The Valley - Cover

The Valley

Copyright© 2023 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 11

The rain continued to fall.

It was still early – a few minutes before four o’clock in the afternoon, yet darkness clung to Fortitude Valley as Senior Sergeant Yvonne Webster ventured downstairs. The police radio crackled but she took no notice.

Senior Constable Kelly Blakemore was asleep – the blonde thirty-year-old still seated at her desk.

There had been no telephone calls. Neither had there been anybody looking for the ‘Women Police’ either.

And so, much to the relief of the frustrated ‘Officer in Charge’ of the Fortitude Valley ‘Slut Squad’ as she opened the door to the basement, Detective Chief Superintendent Tony Murphy no longer now presented any real threat to her.

‘Operation Neptune’ was over.

It was being heralded as a spectacular success, but nothing had been said about the missing ‘Mistress Jedda’ or her prostitutes...?

Nor did anybody know why the ‘Fantasia’ and ‘The Mayfair’ hadn’t been closed down...?

Yvonne sighed with relief - she tugged at the sleeve of her uniform dress.

The silence was almost deafening.

Yvonne couldn’t even hear her own footsteps.

Her skin tingled.

And, the crisp fabric of her short-sleeved ‘Summer’ uniform dress clung to her as she edged the door open to peer down into ‘The Dungeon’ – she knew what was happening for she had agreed to Constable Sonya Gallagher’s plan almost immediately. If anything, she had been surprised that Constable Laura Nicholson or ‘Trainee’ Constable Rhonda Kellaway hadn’t thought of it. But, the embattled ‘Officer in Charge’ of the ‘Women Police’ was only just now beginning to appreciate what Constable Sonya Gallagher offered,

“H-Hello...?” she gasped – the door swung open, catching her off guard.

Yvonne caught a glimpse of a similar ‘Summer’ uniform dress to that which she wore...

“Well, what do we have here then?” hissed a female voice – off balance, the older policewoman stumbled.

Kneeling in the doorway, she glanced downstairs,

“S-So then...?” continued the voice.

Yvonne now saw Sonya. She hesitated again.

The thirty-year-old brunette lay sprawled across the floor.

Clad in only her dark-blue uniform skirt, Constable Sonya Gallagher appeared oblivious to Senior Sergeant Yvonne Webster’s gaze – Sonya was a spent force and Yvonne recognised that almost immediately,

“Senior Sergeant Webster eh...?”

“You must be the head ‘cunt’ huh...?” queried ‘Lizzie’ - Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ O’Callaghan had come upstairs looking for both Senior Sergeant Yvonne Webster and Senior Constable Kelly Blakemore,

“Y-Yes...?” Yvonne replied.

She didn’t recognise the dark-skinned policewoman,

“Yvonne...” she corrected – she raised herself from the floor with the Aboriginal woman’s help,

“But, who are you?” she asked...

“You’re not one of my girls...?”

‘Lizzie’ shook her head – she still wore the tight-fitting policewoman’s ‘Summer’ uniform dress that she’d been given by the ‘disgraced’ former Senior Constable Cheryl Anne Blake. Sopping wet, the translucent pale-blue fabric clung to ‘Lizzie’ and concealed very little as she spoke with Yvonne,

“My name’s Elizabeth O’Callaghan, Yvonne...?”

The older policewoman hesitated yet again...


Pausing, ‘Lizzie’ closed the door – at the foot of the steps, she had left ‘Mistress Jedda’ with Constable Laura Nicholson. Her half-caste hermaphrodite girlfriend had been ‘fucking’ the former ‘Miss Queensland Police’ from behind ‘doggie style’ as she had in the rear store room of ‘The Paragon’ Café only some three days earlier,

“Aren’t you...?” queried Yvonne,

“Aren’t I the girlfriend of ‘Mistress Jedda’...?” whispered ‘Lizzie’ – she took Yvonne by the arm,

“Is that what you wanted to know, Yvonne?”

The policewoman nodded.


“You’re not quite what I expected?” Yvonne conceded. ‘Lizzie’ raised an eyebrow.

Her moist black skin glistened in the harsh fluorescent light of the small ‘Women Police’ Office,

“I’m afraid, Yvonne then confessed, “I didn’t really know what to expect, Miss O’Callaghan?”

