Nomie and the Woodcutter - Cover

Nomie and the Woodcutter

by Kink Bug

Copyright© 2022 by Kink Bug

Fantasy Sex Story: When Nomie gets lost in the woods, she despairs until she is found by a kindly woodcutter who says he will show her the way. Unfortunately for her, logs aren't the only things he splits.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Fairy Tale   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Water Sports   .

This wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. Next update will be DDD or KK. Hope y’all like this fairytale-esque rape story!

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Nomie. Nomie had big blue eyes and long curly dark locks of hair. She lived a little way off from a small village with her mother Audrey. The two of them worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk, working the land and planting vegetables. Every week, Audrey would take Nomie through the forest on the dirt path to the next town over to trade their baked bread for spices.

But one day, Audrey decided to send her daughter out alone.

“You’re old enough to go to the market alone,” Audrey said to Nomie seriously, “Take this basket and follow the dirt path through the forest until you see the gates of the neighboring town! Don’t stop, don’t talk to anyone, and especially don’t stray off the path!”

“Yes mother!” Nomie said eagerly. Newly sixteen, Nomie was ready for a taste of freedom!

Nomie put on her red cloak and pulled up the hood. She took the basket of bread from her mother and kissed her mother on the cheek, waving goodbye as she set out on her way!

It was a fine morning for a brisk walk, Nomie thought. Her white skirts swished around at her feet as she trotted down the dirt path in her brown little boots. The basket of bread smelled delicious, and Nomie was sure that the people in the market would love them.

As Nomie walked, she noticed some yellow wildflowers a little way off the path.

“Oh I could sell these flowers,” she said to herself, “Oh but mother said I wasn’t to stray off the path!”

But those wildflowers looked really beautiful. Each was the color of freshly churned butter, a beautiful sparkling yellow amidst lush carpets of green grass.

Surely one or two wouldn’t hurt?

Nomie lifted her skirts daintily with one hand to step off the dirt path. She crouched down and picked one of the yellow flowers. It had a faint fragrance that was very pleasing, which prompted Nomie to pick a few more. She laid the flowers over the white cloth that mother used to cover the bread.

“Oh!” she exclaimed in surprise. Further into the forest, there were delicate little bluebells! She traipsed further into the trees without a second thought, her mind wholly on picking those dainty little flowers!

Nomie was so engrossed in picking flowers that she never even noticed that she was straying further and further from the path.

A sudden rustling noise behind her made Nomie lurch to her feet in fright! Mother had warned her many times about the beasts in the forest!

She peered into the dim foliage of the forest, wondering what had caused the sound. But aside from a few birds singing, she heard nothing else.

Ah well, with an arm full of flowers, it was time to keep on her way.

Only ... Nomie looked around. Where had she come from? Was it here? Or there? Or by that big tree with gnarled branches? She was certain that she had never seen that stump of a tree before!

Nomie took a few steps, paused, turned to her left and took a few more steps then paused again.

To her growing dismay, she was lost! She couldn’t see the path from where she stood, and try as she might, she could not recognize the trees.

Nomie sat down and started to cry.

Fat tears ran down her pale cheeks as she sobbed. She was lost and all alone!

A rustle in the woods startled poor young Nomie and she gasped. She peered into the bushes, fearful of what she might find, trying to inch backwards. Was it a wolf? A bear? Perhaps a fox? Hopefully, it was just a harmless bunny!

“Now what might you be doing here?” A smooth deep voice asked.

From behind the trees, a tall broad man emerged, carrying an axe over his shoulder. He wore a red plaid shirt and dark brown breeches with equally dark brown boots. His skin was bronzed by the sun, his gleaming grey eyes starting out from behind dark and heavy brows. His wide nose was tempered by his bushy beard and his curly dark hair was cropped short at the temples but left a little longer on top. He looked like the woodcutters that mother told Nomie about when she was littler.

“How do you do sir,” Nomie sniffled, remembering her manners, “I was out walking and got quite lost,” she said, “I’m Nomie, by the way.”

“Well, I’m Marc,” the tall and broad man said. He smiled, showing off pearly white teeth, “I cut the trees in this forest and tame the wolves here,” He offered his hand to Nomie.

“Well why don’t you tell me where you are going and I’ll point you in the right direction?”

