Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

It had started to rain again. Not heavy. Just a light drizzle that did nothing to cool the temperature.

Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell had declined Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue’s offer. She’d simply taken custody of Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch and left the two young policewomen. It seemed to be the prudent thing to do – there could be embarrassing questions asked about both ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke and ‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley. Not that it really concerned her if there was ‘trouble’ at the Flemington Police Station. But, she didn’t want Kelly or Deirdre caught up in anything. However, her sympathy towards the two younger policewomen had surprised her. Ironically, she’d spent much of the previous day ‘fucking’ Sergeant Tess Gallagher from the local Flemington ‘Women Police’ Division, so that was how she’d rationalised her feelings towards Kelly Maree O’Rourke and Deirdre Elaine McKinley. And, she had that loyalty to Sandra too. Kelly was Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch’s erstwhile ‘girlfriend’ and that meant something to Rebecca too.

Certainly, she cared very little if Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight was caught up in any ‘Toe Cutters’ Investigation. As far as ‘Mistress Rebecca’ was concerned, the Victoria Police would be better off without him. Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue too. So, it was no real surprise that she had telephoned the ‘Women Police’ Office as soon as she arrived home. Sandra was asleep on the sofa.

Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell had the number for a direct line to Sergeant Tess Gallagher’s desk...


Tess sounded tired. And, Rebecca could hear female voices in the background,



“I need a favour later this morning, Sergeant Gallagher?”

“You will bring Constable O’Rourke home, Tess – Constable McKinley too, understand?”

“Y-Yes...?” Tess had agreed.

“Constable Maggie Doyle as well?” Rebecca continued...

“Constable Joanna Parrish too...?”

“But...?” Tess queried. ‘Mistress Rebecca’ was not about to take ‘No’ from Teresa Annette Gallagher,

“Any other policewoman as well...?” added Rebecca,

“And, I’ll make sure you enjoy something fucking ‘special’ today, Sergeant Gallagher?”

“In uniform?” Tess asked. Sprawled over the sofa lounge, Sandra opened an eye...

“In uniform...” the ‘Madam’ confirmed – ‘The Countess’ smiled.

Exhausted, the last thing the half-caste Aboriginal hermaphrodite remembered was Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue offering ‘Mistress Rebecca’ both Kelly Maree O’Rourke and Deirdre Elaine McKinley,

“We have much to discuss, Sergeant Gallagher?”

Rebecca then hung up her telephone. She had no doubts Tess would follow her instructions.

“I rather think...” Rebecca then suggested – she was talking to ‘The Countess’...

“Constable O’Rourke will be good for you, S-Sandra?”

Sandra nodded. She had gone AWOL for almost forty-eight hours.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, she’d been arrested. ‘The Countess’ knew exactly just what ‘Mistress Rebecca’ was saying – she needed something stable in her life and Kelly Maree O’Rourke offered that,

“So don’t go fucking this up, will you...?”

.Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley hesitated.

It all still seemed so surreal. Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell had left for home an hour earlier. And, Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue had followed him, well before the official ‘sign off’ time of seven. If nothing else, the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ was proving to be different to anything that Deirdre had ever previously experienced within the Victoria Police.

Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight, Sergeant ‘Bluey’ Wilson, Sergeant ‘Kev’ Kavanagh and Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell. – the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ was their male fiefdom. Rules no longer applied.

Senior Constable ‘Johnno’ Johnston and ‘Trainee’ Constable ‘Mick’ Maloney had yet to return.

But, Senior Constable Nathan McKenzie and both Constable ‘Matt’ Farnsworth and Constable Jack Finlayson had arrived to work the Morning Shift on time. That at least was something.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke joined the brunette at the kerb on Wellington Street.

She wore a ‘borrowed’ uniform shirt – Deirdre had tried her best to clean up the blonde after ‘The Countess’ had ‘cum’ all over her in the Watchousekeeper’s Office, but it had been a hopeless task,

“So what now...?” Deirdre wondered. Kelly took a hold of the brunette’s arm,

“You don’t have a car, do you?” Deirdre asked Kelly – the blonde policewoman shook her head.

