My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull - Cover

My Sister in Law Is Forced to Take Their Pitbull

Copyright© 2022 by stick_girl

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - My Brother trained their Pitbull to forcibly take my Sister In Law whenever he was away. I had to find a way to stop it. But how?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   InLaws   Humiliation   Rough   Bestiality   First   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Size   Violence  

Then out of nowhere when she was as tipsy as I was, Toro wakes up.

Patti sat there in her chair legs spread wide apart, the loose cottony shorts opened, for a clear view of her now cleaned up blonde haired mound.

Oh her pussy was absolutely viewable by me sitting right across from her, on the couch, with her legs thrown over each arm of her chair, One could not help but see it all as I looked at her.

Being so lost in her thoughts, she just wasn’t aware of just how she was showing me everything she was.

More so than that she for sure wasn’t even aware that Toro in all his mighty glory had even woke up and now standing and stretching himself out yawning with that huge pit mouth of his as he did this.

The absolute reason he had the name Toro was because he looked exactly like a Bull without the horns of course, and certainly not of ones hugeness, but he was a dog replica of one. So the name Toro was given him.

And here he stood now in all his mighty muscled up mite now looking exactly at what I had been glaring upon!

As I said she and I alike, were now a bit tipsy from the mixed drinks, our minds off in our own relaxed worlds, even after the events of the day in their bedroom.

I wanted so to tell her to move herself out of harms way being spread so out like that in those loose cottony shorts, her legs thrown over each arm of the chair.

Toro just stood there right beside his bed stretching himself, his head and eyes totally locked into looking right at where he had already been earlier, as he began to smell the air with his huge nostrils, no doubt he smelled both her and my womanly scents.

His huge tongue now lapping out from his mouth slapping up over his snout and back into his mouth, I shuddered all over thinking in my mind watching this exactly what he was doing that for!

Then without a single indication he was going to do this or that, he absolutely lunged himself forwards in a full outright run, stopping immediately right there between her spread wide open legs.

Oh she now noticed him, and totally shook all over herself, and was trying to take her legs off each arm of the chair and close herself up.

Just as her legs moved from their spread over the arms position Toro snarled and growled out at her.

She tried to get her legs down and pulled together, but Toro absolutely shot his snarling, growling, angry head right at her right thigh and all but bit her.

She was to scared to move one bit any direction with her legs now, screaming out; “No Toro, Oh No Toro!”

But he only barked out ferociously and snapped at her thigh again.

Now she was screaming and pleading for me to come help her, and I jumped up from the couch to run over and see if I could get hold of his collar and keep him from her.

All he did was turn at me and growled, and snarled, in total anger at my coming even towards him.

I was standing there frozen in my tracks scared to death he was going to lunge up at me and tear me apart!

As if he knew he had me to scared to even try and advance one bit further, he turned back to her still screaming and crying out; “No Toro, Oh no please no more today!”

Still snarling, and growling at her, until she totally was forced to accept just what he wanted.

Then once he realized that both of us were scared to death of him, he merely stopped his snarling and growling viscously out at each of us.

All the while she was pleading and screaming out for him not to do anything else to her, as her eyes cast at me, shot wide open with total fear, and horror, of his being like this to us both.

I knew there was no helping her at all and slowly moved backwards to sit back down on the couch, all the while he would look back over at me and snarl and viciously growl at me for even moving, yet stood right where he was to protect, and have what he was telling us was his!

Now having moved back to the couch I sat down and curled myself up into a protective position scared to death of him.

I was forced to stay right where I was, curled up, and shaking to death in fear that their damn dog had gone off the deep end and was going to outright kill both of us!

But he wasn’t interested in that oh hell no, what he wanted she was outright showing through those loose cottony shorts of hers.

Once assured he had us both right where he wanted, he stopped the viscous angry growling and snarling and snapping at her inner thighs, and reached his head right in and grabbed the loose end of her shorts.

His muscled up body stepped backwards and dragging her body and ass almost off the chair, her legs forced to spread even wider as he did this, all the while she was screaming and pleading and crying out to him to not do this.