“Oh would you? That would be very kind of you!” Nomie exclaimed. In an instant, her tears vanished and she felt cheered. She took the woodcutter’s large and calloused hand, letting him help her up.

“I’m from Duckborough, and I was heading to Costsdale when I saw these pretty flowers. I suppose I got caught up and didn’t notice how far from the path I had gone!”

Marc let out a soft whistle and shook his head.

“Costsdale? Lassie, you’re halfway to Mansford!”

Nomie gasped in shock! Had she really strayed that far? Costsdale and Mansford were in opposite directions!

“Oh no! I’ll never make it in time!” Nomie started to sob again. Who knows who had gotten into her bread by now!

“You’re going to tire yourself out with all that weeping, lass.” Marc helped her brush the leaves from her skirts and then gave her an encouraging smile, “Tell you what, little Nomie. Why don’t you join me for a bite to eat in my little hut in the woods. When you’ve gotten your strength back, I’ll take you to Costsdale myself.”

That sounded like a tremendously splendid idea!

Nomie nodded eagerly.

“Would you?” she asked, “That is terribly kind of you!”

“Of course, anything for a pretty lass like you!” Marc said, and offered his heavily muscled arm to her.

Nomie gingerly linked her elbow with his. She had never really had much contact with the boys in Duckborough since mother kept her busy. She could feel the strong cords of muscle in Marc’s arm and it just highlighted to her how powerful this man was!

“This way, Miss Nomie!” Marc said, seemingly unaware of Nomie’s inner thoughts. He nudged aside a few low branches with his axe, and began to lead them through the trees.

The woodcutter’s hut was not far from where Nomie had stopped to cry. She was pretty certain that if she had only kept walking, she would have happened upon it sooner or later.

The tiny house was set behind a copse of trees, the area around it having been cleared for a small well and piles of wood. A cart full of chopped lumber sat to one side and the chimney of the house smoked faintly.

“Here we are!” Marc said with a flourish. He unlocked the door with a large metal key and then led Nomie inside.

The hut was small but cosy. Nomie turned around in a circle, taking in the simple furnishings. There was a bed pushed up against a wall, flanked by two tiny dressers. A large dining table had been placed right smack in the middle of the hut. There were several chests along one side of the wall, and a fireplace on the other. Several cuts of smoked meat hung from hooks on the ceiling. Nomie wandered over to the table and picked up a strange little half carved ornament. It was as long as her arm, so thick that her fingers could not circle its width, and had ridges all along the length of it. On a shelf nearby, Nomie could see similar ornaments of different shapes and sizes.

“Here, why don’t you have a drink while I put some food on the fire?” Marc asked. He held out a little wooden mug.

Nomie took it gratefully and lifted it to her lips. With a few gulps, she had swallowed all the water and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. The water had been sweetened with something and Nomie quite liked it.

Marc cut down some of the smoked meats and threw it into the pot that had been sitting on the fire. He stoked the flames with a metal rod and then added some more wood. The orange embers flared into tongues of fire quickly, licking at the bottom of the iron pot. Whatever had been inside the pot began to give off a thick meaty aroma that served to whet Nomie’s appetite.

“Let me set the table,” she said, turning to look for plates and perhaps a spoon or two. But her limbs felt a little heavy.

Marc was looking at her now, but it wasn’t the kindly smile that he had given her earlier. This one looked vaguely menacing.

“You are a beautiful girl, lassie,” he leered at her. His thick fingers came up to the knots on her skirts. Nomie tried to bat them away, but within seconds, the laces on her bodice and the ones that held her skirts together were coming undone. Marc tugged at them roughly, pulling Nomie’s clothes off her body.

“Stoooaahp!” Nomie tried to say, but the words would not form properly in her mouth. It was as if her mind was working, but her body refused to obey her! Terror crept up on her. The friendly woodcutter was not so friendly after all!

With barely a grunt, Marc lifted Nomie bodily onto the table and rucked up her petticoats. He hooked his fingers into her drawers and tore them right off her legs with a loud RRRRIIIP!

“It would serve you well to stay still, lest I nick you with my blade!” Marc picked up the carving knife on the table and began to scrape away at Nomie’s privates, ridding her of the hair that grew there.

Afraid of being cut, Nomie lay as still as she could, her heaving chest the only sign of her distress.

