Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

Part 2

Margaret Ann Doyle

“Hello...?” sighed Maggie.

The telephone had rung at last.

And, Constable Maggie Doyle was now the Watchousekeeper at the Flemington Police Station.

“Flemington Police Station...?”

The twenty-five year old blonde policewoman sat by the window.

The opaque glass prevented her from seeing outside. Wellington Street was deserted at this hour.

And, there would’ve been little to see in the dark and heavy rain.

In her mind however, all Maggie could see was Sandra and Joanna. She had reluctantly left her girlfriend with ‘The Countess’ and ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke in the ‘Women Police’ Office – Margaret Ann Doyle for better or worse, was now alone in the Flemington Police Station.

“Constable O’Rourke...” lied Maggie convincingly. She would have to pretend to be Kelly.

A façade she thought prudent in the circumstances.

Staring at the ‘Miss Victoria Police’ poster on the noticeboard, Maggie smiled to herself...

“What seems to be the problem tonight?” she asked – it was a woman calling on the telephone.

Maggie had left the ‘Women Police’ Office almost thirty minutes earlier...

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke had been lying across Senior Sergeant Monica Draper’s desk as ‘The Countess’ contentedly performed cunnilingus on the young ‘general duties’ policewoman – an entrée for what Maggie knew was to follow. She’d been tempted to stay. Take a chance. And watch.

Margaret Ann Doyle knew that it would been far too risky. Along with both Joanna and Kelly, she was in too much trouble already to take any more chances – if they were caught, it would cost them all dearly.

Kelly would be dismissed. ‘Disgraced’ and possibly brought before the Police Disciplinary Board or Flemington Magistrates Court. Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight would be rid of his new ‘cunt’ – the twenty-two year old blonde possibly offered to Rebecca ‘;Becky’ Campbell as a sacrificial offering...?

It had happened with Senior Constable Rhonda Williamson. She’d been forced to be a prostitute.

The best that Joanna could hope for was little better. Resignation or the Police Disciplinary Board.

Persona non grata within her own family, Maggie would be forced from the Victoria Police as well...

“I think,” assured Maggie, “That we can soon sort that out for you, a later this morning if you like?”

She fumbled for a pen - like most policewomen, she usually had a pen clipped to the front of her shirt,

“Address please...?” she asked. Just what the woman on the telephone would’ve thought if she’d known ‘Constable O’Rourke’ was playfully ‘wanking’ herself as they spoke, would’ve been interesting?

Maggie couldn’t help herself. Her mind was filled with vivid images of Joanna and ‘The Countess’...

“Thank you again, ma’am...” the transsexual seated beside her.

It was nothing too urgent. A suspiciously parked car beside the Newmarket Railway Station.

“I’ll send the van as soon as I can...?” Maggie promised. There was no rush.

Kelly could check the vehicle’s registration on the telex later. If that raised a question or two, ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke could pass it onto the ‘Divvy Van’ to investigate,


It was then that, the conversation turned salacious – Maggie hesitated. Had she heard the woman correctly...?

The female voice had changed slightly. Less tentative. Far more assertive now...

“What did you say?” Maggie queried.

“You heard me...?” the caller responded – Maggie hesitated again. She hadn’t bothered to ask the woman’s name,

“You wearing panties?”


“It’s a simple question, Miss O’Rourke?” snapped the voice.

Maggie glanced up at the ceiling. She bit her lip. For almost ten minutes, she’d been happily ‘fingering’ herself as she sat alone in the small Watchousekeeper’s office,

“You’re in fuckin’ uniform, aren’t you...?”


“Are you wearing any fuckin’ panties under your skirt, Miss O’Rourke?” the woman demanded to know,

“N-No...” replied Maggie. There was a moment of stunned silence.

Pulling her hand from beneath her tracksuit pants, Maggie sat back in her chair and stared across the counter at the front door to the Flemington Police Station. It was still locked,

“I’m not wearing any fuckin’ knickers if you should know...?” continued Maggie,

“Nor am I wearing a uniform skirt – is that what you wanted to know?”


“And, if you really need to know,” Maggie admitted, “I’m all alone here ‘playing’ with myself too?”

The phone suddenly went dead. The anonymous woman had hung up.

