Flemington Police Station 1980 - Cover

Flemington Police Station 1980

Copyright© 2022 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Times are a changing! Equal Opportunities... 'Probationary' Constable Kelly O'Rourke is the first policewoman to work 'General Duties' at the Flemington 'Uniform Branch' - she has to deal with sexism as she tries to prove herself to Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight - and then in through the front door of the Flemington Police Station on the Nightshift, walks a gorgeous half-caste Aboriginal prostitute named Sandra 'The Countess' Murdoch! Life will never be the same for Kelly Maree O'Rourke...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Crime   Group Sex   Harem   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Politics   Prostitution  


Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ 1980

Part 1

Kelly Maree O’Rourke

It was late.

A little after midnight.

And, the rain had begun to fall at last.

Sandra had arrived at the Flemington Police Station as arranged.

Not that Constable Joanna Parrish or Constable Maggie Doyle had expected her to be anything but punctual – despite the rain that now deluged Melbourne at this late hour. ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke too, had been expecting Sandra. But, the newly-arrived young ‘General Duties’ policewoman hadn’t really known what to expect...?

The twenty-two year old blonde had just been told that the ‘Women Police’ would have a visitor.

Kelly Maree O’Rourke had little real idea who Sandra was...?

All she really knew was that Sandra Murdoch was a local prostitute. But, she had been warned that Sandra was also a hermaphrodite – that was something that had taken her by surprise when Joanna had told her. Nonetheless, as she was now stationed at the ‘Uniform Branch’ now, Kelly had other matters on her mind. She was the first ‘female’ to work ‘General Duties’ at Flemington. And, that was proving a little problematic for ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke...

She had however been astute enough, to check Sandra Murdoch on the Victoria Police database. It had proved to be an interesting dossier – ‘The Countess’ as she was better known, had once worked at the celebrated ‘Les Girls’ Revue on The Esplanade in St. Kilda. The half-caste hermaphrodite now worked at the notorious ‘Fantasia’ Massage Parlour in Flemington Road. But, what was she doing with the local ‘Women Police’ Division...?

Kelly had been curious. Prior to her transfer to Flemington, she had been stationed at the ‘Women Police’ Division at Russell Street – Kelly Maree O’Rourke had little experience with either Prostitution or prostitutes. Nevertheless, she had little time to concern herself with ‘The Countess’ as Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell had left her with paperwork to do. Once again, she was working the Watchouse on Nightshift.

Distracted by what she was doing, the young blonde had been startled by the front door opening.

She hadn’t heard the approaching footsteps over the rain.

There had been few telephone calls to the Flemington Police Station. Nor had anybody come through the front door since the start of her shift – Kelly looked up. She snatched a hurried deep breath.

It took her another moment to realise that it was probably ‘The Countess’ at last. Sandra Murdoch...?

Kelly had been caught by surprise. Pausing in the doorway, Sandra glanced back.

‘The Countess’ had not seen another person in Flemington Road or Wellington Street.

Silhouetted by the streetlights outside, she turned to look for the young policewoman,

“Hello...?” Kelly greeted. She stood up.

‘The Countess’ lingered in the doorway – she was not quite what Kelly had expected?

Tall and dark-skinned. A short-sleeved white shirt knotted about her waist – the once crisp fabric clinging to the prostitute’s moist skin. ‘The Countess’ also wore a dark-coloured ‘pencil line’ skirt, with both matching stockings and stiletto boots. Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch looked more like a businesswoman than a prostitute to the young policewoman,

“Miss Sandra Murdoch?”

Kelly pushed her paperwork to one side.

“Hello...” responded ‘The Countess’ – she watched as Kelly stood up.

There was a small Watchousekeeper’s Office behind the front counter.

And, from where stood in the front doorway, Sandra had been able to see Kelly,

“You are Miss Sandra Murdoch?” the policewoman asked once more – the mugshot on file, hadn’t really done justice to ‘The Countess’...

“Y-Yes...” Sandra confirmed.

Kelly moved to the counter.

‘The Countess’ stepped inside, closing the front door behind her.

“You must be Constable O’Rourke eh...?”

The policewoman nodded. She didn’t see ‘The Countess’ lock the front door,

“So, you’re the new police ‘cunt’ huh...?”

Kelly hesitated. She wasn’t quite sure how to react to being called a police ‘cunt’...?

