rape struck home while Tracy was in the shower. She cried, then cried some more when she got in bed. Losing her virginity to some disgusting old drunks, on two consecutive weekends, sickened the disconsolate teen. The thought of her own father becoming a crackhead made it all too much. She finally fell asleep in the gray of the early dawn.

The sound of her father’s car woke her up. Tracy saw him pulling out of the driveway. It was late afternoon. She was grateful not to have a house full of drunks or crackheads ... or potential rapists ... on a Saturday night. Her dad was still out when Tracy went to bed late that night. She worried about another DUI, or what might happen to an older white man in a crack house.

She wanted to talk with her dad about the smoking. But it was the next to last week of the school year. Her schedule included three final exams. All day Sunday, Tracy was busy studying, cramming, preparing. Again on Monday, as soon as she got home from school. So she didn’t talk with her dad again until he sat down for the supper she made on Tuesday.

“Dad, it seemed like some of those new men who came over on Friday were smoking something.”

He shrugged and muttered something about a couple of guys being cigarette smokers. Of course, they had to go outside for that. But she saw men smoking in the house. And it smelled different. He feigned ignorance. By the way...

“I spoke to them boys about what you said.”

She gasped and froze on the spot. The mortified young blonde was unprepared to face this subject.

“They said you gave each of them a blow job...”

She howled with indignation.

“ ... but you’re too young, Tracy, to be doing something like that.”

“Dad?!? I didn’t...”

Flustered and red-faced, she tried to explain what they forced her to do one night and what they did to her the very next night. Embarrassed and unprepared, she sounded unconvincing, even to herself. Doug McConnell acted as though he caught his daughter telling a fib. Noting her obvious discomfort, he tried to be gentle, even as he defended his friends.

“You’re a very pretty girl, honey. A girl like you offers a man a blow job...”

“Dad! Please...”

Tracy hid her face. This had become unbearable.

“ ... even an underage girl, hard for a man to turn that down.”

She was absolutely humiliated. Even before he finished, Tracy stormed from the table and ran to her room. She fell on the bed, crying in outrage and mortified disbelief. Her own father thought she was a whore!

By the time she got home from school on Wednesday, after a long and difficult final exam in English, she was calmer about the whole situation ... and more resolved. Her father loved her, Tracy had no doubt, but he wasn’t going to protect her. She was on her own. The forsaken girl called her Aunt Delores, her dad’s sister, and they finally had the talk. Her aunt had long fretted for her safety and wanted Tracy to move in with her. But that meant starting at a new school, and being far away from her friends, people she knew, and it just seemed too high a price. The recent change in circumstances had changed her mind. She said nothing to Aunt Delores about the rapes, or the crack, even assured her nothing had happened. She was just ready to move out, ready to move in with her aunt. They agreed to meet the Monday after next. She still had one more week of school and the endearing schoolgirl wanted one final weekend with her friends before she left.

And that was that. She was finally moving away. Knowing she would soon be living in a safe environment provided some relief. There remained the risk Tracy would face this weekend, and the next. She might have to run a gauntlet when she got home on Friday. Once she was ready, however, she would stay locked in her room all night. The screen was still off of her bedroom window. Tracy figured she would just pee out of the window. And she had the hammer, just in case.

On Friday, there were complications at school. The final exam in math was sixth period. Not her best subject. At the end of the period, she and several other students were still struggling. The teacher bent the rules and told them they could remain after the bell. Most of them did. Tracy tried to rush, but Algebra was hard, and rushing only caused mistakes. As soon as she finished, she ran for the bus, just in time to see it pulling out of the school parking lot. That meant she had to take the city bus. She was going to be way late getting home. No avoiding it. The flustered girl checked her purse to make sure she had bus fare.

At least she wore jeans instead of a skirt, although the response from the boys might have suggested wearing jeans wasn’t so helpful. For that matter, the leering looks she got from some men on the municipal bus made it clear that seeing Tracy McConnell in a snug-fitting pair of jeans was quite a turn on. The alluring cutie was a nervous wreck by the time she got off the bus.