It had been raining. But for now, it was clear. Thirty degrees Celsius and sunny,

“Five minute walk to Newmarket Railway Station – five minute train ride to Ascot Vale huh...?”

“And, another five minute walk to my place, Deirdre...” responded Kelly. They lingered a moment.

Deirdre Elaine McKinley however, could not quite believe what had happened.

Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch and ‘Mistress Rebecca’ Campbell.

Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue too...

“And, you live behind ‘Mistress Rebecca’ eh...?”


Deirdre thought of inviting Kelly to move in with her and Susie, but thought better of it,


It was just after seven o’clock in the morning.

Kelly shouldered her issue handbag. She rook a long deep breath.

Deirdre turned, glancing back at the front door of the Flemington Police Station,

“No time like the present, Deirdre?”

In her issue handbag, she had stuffed her ‘dirty’ uniform shirt.

Kelly had not managed to do much more than ‘splash’ a little cold water over her face.

She would have to wait until she got home to shower.

The last thing however, that she wanted was to sleep,

“Sandra will be waiting for us, I hope...?”

Pausing, she too looked back across Wellington Street at the Flemington Police Station.

Kelly Maree O’Rourke could still feel the hermaphrodite’s ;cock’ in her mouth.

Deirdre Elaine McKinley could still see the young blonde ‘sucking’ the hermaphrodite’s ‘cock’...

“Well, what are we waiting for...?” replied Deirdre with a smile.

It had been a wild night.

Suddenly, a car drew to a halt in front of them – there had been little traffic in Wellington Street, and

Norwood Street too, had seemed devoid of cars. It took both ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke and Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley a moment or so, to realise that it was the ‘Slut Squad – the Flemington ‘Women Police’ Division’s unmarked Holden ‘Gemini’ coupe...

“Well, what do we have here...?”

Constable Maggie Doyle was driving.

“Going our way...?” asked Joanna from the front passenger’s seat.


Deirdre hesitated. She’d not met Constable Joanna Parrish or Constable Maggie Doyle yet.

“M-Maggie...?” greeted Kelly sheepishly – Sergeant Tess Gallagher was in the backseat,

“Seems we’re your taxi service this morning, Constable O’Rourke?” explained Maggie...

“So, you must be Constable Deirdre McKinley eh...?”

The young brunette nodded.


Kelly knelt beside the stationary police car,

“We’re here to give you ride home, Kelly?” Joanna added – Kelly glanced back at Deirdre,

“Deirdre too it would seem?”

“Sergeant Gallagher’s just here to make sure we don’t get lost – something like that?”

“But...?” gasped the young blonde ‘general duties’ policewoman again...

“I promised Rebecca...” said Tess with a mischievous smile.

“Rebecca...?” gasped Kelly,

.”Don’t worry, Constable O’Rourke?” Tess assured Kelly – she leant across and opened the rear passenger’s side door for the two ‘general duties’ policewomen...

“Your secret’s safe with us...?”

“Who would’ve thought...?” teased Joanna – she continued to playfully ‘finger’ Maggie as they spoke with Deirdre and Kelly,

“Constable Kelly O’Rourke and Sandra Murdoch huh...?”

“Rebecca’s waiting...?” warned Tess,

“Seems, I made a partial rent payment on your behalf yesterday, Constable O’Rourke?”

“It would appear,” observed Maggie jokingly, “You are the station ‘slut’ at Flemington, Kelly?”

“You better get in...” advised Joanna. ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke stood up.

“Seems, we don’t have a choice?” observed Deirdre – she waited for Kelly to get into the car,

“Get in...?” ordered Maggie impatiently – the young blonde ‘general duties’ policewoman joined Senior Sergeant Tess Gallagher in the backseat,

“You girls are working today...?” she asked.