The young policewoman looked the thirty year old hermaphrodite over. She couldn’t quite believe it.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke saw only a gorgeous woman...

“Guilty as charged, Miss Sandra...?”

Seductive chocolate-brown eyes and a firm body. Not that Kelly had ever dealt with a hermaphrodite,

“Is that what I am, Miss Sandra – just a police ‘cunt’ huh...?” she asked ‘The Countess’ – pausing for a moment, Sandra said nothing. Sandra was only too well aware that Kelly was looking her over with an approving eye,

“Well, you better come through?” suggested Kelly...

“I was told that you were coming in to see the ‘Women Police’...?”

There was a security door adjacent the front counter. Kelly moved to open it.

Constable Joanna Parrish and Constable Maggie Doyle were attached to the ‘Women Police’ Division – their small office was located at the rear of the car park and could only be accessed via the main building at night. Kelly opened the door,

“My name’s Kelly by the way, Miss Sandra...” the young policewoman added.

“Kelly...” Sandra acknowledged – she moved towards the doorway and Kelly...

“You know,” the hermaphrodite then asked, “This is quite unofficial as far as you’re concerned?”

“Y-Yes...” Kelly agreed. She’d been sworn to secrecy by Joanna.

On the noticeboard by the security door, there was a reminder that Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight had declared the Flemington Police Station ‘off limits’ to Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch. Beside it, was a poster of Constable Joanna Parrish as the previous year’s ‘Miss Victoria Police’...

“So, you know who I am, Kelly?”

The young blonde nodded.


Kelly was on her own.

She’d only recently arrived at the ‘Uniform Branch’ on transfer – Kelly Maree O’Rourke now, the only ‘General Duties’ policewoman stationed at Flemington,

“You alone huh...?” Sandra asked.

Whilst not the first time that she’d ever paid a nocturnal ‘visit’ to the ‘Women Police’ Office, she was still cautious. ‘The Countess’ could ill afford to be caught – the ‘Officer in Charge’ of the ‘Uniform Branch’ had threatened her with arrest, should she ever come through the front door on Nightshift again. ‘Probationary’ Kelly O’Rourke had made it all that much easier for ‘The Countess’ and the ‘Women Police’ Division and the young blonde knew it,


Sergeant ‘Killer’ Caldwell and Senior Constable ‘Wild Bill’ O’Donoghue were working the Flemington ‘Divisional Van’ and would not be back for some time – the ‘Duty Officer’ had been and gone. Other than Joanna and Maggie in the ‘Women Police’ Office, Kelly was all on her own.

“Constable Doyle and Constable Parrish then...?” queried ‘The Countess’ – she paused,

“Waiting for you in their office, Miss Sandra...” Kelly answered.

Sandra took a gentle hold of the young policewoman’s arm...

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Constable O’Rourke – I hope we can get better acquainted?”

Kelly opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her. ‘The Countess’ was a prostitute,

“Maybe, we can be friends huh...?”

“They’re expecting you in the ‘Women Police’ Office, Miss Sandra?”

In her mind however, all Kelly could see was ‘The Countess’ with Constable Joanna Parrish,

“Like what you see huh...?” enquired Sandra. The policewoman bit her lip.

She nodded without speaking.

Stationed at the Melbourne District ‘Traffic & Patrol’ Division before the Russell Street ‘Women Police’ Division, Kelly had once watched a transsexual perform a ‘Lap Dance’ for another policewoman at ‘The Crazy Horse’ Strip Club. She couldn’t help but recall what had happened as she spoke with the dusky hermaphrodite. ‘The Countess’ smiled knowingly...

“Y-Yes...” the policewoman confessed finally.

Along with several other female police officers, she’d witnessed ‘Acting’ Sergeant Lindy Schroeder let the transsexual ‘fuck’ her in ‘The Crazy Horse’ too – was that why ‘The Countess’ was here...?,

Margaret Ann Doyle? Joanna Louise Parrish...?

“They’re expecting you, Miss Sandra?” Kelly reminded the hermaphrodite – not that she did anything about the hold ‘The Countess’ had on her arm as they stood in the doorway together,

“Sandra...” corrected the prostitute.

“Sandra...” whispered Kelly in reply...

