You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

Jon all but opened his mouth as he stared at the girl he used to know. He could barely recognize her. He felt as though the blood had drained from his body as he witnessed her floating down the many steps, one arm around her father’s, and the other hand on the railing of the marble staircase. It seemed to be a dream.

Jon was certain of two things only: he was certain that Claudette was not a little girl anymore; and he was certain that she was the most beautiful creature he had ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on.

Her thick dark chocolate coloured hair was neatly wrapped into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. She wore golden jewels through her hair, making her look like an angel. The golden jewels matched her magnificent golden ball gown, with leaved patterns flowing all the way down to the floor. The dress had short golden sleeves and the bodice seemed to have melted into her skin – it fit her perfectly. It accentuated her tiny waist and protruding bosom. Her smile was wide as she reached the floor of the ballroom. She placed her right arm on her father’s shoulder and they stepped into a graceful waltz. Her eyes did not leave her father’s as he swept her across the room. It seemed as though time stood still as everyone fixated on the magnificent angel gracing them with her radiating presence.

Jon heard his heart throbbing in his ears. He couldn’t remove his eyes from her. Was it possible that this woman was that little girl he had once known? He struggled to believe it.

Once the father and daughter dance had been completed, the entire room rang with applause. Claudette bowed gracefully as the orchestra started playing again. A large blonde man ran up to her and swept her up in his arms. She hadn’t a chance to object as he had already started dancing with her. Other couples slowly started dancing around them and it seemed that people had finally awoken from the spell cast by Claudette’s intoxicating presence.

Jon kept watching her – he was unable to stop. His heart was racing, and he wished that he could dance with her. He wanted to sweep her off her feet. He knew that it would be inappropriate at an event like this one. Usually it was proper to allow the guest of honour a dance with all of the most important people at the ball first. There were too many people of importance there tonight – he knew he would not have the chance.

“Hello Jon,” he heard a woman say next to him. He was suddenly pulled back down to earth as he struggled to focus on the woman speaking to him. He forced his eyes away from Claudette, now dancing with another eligible bachelor.

“Oh, Macie, how are you?” Jon asked politely looking at his short cousin with her long blonde hair flowing down her back.

“I’m well thank you. As infatuated by our guest of honour as every other man here tonight?” she asked teasingly.

Jon laughed nervously, “Well, I wouldn’t say ‘infatuated’ exactly...”

Macie laughed, “Do you fancy a dance? Mark was unable to make it tonight. Our nanny is away with the flu so Mark has been designated to look after the baby.”

“You really do have that husband of yours exactly where you want him, don’t you?” Jon said, feeling a little relaxed, but still bitterly conscious of how close the man currently dancing with Claudette was to her body.

“You could say that. So, how’s about that dance then?” she asked.

“Of course. It would be an honour,” he said smiling at her.

Macie and Jon danced together for a while before they were asked to dance by other partners. Jon danced a while longer before deciding it was time to leave. He had been watching Claudette all the while dancing, a part of him hoping that she may catch his eye at some point. She didn’t, and Jon had finally admitted to himself that it would not happen. An immense feeling of disappointment fell over him.

He walked across the ballroom and out the front door. He would tell Lord Batten that he had developed a sudden fever; that he was unable to locate him in order to greet him; and that he had to rush home.

As he stepped outside, the cold wind permeated his clothes. He shivered. He looked up and suddenly felt the urge to walk down to the infamous willow tree from which Claudette had fallen all those years ago. He was still shivering as he made his way down the steps and through the gardens towards the river. He felt his fingers freezing as he made his way over the tree. Finally standing under the tree, he felt the bark, remembering the little girl’s face as she fell to the ground and refused to shed one single tear. She stood up immediately, refusing to acknowledge her bleeding knee or rapidly swelling ankle. She had, without prompting, informed Jon that he was wrong about her not being able to climb a tree, and he had to admit it before she would allow him to take a look at her bleeding knee.

Jon smiled to himself as he thought back to all those years ago.

