Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

The front door to the Flemington Police Station was still locked.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke had switched the PABX system so that any incoming calls could be answered from the ‘Women Police’ Office if necessary – her only real concern though, was Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell. But, she was certain that, he wouldn’t return for some time yet. Kelly Maree O’Rourke had worked the Nightshift with Clive ‘Killer’ Caldwell long enough, to learn his habits. It was a risk. And, the young blonde knew it. Nonetheless with everything else that had happened already, it seemed a risk worth taking...

“Maggie...” greeted Sandra.

Maggie positioned herself between Sandra and Kelly.

“We were beginning to wonder if we’d see you tonight, Sandra?”

‘The Countess’ continued to dry herself with the towel that Maggie had given her.

Maggie turned to Kelly – reaching up, she lightly caressed at the younger blonde policewoman’s cheek with her fingertips and offered Kelly a reassuring smile,

“Constable O’Rourke...?”

Kelly acknowledged the greeting with a nod. She still didn’t quite know what to say...?

Her face was still smeared in a little of Sandra’s ‘cum’ - covered in her ‘cum’...

“I think,” suggested Maggie, “You might need a clean uniform shirt, Constable O’Rourke?”

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke responded with a muffled sigh. Her shirt was a mess.

Sopping wet. The translucent pale-blue fabric clinging to her glistening alabaster skin after the walk through the rain to the ‘Women Police’ Office,

“Thanks...” she whispered to the blonde policewoman.

“Is that what I think it is, Kelly?” enquired Maggie,


The older policewoman lowered her hand. Sandra smiled. Confirmation of what had occurred at the front counter only ten minutes earlier – Maggie took a hold of Kelly, pulling the twenty-two year old a little closer. Leaning forward, she licked at the last of the ‘;cum’ on the younger blonde’s mouth,

“That is ‘cum’...?”

Kelly opened her mouth to respond, but thought better of it.

She knew it was pointless to deny it...

“You really should’ve stood in the rain a little longer, Kelly?”

“Maggie...?” protested Joanna, admonishing her girlfriend.

“So then, did she give satisfaction?” Maggie asked Sandra,

“That’s really none of your business, Constable Doyle, is it now...?” The hermaphrodite responded,

“But, I think you can be satisfied that your little fuckin’; conspiracy has worked well, Maggie?” added ‘The Countess’ – pressing her mouth to Kelly’s waiting lips, Maggie kissed the young blonde...

Joanna mouthed an obscenity. The brunette had never been able to disguise the jealousy she felt...

“Seems, I owe you a debt of thanks too...?” Sandra said to Joanna. They both watched the two blonde policewomen kiss – Kelly now lost in the moment like Maggie,

“It was my pleasure, Sandra...” the brunette policewoman assured ‘The Countess’ with a sigh.

Sandra’s knotted white shirt was just as wet and transparent, as Kelly’s pale-blue uniform shirt.

The half-caste Aboriginal’s long dark hair hung down either side of her face – Sandra’s white shirt accentuated the hermaphrodite prostitute’s dark complexion. And, her skin glistened in the harsh fluorescent light of the small ‘Women Police’ Office, like that of Kelly. ‘The Countess’ knew only too well, that she’d been set up. Not that it concerned her all that much, for it was not the first time that Sandra had made such a nocturnal ‘visit’ to the Flemington ‘Women Police’ – Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch was just curious as to why...?

Joanna stood up. Her uniform shirt loose over her dark-blue policewoman’s uniform skirt.

As usual, the brunette wore dark-blue stocking in lieu of the issue pantyhose. And, she was barefoot,

“We were wondering where you’d got to, Sandra...?” Joanna teased. ‘The Countess’ smiled...

“It is I who should be ‘thanking’ you, Sandra?” added Joanna. She tried to ignore Maggie and Kelly,

“After all, you have been very good to Maggie and me, ‘Mistress Sandra’ – we owe you much...?”

Joanna walked over to where Sandra stood by the door – Maggie and Kelly continued their tender kiss.

Joanna Louise Parrish had no doubt, that ‘The Countess’ had just been given a ‘blow job’ by Kelly...

“So it seems only fair, doesn’t it now...?” the brunette whispered. She took the towel from Sandra.

Constable Joanna Parrish suspected that the hermaphrodite may have ‘fucked’ the young ‘General Duties’ policewoman too, but decided against asking ‘The Countess’ – she began to dry Sandra’s hair,

“We need you to trust us in this, Sandra?” Joanna explained. ‘The Countess’ listened closely...

“Seems, ‘The Black Widow’ is a little suspicious of you too – much like Barry McKnight, you see?”

