You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 7

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

If Benjamin wasn’t so absolutely mortified at his parents’ entrance into his room, he would have thought the situation to be quite hilarious.

Benjamin was now sitting out on the second floor balcony of the mansion, waiting for his mother to calm down. She had been shouting at him for the past hour. She had been so graceful as to allow Missy to get dressed and leave the house. She refused to look at the scantily dressed woman whom had spent the night with her son. Benjamin’s father said nothing. His mother was threatening to disown him, but Benjamin knew better than to stand up to her at the moment. She had to get through her rage without anyone interrupting her. Interruption would make the entire affair even worse. Benjamin couldn’t argue in any case, as he knew he had been in the wrong. His father was now staring at him, his arms crossed and placed above his large belly. He peered down at him through small spectacles, taking deep breaths every now and then ruffling his large mustache. His mother refused to look at him. The tall skinny grey-haired lady kept shouting, walking up and down the balcony. She called Benjamin “a disgrace to the good family name,” more times than he could count. Benjamin thought that the frown on her face, and the protruding vein on her forehead would possibly remain there forever.

After what seemed like an eternity, Benjamin’s father interjected, “Anita, dear, I think I should speak to our son alone for a moment.” He placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her. His father’s voice sounded strange to Benjamin after hearing his mother’s voice rise in pitch after every few sentences for the past hour. His mother took a deep breath and stormed off the balcony without saying a word. Afterwards, his father went to sit down again, all the while looking at him.

Benjamin Carlisle Snr let out a deep sigh, “Son, do you realize what you’re doing? Do you realize why it’s wrong for you to act in this manner?”

“Yes, Father, I –” Benjamin started, but his father held up a hand, signaling him to stop.

“Son, I don’t want to hear any excuses. I want to know if you truly have any regret? If you feel any guilt?”

“I do Father, I really do,” Benjamin said softly.

His father sighed again, “Then what are we going to do Benjamin? Perhaps your mother and I should reside here with you. It seems clear that the temptation to ruin the Carlisle family name is too much for you here alone.”

“I am sorry for disappointing you, Father.”

“Well, I don’t want to do this Son, but it seems the only way. I do not want to disown you, but your mother seems adamant. If I tell her that we will move here, it may convince her. Your promises don’t seem to mean anything to her anymore.”

Benjamin remained silent. Then, suddenly, a thought came to him, “Father, what if...” Benjamin didn’t have time to think it through, but in that moment he didn’t see how it could fail.

“Yes?” his father questioned.

“What if I were to be wed?”

For a moment it looked as though his father attempted to stifle a laugh, but then he said, “Do you take me for a fool? I’ve been around a long time Benjamin. Your mother will not allow you to be wed to some girl who is too stupid or weak to stop you from such frivolities as last night. The only way you’ll be married is by way of our choosing – someone who will be able to keep you reigned in.”

“Yes Father, I believe we are on the same page. I apologise for my actions, and I will agree to an arranged marriage.”

Benjamin’s father looked taken aback and cleared his throat, “Are you certain? Do you understand what it would entail?”

“Yes Father. I know I have no right to make any requests of you, but I wonder if you’ll indulge me.”

“You have conditions? Your mother will not be satisfied.”

“Listen to me Father – there is somebody I have in mind. She will be the perfect addition to our estate.”

“Well, tell me then. Who is this woman?”

“Batten, Claudette Batten of Batten Estate.”

Jon was still miserable. His mind never left Claudette. He hadn’t seen her in a while, and, fortunately, Lord Batten had sent a letter stating that he had much business to attend to and was unable to see Jon for the next few weeks.

Jon was, once again, sitting on his small balcony watching the square, which was greener now. His heart longed for Claudette. He had thought that his feelings would have passed, or that he’d, at least, feel better by now.

Jon stood up when he heard a frantic knock at the door. He wasn’t appropriately dressed but the distressed knocking caused him to forget his frightful state.

The knocking became more frantic as Jon came closer to the door. When he unlocked the door, Benjamin burst through, looking out of breath.

“Benjamin, what’s the matter?” Jon was genuinely concerned. Benjamin looked completely mad. It looked as though he hadn’t even gotten dressed properly. At least, Jon thought, Benjamin looked worse than he did. Benjamin’s long blonde hair was loose, not tied down neatly as usual. He was sweating, a lot.

When Benjamin didn’t answer him, Jon ushered him to the couch, and almost had to push him down onto it.

“Can I get you something to drink...?” Jon asked.

Benjamin twitched, “Uh, yes. Double whiskey.”

