Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  

Teresa Anne Gallagher had one been a protégé of Inspector Maree D’Constanzo. But, that had changed when Maree had learnt that her preferred candidate for ‘Officer in Charge’ of the ‘Women Police’ Division at Flemington was lesbian. Much like Senior Sergeant Monica ‘The Black Widow’ Draper, Maree Angelique D’Constanzo despised lesbian and bi-sexual police officers like Sergeant Tess Gallagher. It seemed strangely at odds with everything Tess believed, that both Maree and Monica were both bi-sexual, yet seemed determined to rid the ‘B’ District ‘Women Police’ of Maggie, Joanna and herself. For some time, Tess had been the temporary ‘Officer in Charge’ of the so-called Flemington ‘Slut Squad’ and in that time, both Constable Maggie Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish had been awarded with either a ‘Chief Commissioner’s Certificate’ or District Commendation. It was one thing to have to live with Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight and his loathing of policewomen, but quite another that ‘The Black Widow’ was now embarking on a personal lesbian ‘witch hunt’ within the ‘Slut Squad’ – that was why, Tess had allowed herself to be ‘blackmailed’ into allowing both Cassandra Nicholson and ‘Mistress Rebecca’ to do whatever they wanted with her, or so it seemed...

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke was no longer a part of the equation. ‘Mistress Rebecca’ and Sergeant Gallagher had kissed across the front counter, but then the older policewoman had ushered the ‘Madam’ from the foyer – leaving a still dazed and confused Kelly on her own, Tess and Rebecca had left the Flemington Police Station for the ‘Women Police’ Office. However, Kelly Maree O’Rourke knew that she would have a reckoning of her own to pay. Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell would deal with her twenty-two year old tenant in due course, as she would Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch as well – that the young policewoman knew was inevitable. For the moment though, she was alone once again.

Rebecca sat on the desk. Coincidentally, the same desk that Constable Maggie Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish shared by the window overlooking the car park – unaware of what had occurred only the previous night, ‘Mistress Rebecca’ gazed out at the old Flemington Police Station. The rain had eased. But, there was an eerie glow bathing everything. Wellington Street was deserted. And, the kinky ‘Madam’ now had a sense that she was miles from anywhere. Just like Kelly, Rebecca felt like she was alone with Sergeant Tess Gallagher in the middle of nowhere. It was surreal. For, she was only a kilometre from the ‘Fantasia’ Massage Parlour in Racecourse Road.

The thirty year old policewoman paused. Standing at the doorway into Senior Sergeant Monica ‘The Black Widow’ Draper’s cubbyhole of an office, she held a bottle of Johnny Walker ‘Red Label’ – Teresa Annette Gallagher’s uniform shirt was knotted about her slender waist now; the once crisp pale-blue fabric still moist with perspiration, saliva and ‘pussy juice’ after Cassandra Nicholson had ‘fucked’ her.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke had Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch. And, both Constable Maggie Doyle and Constable Joanna Parrish had each other – ostracised by both ‘The Black Widow’ and her ‘Divisional Inspector’ too, the thirty year old policewoman had nobody...? But, she couldn’t deny the feelings she now had. Prostitute or not. ‘Pimp’ and ‘Madam’ – ‘Mistress Rebecca’ Campbell was a ‘turn on’ and she couldn’t quite resist the urges that she now had. Cassandra Nicholson aside, Teresa Anne Gallagher had not had ‘sex’ with another woman in almost a month. And, that had been a drunken ‘fuck’ in the Female Toilets of ‘The Tunnel’ Nightclub with some anonymous Nurse...

Unable to think of anything else, Kelly pictured ‘Mistress Rebecca’ and Tess kissing in her mind. Her ‘pussy’ was ‘wet’ – the young policewoman jealous of what might be now happening out in the ‘Women Police’ Office. Sergeant Tess Gallagher was a product of the old ‘female’ seniority list. So, she had been promoted above many of her male peers. Senior Sergeant Monica Draper and Inspector Maree D’Constanzo too. Kelly Maree O’Rourke however, was still just plain ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke with little ‘seniority’ and a rather unfortunate reputation within both the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ and Victoria Police now – nonetheless, she still thought it unfair that Tess was now probably being ‘fucked’ senseless by Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell out in the small ‘Slut Squad’ Office!

Tess knew everything about her and ‘The Countess’ too.

So, what would that mean...?

Kelly’s mind turned back to Sandra – what would ‘The Countess’ say if she knew ‘Mistress Rebecca’ had come to the Flemington Police Station...? Surely, she must’ve known that Kelly was living at the rear of Rebecca ‘Becky’ Campbell’s house in Ascot Vale? Or, was she assuming too much...?

Kelly uttered a sigh. She closed her eyes.

The police radio crackled.

Another quiet night.

The young policewoman uttered a sigh. Frustration...?


Sitting back in her comfortable chair at the large Watchousekeeper’s desk, she stared intently across the nearby front counter at the front door yet again. The streetlights outside continued to cast their eerie glow. The police radio crackled. Routine.

A pair of headlights flashed across the front door to the Flemington Police Station.

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