“Though I appreciate being called ‘Miss Sandra’...?” added ‘The Countess’ as she began to slowly trace the woven ‘Victoria Police’; patch on the young blonde’s shirtsleeve with her fingertip.

“Joanna did mention you to me, Kelly?”

Kelly nodded. Savouring the alluring scent of the hermaphrodite’s ‘Tommy Girl’ perfume, she found herself unable to speak – her short-sleeved policewoman’s uniform shirt felt a size too small,

“She warned me there was a sexy ‘new’ policewoman at Flemington...?”

“Police ‘cunt’...?” corrected Kelly – she didn’t quite know why she said it.

The police radio crackled out - there was a loudspeaker above the front counter but neither Kelly nor Sandra took any real notice.

“Now then...?” purred Sandra.

“I’ll take you out the back if you like...?” the young policewoman offered.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke uttered a muffled sigh.

She had no idea what was happening...?

‘The Countess’ licked slowly at her lips. Raising her hand, she gently caressed at the blonde’s cheek.

“You’re not quite what I was expecting?” confessed Kelly.

Sandra could see the familiar ‘hunger’ in the young policewoman’s eyes,

“You want to ask me something, don’t you...?” she whispered in Kelly’s ear,

“Y-Yes...” admitted the twenty-two year old. There was a moment of silence.

Outside, the rain continued to fall. ‘The Countess’ lowered her hand – Kelly wore a little Givenchy Amirage perfume and that caught Sandra’s attention. She undid another of the young policewoman’s uniform shirt’s buttons...

“Joanna Parrish...?”

“Maggie Doyle...?” continued ‘The Countess’ in a whisper.

The hermaphrodite prostitute began to unbutton Kelly’s uniform shirt,

“They told you, didn’t they, Constable O’Rourke?” she asked Kelly...

“Y-Yes...?” gasped the young policewoman – she knew it was wrong.

“They told you that I have a ‘cock’...?” whispered ‘The Countess’...

“And, they both told you I’m a fuckin’ prostitute too, didn’t they, Kelly?”

Kelly nodded. Opening her mouth to respond again, she found herself incapable of speech,

“Is that my file on your desk...?” Sandra now asked.

There was a dossier on the nearby Watchousekeeper’s desk with her photograph.

Kelly nodded. She’d done her homework on Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch...

“Y-Yes...” The young policewoman admitted. She groaned.

Not that Kelly had said anything to either Joanna or Maggie earlier, but she had checked the Victoria Police database on the computer and then printed off a copy to peruse,

“Your nipples are getting hard...?” Sandra observed.

Contrary to regulations, Kelly wasn’t wearing a bra...

“Do you like ‘cock’...?” Sandra then asked in a whisper.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke responded with yet another groan.

“Boyfriend huh...?”

Shaking her head slowly, Kelly did nothing to stop Sandra as the prostitute continued to unbutton her uniform shirt. There was a pause. And, the police radio crackled again.

Kelly took no notice. Nor did Sandra.

Gazing into Sandra’s piercing green eyes, Kelly Maree O’Rourke could feel her ‘pussy’ moistening...

“I like ‘cock’...” she confessed reluctantly. Again, she did not know why she admitted such a thing,

“Are we alone in here, Kelly?” enquired ‘The Countess’ again – the young policewoman nodded...


Joanna and Constable Maggie Doyle were out in the ‘Women Police’ Office. And, ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke had been working alone, as both the ‘Criminal Investigation’ Branch and Divisional Headquarters upstairs were locked.

“So, you like ‘cock’ then, Constable O’Rourke?”

It was now raining hard outside.

“Do you have a girlfriend then...?”

“N-No...” replied the policewoman,

‘The Countess’ lifted her hand – the young policewoman’s uniform shirt was now unbuttoned to her waist. Once again, Sandra began to caress at Kelly’s cheek with her fingertips as she said,

“Don’t worry, Constable O’Rourke...?”

Opening her mouth, Kelly took one of Sandra’s fingers between her lips.

“I’ve locked the front door, Kelly – Joanna Parrish was right about you, wasn’t she?”

Kelly began to playfully ‘suckle’ her finger - Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke was not the first female police office Sandra had ever seduced. The young policewoman knew that.

She suspected ‘The Countess’ had been ‘fucking’ both Constable Joanna Parrish and Constable Maggie Doyle for some time – why else would Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight ban Sandra Murdoch from the Flemington Police Station...?

