My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull - Cover

My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - My Brother trained their Pitbull to forcibly take my Sister In Law whenever he was away. I had to find a way to stop it. But how?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   InLaws   Humiliation   Rough   Bestiality   First   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  

The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height, for Patti and I alike, and no doubt by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it.

Both she and I alike had to have our mixed drinks, to dull our minds from hiding our desires, and open the gates for things to happen.

Patti again got up and took our now empty glasses and refilled them with the courage water we both needed and had to have in us for this.

Again as she turned to bring back our refilled glasses I stared at her bush again, I just could not help myself not to sit there and look at it.

She knew it and didn’t seem to mind my doing so.

Now it was she who took the lead and after giving me my drink she came around the table and sat right beside me.

As we both chugged our drinks right down and sat our glasses back on the table as the liquor began to hit us both, she looked at me saying; “Jackie I know what you really want!”

Going on to say that last night it should have happened then, because she knew as I did that neither of us got one bit over it.

Then she finally admitted to me that yes she had already in her life had a relationship with another female.

Telling me she unlike me had indeed more sexual encounters and outright experience of it all than I did.

Of course at that point and time in my life she in fact had far more than I’d had.

4 times in the last 3 years had my own husband even tried to have sex with me, and even then it was fruitless and a waste of time all he left me with was a damn mess.

Now being here with such a beautiful most spectacularly erotic woman as Patti was and outright showed to be, had me drawn to her like moths to a light at night.

I was all but a innocent virgin when it came to the real desires and pleasures a woman must fulfill in her sexual needs.

And as yet to that point in my life it just had never been the satisfaction, the outright feeling and having even light orgasm, let alone one of those rattle you to your bones kind. Oh sure Jasper had gotten me right to edge of the cliff, but even he never brought me over it, and into an outright mind blowing curl your toes up full blown orgasm.

So indeed I confessed to Patti that she was right, I had never as yet had anything of sexual knowledge and adventure except that wham bam no thank you ma’am sex my husband had those so few times, if you can even describe that as sex.

After saying that Patti just stood right up right there in front of me, and moved over just a bit, and spun me in my chair away from the table and right towards her.

Then stepping right back a bit but still right directly now in front of me, she just reached her hands down and peeled those lace panties down and lowered herself as she peeled them down her legs to her ankles and got out of them altogether.

Stood right back up and spread her legs wide open and looked down at me and told me to look and see what last night between the two us had done!

You did this to me Jackie she exclaimed, as I stared right down into seeing how soaking wet her entire pussy area and that bush of hers was.

We both should have taken each other to one of the bedrooms and made womanly love to each other! Hell I heard you last night talking in your sleep and then this morning having to finger yourself to get any sort of satisfaction and your desire calmed down.

And now woman your going to get yourself satisfied, and your going to get yourself pleasured, and your going to scream out in it being done and happening to you at last in your life.

I am going to pleasure you Jackie! No she said; Toro and I are going to pleasure you!

Her words and saying everything as she had to me as she stood right there showing me she soaking wet with desire for me. Me another Woman.

I was shaking all over hearing her saying all this, not just in fear due to the magnitude of how she said it, oh hell no far more than that it was.

The shaking was more about my pent up desire about it, than anything else, yes I was scared, but not about her it was him! Toro!

That and the fact of the lesbian thing! Really the Bi-Fem thing as we know it to be now, but I was naïve and all but purely innocent about true and real sexual things then.

I was a mere fawn thrown out into a world of wolves is exactly what I was.

Oh yes Jasper had given me at least some bit of pleasure, but everything else in my life was either horrid and terrible or outright un-pleasurable at all in that point of my life and time.

I had assumed at least to that point of having known Patti as I had become to know her, that she didn’t know all that had happened to me up to that point of time, and was I ever wrong in that!

Because as she stood over me like that though hell standing up she was barely taller than I was sitting down.

But then and there she told me she knew everything! That Bastard of a Brother of mine had told her everything!

And in writing this story and what was said and told to me by her, I may leak out a bit or two of some of it, and it may totally sicken some of you, as it damn sure had me at that time it all took place.

No wonder I was a pent up withdrawn woman from anything sexual at that time of my life.

But here standing over me naked as she could be so I could see the soaked desire and wantonness of being with me as a woman had me floored.

Patti stood right there and began to describe things that had happened to me in such detail that I knew she was not bluffing in the least and that she was telling me exactly some of the things that had been done to me.

Then as she went on telling this and that to me sitting right there hearing it all, every bit of what she was saying flooding back into my mind with it all over and over again it flooded back into my mind.

The very worst of it all was when she told me; “Jackie how about that time in the barn when you got fucked by that Boar Hog?” “Yeah I know all about it Jackie!”

That Bastard of a Brother of mine had told her everything! Everything he and my Dad, and my own Mom, made me do!

I was raped repeatedly like that! It was all done for shows they sold tickets for! Yeah that’s right! That’s the TRUTH!

I’ve had some really close friends tell me to do this and that about it all. What good would it do? How can one get justice? How can one flush your mind of such things? How can one do one damn thing but live with what your dealt the hand of life in? They are all now dead and buried!

See what happens when you start diggin’ up bones! Leave the damn things alone!

Now Patti wasn’t in any way shape or form trying to do anything except help me with my horrid past of all that.

She was merely bringing all this up so I knew that she knew every damn bit of it, and together we had to free ourselves of all it.

That was her main point of it all was that she and I had to somehow free ourselves of it all.

Standing there as she was and telling me all this had me about to have a major breakdown and become totally mentally inept.

But that wasn’t her point at all either. She just merely was pointing out everything and bringing it to light so that then she and I alike could bust me free of the chains that had me bound! The mental blockage I put that wall up against! True outright womanly PLEASURE! Real Pleasure!

Now at last said, I will not ever again bring one bit of any of that to life.

She then leaned down and hugged me up to her and mothered me as I had her that very night before.

Then she took me by the hand and helped me up and took me to her room, and lay me on her bed.

I was already at my limit of alcohol and it wasn’t even 9am as yet, and I could tell by how Patti had walked and led me to her room and on this bed, that she wasn’t fairing much better in her over the limit of consumption herself. Perhaps the alcohol had indeed opened us both into the world of telling it like it is thing. For she had certainly done just that before helping me up and taking me where I was then.

As I lay there on her bed she went to a drawer and rummaged through it then brought out a tiny bag and came back over and sat down right beside me.

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