You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

Claudette hadn’t heard anything from Jon in over a month.

It was Spring and the flowers were well in bloom. With this change in season Claudette believed that the budding flowers would lead to a budding romance.

It didn’t.

Claudette started spending more time in town at her father’s practice. She knew it was important to know the processes, and she enjoyed learning all about it. Sometimes it truly frustrated her that she was not deemed to be a suitable choice to run the Batten estate. She was convinced that she had something to prove, and prove herself she would. She would ensure that she knew all about the processes so that she, herself, would someday take over as owner and manager of the entire Batten estate, including all of the businesses that came with it.

Secretly though, Claudette kept hoping to bump into Jon. It seemed to her that Jon was avoiding her. Her father had invited him to the estate on numerous occasions since Claudette arrived but he seemed to have an excuse every time. Her father was starting to think it strange as Jon had apparently visited him almost every fortnight since Claudette left all those years ago. Her father didn’t seem to dwell on it much though.

Claudette felt silly. She had concocted this entire fantasy in her head. Jon had his own life. He hadn’t waited for her to grow up for five years. He had gone on to live his life, as he should.

And so should I, Claudette thought.

In her mind she knew that it was time to move on. She didn’t know Jon anymore. She was hanging onto a little girl’s fantasy which would never materialize. But did her heart know that? And how was she to move on?

In the meantime, that brute, Benjamin Carlisle, had stopped by twice during the last month. She felt enraged just thinking about their encounter at the pools almost a month ago.

Who does he think he is?

Claudette had, by this time, heard all the rumours about him. She couldn’t believe that women swooned at the sight of him – although, she had to admit that his nude body before her had sent an electric pulse through her veins. She had never seen a man completely nude before. She could only imagine what pleasure he could provide a woman with that body of his (especially a certain very large part of that body), and all his experience. Yes, it may have crossed her mind for a second to allow him to kiss her when he was standing there in front of her, but she would not allow herself to be swept away by such arrogance. Afterwards she could not believe how well she had kept her composure, but she looked back with pride.

In an attempt to avoid the handsome man, Claudette immediately fell ill when she heard of his arrival. She made sure that she was the perfect hostess whenever any of her father’s business associates or friends were at the estate, so she knew her father couldn’t complain about her feeling ill only twice.

She was trying her best to live the life of a proper lady of the Batten estate. She knew it was what was expected of her, but she also knew that her father was only trying to aid her in being able to manage all of his affairs when he would be unable to do so. Claudette appreciated it – not many men would want a woman dealing with his affairs. Her father included her in every facet of his business. It was for that reason that Claudette didn’t want to disappoint him. She wanted to learn all about the various businesses her father was involved in. She realized that, although she may not be an attorney, she was to make important decisions about the practice one day. She had to understand the processes in order to do so. It was the same with the plantations at the estate, as well as her father’s shares in various other businesses around the province. She knew that an important part of managing her father’s affairs included playing hostess to many different people, very frequently.

As a young woman, her opinion was not taken seriously. She, thus, did not necessarily enjoy speaking to her father’s associates who regarded her as inferior. Her father had scolded her a number of times in the past for attempting to argue with one of his associates. Apparently they did not take well to being challenged by a young girl. For her father’s sake, she, thus, attempted to rather speak to the wives of her father’s associates. It was difficult at times when she heard what the men were discussing, as she was reminded how inconsequential her conversation with the women were, especially in Westville. Claudette wanted to raise her opinion and have them taken seriously, but she feared that she would have to convince the men to do so, even once her father had passed. She would not let them walk over her then. She would have a say, she would make sure of it. She would make her father proud. As his only child, it was her duty. She was not one to sit around merely enjoying her inheritance. She wanted to make something of her life.

Claudette was making herself a cup of tea when she heard the bell ring at the door of her father’s practice. One of the assistants answered the door, and she heard Jon’s deep voice asking for her father. Claudette felt her stomach flutter. She walked closer, wanting to listen without making herself known, as her father came down the stairs and greeted Jon as he would greet her, his own daughter, when he came to visit her after not seeing her for a while.