She walked two blocks home from the bus stop. There were several cars parked in the driveway already; a bad sign. Most of the cars she didn’t recognize. Another bad sign; Tracy remembered seeing a lot of men last week she hadn’t seen before, including all those black guys. She dreaded going inside. But there was nowhere else for her to go. Her heart fluttered as she opened the front door.

When she entered the house, Tracy was dismayed to see nine men in the living room, including three black men. All of them were checking her out. Whistles and grunts, and one man noted the “sweet honey babe” who just joined the party. Her dad chuckled with a friendly “ ... now boys...” As she hustled past the gathered throng, Tracy’s presence elicited more whistles and grunts. One man (a white guy, at least) grabbed her left hand and said, “hey baby...” She snatched her hand back and kept going. The lusty gaze of men who were getting intoxicated followed that shapely young ass as it shimmied down the hall.

She closed the door to her room, locked it, and took a deep breath to steady herself. She needed to move quickly. It was only 5:30. More men were bound to come. Already, it wasn’t safe for her out there beyond her bedroom. Cooler in hand, she left the safety of her room and walked down the hall. Tracy scanned the living room as she neared the doorway to the kitchen, alert to any signs of smoking. She saw none, but she did see a couple of men looking her way. The gorgeous teen accidentally made eye contact with a black man. The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine. She was stocking up for the whole night. With no time to make supper, she needed to be thorough, since late night trips to the kitchen would be too risky. She took the cooler, filled to the max with ice and sodas, down the hall to her room.

She hustled back to the kitchen, avoiding even a glance at the living room, but gasped when she found two men hanging around. Tracy had seen neither man before. Both men looked to be in their thirties, one white and one black. They seemed to just linger, which made the reason for their lingering very nervous. She wanted to steer clear of any interaction. The white man pretended to be looking in the frig and she had to ask him to move. He used that as an opportunity to strike up a conversation. Tracy rebuffed his overtures while she gathered a few things and put them in a small, plastic grocery bag. Unaware he was standing right behind her, checking out the curves outlined by those jeans, the fetching young beauty bumped into him when she turned around. His grin, and the touch of his hand at her hip, heightened her anxiety.

Trying to rush, she had to ask the other man to move so she could get to the cabinet behind him. He wanted her to come hang with them. Tracy stomped her foot and demanded he get out of her way. He suggested a “pretty blonde baby doll” was just what the party needed. She sternly informed him she was only 15. The black man chuckled and moved out of her way. The other guy got a good, long look as he left. Another man entered the kitchen, a more familiar face but someone Tracy disliked intensely. He sauntered over and placed an unwelcome hand on her shoulder. She flinched but he held on and asked about school. Trying to ignore him, she collected her stuff ... three grocery bags ... and turned to leave. The black guy was standing in the middle of the doorway. The impatient girl told him to move. He grinned ... a grin which gave Tracy the creeps ... but barely moved. She gasped with irritation but his lewd smile merely grew bolder. She pushed past him, grimacing as her body unavoidably rubbed against his. She was almost past him when he gave one cheek of her ass a good squeeze. With a startled yelp, she stumbled and spilled one of her bags.

“Them boys ain’t bothering you, are they, honey?”

The blossoming woman-child ignored her useless father. Keeping one eye on the black man still hovering above her, she rushed to retrieve her scattered groceries. Tracy was unaware how much she was putting her figure on display. Poised mostly on her hands and knees, she rocked back and forth while she gathered the scattered items of food. The jeans outlined enticingly her hips and the curves of her ass, as well as the contours of her well-toned thighs. The men who could see Tracy were all eyes. With a nervous glance at the grinning culprit, she stood up, ran to her bedroom, and locked the door. Only then did she breathe.

She heard car doors and peeked through the curtains to look. Tracy saw more men, including a carload of black men, coming to join the party. Her father had never had so many men over. And half these men were black! God, was her home becoming a crack house?!? She shuddered with dread. It felt to the 15-year-old girl like the house was filled with potential rapists.

After a while, she had to pee, now very grateful those men took the screen off for her. It was mortifying, hanging her bare butt out of the window. But the worst part was having nothing with which to wipe.

