My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull - Cover

My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - My Brother trained their Pitbull to forcibly take my Sister In Law whenever he was away. I had to find a way to stop it. But how?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   InLaws   Humiliation   Rough   Bestiality   First   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  


AGAIN CAUTION; What I am about to tell shouldn’t be told! But since it is a full part of the story involving Patti, Toro, and I it simply must be told.

That morning I began to tell Patti, I woke up and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning and we all had chores to do and especially today, because Daddy and Mom had last night told that we would have guest later on tomorrow as they told us last night.

Now for Dad and my brother that meant feeding the cattle and horses and other animals around the farm and ranch, and Mom to go take care of the chickens and feed them and gather the eggs in hopes of having way more than we needed and sell some to our guest later on in the day hopefully, and we sure needed the money right now.

My chores were to go to the barn and get it totally cleaned out, and knowing all to well that meant it better be spic and span clean in there. And so off I went to do that and everyone else to do their chores and get it all done as early as possible.

I worked hard and fast as I could to get that barn cleaned out spotless as could be, all the hay and manure taken out in the old beat up wheelbarrow we had for doing that and all fresh clean hay put in all the stalls.

Then go about wiping everything down and washing it all spic and span and sparkling clean as could be, and tired and dirty as I was Patti, I was glad to be finished and happy that it looked so clean and smelled so good.

But then Patti I saw something I’d never ever seen in that barn and it was back in a far corner I had not seen any reason to clean up being so out of the way everything else.

It was like this saddle Patti but yet it wasn’t a saddle just a thick leather thing thrown over a small but long open ended barrel it was laid over and it was really strange looking Patti, and it was adjustable. There were like these pins pushed through holes on every corner of the barrel like thing with many holes drilled all along the curvature of each corner.

I was so confused by seeing it Patti, and wondering just what it was even there for, but I knew it had to be polished and cleaned for somehow it had to relate to the guest coming later in the day.

So I went and got the saddle soap and clean rags from the rag bin and went into where it was, and leaning over a bit to get to it I began to put saddle soap all over the leather thing, but something seemed strange about it Patti, because there were long gouge marks all over the sides mostly, but some here and there on the top of it.

It was so hard to use the saddle soap to get it shiny clean like a saddle. But I did as best I could to get it as shiny as I could, and over each end of that barrel like thing it was thrown over onto there two signs, one on each end, and it said do not touch or open it is sterilized inside.

That really had me worried Patti that I had somehow ruined it being sterilized as it said, but it said inside so I just shrugged my shoulders and left and closed the barn door tight hoping no dust would get into it and mess my cleaning everything up.

I went to the house and went inside and already Daddy and Brother and Mom were already back from their chores, and all sitting at the kitchen table talking and as soon as I walked in they all got quiet and stopped talking altogether, not really uncommon around our house, as I was left out of everything except all the bad things they did to me Patti.

All Daddy did was look at me and told me to go get a good bath and get myself absolutely cleaned up and washed everywhere, and I knew what that meant Patti and it never was good when I had to do that.

As I walked away and went into the tub room where already Mom had filled the tub with water and I got out of my dirty overalls and shirt, and got in the tub and began scrubbing myself just as Daddy had ordered me to do.

I scrubbed myself down there really good wondering just what terrible thing I was going to be forced to do today knowing all to well it meant something or someone was going to take me Patti, you know like fuck me or do something like that to me.

I got myself scrubbed clean everywhere, and usually Mom had me a nice dress one of my very few nice enough to be out in the public or at church in knowing guest were coming later on today.

There was no dress, nor any pants, shorts, or even a shirt, and since I hardly needed a bra at all since my titties were so tiny and small I paid no attention to that.

So after drying off really good I ran out of the tub room right into mine and my brothers room naked as could be.

Found one of my good dresses and put it on and didn’t care to wear anything under that anyway.

Just as I went into the kitchen they were again all talking and shut up quick, as Mom eyed me up and down and scolded me about putting on my church dress as she called it, and told me that the guest today didn’t call for me to even wear such.

Mad I stormed out of the kitchen back to the bedroom took that dress off and put on just one my ragged sewed up many times one on and again went back into the kitchen. Again everyone shut right up as Momma told me to go to my room and stay there till they called me to come out.

Just about that time a big ol’ truck came down the road and up to our house and I really wondered what that was all about since we seldom had anyone come out to our place unless it was one of those special occasions when I would get visitors who came there to do one thing only and that was to me and with me Patti.

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