“And, I hope you’re satisfied with my girls...?” the older policewoman then asked,

“But, you really shouldn’t be wearing that uniform, M-Miss O’Callaghan?” Yvonne warned before ‘Lizzie’ could respond – ‘Lizzie’ caressed lightly at the policewoman’s cheek with her fingertip...

“Not here anyway...?”

“N-Not in the Fortitude Valley Police Station?”

‘Lizzie’ O’Callaghan raised an eyebrow again.

She knew that downstairs in the basement, ‘Probationary’ Constable Veronica Cartwright had been ‘fucked’ senseless by several prostitutes, so any concern that Senior Sergeant Yvonne Webster had about her masquerading as a policewoman seemed moot.

And, ‘Trainee’ Constable Rhonda Kellaway was now lying in a puddle of her own urine after she’d earlier ‘cum’ several times in quick succession – the blonde’s new ‘Safari’ uniform jacket lay on the floor with another policewoman’s discarded ‘Summer’ uniform dress. So what was Yvonne worried about...?

‘Trainee’ Constable Candice Peterson and ‘Trainee’ Constable Amanda Johnstone had also been thoroughly ‘fucked’ by the prostitutes, as had both the ‘disgraced’ former Senior Constable Cheryl Anne Blake and Samantha ‘The Cunt’ Thompson too,

“I think,” replied ‘Lizzie’ with a smile, “That me being uniform is the last of your worries this evening, Yvonne, don’t you?”

Much to the surprise of the policewomen downstairs, the ‘disgraced’ former Senior Constable Bernadette Anderson, ‘Acting’ Sergeant Melody Newmarket and Constable Sabrina Robertson had joined the impromptu ‘party’ – the newest of the prostitutes working for ‘Mistress Jedda’ and ‘Lizzie’ brought to the basement of the Fortitude Valley Police Station by Captain Marissa Craddock of the Salvation Army, after she’d learnt of what was happening...

“Y-Yes...” agreed Yvonne with a degree of reluctance.

She still feared the lesbian ‘Witch Hunt’ might rob her of her pension.

But, she could not deny the former ‘Miss Queensland Police’ anything – Yvonne had come to appreciate that ‘sex’ with Laura was particularly good after the twenty-eight-year-old brunette had been ‘fucked’ by the likes of ‘Mistress Jedda’ or the ‘Madam’ of ‘The Mayfair’ Massage Parlour, ‘Juicy Lucy’ Sanderson.

If anything, she had learnt to live with her jealousy.

And, she was now ‘sleeping’ with Laura’s former stepmother, Samantha ‘The Cunt’ Thompson too...

“Well, you do look good in uniform?” Yvonne muttered - ‘Lizzie’ did look the part and Yvonne appreciated that.

Closing her eyes, she took the black prostitute’s finger in her mouth,


“That’s how it’s going to be huh...?” whispered ‘Lizzie’ – the policewoman began to playfully ‘suckle’ her fingers.

Yvonne knew that it was wrong. She was still a policewoman.

Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ O’Callaghan was a prostitute. And, she was on Parole.

But what was taboo, was that she was Aboriginal.

Nevertheless, she had come to terms with what was now the status quo in the ‘Red Light’ District of Fortitude Valley – she had given carte blanche to ‘The Triumvirate’ of Constable Laura Nicholson, ‘Trainee’ Constable Rhonda Kellaway and Constable Sonya Gallagher, and that was that. And, she had a taste for black ‘cunt’ now.

Nor could she now say ‘No’ to either ‘Probationary’ Constable Veronica Cartwright, ‘Trainee’ Constable Candice Peterson, ‘Trainee’ Constable Amanda Johnstone or Senior Constable Kelly Blakemore. She was really just there to ensure that nobody interrupted the ‘fun’ and had resigned herself to that some weeks ago.

‘Lizzie’ had now all but forgotten about the prostitutes and policewomen that were still downstairs in the basement – she could see yet another blonde female ‘Pig’ over Yvonne’s shoulder, for Kelly had awoken. Taken aback by the unexpected sight of the Aboriginal ‘policewoman’ with her ‘Officer in Charge’ at the door to the basement, Senior Constable Kelly Blakemore stared from her desk with disbelief,

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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