Copyright© 2022 by RWMoranUSMCRet
Chapter 2
(The pre-fall period)
Even before the fall and surrender of the French Republic in 1940, the lives of Jews in Marseille were not easy. The acceleration of Jews flocking to the region with the thought that they might be safer under French rule than in other countries frayed the nerves of resident non-Jews bombarded with the constant barrage of Nazi inspired indoctrination that the aim of world Jewry was to constrain European economic systems to their monetary advantage.
The dynamics of the Jewish demographics in Marseille was decidedly more diverse in terms of ethnic background and religious conviction as well as employment patterns than their peers in other European cities or even in Paris where the Jewish community was more centralized and self-contained.
Jews were present in the Marseilles region going back to the early 1500s.
They were represented in all sectors of the economy and were in all professional ranks as well. Totally unlike the Parisian Jews that had over 65% in the garment industry.
Even at that time in the United States, Jews dominated the garment industry and faced severe blockages in gaining admission to upper class clubs and other industrial industries.
In the 1930s even the foremost newspaper of the period, The New York Times had strict editorial policies that considered the hints of antisemitism in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” to be ignored. It was a policy that existed before and during the entire period of World War Two that relegated major news stories like the Holocaust and the existence of the Nazi “Final Solution” to the back pages with little or no importance.
The American treatment of antisemitism in the news was mirrored in the British attitude of anti-Jewish policies related to downplaying most of the Nazi genocidal policies. Additionally, the British had a hardline policy of opposing Jewish attempts to save Jewish lives by transporting them to Israel. The British Army took an active role in opposing the efforts of international Jews to save their people and treated Jews fighting to establish a homeland in Palestine as enemies or even terrorists using their military forces to fight the fledgling Israeli forces seeking only a chance for survival.
This global opposition to aiding the Jews in their time of trouble dated back centuries to what I would describe as the “Shylock Syndrome” stereotyping Jews as money hungry predators preying on the non-Jewish population using strict business practices to conduct commercial deals. The tendency of the Jewish community to resist being assimilated into the general culture created an aura of distrust that was the only spark needed to start the fires of antisemitism.
France was not the only European country to fall into the trap of blaming the Jews for the misfortunes of world-wide economic woes in the 1930s. The Nazi plans to use antisemitism as a device to build right wing Nationalistic support was signaled by Hitler in his speeches in the 1920s and in his writings in “Mein Kompf”.
The stage was set for the later support of the Nazi “Final Solution” by Vichy authorities in the unoccupied zone and by French police in the occupied zone. Unless there was some a personal attachment of some sort with the Jewish community, the average French citizen looked the other way and were happy in their non-Jewish identity that at least assured them of not being singled out for punishment or deportation or both. This “mind your own business” attitude was typical throughout the country of France both before the fall of the French Republic and throughout the entire period of World War Two except for the final days when the defeat of Nazi Germany was assured.
Looking back at those Pre-World War Two years, a speech given by Hitler as early as 1920 comes to the forefront. I have included a few of the excerpts from the speech to highlight the transparency of the Nazi ideology from the mouth of Hitler himself.
SPEECH BY HITLER IN 1920 GIVEN 19 YEARS BEFORE HIS 1939 SPEECH My dear countrymen and women! We are quite used to being generally referred to as monsters. And we are considered particularly monstrous because, in a question that certain gentlemen in Germany are nervous about, we are marching at the head – namely in the question of the opposition to the Jews.
Very few have learned to view the problem free of emotion, in its clean form. I will at once begin with the word “work”.
What does it mean – work?
Work is an activity performed not of one’s free will, but for the sake of one’s fellowmen. If there is a difference between man and animals, so it is particularly regarding work, which does not originate in an instinct but comes from an understanding of a necessity. Hardly any revolution had so deep an effect as the slow one which gradually transformed the lazy man of primeval time into the man who works.
These three achievements: The recognized principle of work as a duty, the necessity, not only out of egoism but for preservation of the whole group of people – a small clan; second – the necessity of bodily health and thereby also of normal mental health; and third – the deep spiritual life. All these gave the northern races the ability to go to the world and build states.
If this power could not find its full expression in the high North, it became apparent when the ice shackles fell and man turned south to the happier, freer nature. We know that all these northern peoples had one symbol in common – the symbol of the Sun. They created cults of Light and they’ve created the symbols of the tools for making fire – the drill and the cross. You will find this cross as a Hakenkreuz as far as India and Japan, carved in the temple pillars. It is the Swastika, which was once a sign of established communities of Aryan Culture.
And so, not just art is dependent on the state, on the politics of the state; the same is the case with work itself because only a sound state is in the position to give the opportunity of working to its citizens and let them use their talents. The opposite is the case with the race in relation to everything else. A state with a rotten, sick and unsound race will never produce great works of art or make great politics, or at least bask in abundance. Each of these factors depends on the others. And only when all of them complement each other, can we say: There is harmony in the state, the way we Germanics understand it.
Can the Jew build a state?
Now we have to ask ourselves the question: How about the Jew as a state builder? Does the Jew possess the power to create a state? First we must examine his attitude to work, find out how he perceives the principle of work, and excuse me if I now take a book called The Bible. I am not claiming that all its contents are necessarily true, as we know that Jewry was very liberal in writing it. One thing, however, is certain: it has not been written by an antisemite. (Laughter) It is very important because no antisemite would have been able to write a more terrible indictment against the Jewish race than the Bible, the Old Testament. Let us take a look at a sentence: “By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread.” And it says that it was to be a punishment for the Fall of Man.