The next time she had to pee, Tracy decided going to the bathroom was necessary. She had to have some toilet paper. Once she was there, she decided to go ahead and pee, then take the toilet paper back to her bedroom. When she opened the door, she looked and waited, worried that a man might be lurking. But no one was there. Peeking down the hall, Tracy counted a dozen men, but there might be more. A man she could barely see appeared to be smoking something. More reason to worry. Their house was filled with men, including a lot of strangers, and they were doing more than drinking. Back in her room. she was trying to watch TV, but boisterous voices from down the hall kept intruding.

When she had to pee again, the lovely young blonde took off her jeans and put on her glossy yellow nylon pants. That made peeing out of her bedroom window a little easier. When she opened the window, however, she heard voices! Peering out of the window, she saw two men on the small front porch, smoking cigarettes. As she waited for them to go inside, Tracy concluded that the smoking she saw inside must be crack cocaine. Once it was quiet outside, she looked to make sure, then pulled down her pants and panties.

Doug McConnell’s underaged daughter couldn’t get the anxious thought out of her head. Was her dad smoking crack?!?

The party was still going on, a lot later than usual, which added to her anxieties. At least no one had bothered her. She normally wore a T-shirt and panties to bed, but mens’ intoxicated voices down the hall left her feeling vulnerable. Tracy decided to wear the athletic pants to bed. She kept the hammer handy. Tired but uneasy, she tossed and turned for quite a while, but finally fell asleep.

Blinking her eyes, she was all confused, still only half awake. Something was wrong. Tracy didn’t know what it was. She started to sit up ... and her heart skipped a beat. Someone was holding her! The discombobulated girl instinctively tried to squirm loose, only to realize she was being held down by more than one person! Raw terror shot through her mind and body! Tracy’s cry for help was smothered by a hand suddenly clamped over her mouth. A man’s voice told her to keep quiet or she would get hurt. She saw shadows moving around her. Coming unhinged, the terrified young girl tried to break free. She heard more voices.

The bedroom light came on, blinding her, as multiple hands pinned her to the bed. The covers were tossed aside. The nylon pants slid down her legs. Tracy struggled, with muffled squeals of terror, as more hands grabbed her bare legs. By the time she could see, the nubile teen was half-undressed, unable to move, and surrounded by men. Five men, she quickly counted, and they were going to rape her! She heard a familiar but unidentifiable sound. A long strip of duct tape was suddenly pressed over her mouth. In mind-blowing panic, Tracy’s small, slender body bucked wildly in the midst of swarming hands which tugged at her T-shirt, and her panties, until she was completely naked. She was helpless before a group of horny men.

Tracy recognized two of the men, old drunks she had known for a long time, and she tried to make eye contact, to beg them to save her. All she saw were looks of inebriated lust. Then the hands of horny men began to overwhelm her. Hands groped her heaving breasts, more groped her belly, and her thighs, and a hand reached between her legs. Tracy had strong, well-toned legs. Her knees clamped together for dear life. In the clutches of men hot for some teen pussy, eager to get the gang bang started, the young, naked beauty had no chance. Two men each held an arm and a breast. Two others pried her knees apart. The fifth man, a participant in the rape that stole her virginity two weeks earlier, stood at the foot of the bed. His pants were off and he fisted a fully erect penis. She screamed and tossed her head in frantic desperation. Her screams were unheard outside of her bedroom.

Tracy’s first rapist knelt between her outspread knees and caressed the silky smooth skin of her inner thighs. Her muffled scream rose another decibel when a hand reached her pussy. His rummaging fingers pawed at her labia and grazed her clitoris. A dry finger rubbed back and forth on her precious pink. He wet his middle finger, manipulated her inner labia, and began finger-fucking the sensuous young cutie. The unrestrained bucking of her hips merely augmented the action of that intrusive finger. She began to cry as the man got into position. Other men raised her knees above her prostrate form.