Marc pushed her legs further apart, lifting her knees over his shoulders to better clean her young cunt of hairs. Soon enough, her untouched slit was as bare as the day she was born!

“There it is,” Marc said with satisfaction, pinching Nomie between her legs.

Pain stabbed through Nomie’s lower body but she was helpless! She couldn’t even scream! All that came from her throat were slurred whimpers and pained grunts.

Marc set about divesting Nomie of her clothes completely, leaving her completely bare on his dining table.

“Logs aren’t the only thing that I split,” Marc said conversationally as he began to undo his breeches. Nomie watched in horror as he pulled out his cockstand, a girthy horrendous thing with veins all up and down the length. It stood proudly erect, emerging from a bush of thick curly hair that also framed two very heavy looking stones.

Marc’s thick fingers began to stroke his cockstand in an obscene manner, pulling the skin back and forth over the bulbous head salaciously. A pearly white bead of liquid gathered at the tip of it, oozing down the sides as he continued to stroke.

The woodcutter approached Nomie’s exposed body and pulled her to the edge of the table, spreading her legs wide apart. Her young nubile body was completely defenseless, unable to protest or escape Marc’s lewd explorations.

His fingers travelled over her milky skin, going up her sides and then flicking her nipples. He squeezed Nomie’s cheeks and slapped her lightly, then kneaded her breasts.

“Do you know what else I split?” he asked.

But of course, Nomie could no longer answer, the heaviness in her body made it impossible to do so.

Marc laughed, knowing that she could not speak just yet. He rubbed the tip of his cock over her bared cunt, sliding it between her sensitive folds.

Nomie quivered with fear at what was about to happen. Mother had warned her about this, but she had never thought it would happen to her!


Marc punctuated his words with a powerful thrust, slamming his hips forwards and driving his stiff manhood into Nomie’s unresisting slit!

Nomie wanted to shriek but the only sound that came from her throat was a pathetic “Unngh unngh”.

The thick monster that Marc was relentlessly forcing into her tight teen cunt was RIPPING her apart! He delighted in her helpless whimpers, thrusting harder and grinning maliciously at her tears. Unaroused, unprepared, there had been nothing to ease the way for his cock into her body. Nomie had never experienced such agony in her life! Each piston of his hips pushed his cock deeper into her young body. She could feel the veins on his cock scraping at her insides painfully. It was as if someone had reached inside her and tried to pry her apart from between her legs! Tears rolled down her face. Unable to muster control over her limbs, she could only lie there motionless as Marc mercilessly violated her hole.

Marc smiled down at her, the cruel look upon his face made Nomie shiver. Here was a man who delighted in tormenting innocent young women!

“There’s nothing better than splitting young holes like yours,” Marc groaned in pleasure as his hips finally met the milky bottoms of Nomie’s thighs. He leaned forwards, using his weight to press his cock deeper into Nomie’s core.

Nomie moaned in agony, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her previously virgin cunt was forced wider than it had ever been before! The thick male shaft insider her was bumping up against something and it made her feel entirely bruised.

“That’s it, lass, cry for me,” Marc said cruelly. He drew his cock all the way out, leaving Nomie’s hole to twitch weakly. He slapped his shaft against her folds a few times.

“Cry because the friendly neighbourhood woodcutter is raping your hole!” Marc slammed his cock in deep!

“NNNGH!” Nomie’s scream was stuck in her throat, her body flopped limply as Marc began to pound her cunt in earnest.

SMACK SLAP THWAP! Marc cruelly pistoned his cock into Nomie’s abused cunt. The impact of his hips upon her thighs filled the tiny hut with obscene sounds of flesh meeting flesh.

THUD THUD THUD! The powerful force of his thrusts drove the table across the room, causing its wooden legs to thud and scrape across the floor.

NNGHN HNNNGH! Nomie’s muffled moans and screams overlaid the filthy words that Marc spewed as he brutalized her.

“After I finish with you, your cunt will be so loose, no other man will want you. You will become a slut, a girl of the night, offering this sloppy slit to any cock that wants a cheap warm hole!”

The cruel violation of Nomie’s young body seemed to go on forever. Soon, her wails tapered off into stilted sobs and she stared blankly at the ceiling as Marc used her cunt for his pleasure.