Jon poured the whiskey and gave it to Benjamin. He seemed to be shaking nervously, and he then downed the whiskey in a single gulp. Benjamin held the glass out to Jon and he walked to refill it across the room. When Jon walked back towards him, Benjamin had his head in his hands, looking at the floor. He didn’t look up as Jon passed him the second glass.

“Benjamin, I’m worried. Is everything alright?”

Benjamin didn’t answer. Jon sat forward, looking at Benjamin’s shaking hands. He took another big gulp and finally looked at Jon, tapping his foot wildly on the floor.

“Benjamin, speak to me. What is the matter?”

Benjamin drank the whiskey and then stood up. He paced the room, and finally said, “Jon, I’m going to marry Claudette Batten.”

Jon couldn’t make sense of what he was saying.

Marry? Claudette? His Claudette? How was this possible?

Jon felt faint and swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry.

“Pardon me?” was Jon managed to say.

“Jon, I...” Benjamin sighed, “It’s not my fault. My parents...,” he sighed again, shaking his head.

Jon stared at him, utterly confused and unable to speak, so he just waited for Benjamin to gather his thoughts.

“Jon, I ... I know I made you a promise. I know I said that I’d stay away from her. I know that. You have to believe me.” Benjamin paused to take a look at the suddenly frozen Jon. Then he started pacing around the room, “It’s my parents. They came here, to Westville. They saw me with someone at the mansion. It’s not important who, but they are livid Jon. They threatened to disown me if I don’t marry someone appropriate. They’re forcing me into an arranged marriage Jon. They’re forcing me to marry Claudette!”

Benjamin seemed to get more frantic. Jon was still in shock. Benjamin was going to marry Claudette, his Claudette. Benjamin took a deep breath and then stared at Jon who was still unable to move.

Benjamin said softly, “Jon, I really am sorry. You didn’t say it last time we spoke, but I have a hunch that you may have feelings for her so I felt it my duty to warn you.”

Jon saw no point in arguing with Benjamin about his feelings. What could he say now? He couldn’t change anything. Their estates would be joined to form probably one of the largest estates in the country – it would only make sense. Jon just couldn’t believe that Lord Batten had agreed to such an arrangement.

“Jon, I ... I’m so sorry.”

“Is she happy?” Jon finally asked softly.

“Well, I don’t know. I mean, she doesn’t know yet. My parents have arranged a meeting with Lord Batten tomorrow in order to discuss the situation.”

“Wait, so her father hasn’t given his permission yet?” Jon asked, daring to feel slightly hopeful.

“Jon, you must realize that it is merely a formality. Claudette is his only child. He loves her, he’ll want her to be cared for when he’s not here anymore. She needs a husband to be able to take care of all the affairs. She can’t just marry anyone. It makes sense for it to be me. If something happens to her father, she’ll be left defenceless.”

“You underestimate her. She’ll be alright without you.”

Benjamin sighed again, “Jon, you know that’s not how things work around here. She’ll need a husband.”

“It sounds like you actually want to get married to her Benjamin,” Jon said feeling sick to his stomach.

Benjamin looked at the floor, but didn’t say anything.

Jon became enraged, “You’ve never wanted to get married! You’ll just use her! I know you!”

“Look, I didn’t plan for this to happen Jon. I just thought that I had to let you know, that it’s my duty, as your friend,” Benjamin said as he turned to the door.

“Benjamin, you can’t do this. She deserves someone who truly loves her. You’ll hurt her. Please. You have to listen to me,” Jon became desperate.

Benjamin looked at him and apologized once more before exiting the door and closing it behind him.

Jon was left standing in silence. His throat suddenly felt constricted. He couldn’t breathe, and he didn’t know what to think. He had no right to feel this way. She wasn’t his Claudette. She could never be his Claudette, no matter how much he wanted her to be. Jon went to bed with a heavy heart. He couldn’t sleep for hours and had no idea what time he finally fell asleep.

Jon awoke the next morning with a new-found determination. He couldn’t allow Claudette to marry Benjamin – he just couldn’t. He had to warn her, to warn her father. Jon might not ever have Claudette for himself, but he sure as hell would rather die than see her with Benjamin. He would only use her. There was a reason that he had such a reputation with women. She and her father couldn’t allow it to happen, even if it meant that Benjamin would be disowned. It didn’t matter. Claudette couldn’t be with him. Jon convinced himself that he would be happy for her if she was to get married to someone decent, but Jon knew Benjamin. Benjamin was not suitable for her. She deserved so much better.

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