Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

Part 6

Flemington ‘Women Police’ – Teresa Anne Gallagher

Kelly sat back.

She’d been disappointed to find Sandra gone when she woke, But, the young policewoman had half-expected that ‘The Countess’ may have left – she’d showered and ‘cum’ again, recalling the eight or so, hours they’d spent in bed together. Kelly though, was now back at the Flemington Police Station.

Closing her eyes, her mind turned back to her shower. Swirling steam and warm water. She’d been still wearing the ‘borrowed’ policewomen’s uniform shirt as she’d ‘fingered’ herself amidst the steam and cascading water. The shirt still lay in her shower recess. But, she’d managed to sign on in time.

Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue had taunted her. But, Kelly had ignored his insults – ‘Wild Bill’ had boasted of ‘fucking’ both ‘Trainee’ Constable Susie Raynor and her flatmate, but Kelly just ignored him. And, even Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell’s usual cold demeanour failed to upset her. Once more, ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke was to work the Watchouse and that suited her...

What she didn’t know however, was that Candi Lee Williamson had made a complaint earlier in the afternoon – the eighteen year old ‘Head Prefect’ had reported what she had witnessed to Sergeant ‘Bluey’ Wilson. Not that anybody suspected Kelly. Why should they...? As far as anybody at the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ knew, the young blonde policewoman had never meet ‘The Countess’ – fortunately though, the complaint had been passed onto the ‘Women Police’ and both Sergeant Tess Gallagher and Senior Constable Belinda Preston had written the matter off. Candi had mustered all the indignity a spoilt ‘Middle Class’ teenager could, but nobody was going to ‘investigate’ the report.

Kelly Maree O’Rourke had yet to confirm where she now lived to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight, so for the time being, she had once again elided trouble. Not that she knew it at that very moment. Her mind had turned to Sandra – alone in the smaller Watchousekeeper’s Office, she could almost feel the hermaphrodite prostitute’s ‘cock’ back inside her as she stared at the front door in anticipation...

For almost two hours, Kelly had attended to what was required of her. There’d been three telephone calls, but nobody had come through the front door since before the start of her shift. As the Nightshift Watchousekeeper, she had paperwork to do – Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue having added some of his own to his young colleague’s workload. And so, Kelly had lost herself in work. That was until she glanced at the latest Victoria Police Gazette over a cup of coffee. Nobody had mentioned the schoolgirl’s earlier report of a policewoman giving some black hermaphrodite a ‘blow job’ in Ascot Vale to ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke. But, nor had they mentioned what she now read. Much to her surprise, the gazette listed Constable D. E. McKinley as being appointed to the ‘Uniform Branch’ at Flemington. Deirdre Elaine McKinley was to work with her former ‘roomie’ from the Glen Waverley ‘Police Training Academy’ – Kelly was no longer the only ‘General Duties’ policewoman at Flemington!

Kelly Maree O’Rourke hesitated. She wasn’t quite sure how she should feel...?

What would Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight say...? Did anybody at Flemington know that they’d once shared a bed at the Academy? In one sense, Kelly was glad that she was no longer the only police ‘cunt’ at the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ – she however, wished that she’d had an opportunity to warn ‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley as to what she was getting herself into...

Kelly had seen ‘Dash’ in some time. It had probably been six months or so, since they’d last spoken.

Deirdre Elaine McKinley had also been attached to the Melbourne District ‘Traffic and Patrol’ Division.

But, their rosters never allowed them to work together, despite a request to ‘Acting’ Sergeant Lindy Schroeder – now it now seemed to Kelly, they might have a chance to work together...? Maybe...?

All she had to do was make sure that she wasn’t ‘dismissed’ from the Victoria Police in the meantime.

Maggie and Joanna were enjoying a few rostered days ‘off’ and so; Kelly had nobody to keep an eye on her...


Kelly continued to gaze across the foyer at the front door in thought.

She had finished her paperwork. But still had some of Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue’s to do – the Nightshift ‘Duty Officer’ had been called to the Northcote Police Station and was unlikely to check on ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke and the Flemington Police Station, so the young ‘General Duties’ policewoman knew that she’d be on her own for some time. Her hope, was that Sandra might visit again...? Her worst case scenario was Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch joining her at home again in the morning...