Sandra nodded. Joanna began to towel down the hermaphrodite’s left arm – not that she could do much about Sandra’s wet shirt. Nonetheless, ‘The Countess’ said nothing as Joanna spoke,

“We need to keep our distance from you, Sandra?” Joanna suggested. Sandra nodded again.

“And, we need you to take care of Constable Parrish here too, if you understand what I’m saying?”

“Y-Yes...” replied Sandra. It all made sense.

Maggie’s lips slid away from those of Kelley – the twenty-two year old blonde groaned.

She could scarcely believe that Constable Maggie Doyle had just kissed her.

“Just don’t break her, Sandra...?” Joanna purred. It was a joke.

Sandra had carte blanche to do what she wanted with Kelly Maree O’Rourke,

“What have you been up to Sandra?” Maggie then asked – ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke looked stunned. Joanna began to dry Sandra’s other arm...

“Constable Doyle...” Sandra replied, glancing at Kelly over Maggie’s shoulder,

“I rather think,” hissed Sandra, “You know exactly what we’ve been fuckin’ up to?”

Joanna giggled. Maggie pulled Kelly over to where ‘The Countess’ stood...


It was Kelly talking,

“I have a favour to ask, M-Maggie?”

The older blonde policewoman hesitated,

“What is it, Kelly...?” asked Joanna.

Pausing, the young blonde took hold of Sandra’s arm,

“Constable O’Rourke...?” prompted Maggie...

“I will do ‘anything’ you want, Constable Parrish?” continued Kelly,

“Anything at all, Constable Doyle...?” she vowed, cuddling into ‘The Countess’...

“I want Sandra to ‘fuck’ me?”

Maggie looked at Joanna – somebody would need to take care of the Watchouse...?

They couldn’t deny Kelly...

“Please?” begged the young blonde. ‘The Countess’; remained silent.

There was really no need for her to say anything.

Reaching up with her free hand, she carefully brushed the hair from her eyes with her long fingers.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke opened her mouth to speak again, but words failed her...

“You delicious little ‘slut’...” Maggie observed. Kelly smiled nervously.

She knew Maggie and Joanna by their reputation alone. On her very first day at Flemington, she’d been warned by both Sergeant ‘Bluey’ Wilson and Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight about ‘The Twins’ as Constable ‘Blondie’ Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish were often referred to by the ‘Uniform Branch’ – her new ‘Officer in Charge’ may have loathed ‘female’ police officers, but he had an almost pathological dislike of Maggie and Joanna in particular. Kelly Maree O’Rourke had also been told by Senior Sergeant Monica Draper to stay clear of ‘The Twins’ too.

Margaret Ann Doyle was the daughter of a well-known Detective.

But, that had not impressed ‘The Black Widow’ or Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight.

Neither had her recent ‘Chief Commissioner’s Certificate’ been well received at Flemington.

Joanna Louise Parrish however, was the daughter of a notorious ‘Pimp’ and former prostitute.

She was regarded as little more than a ‘whore’ herself. A prostitute in a policewoman’s uniform.

Her recent District Commendation and ‘Chief Commissioner’s Certificate’ had also been greeted with scepticism – ‘The Black Widow’ less than impressed with her predecessor at the Flemington ‘Women Police’ Division, over seeking recognition for what ‘The Twins’ had achieved, Her vendetta included Sergeant Tess Gallagher now. Teresa Annette Gallagher had only been the temporary ‘Officer in Charge’ and Senior Sergeant Monica Draper wanted rid of her too...

Tess had tolerated Maggie and Joanna. She had turned a ‘blind eye’ to Sandra Murdoch as well.

And to a certain extent, had been able to curb Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight’s obsession with having the ‘Women Police’ disbanded – ‘The Black Widow’ had rendered most of Sergeant Tess Gallagher’s efforts at the Flemington Police Station, null and void. Monica seemed more intent on conducting her own unofficial ‘Witch Hunt’ within the Flemington ‘Slut Squad’ than just about anything else; much to the disgust of her policewomen. The irony was, that Senior Sergeant Monica Draper was bi-sexual. So, the general consensus was ‘The Black Widow’ was jealous...?

That was the new reality at the Flemington ‘Women Police’ Division.

“Maggie...?” prompted Joanna. The brunette took a step backwards.

Constable Maggie Doyle tugged at the sleeve of her uniform shirt.

Like most policewomen, her shirt was a size too small.

She had neatly-rolled the sleeves even shorter, like both Kelly and Joanna.

And just like the other two policewomen, she wore her shirt with the collar pressed flat.

Tucked neatly beneath her short collar, Maggie wore a silver chain lanyard around her neck, to which was attached her ‘Victoria Police’ ID badge. For an instant, the glistening badge caught Sandra’s eye,

“Why don’t you take care of the Watchouse...?” suggested Joanna.

There were no prisoners to worry about. And, Maggie had done it before.

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