Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

’Operation Crime Beat’ had not quite been intended by Inspector Maree D’Constanzo, as a means by which ‘Probationary Constable Kelly O’Rourke could ‘cum’ at the hands of Annie Anderson – nor had the ambitious ‘Divisional Inspector’ really wanted ‘Trainee’ Constable Susie Raynor and ‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley to both enjoy an hour’s illicit ‘fuck’ with two local prostitutes for that matter either. All things considered however, that had been the only tangible result. Maree had insisted on a ‘Foot Patrol’ and that had been what the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ had supplied...

A train rumbled passed. It was the first train that Deirdre had heard since arriving at ‘The Paragon’ Café even though the railway line passed by on the other side of Eastwood Street not twenty metres from where she now stood. It seemed like hours ago that she’d walked through the rear door with Kelly...? Beside her, ‘Trainee’ Constable Susie Raynor stood – the older blonde policewoman dazed after being mercilessly ‘fucked’ by ‘Charlotte the Harlot’ on the bed in the rear store room. Her uniform shirt was knotted about her waist. And, she would need to be taken home, for Susie was in no fit state to go anywhere on her own. Deirdre Elaine McKinley had ‘cum’ several times too. But, both ‘Juicy Lucy’ and ‘Charlotte the Harlot’ had been astute enough, to know that both ‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley and ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke were soon expected back at the Flemington Police Station. Deirdre though, was content to enjoy her coffee. A strong cup of coffee with a little Irish whiskey added compliments of Annie Anderson. And, as she savoured her coffee, Susie and the waitress kissed – the waitress having offered to take the ‘trainee’ policewoman home...

“So then...?”

Annie stood the other side of the counter from the young brunette policewoman.

“You’re working for Barry McKnight too, Deirdre?”

Deirdre nodded. It had all happened so fast.

The application. The confirmation of her transfer to the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ in the Gazette.

And then, she was working again with her former ‘roomie’ from the Glen Waverley ‘Police Training Academy’ – the Watchouse and then ‘Foot Patrol’ with Kelly Maree O’Rourke...

“I can’t quite believe it myself, Miss Anderson...?”

Toying with the collar of her uniform dress, the proprietor of ‘The Paragon’ nodded.

In the rear store room, ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke was being ‘fucked’ by Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch – the half-caste Aboriginal hermaphrodite having taken her young blonde police ‘cunt’ on the large bed as ‘Juicy Lucy’ Cunningham and ‘Charlotte the Harlot’ McNamara watched,

“Well, you do know,” Annie assured her, “That you’re always welcome in here, don’t you, Deirdre?”


Susie and the waitress continued to kiss. Bot\h seemingly oblivious to Annie and Deirdre...

“Though I don’t think ‘The Black Widow’ is too happy about the ‘Women Police’ coming here?”


That much Deirdre did know,

“Nor, Maree D’Constanzo either?” she cautioned. Annie shrugged.

She had suspected the new ‘Divisional Inspector’ might make trouble for her,

“We rarely see the local ‘Pigs’ in here, Deirdre – they like to drink at the ‘Doutta Galla’ Hotel, you see?”

“So then...?” suggested the brunette policewoman. Pausing a moment, she placed her now empty cup on the counter before reaching up to take a hold of her shirt collar. Her policewoman’s uniform shirt was unbuttoned almost to her waist, revealing that wore no bra,

“Is it just this then, Miss Anderson?”

Annie reached across the counter and took hold of the front of Deirdre’s shirt,

“A policewoman’s uniform that allows us in here huh...”

Annie pulled the brunette policewoman closer,

“Something like that...” she replied, before kissing Deirdre on the lips.

In the far corner, the Nurse and the Businesswoman were kissing again.

‘Charlotte the Harlot’ and ‘Juicy Lucy’ were watching ‘The Countess’ with Kelly in the store room.

And, Sergeant Tess Gallagher was alone at the table by the window.

Constable Maggie Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish were back at the ‘Women Police’ Office, keeping Senior Sergeant Monica Draper busy with nothing – Teresa Annette Gallagher needed a moment’s peace. And, she needed a coffee. ‘The Black Widow’ had been causing Tess grief all morning,


Deirdre Elaine McKinley savoured the moment. She had no problem kissing Annie.

But then again, she’d had no real problem kissing Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch or both ‘Juicy Lucy’ Cunningham and ‘Charlotte the Harlot’ McNamara – ‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley had long known the almost aphrodisiac-like effect a policewoman’s uniform could have on a prostitute,


Their lips parted. Annie closed her eyes and uttered a barely aubible sigh.

A dribble of saliva hung between her lips and those of the young brunette policewoman,

“You can rely on us, Miss Anderson...?”

Annie opened her eyes but said nothing...

“You don’t have to worry about Barry McKnight or ‘The Black Widow’ nor Maree D’Constanzo?” Deirdre vowed – she glanced across at Sergeant Tess Gallagher.

“We’ll make sure,” Deirdre assured Annie, “That there’s no fuckin’ trouble?”

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