You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

The next morning Jon walked back to Claudette’s room to find her still sleeping soundly. He sighed and placed his hand on hers, gently rubbing her fingers with his thumb.

Breakfast arrived a little while later and Jon had to wake Claudette. They sat eating together, not really saying much. Claudette’s eyes looked clearer, and Jon felt a sense of relief to know that she was getting better every day. He had to leave the bedroom after breakfast so that Claudette’s maid could clean her up a bit. He went to the guest bed chamber which he had been using during his stay to clean himself up as well. When he had finished, he saw Lord Batten walking down the hall.

“Lord Batten, how are you this morning?” Jon asked.

“I’m well enough ... How does she look today?” he asked worriedly.

“Honestly, she looks better than yesterday, my Lord. I believe she is exceeding everybody’s expectations by her speedy recovery.”

“That’s very good news. I hope she is in a good mood today ... I have to speak to her about the ordeal – we have to know what happened so that we may start on the new leads.” Lord Batten looked visibly nervous as he contemplated speaking to his daughter about it, bringing back the memories. “The Carlisle’s will be here this afternoon as well. So I’ll have to speak to her about the intended arranged marriage as well.”

Jon felt, in a way, at peace. He knew it was the right thing for her. He just hoped that she wouldn’t be too stubborn about the entire arrangement.

Jon and Lord Batten made their way to Claudette’s room. When they were informed it was safe to do so, they entered the room and saw Claudette staring out the window, the sunlight illuminating her now clean and thick brown hair, lying loosely around her. She looked much healthier than before. She sighed, as though attempting to soak up all the sunlight in the room. When the men had reached her bed, she turned around and smiled at them.

“My darling, how are you feeling this morning?” her father asked.

“I am feeling much better Papa.” She turned to Jon, “Thank you for being here with me.” He noticed that she was avoiding his eyes.

“My darling, it has been such a difficult few weeks,”- Lord Batten started, but Claudette stopped him.

“Papa, I know that I will have to provide my testimony. If I know you at all I know that you have already started searching for the man who has caused me so much pain. I must confess, though, that I do not think you will be able to trace him,” Claudette said, and then looked down at the bruises on her arms. Her father and Jon were stunned at her apparent eagerness to speak about the affair. Jon was continuously amazed at how strong this woman was.

“I have no idea who the man is. Unfortunately he has never provided me his name. I only met him three times in the woods down at the abandoned cottage,” Claudette said confidently.

“You met a man you do not know in the middle of nowhere more than once?” her father asked outraged.

Claudette didn’t lose her will at her father’s reaction. Instead, she took his hand in hers, “Papa, I know that I acted irresponsibly. I understand it, and I do apologise. In a sense, I suppose it is my own fault that this awful event has taken place.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

Her father’s expression changed suddenly as he saw her tears. Jon interjected, “It is not your fault. It could never be. He was a man in uniform – anybody would have trusted him. There is no way you could have known what he is capable of.”

“Yes, that is true. Thank you Jon. I apologise for my reaction my darling. This entire affair has enraged me so that it seems I have reacted without thought. I’m sorry my dear,” her father said squeezing her hand.

Claudette looked up at them, regaining her composure, “All I know is that he said he was here only for a few weeks. Honestly, I do not know whether anything he told me was even the truth. He said that he was here as protection for somebody. He might have been lying about everything. One thing is for sure – he never told me his name.”

“Could you describe the man at least?” her father asked gently.

“Yes, he had very short jet black hair, dark eyes, and he was very slender. He had dimples, and I remember a scar on his neck.”

At the description, Jon felt a new surge of rage envelop him.

“But you should also speak to Harry. The driver? He also saw the man a while ago – when we first met actually. Possibly he could have noticed something I didn’t.”

“Thank you my darling. I know it must be very difficult for you to speak about these things. Is there anything else you can remember? Anything which could help us identify the man?”