Kelly heard the rear door open. Upstairs, Cassandra Nicholson was cleaning the Flemington ‘Criminal Investigation Branch’ Office – the thirty year old was the estranged wife of ‘Acting’ Sergeant Anderson Nicholson, but still held the contract with the Victoria Police as Cleaner at Flemington. It had occurred to Kelly, that Cassandra was working back late, but she rarely spoke to the young policewoman. Kelly Maree O’Rourke couldn’t quite understand why...? But, even the Cleaner treated her with disdain.

She heard footsteps. Kelly had all but forgotten about the ‘Women Police’ Division.

Cassandra’s wasn’t required to clean the ‘Women Police Office. An hour earlier, Kelly had locked the gate to the car park – it was part of her duties as the Watchousekeeper on Nightshift – she’d assumed that the ‘Women Police’ Office was deserted. And so, she hadn’t bothered to check.

Sergeant Clive ‘Killer’ Caldwell and Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue were working the ‘Divvy Van’ once again. They had left the station early and that had been a relief. Instinctively however, Kelly knew it was a policewoman.

The police radio crackled. Nothing important. Yet another routine car check.

Kelly stood up. Sergeant Tess Gallagher appeared in the doorway.


Tess hesitated.

“Sergeant Gallagher...” Kelly greeted – Teresa Annette Gallagher she’d been assured, was somebody, who could be trusted. Nonetheless, Constable Maggie Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish however, had cautioned the young blonde policewoman to be discreet. Tess was on the outer. And, their new ‘Officer in Charge’ at the ‘Women Police’ Division who was threatening to purge the Flemington Police Station of Sergeant Tess Gallagher and most of the other female police officers,

“I didn’t realise that you were still here, Sarge?”

“Constable O’Rourke...” Tess acknowledged,

“You alone then, Kelly?” the older blonde asked – Kelly shook her head. Cassandra was still upstairs,

“Not quite, Sergeant Gallagher...” she muttered. Tess now heard movement on the first floor...

“Seems, Cassandra’s working back later too?”

“ ... is there something wrong, Sarge?” Kelly then wondered – the older policewoman shrugged.

Once again, the police radio crackled. There was an old loudspeaker above the front counter.

“Sergeant Gallagher...?” prompted Kelly. The smile disappeared from Tess Gallagher’s face,

“We need to have a little talk, Constable O’Rourke?”


Kelly sat back down in the comfortable chair provided for the Watchousekeeper.

“Have I done something wrong, Sergeant Gallagher...?” she asked in a hushed tone – Tess joined her in the small Watchousekeeper’s Office...

“Sandra Murdoch, Kelly?”

Tess positioned herself at the front counter. With her back to the foyer and front door, she leant back comfortably against the counter. Unfortunately for Kelly, Tess had inadvertently positioned herself where ‘The Countess’ had stood some twenty-four hours earlier,

“Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch?”

Kelly was stunned. She opened her mouth to respond, but words failed her.

Tess smiled. She glanced back at the front door – Kelly had no idea what to say...?

Teresa Annette Gallagher knew. Or, so it seemed to ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke – had she been betrayed by ‘The Twins’...?

She couldn’t see why Maggie or Joanna would have told Tess about ‘The Countess’ and her?

“So, it was you huh...?” enquired Tess.

Kelly hesitated...

“You’re living in Ascot Vale, Constable O’Rourke?” Tess queried.

The young Watchousekeeper nodded without speaking – she had no idea what to say...?

Officially, Kelly was listed as still residing at ‘The Mayfair’ Apartments in St. Kilda. But, there was a standing requirement that she live within the local area, so technically the twenty-two year old was complying with Victoria Police Regulations. Flemington, Newmarket, Kensington and Ascot Vale constituted the Flemington sub-district.

“We had a report earlier today, you see...?” Tess continued – her tone was now softer and far more understanding,

“Some schoolgirl complained that a female cop was ‘blowing’ a black shemale in an Ascot Vale alley this morning, Constable O’Rourke?”

Kelly didn’t need to speak. Her red face betrayed her.

She’d all but forgotten about what Sandra had told her about the voyeuristic schoolgirl in the alley,

“Don’t worry, the report’s going nowhere...” Tess assured the young blonde policewoman at last.

“Thankyou...” mouthed Kelly. There was a moment of silence.

Even the sounds of Cassandra cleaning the ‘Criminal Investigation Branch’ Office upstairs, had faded away – Wellington Street was deserted. Kelly bit her lip. Closed her eyes.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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