Ladies and Gentlemen! Already here we see that the whole world lies between us; we could never conceive of work as a punishment – otherwise we would all have been convicts. We do not want to conceive of work as punishment. I must confess: I would not have been able to exist without work, and hundreds of thousands and millions would have been able to withstand perhaps 3 or 5 days, maybe even 10, but not 90 or 100 days without any activity. If Paradise really existed, the Land of Plenty, then our people would have been unhappy in it. (Calls: Hear, hear) We Germans seek constantly a possibility to do something and if we cannot find anything, at least from time to time we hit one another in the face. (Laughter) We are unable to bear absolute rest.
Thus we see, already here, a big difference. Because a Jew has written this, true or not is unimportant because it still reflects the opinion which Jewry has about work. For them work is not an obvious ethical duty but at most a means to sustenance. In our eyes, this is not work because in this case any activity serving self-preservation, without regard to fellow men, might be called work. And we know that this work, in the past, consisted of plundering of caravans, and today in planned plundering of indebted farmers, industrialists and workers. The form has changed but the principle is the same. We do not call it work, but robbery. (Calls: Hear, hear) When already such a basic notion separates us, here comes another. I have already explained that in the long period in the North the races became purified. This means that all the inferior and weak gradually died out and only the soundest remained. Also, here the Jew differs from us because he has not become purified but instead practiced inbreeding; he multiplied greatly but only in narrow circles, and without selection. And therefore we see a generation which is plagued by defects caused by inbreeding.
Finally, the Jew does not possess the third factor: The inner spiritual life. I do not need to explain here what a Jew generally looks like. You all know him. (Laughter) You know his constant restlessness that never gives him a possibility to concentrate and have a spiritual experience. In the most solemn moments he flickers his eyes and one can see that even during the most beautiful opera he is calculating dividends. (Laughter) The Jew has never had his own art. (Hear, hear) His own temple has been built by foreign builders: The first was the Assyrians, and for the building of the second – the Roman artists. He has not left anything which might be called art, no buildings, nothing. In music, we know that he is only able to skillfully copy the others’ art. We shall not conceal that today he has many famous conductors whose fame he can thank the well-organized Jewish Press for. (Laughter) When a nation does not possess these three traits, it is not able to create states. And that is true because throughout centuries the Jew was always a nomad. He has never had what we might call a state.
Thus we can see the two great differences between races: Aryanism means ethical perception of work and that which we today so often hear – socialism, community spirit, common good before own good. Jewry means egoistic attitude to work and these traits, which he cannot ‘overstep’ as they are in his blood and, as he himself admits, in these traits alone lays the necessity for the Jew to behave unconditionally as a destroyer of states We know that throughout the middle Ages the Jew infiltrated all European states, behaving like a parasite, using new principles and ways which the people did not know then. And from a nomad he became a greedy and bloodthirsty robber of our time. And he went so far that people after people rebelled and attempted to shake him off.
We know it is untrue when people say that the Jew was forced to this activity; he could easily acquire land. And he did acquire land but not to work it but in order to use it as a trade object, just as he does today. Our forefathers were wiser; they knew that land was holy and they excluded the Jew from it, (Lively ovation) and if the Jew ever had the intention to tend the land and build a state, he could easily have done so at the time when whole new continents were discovered. He could easily have done it if only he used a small part of his power, craftiness, cunning, brutality and ruthlessness, as well as some of his financial resources. Because if this power was sufficient to subdue whole peoples, it would have been more than sufficient to build their own state.
And already here one should knock oneself on the head and say: if this capital is international because its carrier is distributed internationally, it must be madness to think that this capital can be fought internationally with the help of the members of the same race which possesses it. (Hear, hear) Fire is not extinguished by fire but by water and the international capital belonging to the international Jew can only be broken by a national force. (Bravo and applause!) So, this capital has grown to incredibly large proportions and today virtually rules the Earth, still eerily growing and – the worst! – is completely corrupting all honest work. For it is appalling that the common man who has to bear the burden in order to return the capital sees that, despite his hard work, diligence, thrift and in spite of the real work, he is hardly able to nourish himself and still less to dress, while this international capital devours billions just in interest, which he also must supply, and at the same time a whole racial stratum which does no other work than collect interest and cut coupons, spreads in the state. This is a degradation of any honest work, for every honestly working man must ask today: Does it have a purpose at all that I work? I will really never accomplish anything, and there are people who, practically without work, can not only live, but in practice even dominate us, and that’s their goal.
Yes, one of the foundations of our strength is being destroyed, namely the ethical concept of work, and that was the brilliant idea of Karl Marx to falsify the ethical concept of work, and the whole mass of the people who groan under the Capital are to be organized for the destruction of the national economy and for the protection of international finance-and-loan capital. (Stormy applause) We know that today 15 billion of industry capital is facing 500 billion of loan capital. These 15 billion of industry capital is invested in creative values, while this 500 billion loan capital, which we always get in spoonful rates of 6 and 7 billion and which we use in periods of 1 to 2 months to supplement our rations a little, these 6 to 7 billion today which are decreed almost worthless scraps of paper, at a later date, should we ever recover, will have to be repaid in high quality money i.e. in a money behind which lies practical work. This is not only the destruction of a state, but already the application of a chain, of a neck collar for later times.
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