It felt like forever before Marc came inside with a loud grunt. Warmth filled Nomie’s cunt and made her cry even harder.

It was too late. His cock had violated her private places and had taken her virginity. He was filling her with baby batter, using her as he pleased!

Marc savoured her despair for a moment, his bushy beard twitching in amusement as he regarded her sobbing form.

“I’m not quite done with you yet, girlie.” Marc stepped away, his still hard cock sliding out of Nomie’s abused hole.

His ominous words made Nomie shiver all over in fear. What was next? She heard him puttering about, clinking and clanking here and there before he appeared back between her legs. Try as she might, she couldn’t lift her head. Her body still refused to listen to her.

“You have a lovely clitoris, Nomie,” Marc said with a leer, “It’s nice and fat, perfect for teasing!”

He pinched and twisted Nomie’s nub of flesh, making her squeak and shudder again.

“But even better for piercing!”

Before Nomie could even begin to understand what he said, an intense agony lanced through her privates, stemming from that fat little bead of flesh between her legs!


Her scream of agony, made muffled by her inability to speak, filled the cabin, ringing through the silent woods.

Unfortunately for Nomie, there was no one but the birds to hear her.

Overcome with pain, Nomie’s eyes rolled up into her head, and she fainted dead away.

Nomie opened her eyes to flickering orange light over the wooden walls of the cabin. With herculean effort, she managed to turn her head to look around. Whatever Marc had given her to make her limbs all heavy was starting to wear off.

Marc was nowhere to be seen, the hut devoid of his presence. Nomie struggled to push herself up and off the table, but a terrible agony and loud clanking between her legs made her reconsider.

Her gaze traveled down her bare body, horrified at what Marc had done to her.

Thick iron rings sat in her erect nipples, and in the flesh between her legs, distending them obscenely.

With trembling hands, Nomie touched the iron ring in her left nipple. The metal was heavy, weighing down her pert breasts. She tried to pull the ends of it apart, but it was futile. Her shaking fingers drifted down to the one between her legs. It sat just above her quim, stretching the sensitive piece of flesh there, resting upon her pelvis.

There was a long iron chain attached to the ring on her cunt and leading to a metal bracket on the wall. Nomie traced it with her shaking fingers, heart thudding with fear and horror.

Marc had chained her like a common beast, an animal to be tamed!

The door swung open all of a sudden, making Nomie jerk and scream.

Marc grinned at her fright, delighting in her terror.

“Please please don’t hurt me anymore,” Nomie begged, her voice having returned to her.

“Oh but I’m not done splitting you apart yet,” Marc said. He stalked, boots thudding heavily against the floor as he moved to the metal bracket. He unhooked the chain from the wall and then pulled on it.

The weight of it tugged painfully on Nomie’s flesh, making her whimper.

“C’mon then. Off the table and on your knees,” Marc growled.

Terrified, Nomie scrambled off the table, wincing as the ache between her legs doubled. She knelt quickly, gingerly holding onto the chain to make sure it wouldn’t pull on her flesh.

Marc was smiling cruelly at her. He tugged on the chain, forcing Nomie to crawl towards him. Every time she got closer, he would step backwards, making her crawl further. And in this manner, he led her around the hut several times before letting her rest in front of the fireplace.

“Please please mister, please don’t hurt me anymore,” she begged again, tears starting afresh.

Marc leaned forward, wiping away her tears in a parody of gentleness.

“You can help me not to hurt you,” he said softly. He leaned back and opened his breeches again, freeing his monster cock from its confines.

“If you get my cock nice and wet with your mouth, it’ll make your next splitting a little easier,” the woodcutter said.

Nomie stared at the thick girthy manhood in front of her, terrified at the sheer size of it. Did he mean for him to take it into her mouth? Lick it?

A tug on her chain made her scramble closer.

“If you’re a good lassie and drink everything from my cock, I’ll consider being gentle with you later,” Marc continued, waving his manhood in front of her.

Fearful of what agony she might face if she refused, Nomie nodded quickly, letting her lips part.

Marc grinned down at her, a small sound of satisfaction escaping his throat. With a little jerk of his hips, he slapped her with his cock!

“Ah!” Nomie squeaked as the hot flesh smacked against her soft cheeks.