“Well ... I remember he had a bracelet around his wrist. I don’t know whether it means anything, but there was something like a coin attached to it. It had the letters ‘T.D.’ engraved on it But that is truly all I can remember Papa.”

She seemed so strong. Jon felt admiration when listening to her. He had underestimated her strength.

She lay back against her pillow, looking exhausted by the speech. Jon walked over and poured her some water. Her hands were still trembling slightly, and she looked very pale.

“Darling, there is something else we, unfortunately, have to discuss now...” her father started. Jon noticed that Lord Batten’s forehead was suddenly covered in sweat.

“What is it Papa?” Claudette looked a little concerned.

“This cannot happen again Claudette. I will not let it. You have to be kept safe. Your protection is of the utmost importance to me. Besides that, you require support after this entire ordeal. It is my intention that you be wed,” her father said confidently, as though he was of the opinion that she would be more inclined to agree to the idea if he introduced it with more authority.

There was a long silence.

“To whom?” Claudette finally asked.

“Lord Benjamin Carlisle.”

Something like rage flashed in Claudette’s eyes. Her eyes then flickered to Jon and then back to her father. She looked back at Jon, and then out the window again.

She took a deep breath and then finally said, “Alright.”

Now it was her father’s turn to remain silent. Jon was in shock. He didn’t believe it would be that simple, and, apparently, neither did her father.

“You’re not going to argue?” Lord Batten asked her gently.

“No,” she replied. When she turned back towards her father, Jon saw tears on the brim of her eyelids, threatening to run down her cheeks, but she took another deep breath, shook her head and remained silent.

“Alright then,” Her father said uncertainly, “The Carlisle’s should be here soon. I’m sure they’ll be delighted.”

Her father left soon afterwards in order to ensure that everything was ready for the Carlisle’s and to speak to Harry in order to obtain a description of the Captain. Jon remained in the room with Claudette. He sat down on the sofa by the window and he saw that Claudette’s eyes were closed. He refused to let his own feelings come to the fore. He only wanted what was best for her, and Benjamin was it.

“What are your thoughts?” Claudette asked him, her eyes still closed.

He didn’t want to talk to her about his thoughts regarding the arranged marriage, so he just said, “My thoughts are that you truly have a magnificent view from your bedroom window.”

“Jon, don’t be daft. You know what I’m asking. What are your thoughts about the arranged marriage? More specifically, about my intended?” She looked at him intently now.

Jon sighed. “It’s the right thing to do. Benjamin will take care of you, and ... And he’ll be able to give you everything you could ever want.”

Claudette took another deep breath, and then she sat up. The tears were rolling down her cheeks. She looked so vulnerable – he wanted to take her into his arms as he did the night before, but he knew that it would be Benjamin’s role now. She knew that as well. So he went up to the bed and placed her hand in his.

“Do you really believe that he’ll be the one to make me happy?”

In that moment, Jon felt weak. Her tears cut through him like knives. He placed his hand on her face, catching a tear with his finger.

“I do,” he said finally.

Before things could go any further, a maid came to the door and informed Jon that the Carlisle’s were present.

“Jon, I know you don’t owe me anything. You’ve already done so much for my father by being here to make sure I’m alright,”- Is that what she thought? That he was at their estate for her father?

“But would you please let my father know that I am not up to seeing the Carlisle’s this evening? I require a few more days before seeing my betrothed, please.”

Jon smiled sadly, “Of course.”

With that, Jon left the room to join the small party downstairs. He had felt so close to Claudette the past few days, but he knew that things were to change back to how they were. He couldn’t let himself get so close to Claudette again. She felt better now, so she wouldn’t need him in any case.

Jon went into the smaller dining hall, greeted everybody, and explained that Claudette was, unfortunately, not feeling well enough for visitors at the moment. Everyone seemed to understand well enough, but Jon could sense tension in the atmosphere, as though everybody was waiting for Claudette to refuse the arranged marriage.

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