“Not quite...” answered Joanna.

Deirdre joined Kelly and Tess in the backseat, closing the car door.

“Officially, we’re back on at eight o’clock...” Joanna explained.

Not that either she or Maggie intended returning to Duty at that time,

“Thank you for this...” Kelly whispered – Tess took her by the hand,

“It’s our pleasure...” Joanna answered as Maggie steered the car into Norwood Street,

‘Just one thing,” Joanna then added, “We promised ‘Mistress Rebecca’ a little ‘something’ too?”

Maggie glanced at Deirdre via the rear vision mirror,

“I’m afraid,” Maggie explained, “You’re our ‘sacrificial offering’ this morning, Constable McKinley?”

“Seems only fair...” agreed Deirdre, turning to Tess and Kelly,

“You’ve been a naughty policewoman, haven’t you...?”

Deirdre kissed Kelly on the lips,

“So, we know all about Sandra now?”

Deirdre and Kelly continued to kiss – Joanna turned to watch,

“We actually arrested her for prostitution a few months back, Constable McKinley?”

Joanna’s voice had a surprisingly ‘matter-of’-fact’ tone as she spoke...

“We let her go...?”

Maggie turned the unmarked ‘Gemini’ into Pin Oak Crescent.

Kelly and Deirdre continued to kiss in the backseat – Joanna turned back to Maggie.

“Rebecca huh...?” she whispered in the blonde policewoman’s ear.

Earlier in the year, Constable Joanna Parrish had witnessed Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell ‘fingering’ Constable Maggie Doyle in the back seat of their police car when they’d driven her back to the ‘Fantasia’ Massage Parlour,

“She made you ‘cum’ eight months ago, Maggie?”

The blonde policewoman nodded without speaking.

“And, she’d going to make you ‘cum’ this morning too?”

Maggie nodded, turning the car into Racecourse Road.

“So...?” wondered Joanna, indicating Deirdre,

“What would Barry McKnight say if he knew, Maggie?”

“Who cares...?” was Maggie’s abrupt response.

“Seems, she has the potential to be a good policewoman?” Joanna observed,

“Kelly too...?”

“Well, she’s certainly learnt how to run a ‘Watchouse’...?” Maggie suggested – Joanna nodded.

Constable Maggie Doyle knew enough about the duties of a Watchousekeeper, to know that ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke knew what she was doing,

“Notwithstanding what happened with Sandra that is, Joanna?”

“That aside,” responded Joanna in a whisper, “Kelly has Watchousekeeper mastered – Senior Sergeant McKnight has no reason to complain about her work?”

“When has that ever been an excuse for Barry huh...?” Maggie hissed contemptuously,

“But, its Monica Draper who has me worried at the moment?” the former ‘Miss Victoria Police’ confessed – both Maggie and Joanna knew that their new ‘Officer in Charge’ was a problem...

“First things first eh...?” suggested Joanna, leaning closer to Maggie.

Pausing, she rested her cheek on her girlfriend’s shoulder and sighed.

“Rebecca Campbell?” she cautioned – Deirdre and Kelly continued to kiss,

“And, Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley huh...?”

‘Probationary’ Constable Deirdre ‘Dash’ McKinley liked to ‘party’ – that was nothing new for a young policewoman. And, her reputation had preceded her to the Flemington Police Station.

Tess had told them of Deirdre and Susie.

“We really only know Rebecca by reputation alone, Maggie?” Joanna cautioned.

“So...?” Maggie queried.

Glancing at the rear vision mirror, she quickly checked on the two kissing policewomen in the back seat,

“I think,” Joanna then added, “We may have ‘cum’ to an understanding with her, when we let her off with that ‘warning’ earlier in the year?”

“If anything, this should be ‘interesting’ this morning?”

Maggie nodded without speaking.

It was a risk.

Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell had long enjoyed a particularly kinky reputation within the Victoria Police,

“Still, she is rather delicious...?” conceded Joanna with a sigh.

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