Marc slapped her on the other side of her face in a similar fashion. He took the base of his cock in his hand, then proceeded to rub the head of it all over Nomie’s youthful face, slapping her from time to time.

The heavy musk of sweat and male virility suffused Nomie’s nostrils. She sniffled pitifully, unable to do anything but accept Marc’s humiliating treatment.

“Young lassies like you need to be taught their place. Such pretty mouths and bottoms should be kept at home, serving cocks,” Marc said as he continued to debase Nomie by rubbing his crotch all over her face. He lifted his cock and pulled her face closer still until her nose was buried in his sac.

“Get used to the smell, girl, because this is your rightful place,” Marc growled, humping Nomie’s face several times.

Then, he pushed his cockhead up against her nose, smearing the liquid there under her nostrils. The pungent scent made Nomie grimace, which seemed to delight him even more.

When Marc tapped his cock against Nomie’s lips, she opened her mouth obediently. Marc pushed his manhood inside immediately, groaning in satisfaction.

Nomie had never even seen a manhood before today, but now she was getting to know one so intimately. Not only had Marc’s beast of a cock violated her cunt, she had to gaze upon it closely and take it in her mouth! It tasted bitter and salty, with a pungent odour that seemed to scream of maleness, like the sweaty boys in the village.

He was so thick that she barely managed to fit her mouth around it!

“That’s it, get it nice and wet,” Marc growled, thrusting his cock further into her mouth.

Nomie quickly started licking the tip of his cock as best as she could.

“Suck on it,” he instructed.

Nomie’s cheeks hollowed as she obeyed.

“Oh yes!” Marc groaned in delight, jerking on Nomie’s chain roughly.

Nomie moaned in pain, her mouth still full of cock, and she felt him twitch.

Obviously, he was enjoying her torment, taking pleasure in torturing her flesh.

Her tears, snot, and saliva began to run down her face, some of it coating the manhood that was thrusting inside her mouth.

Marc stroked her hair with deceptive kindness, urging her to take more and more of his cock inside.

“That’s it my little whore, suck on my cock! Don’t forget to bathe my stones with your tongue! They haven’t had a good tongue bath in months! Haha!”

His filthy commentary accompanied the slick slurp of her tongue on his privates.

Nomie didn’t know how long she knelt there, but she didn’t dare to stop, urgently sucking and licking as best as she could and trying to swallow all of his manhood. The bitter liquid was unpalatable, but it was much preferable to any kind of agony that this broad man could visit upon her.

“Now, Nomie. I think you should beg for me to split your arse,” Marc said at last, pulling her head away from his crotch.

Nomie looked at him in horror.

Her arse? Could that even be done?

“If you beg me well enough, convince me that you want my cock in your sweet little behind, then perhaps I’ll be gentle with you!”

Any promise of gentleness was enough incentive for poor Nomie, who was still feeling the ache of being violated.

“Please ... please split my arse,” she whispered, unable to believe that she was saying such words.

“I’m not convinced,” Marc warned her.

“Please split my arse with your thick manhood,” Nomie said quickly, trying to smile up at him in hopes that he would be entertained.

Marc shook his head.

“Maybe if you turned around and presented your backside to me, parted your arsecheeks...”

Nomie scrambled to obey. She turned around and arched her back, presenting her pert arse to the brutish man.

She reached back with her hands and parted her cheeks, exposing her brownhole completely.

“Please, mister Marc, please split my arsehole with your meaty cock! Please fill my bottom! Please please bugger my rear!” The obscene words spilled from her mouth, accompanied by tears on her face.

Marc chuckled behind her. He jerked on her chain again, making her moan in pain.

“Not very convincing, but we shall fix that later,” he said. There was a creak from the wooden chair and Nomie felt his presence behind her.

Marc grabbed her hips and flipped her over, pulling her legs open as he did so. He yanked her bodily towards him and wasted no time in pressing his cock against her arsehole.

Nomie’s tears had started afresh, but they only served to incite Marc’s sadistic joy!

With a growl, he forced the head of his manhood into her tight pucker.

“ANNNNGH!” Agony raced through Nomie’s bottom. Unlike a cunt, this hole was not meant to be used in this manner! Nomie could not help but struggle to get away.

Her resistance only delighted him. He grabbed her chain, pulling it behind him as he forced his hips forward.

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