With a despairing whimper, Tracy gave in to the inevitability of rape. He fed his cock to some inviting schoolgirl pussy. Securing the head between the lips of her pussy, he clutched Tracy’s ass with his right hand and propped himself up with his left hand. With a grunting thrust, he penetrated deeper, forcing her vagina to yield to its invader. The others got out of his way as the man laid on top of their unwilling sex kitten. His weight squashed her breasts as he grabbed her ass with both hands and burrowed his full length inside her. Fully ensconced, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of her ass, he began fucking Tracy. His face nuzzled next to hers, he grunted with each thrust, and relished the sound of her girlish grunts. Tracy’s tight, young pussy squeezed around the stiff, swollen organ as he thrust in and out with lusty vigor.

Once the fucking began ... once it became clear they were all really going to get some of this luscious young blonde ... the excitement in the room rose to a fever pitch. Four men watched intently, two still holding her arms, all of them licking their lips, while the man who instigated this jail bait gang bang went to town. She sure was a pretty little thing. Those sexy legs were draped over the man’s back while he fucked her. She had a hot little bod.

Two of these men had known Tracy McConnell since she was just a kid. They watched her growing up and spent the past year lusting after her. The others were newcomers, first laid eyes on her last week, but they jumped at the chance to get their dicks wet in this gorgeous young babe. All of them had been drinking this evening, and everyone had smoked at least a little bit of crack cocaine. They knew Doug would object to the ravishment of his underage daughter. So they stepped out front to have a smoke, snuck in the back door, and came back here while he was busy up front drinking and smoking. They wanted to have their fun with her while avoiding any hassle from daddy. So far so good.

Tracy responded with a woeful moan when she felt the first man ejaculating inside her. When he got off of her, the men all around the sexy little schoolgirl got a fresh look at her naked beauty. Long, lustrous blonde hair ... a pretty face, even with the duct tape ... the rise and fall of her ripe young breasts ... her lithe, sinuous legs ... and that patch of blonde hair at her crotch ... all amplified their desire for some of what this schoolgirl had to offer.

The two older drunks, already down to their underwear, did paper-scissors-rock to see who was going next. The winner took off his shorts, and his shirt, and his stiff, bobbing cock led the way. Tracy cried and whimpered as he got on top of her. Kneeling between her thighs, he caressed her breasts, which bounced invitingly with her sobs and rapid breathing. He raised her legs, now gone limp with hopelessness, and let his hands savor more soft, silken skin. Then he laid on top of the 15-year-old girl. He squeezed her buttocks in two eager hands and let his dick find her pussy. When it did, he drove in to the hilt and began fucking her.

The middle-aged man was in carnal heaven. He had lusted after this kid while he watched her blossoming into a sweet, beautiful girl. Now he was fucking her. This was fucking great! He was fucking Tracy McConnell! His gnarly cock was loving some tight young pussy. His bony hands were loving her sumptuous young ass. His hairy chest was enjoying those pert teen titties as they rolled back and forth underneath him. Doug’s little honey was some sweet stuff. As his lust boiled over, and his penis fired away in her belly, he hooted and hollered in orgasmic delight. After he poured his pent-up lust into her, he gave her breasts another squeeze and kissed her cheek.

Another of Doug McConnell’s long-time drinking buddies went next. He was sporting the strongest erection he’d had in years as he crawled on the bed. A bad back made the missionary position difficult for him. He waved another man over and the two of them rolled the bewildered girl onto her stomach. She was squealing up a storm, but the duct tape did its job, and the fourth man restrained her while he hoisted his carnal prize up on her knees. Chuckling under his breath, the highly-aroused alcoholic took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the erotic sensations of a teen girl’s smooth, creamy skin. His hands rubbed and squeezed her sleek, shapely thighs and the firm, round curves of her buttocks. He eyed the shapely outline of Tracy’s figure, from her hips to her shoulders, which were covered by long, tousled blonde hair. He knew this kid had a hell of a body. Seeing it, fondling it, had his dick oozing pre-cum. Best of all was that sweet, blonde pussy. Tracy had only recently turned 15, and the pubic hair outlining her precious pink was soft and downy. He loved a blonde snatch. It had been way too long. Her labia were already slightly parted, and glistening with semen, so he just grabbed hold of her ass and took aim. The young blonde beauty gave him a sexy wriggle of her hips when the head of his dick poked her inner labia. Then another, as his penis plunged into her vagina until he was humping her ass.