“Jonny-boy! It is truly so good to see you. I have not stopped worrying about you. Where have you been all this time?” her father asked, ushering Jon into one of the side chambers.

Jon felt nervous. He knew that he had been terribly rude in refusing Lord Batten’s invitations on numerous occasions the past month. He felt immense guilt, and, thus, decided to drop by his practice where he knew he wouldn’t find Claudette. He was unable to face her.

Benjamin had visited him about a month ago. He had been to the Batten estate and clearly found a liking in Claudette.

Why wouldn’t he? She was perfect.

“Why didn’t you tell me how beautiful she is, Jon?” Benjamin had asked him in his cottage one evening.

“Well, I guess I hadn’t really noticed,” Jon lied, not wanting to reveal his feelings. He had to convince Benjamin that she wasn’t a prize to be won, that she wasn’t truly as magnificent as everybody thought. His attempt did not seem to be working.

Benjamin laughed, “Do you take me for a fool? You’d have to be blind not to notice her incredible body. And having seen her the way I did...”

Jon, immensely enraged, immediately stiffened, “The way you did? What do you mean? Don’t tell me you bedded her? She is but a young girl. Her father would have you murdered if he ever found out!” Jon felt himself becoming somewhat hysterical. In that moment he hated Benjamin, and it scared him.

“Jon! Calm yourself! I didn’t bed her!” Benjamin almost screamed, putting his hands on Jon’s shoulders.

“She isn’t a little girl anymore. You may have known her when she was a child, but she is all grown up now,” Benjamin continued calmly.

The realization dawned on Jon again – she wasn’t a little girl, but he still felt the need to protect her, especially from Benjamin. Benjamin was a good friend, but Jon also knew his way with women. Jon would not allow him to do that to Claudette.

“Benjamin, she isn’t like the other women around here. Her father wouldn’t allow it. You can’t use her the way you use other women,” Jon almost begged.

“She’s a woman, she can make her own choices. What her father doesn’t know, won’t hurt him,” Benjamin said with a sly smile, “What is it to you anyway?”

Jon was stuck in one place – what is to me?

He convinced himself it was because she had been like a sister to him. It was his duty to protect his sister. Inside though, he knew it wasn’t the truth. She could never be like a sister again.

“She was like a sister to me,” Jon finally managed to say. He didn’t believe it would convince Benjamin.

Benjamin sighed, “I understand. I know you’re like a son to her father. Jon, you’re a very good friend. I wouldn’t want to lose you. I will stay away from Claudette if it is important to you. I mean, there are plenty of fish in the sea, right?”

Jon was not convinced. He didn’t believe that Benjamin would leave it at that.

A little while later, it emerged that Benjamin was visiting the Batten estate. When confronted, Benjamin stated that it was for business. For fear that Benjamin would dwell on Jon’s feelings for Claudette, Jon left it at that, although he knew better. Jon couldn’t let Benjamin know what his feelings for Claudette were, Jon himself didn’t even know. He didn’t want to risk any news reaching Claudette herself, but more than that, Jon was afraid that Benjamin would see it as a competition if he knew that Jon had feelings for her – a competition which Benjamin would most certainly win. Benjamin wouldn’t do it on purpose – he truly was a very good friend, but Jon was not willing to take the risk.

Jon was gutted. Benjamin was from an incredibly wealthy family. He owned the estate close to the Batten estate, and was able to run a successful business. They would be perfect for one another. Jon could never stand a chance against Benjamin. Jon had been determined to stay away from the Batten estate for fear of seeing Claudette. He couldn’t bear to look at her, knowing that he could never have her. Any thought he had ever had about them being together was shattered when he realized that Benjamin was infatuated with her, an infatuation that would only last long enough for him to ravish her. Afterwards he would become bored, but for now, the more she rejected him, the more he enjoyed the game he was playing with her.

How long would she be able to say no to him?