But he had that leg of her shorts in a firm death grip in his mouth, and pulled those shorts almost ripping and tearing them from her waist.

Now planted right on the very edge of that chair with her big ass she was, her arms thrown back over the back of the chair to keep him from dragging her right off into the floor, as he pulled and tugged at her shorts and tore them from her waist and legs.

The ripping of them from her screaming and pleading body filled the room, as he now had them tore from her and merely stepped just a bit aside and dropped the torn to shreds shorts right onto the floor.

As she was forced into her position now as he had done this, crying and pleading for her life to him, he paid her not one bit of obedience at all.

He just walked right up, his head and snout now aimed right at her already hurt and swollen blonde haired bushy pussy, and began then and there to sniff at it.

She was shaking all over herself from the horrible fear he was going to attack and tear her apart.

Steadily crying in fear of what she now fully knew he wanted, of what he had already earlier had!

Her pussy was outright already raw and reddened from his assault of it earlier, but he cared not one bit of her condition.

He was going to have her again, as his snout plowed right up to her swollen pussy, the lips flared outwards from having been so stretched out by his huge cock and knot earlier, and he wanted more!

I sat curled up scared to death being forced to watch it all happen again.

Suddenly his huge thick tongue shot out from his mouth, and raked flatly over the entirety of her swollen and already hurt pussy, making her jerk and jump her entire body about, a screaming crying grunting moan came from her, as that tongue of his raked right over her entire pussy and right up over her clit.

While poor Patti wasn’t screaming in so much horror anymore, She still was being forced to let him now set out to outright lick her pussy, as the sounds of his lapping and licking at it became louder and louder.

She was now thrashing and twisting her body about, loud cries of the agonized pleasure of it all coming from her, as Toro’s tongue worked her pussy over, as her clit began to elongate out of it’s hiding, and making her really jerk and twist about as his tongue and tip raked right over it.

The horrid unwontedness of it all was dwindling fast within Patti, as now she began to outright moan and grunt out loud cries of the forced pleasure, his tongue assault on her pussy was giving her, the outright wetness between his tongue and her pussy becoming more increasing matting her thick blonde hair together all around and over her pussy lips and mound now.

Then as suddenly as it had all began it stopped.

Patti there spread widely outwards before him, her breathing so labored with the forced pleasure of his tongue thus far on her beaten and already battered pussy.

Then suddenly she jolted her entire body up off the chair, as then and there Toro sent that huge now slightly curled up thick tongue of his right up into her pussy forcing it to stretch wide open, as he buried it as deep as he could up into her, Patti screaming in the painful and outright pleasure of it all.

Back out and into his mouth that huge thick tongue came dragging out and with it the juices her pussy was now giving him fully from it.

Now over and over again he began his brutal tongue assault up into her pussy as deep as he could plow that curled up thick tongue of his up into her making Patti scream out and cry out with the outright pleasure of it all now.

Then her juices began to pour from her pussy onto his thrusting and working madly tongue, as her head flew back and she screamed out in the outright orgasm of it all.

Over and over again he did this, getting faster and faster with his tongue assault of her pussy, as Patti was thrashing and screaming out in the full orgasmic bliss of it all.

She was outright giving him all the pussy juices his tongue could force itself into her and bring back out juices pouring from his assaulting tongue as the outright sloppy wet lapping sounds filled the room right along with Patti’s screaming torturous cries of pleasure.

And again as suddenly as it had began it stopped!

Patti’s body was wildly twisting and squirming about her loud screams and cries of the pleasure still coming from her her pussy now soaked and splayed wide open from his tongue stretching it so outwards to take it’s thickness.

Toro sitting back on his hind legs now his tongue lapping out over his soaked snout of their combined juices and pulling it all from there back into his mouth savoring the outright taste of her pussy.

As now he to just sat there heavily panting his tongue lulled out from his snout still lapping up any and every single drop that remained from their pleasure.

After Toro had just finished his tongue marathon on and inside my very own Sister In Laws pussy, he sat there back to his normal self, the vicious state of mind he was in now gone from him.

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