For a man who hadn’t gotten laid much in recent years, stroking his cock back and forth in some tight, teen pussy worked wonders with his sex drive. His loins were abuzz with erotic energy. Her steamy enclosure fanned the flames. So did the delightfully soft skin rubbing his legs and his crotch, as well as his groping hands. All the carnal sensations urged him on, fucking her faster and harder, until his bloated belly was popping Tracy’s ass with loud, lewd splats.

As he watched this luscious little cutie getting fucked, the younger man was itching for some sexual action. He raised her up on all fours and ripped the duct tape from her face. A high-pitched wail was cut short when he stuffed her mouth full of meat. Tracy squealed in shock as he began fucking her mouth. The erotic sight of two hard dicks thrusting away inside this curvaceous teen electrified the two men who just then entered her bedroom. No one was departing, and no one noticed the bedroom door was left wide open.

Tracy was aghast, completely blown away by the nightmarish turn of events. No longer was she simply getting fucked ... getting raped ... now she was forced to her hands and knees so two men could take her at the same time! Even as she gagged and slurped on a man’s dick, with another man’s belly smacking her ass, the overwhelmed young girl was aware that more men just entered her room. She was being gang raped! And her bedroom was filling up with men!

All the men filling up her room were intoxicated on alcohol and crack. And all of them were slavering for a chance to stick their dicks inside this very fuckable little vamp. Even the two drunks who just fucked her were hoping to work up another hard-on. Tracy’s enticing figure presented a tantalizing pose. Her beautiful, well-toned legs framed the chubby thighs of the man pounding her pussy. Her firm, buoyant breasts bounced wildly until one was seized in a lusty grip by the man with his dick in her mouth. One of the men who just joined the party was black. The older drunk wasn’t too sure about Doug’s sweet young daughter getting fucked by one of the blacks. The man who organized this sex party, and the two younger men, shrugged off his prejudice. Any man was liable to want some young pussy given the chance.

The man going next took off his pants and shorts. The others saw him picking up a jar of Vaseline. He flashed a big, cheesy grin toward the men gawking at him as he greased the length of his penis.

“I ain’t fucked a woman in her ass in a long while.”

The middle-aged drunk shook his head in disbelief.

“You still ain’t. That sweet little darlin’ ain’t but 15. That’s a cherry teen ass you’re about to stick that thing in.”

The recently deflowered virgin with whom they were partying was now on the receiving end of the ejaculate of two very happy men. One was grinding his crotch against her ass while the other smothered her nose with his pubic hair. Tracy barely had time to collapse on the bed, coughing and moaning in misery, before she was set upon by two more horny men. They quickly subdued her attempt to fight them off, with the man in front shoving her face down on one of her pillows to keep the volume down. Squatting on the back of Tracy’s head, letting her hair caress his balls, he reached underneath and plied her breasts.

The man she couldn’t see knelt between her thighs and leered hungrily at her ass. He took pleasure in kneading the creamy white moons. When he squeezed and separated them, and peered at her crinkled little asshole, his penis twitched with anticipation. The man chuckled as he scooped out some Vaseline. As soon as a greasy finger started probing her, the startled girl emitted a high-pitched scream that would have been ear-splitting were it not for the pillow. He wasn’t preparing her for anal entry. He was simply finger-fucking her ass. Tracy’s frantic wriggling, the ineffectual thrashing of her arms, all the seductive movements of her lithe, naked body, added more excitement to the room. Still no one noticed that her bedroom door was wide open.

Ready to replace his finger with something bigger, the man mashed her buttocks in his eager hands and stroked his penis between them. He chuckled again and urged the “sexy little sweetie” to stop wiggling her ass so he stick his dick in there. Ignoring him, she kept wiggling and squealing as he pressed the head of his dick against her anal opening. He held fast to Tracy’s hips and used his legs to spread hers out even further, hindering her movements. Then he pushed, and pushed harder, until his cockhead popped through. Her shrill scream was muted, but not all that much, and the muffled shrieks kept on as he pushed against her body’s dogged resistance. She was incredibly tight in there. He wanted her anal cherry, but he didn’t want to hurt the little thing, so he stopped pushing once he got half his length in her rectum.