Jon knew how Benjamin was with women. He could have anyone he wanted. Women fell at his feet. Claudette would fall for him just as easily. Well, he had to give her credit, maybe not that easily. She would make it difficult for him, but that would only spur him on. She was stubborn, but she would give in eventually. Benjamin had said it himself.

What if it went further? Jon could see it all taking place – their parents would be delighted. In society, their match would be perfect. Their estates, together, would be one of the largest in the country, never mind the province. The possibility seemed remote with Benjamin’s reputation, but the slightest possibility was enough to raise the hair on Jon’s neck.

It was for this reason that Jon had decided to visit Lord Batten. Yes, he felt guilty about refusing his numerous invitations to the estate, but he also had an aching feeling about Claudette and Benjamin. He had to find out if there was something between them. Her father would probably not even know, but Jon had to attempt to find out.

Once Jon had been ushered into the side chamber at Lord Batten’s practice, he said, “My Lord, I offer my sincere apologies for refusing your numerous invitations to the estate. I confess I have been quite ill, and have had much to do at work.”

“Oh dear, you have been ill? I hope it was not serious?”

“Oh, no, my Lord, merely a cold, but I felt it best to stay away for fear of infecting yourself, or Lady Batten at that,” Jon responded, feeling terrible about lying so to the man who was like a father to him.

“Now, now Jon, you know she is merely Claudette to you. Funny that, she seemed to be feeling ill during the past month as well...”

“Oh, really? Is she alright?” Jon felt sweat above his brow. Did he know Jon was lying?

“Oh yes, to be honest my dear Jon, I believe she feels ill when there I have a visitor she does not wish to see,” he said with a wink at him.

A tray of small sandwiches were placed on the table, along with a steaming pot of tea.

Jon smiled.

“In fact, I believe the very person she is avoiding is a good friend of yours,” Lord Batten continued.

“A friend of mine?”

“Yes, a Lord Carlisle. My darling daughter seems to be ill every time he visits,” Lord Batten laughed.

Jon’s heart flipped, “Why do you think that is?” Jon attempted to sound casual in his questioning.

Lord Batten laughed again, “I do not pretend to know what is contained in my daughter’s mind Jon. She has a will of her own, one that I will probably never completely understand, one precisely like her mother’s. If you, at any point, gain an understanding of her, I kindly request you to enlighten me as well.”

Jon smiled, “I fear I don’t understand any woman, much less your daughter, my Lord.” Jon felt suddenly relaxed. He seemed to be able to speak to Lord Batten freely as he did when Claudette was away.

Lord Batten chuckled, “Now Jon, you shouldn’t say such things. She may hear you.”

The blood drained from Jon’s face.

“Hear me? You mean to tell me that she’s here?” Jon said, visibly anxious now.

“Oh, yes. She seems eager to want to understand the business. She is around here somewhere,” Lord Batten said placing his large mustache around the brim of his tea cup. “She will come to greet you shortly, I am sure. You know, she is so terribly fond of you. I’m certain she would enjoy seeing you at the estate more often,” Lord Batten said politely.

Before Jon could reply, there was a knock at the door, and Claudette entered.

Jon stared at her. Her hair was neatly fastened at the nape of her neck, and she was dressed in a long emerald green dress which clung tightly to her waist. She smiled warmly at Jon, as though he were the only person on earth she wanted to see. As she neared him, he saw her eyes glisten.

He stood up to greet her, holding out his hand, but she embraced him, “Oh Jon, how good it is to see you!” He could smell her skin as she put her arms around him for those few fleeting seconds – it smelled of lavender, and in that moment he wished to never be able to smell any other scent again. How could he feel so content touching her, yet have such a large hole in his heart at the same time? She released him from her embrace, and Jon lingered, watching her as she took her seat. Jon felt his heart being ripped out of his chest. He had heard her father say that she was avoiding Benjamin, but that meant that something had happened, didn’t it?

Why else would she be avoiding him? It meant that she was still thinking about him. Was it a matter of time before she finally gave in to him?

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