The Valley - Cover

The Valley

Copyright© 2023 by Uniformity2022

Chapter 10

Constable Sonya Gallagher had always been something of a renegade.

And that was really saying something.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs in the basement of the Fortitude Valley Police Station, the thirty-year-old brunette licked slowly at her moist lips – the rogue policewoman wore the newly adopted female ‘Summer’ uniform.

It hadn’t quite yet replaced the traditional policewomen’s ‘Summer’ uniform dress but had proved popular. Consisting of a light blue ‘safari jacket’ with dark blue pockets and either dark-blue bell bottom slacks or the usual dark-blue uniform miniskirt, it was now de rigeur for Sonya Eloise Gallagher.

It had been the uniform that Constable Laura Nicholson had modeled for Chief Commissioner Terry Lewis at Police Headquarters only three days earlier – the new policewoman’s ‘Summer’ uniform that ‘Mistress Jedda’ had ejaculated all over before she and ‘Lizzie’ O’Callaghan had ‘fucked’ the former ‘Miss Queensland Police’ in the rear store room at ‘The Paragon’ Café that same day too.

The uniform like Sonya, was a sign of the changes coming to the Queensland Police.

Chief Commissioner Terry Lewis had finally relented, allowing female police officers to wear uniform slacks, but like Constable Laura Nicholson, Constable Sonya Gallagher preferred the dark-blue tailored miniskirt normally worn by policewomen in Queensland with their ‘Winter’ uniform – she also chose the non-regulation sheer stockings and the trademark black high-heels that all the Fortitude Valley ‘Women Police’ wore.

Along with their taste for matching blue eye shadow and a little Givenchy Amirage perfume, a tight-fitting policewoman’s ‘Summer’ uniform was something of a hallmark for the ‘Slut Squad’ in Brisbane’s notorious ‘Red Light’ District, whether the traditional short-sleeved dress or newly-introduced ‘safari’ jacket and skirt...

Once again, it was hot and humid in the basement.

It had been christened ‘The Dungeon’ for obvious reasons. It was both dark and damp - faded paint and water everywhere at this time of the year. But, the policewomen kept it clean. ‘The Dungeon’ was theirs.

And, it was theirs alone, for it was a sanctuary for the ‘Slut Squad’ at Fortitude Valley.

And now, it would be a refuge for ‘Mistress Jedda’ and her prostitutes too.

Steam rose from the floor - it swirled lazily about as the early Spring heat mixed with the condensation.

‘The Dungeon’ was almost like a sauna.

Sonya licked slowly at her pouting lips.

Water from the condensation on the ceiling dribbled down from her shoulder.

Raising her right hand, she undid another of her jacket’s metal buttons - perspiration oozed down between her trembling breasts and clung to her belly button as she tugged yet again at her collar.

Senior Constable Kelly Blakemore had remained upstairs in the ‘Women Police’ Office – it was a necessary precaution for there had been ‘trouble’ downtown. It was a facade. A necessary subterfuge.

Kelly could think of nothing but what was happening downstairs, and Sonya knew it. So did all the policewomen.

Senior Sergeant Yvonne Webster was also upstairs.

The ‘Officer in Charge’ of the ‘Women Police’ maintained the pretense of normality in her office as Kelly ostensibly handled any unwelcome inquiries. Not that there had been any telephone calls to the ‘Women Police’ in hours.

Nor had anybody come to the front counter of the Fortitude Valley Police Station looking for any of the local ‘Slut Squad’ at all. Nonetheless, it would be better if Kelly and Veronica remained where they were for now.

‘Trainee’ Constable Amanda Johnstone and both ‘Trainee’ Constable Candice Peterson and ‘Probationary’ Constable Veronica Cartwright wore the newer-style ‘Summer’ pale-blue policewomen’s short-sleeved uniform dress that had preceded the newer uniform – a woven ‘Queensland Police’ patch on each sleeve replacing the old eppaulettes and gilt metal ‘Queensland Police’ shoulder titles. Another change.

Silhouetted by the light from outside, all three young blonde policewomen were bathed in perspiration and the water now dripping from the condensation that covered the ceiling above them all – their moist skin glistened, highlighting their tanned complexions as they stood together in silence.

Constable Laura Nicholson and ‘Trainee’ Constable Rhonda Kellaway however, had followed Constable Sonya Gallagher’s example – they too wore the new policewomen’s ‘Summer’ uniform like Sonya. But, Laura and Rhonda wore their short-sleeved light blue ‘safari jackets’ unbuttoned, revealing that both wore no bra.

The former ‘Miss Queensland Police’ still wore the uniform that she’d been wearing at ‘The Paragon’ Cafe earlier in the week - not that it really mattered.

And, like those of the other policewomen, their uniforms were sopping wet.

The three policewomen were now known as ‘The Triumvirate’ within the ‘Women Police’ Section, for they controlled the Fortitude Valley ‘Slut Squad’ with both the ‘Madam’ of ‘The Mayfair’ Massage Parkour, ‘Juicy Lucy’ Sanderson, and the ‘Madam’ of ‘The Fantasia’ Health Studio, Samantha ‘The Countess’ Richardson...


There was a door that led outside – only the policewomen had a key. Nobody else at Fortitude Valley.

And until now, only the ‘Women Police’ knew of it,

“Hello there...?” greeted Sonya – the door was open,

“I wasn’t sure,” continued Sonya, “That you would come?”

Pausing in the open doorway, the ‘Pimp’ hesitated – the half-caste Aboriginal hermaphrodite smiled.

Beside her, ‘Lizzie’ O’Callaghan stood, wearing a policewoman’s ‘Summer’ uniform that she’d been given.

“Mistress Jedda...” Sonya acknowledged - the ‘Pimp nodded without speaking.

“M-Miss O’Callaghan...” added Sonya,

“You do look good in uniform, Lizzie...?”

‘Mistress Jedda’ waited until Vanessa, Charlotte, Dominique, and Cindi had entered the basement, before speaking,

“I wasn’t sure that I had a choice in the matter, Constable?”

It continued to rain outside – ‘Mistress Jedda’ and her prostitutes were all wet.

Wearing little more than lingerie and barefoot, they stood just inside the doorway together with their ‘Pimp’ and ‘Lizzie’...

“I’m sorry about this...”

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