His loins were on fire. His dick was a flamethrower. It felt like the girl’s sphincter was trying to squeeze it off! At least she quit making so much noise. With his hands roaming the warm, soft skin of her ass and thighs, Tracy was reduced to breathless mewling. He gave her a minute, then pulled back until her clenching asshole blocked the head of his dick. Clutching her hips, the highly-aroused man thrust forward, again planting half his length inside her. Baby doll’s sweet teen ass was going to give him a fantastic anal massage. He began fucking her ass.

The black dude laughed at him, then told all the white dudes that wasn’t how you open up a young bitch’s ass. He would show them how. The man was slowly working his cock back and forth in her rectum. Tracy grunted in pain with each thrust. But she no longer resisted the anal rape. The second man was still exercising his hands on her breasts. Her tangled blonde hair tickled his scrotum and his fully-erect penis. Overpowered and overwhelmed by gang rape, the brutalized girl went limp while men did as they pleased with her body. She was too lost in her misery to realize the man butt-fucking her just shot his load.

When he withdrew his nasty meat, Tracy tried to get up, intent on protecting her ass from further abuse. The man still in control of her upper body held firm while another man with a thoroughly lubricated dick climbed aboard. The subjugated young blonde started wiggling snd squealing again when she felt another man’s legs pushing against her inner thighs. She didn’t know the man groping her naked body was black, only that he intended to rape her. When his strong hands began kneading the reddened cheeks of her ass, the beautiful teen became frantic, clawing at the man holding her down. He yanked her arms behind her back and mashed her into the mattress. This hot little cunt was getting fucked and that was all there was to it! With her knees spread so far apart, she could no longer move her hips enough to matter. Tracy felt his hands clutching her ass, pushing both cheeks apart. She cried out in helpless dread when his dick nudged her cum-splattered asshole.

The young crackhead got hard when he first saw this gorgeous white girl last week. Got hard again when she showed up wearing those tight jeans. He had a bulge in his pants when he grabbed at her ass in the kitchen. Now he was going to fuck this schoolgirl ass. Life was good! His long, black cock was poised to penetrate her pink, puckered asshole. His was longer and thicker than the first man to penetrate her ass ... and he wasn’t going to stop halfway.

With the head of his dick perched in the cleft between her buttocks, he grinned at five white men who had already fucked her.

“This is how you open up a young bitch’s ass.”

Black legs pushed against Tracy’s smooth white thighs, giving him room to work. Black hands rubbed the smooth white skin of her ass and hips, then grasped her slim waist. She squealed in a panic as the head poked her anal opening. Her resisting sphincter clenched. This bootylicious teen cutie wasn’t his first anal virgin. With a pronounced grunt, the aroused man pushed against her resistance until the bulbous head tore into her. The sudden sharp pain took her breath away. It returned with low, agonizing groans as the thick meat slowly burrowed into her rectum. His strenuous efforts accentuated by more gravelly grunts, he drove deeper and deeper into her ass. With a final push, the base of his cock disappeared inside her.

The triumphant black man wantonly humped the curvaceous white moons. Her muffled moans of torment were drowned out by the reactions of intoxicated men watching this innocent young beauty take that much hard meat into her tender teen ass. He looked at them with a boisterous laugh.

“Like I was saying...”

He slowly backed out against the resistance of her tenacious sphincter. With one long, determined thrust, he buried his full length in her rectum until he was humping those sweet cheeks again. Then he began fucking Tracy’s ass in earnest. The gaggle of white men witness to this brutal anal rape were blown away. The two older drunks, who had a fondness for ol’ Doug’s sweet little girl despite their readiness to force her into giving up that pussy, were worried he might do some real damage. Yet they were mesmerized by the sight of that big black schlong stroking in and out between those succulent white cheeks.

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