Much to her chagrin, Kelly had arrived at the Flemington ‘Uniform Branch’ with a reputation.

Not that anybody knew anything about what had occurred at ‘The Crazy Horse’ Strip Club a year earlier – ‘Acting’ Sergeant Lindy Schroeder wouldn’t have said anything, nor any of the other girls from the Melbourne District ‘Traffic and Patrol’ Division who’d witnessed what had happened.

But, it was common knowledge that Kelly had been caught en flagrante with Lindy and another policewoman in ‘The Tunnel’ Nightclub only three days before her transfer to Flemington,

“Joanna said you were a ‘slut’...?” teased ‘The Countess’ finally.

‘Acting’ Sergeant Lindy Schroeder and Senior Constable Rochelle de la Rue.

Joanna knew. So did Maggie and the rest of the Flemington ‘Women Police’ Division.

Unfortunately for Kelly, her new ‘Officer in Charge’ had been told as well. Senior Sergeant Barry McKnight loathed policewomen – he wanted rid of both Kelly and the ‘Women Police’...

“So, you’ve read my dossier huh...?”.

Kelly continued to ‘suckle’ the prostitute’s fingers,

“And, you know about the policewomen that I’ve been ‘fucking’ too?”

The young policewoman confirmed that she knew with her eyes...

“You know...?” whispered Sandra.

“That I’m going to ‘fuck’ Joanna when I’ve finished with you, Kelly?”

Her moist fingers slid from the young policewoman’s lips – Kelly groaned,

“As I am Maggie too...?” added ‘The Countess’ – the effect of her words on Kelly was obvious.

‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke didn’t need to say a thing. Her eyes had betrayed her.

Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch knew the young policewoman had guessed she was ‘fucking’ both Constable Joanna Parrish and Constable Maggie Doyle,

“First things first, Constable O’Rourke?”

Joanna and Maggie would have to wait a little longer,

“You know what to do...?” Sandra hissed.

Kelly groaned again. ‘The Countess’ stepped to one side – the policewoman closed the security door,

‘The Countess’ released her hold on the young policewoman. Positioning herself at the front counter, she leant back – Kelly Maree O’Rourke locked the security door. She appeared dazed. The young policewoman couldn’t quite believe what she was about to do. Yet, she couldn’t stop herself. It was wrong. Sandra ‘The Countess’ Murdoch was a ‘convicted’ prostitute. And, she was a policewoman. Fellatio was illegal. ‘Gross Indecency’ as still prescribed by the old 1955 Crimes Act

Leaning back against the counter, ‘The Countess’ watched Kelly in silence.

A dribble of perspiration slowly made its way down between the young policewoman’s firm breasts.

It clung annoyingly to her belly button. Kelly’s alabaster skin glistened in the glare of the streetlights.

Time stood still. And, it seemed to Constable Kelly O’Rourke that her every move was in slow motion.

Like most policewomen, she wore a uniform shirt that was a size too small. A personal trademark, was her shirtsleeves neatly-rolled even shorter. Shirt collar pressed flat. Strawberry-scented lip gloss and Givenchy Amirage perfume...

“How long have we got...?” asked Sandra.

“Long enough...” replied Kelly – she closed her eyes and uttered a muffled sigh,

“You know what I want, don’t you, Constable O’Rourke?”

Kelly nodded. She opened her eyes. Tugging at the sleeve of her uniform shirt, she moved slowly towards the hermaphrodite prostitute. It was taboo. A prostitute and a policewoman. A half-caste Aboriginal hermaphrodite...

“What would Barry McKnight say huh...?”

Raising her hand to her mouth, ‘The Countess’ slowly ran the tip of her tongue along the finger that Kelly had been ‘suckling’ - Constable Joanna Parrish had assured her that ‘Probationary’ Constable Kelly O’Rourke would be up for it. The brunette had given Sandra carte blanche,

“You like ‘pussy’ too...?” she asked Kelly. The young blonde nodded.

Sandra unzipped her dark-coloured skirt – Kelly tugged at the collar of her unbuttoned uniform shirt with both hands. As if in a trance, she knelt before ‘The Countess’...

“So, you know I’m a prostitute huh...?”

“Y-Yes...” replied Kelly.

“You ever have sex with a prostitute before?” enquired Sandra.

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