The policewoman’s confession had been too much for her,

“Who would’ve thought huh...?”

Maggie had heard of such telephone calls to policewomen. But, this was her first...

She could scarcely believe that it had happened. Maggie raised her hand. Her longer fingers were wet with her own ‘pussy’ – she licked at her fingers and looked at the rough handwritten note in front of her. The moment was lost. She’d not been all that far off an ‘orgasm’ when the telephone had rung.

The twenty-five year old blonde needed a coffee. The thought of some of Senior Sergeant Monica Draper’s ‘Red Label’ had been tempting, but the Johnny Walker was still back in the ‘Women Police’ Office – Maggie knew that ‘The Black Widow’ would’ve suspected her of drinking ‘on duty’ if she had noticed some of her Scotch missing, so it was another risk, she wasn’t prepared to take. Not tonight.

Maggie breathed a sigh of relief. Taken aback by the brazen telephone call, she no longer pictured Joanna with Sandra in her mind – nor could she see Kelly either...?

With the front door locked, she could make herself a coffee in the adjacent kitchenette.

But, she would have to make do with ‘International Roast’ rather than her usual Moccona,

“Joanna ain’t ever going to believe me...?” Maggie whispered to herself – she stood up.

Kelly had completed all the routine paperwork required of a Watchousekeeper on Nightshift.

That was at least something. Pausing, she glanced at the front door and tugged at her sleeve.

Maggie never felt completely happy unless Joanna was with her. But then, she remembered what her girlfriend had said earlier, about catching the young blonde policewoman ‘fingering’ herself in the toilet,

“There’s something going on with Kelly...?” the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ asked herself.

Kelly had been ‘fingering’ herself earlier in the toilet, and Joanna had caught her. Not that Constable Joanna Parrish would’ve said anything. ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke had no idea that she had been caught. And, Maggie wasn’t about to make it any worse for the young blonde policewoman.

There was no doubt that, the constant humiliation she was being subjected to by the likes of Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight, Sergeant ‘Bluey’ Wilson and Sergeant Clive ‘Killer’ Caldwell was beginning to take a toll on the inexperienced twenty-two year old. But, that was nothing unique to Flemington.

There were many policewomen now working ‘General Duties’ at a suburban ‘Uniform Branch’ now.

And, was unlikely that they too, had all been unanimously greeted with enthusiasm by their new ‘male’ colleagues – sexism was nothing new in the Victoria Police. So, what was going on with Kelly...?

Pausing a little longer by the large Watchousekeeper’s desk, Maggie found herself admiring her own reflection in the window. It was not vanity. But, the image she was looking at seemed to be somebody different...? A blonde. And, a policewoman. The distinct short-sleeved uniform shirt of a female police officer suggested nothing else. It now occurred to Maggie, that it had been remarkably easy for ‘The Countess’ to seduce ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke into giving her a ‘blow job’ earlier – certainly, the risk that she took at the front counter, suggested a certain desperation...?

After all, ‘fellatio’ was still against the law. Prescribed as ‘Gross Indecency’ under the old Crimes Act.

Alone with her thoughts, Maggie sat back down. She’d changed her mind about a coffee for now – it was still raining outside, and the twenty-five year old blonde felt quite alone. It felt as if the Flemington Police Station was a thousand miles from anywhere as Maggie sat back comfortably in the chair again.

Maggie had all but forgotten about the anonymous woman on the telephone.

Toying with the collar of her uniform shirt, she stared across the counter at the front door once more.

The crisp pale-blue fabric caressed lightly at her skin – the temperature still a surprising twenty-seven degrees Celsius as she gazed through the locked door at the rain in Wellington Street. Kelly Maree O’Rourke was a policewoman. So, she was very much a member of an exclusive ‘sisterhood’ and that meant Maggie felt a certain sense of responsibility towards the young ‘general duties’ policewoman. It had been rumoured, that the all-female ‘Women Police’ Division was to be disbanded as outdated. So, that meant Maggie and Joanna transferring to a ‘Uniform Branch’ or the ‘Traffic Operations Group’ for they were too junior for either the ‘Criminal Investigation Branch’ or something else. Maggie saw a bit of herself in Kelly. But, that still didn’t explain the young blonde’s almost uncontrollable libido...?

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