“Jon...? Is that you?” a voice behind him asked.

Jon spun around to see Claudette standing a few metres away, staring at him quizzically. Her hair was still neatly tied back, her hands folded at her waist. He saw the gooseflesh on her neck and shoulders. It was dark but the light from the mansion shone dimly, and in the bright moonlight he was again stunned by her incredible beauty as she walked over to him. He could now clearly see the big bright green eyes of the little girl he had once known. Her lips were full and rosy and her lashes long. Her skin was pale and he noticed a few loose strands of hair in her face. She was now so close to him that he could smell her perfume. She shivered, “I apologise Sir, I could have sworn you were someone I used to know.” She stared up at him looking confused, and then started turning away.

Jon cleared his throat, “Uh, Lady Batten, it is me ... I just didn’t think you would remember me after all these years,” Jon said attempting to gather himself quickly.

She turned back looking up at him with a bright white smile. Her eyes were even brighter and he felt as though he could fall right into them.

“Lady Batten? So formal ... And as for your assumption that I wouldn’t remember you – Jon, of course I remember you! I’ve been waiting for a dance with you the entire evening! I thought you must have left, and then I caught a glimpse of you as you walked outside. I wasn’t entirely sure, but I had to take the chance,” she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

They looked into each other’s eyes. For a few moments, time stood still, and then she shivered again.

“So, I see you’ve come to our willow tree?” she said glancing at the leaves. The way she had said “our tree” made Jon feel warm inside.

“Uh, well, yes. I’ve been admiring your lovely gardens,” he said, attempting to disguise his anxiousness whilst still not taking his eyes off her.

“Do you remember we used to spend so much time here? Just the two of us. I was just a little girl then,” she started laughing. Jon thought he had never heard a more entrancing sound. He could not believe that she remembered all the time they had spent together at this tree.

He said simply, “I remember.”

Claudette shivered again.

“You should get back inside. I can see you’re very cold,” Jon said, with a secret need for her to stay there close to him so that he could continue to examine the incredible woman she had grown to become.

“Do you mind if I just sit here a little while? This evening has been a bit much for me honestly. Dancing with all these insufferable bachelors, everybody staring at me as though I am some new plaything. I can’t bear it much longer!” she said laughing, as she moved to sit down.

“What about your dress? Your maids will not be pleased...” he said, standing over her.

“Well, good. Hopefully they won’t put me in another one of these things again soon,” she said. “Aren’t you going to sit down?” she asked, and Jon felt as though he would, at that moment, fall on a sword if she had asked him to.

He sat down beside her at the foot of the massive tree, looking out over the wide river.

Claudette shivered again. Jon started removing his blazer.

“Oh, Jon, no. That’s really not necessary. I really am alright,” she protested.

Jon smirked, “Still as stubborn as always then?”

She smiled at him, “That’s what they tell me.”

He continued removing his blazer and placed it around her shoulders. For a moment he touched her ice-cold skin and felt a spark ignite inside him. She shivered again and he attempted to wrap it tighter around her. He was just about to remove his arm from around her when she leaned down and put her head against his chest, forcing his arm to remain around her. Jon’s heart pounded.

Claudette sighed, “You know, I really have missed this place terribly.”

He wanted to tell her that he had missed her, although he hadn’t known that he had before – but now, in her presence, he recognized the ache inside him.

“Your father has missed you very much. He is ecstatic about your return.”

She laughed, “Yes, he is, isn’t he? He has barely let me out of his sight since I’ve arrived. It’s as though he’s afraid I’ll leave again if he doesn’t keep his eye on me.”

“Well, are you to leave again?”

“Oh, no. I’m tired of Hanover. I think I’ve been there long enough – all of those people with their noses all stuck in the air.”

Jon laughed, “So all spinach and no fun?”

She giggled, “Maybe not that terrible, but still, it will never be home.”

She looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes, and for an instant he felt the need to kiss her. His face burned as his eyes moved to her plump lips. She stared at him, and he was certain that she was able to feel his heart beating.

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