You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

Jon sat at the small wooden dining room table, staring at the letter he had received.

It had been a month since the death of Timothy Donahue. Jon thought about that evening often, but he could never get himself to feel any kind of regret for his actions. The situation played out in his mind over and over again. He had to kill the man whom had endangered Claudette’s life. His intention had been to kill her and it was a miracle that she had survived. The situation had escalated and things had gotten a bit out of control. Jon had attempted to arrest him, but due to the man’s arrogance Jon had to kill him in self-defence. Jon was simply unable to regret his taking of another man’s life.

Lord Batten had come to see him the day that Claudette and Benjamin had left on their honeymoon. He had informed Jon that he had ensured that nobody would ever know of Jon’s roll in the death of Timothy Donahue. It became apparent that Timothy had no family left as nobody had even come to claim his body for burial from the mortuary. Lord Batten didn’t mention whether he had played any roll in the death being declared a suicide, but Jon had his own suspicions. The General who was Timothy Donahue’s senior in command also didn’t have much to say about the man – he scarcely knew who Timothy Donahue was. Fortunately, it didn’t seem that Timothy had mentioned anything about his attack on Claudette to any of the other soldiers, and as such, none of them questioned his death either. He had clearly been an outsider, and the suicide didn’t seem to be a very far-fetched idea. It was as if they had expected such an act from a man like him – someone who had never fit in. If he hadn’t committed such a horrible crime, Jon might have felt sorry for the poor sod.

Further, Lord Batten had heard about Jon losing his job, and the manner in which he had quit. He had offered to speak to the Postmaster, to get him his job back, but Jon had refused. Lord Batten didn’t request any reasons for Jon’s lack of interest in his old job, but Jon suspected that he knew that Jon was planning on leaving the town which he had called home all his life.

Lord Batten had also informed Jon that Claudette was happy about the news of her attacker’s death - that she was finally able to put it all behind her and focus on her marriage.

Jon had attempted to remove all thoughts of what the newly-weds were doing on their honeymoon from his mind, but the thoughts kept entering his mind of their own accord. When he closed his eyes he saw Benjamin touching her, kissing her, making love to her. He could see her love for him concentrated in her lovely green eyes – Benjamin had experience in the art of love-making so it would only be a matter of time before she would fall in love with him, Jon just knew it. Jon was convinced that he had now accepted the marriage between them, but the dull ache in his body would not subside – perhaps it would remain a part of him for the rest of his life.

This was exactly why he felt a sense of relief when he received the letter that afternoon. It contained an offer of employment. Jon had been offered a job overseas, and he was going to take it. The job didn’t truly have much to do with translations as such, but it was something he knew he would be able to enjoy as he had a real love for children. He was going to teach various languages at a prestigious school in a country far away. He hadn’t thought that he would ever enjoy teaching, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized what a difference he would be able to make in children’s lives – the same difference that Lord Batten had made in his life. He could be a father to these children.

Of course, a large part of the allure of the offer was that it was in a different country – communications to and from Westville would be few and far in between. He would finally be able to make a new start, far away from the life he used to know. He wouldn’t have to see or hear anything about Claudette and Benjamin. The best part was that he had to leave in a week, before Claudette and Benjamin returned from their honeymoon – he wouldn’t ever have to see them again. It may be a cowardly move but Jon could live with that.

Claudette and Benjamin were to leave the villa the next day. The last month had been incredible. They spent all of their time together in their private little haven. Most of their time was spent making love – at this point they had probably done it in every room of the large villa. Benjamin felt the rising erection in his tight trousers as he thought about their many sexual encounters. Claudette was sitting opposite him, eating a croissant, and, seemingly subconsciously, stroking his thigh with her foot. Benjamin stared at her long thick brown hair falling all around her shoulders, then her eyes concentrating on the croissant she clearly enjoyed, and then her rosy lips ... She swept her hair to her back, exposing her shoulder and her breasts in her nightgown. Benjamin cleared his throat as he attempted to sit more comfortably so as to relieve the pressure in his trousers which was more intense now. Claudette looked up at him and smiled, a smile that could make him melt. He was out of his emotional depths, and it made him nervous. His feelings for her had grown throughout the last month, more so than with any woman he’d ever known. She satisfied him in a manner he never thought possible. He thought it may be difficult to be tied down in marriage, but it seemed so effortless. She made it so effortless, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted all of her, for the rest of their lives.

Claudette raised an eyebrow, and her smile turned sultry.

“I wish we never had to leave this place,” she said.

“Well, I suppose we don’t really have to, everyone could manage well enough on their own, but I know for a fact that it’s unlike you to want to sit around and spend our money instead of being a part of the management thereof.”

“Perhaps I’ve changed my mind now that I have other things to occupy myself with,” she said, challenging him with her eyes. Her foot moved higher up his leg.

He sighed, “And what might those things be?”

“Follow me to the beach and we’ll find out,” she said standing up and walking to the door. He followed her outside onto the warm sand. The weather had been lovely for their entire honeymoon, except for a few rainy days – not that they minded, they remained indoors and found various sensual ways to entertain themselves.

Claudette stretched out her arms and breathed in the smell of the salty air around her. There was a slow breeze blowing through her magnificent hair, and again he was shocked at the effect she had on him.

“I am really going to miss this – not a care in the world, just the sand, the water, and us,” she sighed again. She turned around to look at him and came closer to his body. She had to stand on her toes to kiss him, but as she did, a sense of fear surged through his body. He had fallen in love with his wife, but did she feel the same way? When they went back home to their normal lives, to where Jon was, would it be the same? Benjamin didn’t want to leave this paradise where they seemed to be the only people on earth either. He felt so possessive of her, a feeling he hadn’t known. But as her gentle lips touched his own so passionately, he gave in and the feeling of fear subsided – he was unable to stop himself. He wanted her so badly. He had been ready for her the entire morning, looking forward to feeling her envelop him. He didn’t grow tired of it, rather, he wanted more and more of her.

She pulled his arm and said, “Come now my husband, let’s take a dip in the rock pools by the lagoon.”

“Are you going to swim in your nightgown?” he asked.

Her eyebrow arched again seductively, “No...”

She ran off to the lagoon and he followed closely behind, both of them pulling off their clothes as they ran. When they reached a cliff she dove in immediately – no fear or doubt. He watched her graceful body make the short dive to the pool below and felt even more aroused. She shouted as she dropped into the water, and came up laughing. Her excitement seemed infectious. She lay on her back, floating in the large pool, watching him, teasing him with her gorgeous naked body – the body he had come to know so intimately, the body he couldn’t get enough of.

“Are you joining me or are you too scared?” she teased him.

He laughed, “You’re the one who should be scared of what I’m going to do to you when I get down there!” he shouted down at her.

Before she could make another witty remark, Benjamin dove flawlessly straight down into the pool, and then made his way over to her. As he came closer, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him again with the same passion she had every time they kissed. Whilst still kissing, Benjamin swept her up in his arms and swam to the side of the pool. He pressed her back against the side of the cliff a little more harshly than he had intended, but she didn’t seem to mind. As he did so, his hands found her breasts, tugging at her nipples. He felt them harden at his touch and then he commenced kissing them. Her hands were pulling at his hair, as she wrapped her legs around him. He looked up at her for an instant and then grabbed her behind, pushing her body further up against the wall of rock behind her. She squealed as he bit her shoulder, and then he lifted her effortlessly, as though she weighed nothing at all. He pulled her body down onto his great erection and he slid inside her. She gasped at the magnitude of it filling her as he pulled her down onto him, going even deeper inside her pink and perfect womanhood. He buried himself deep within her and she moaned loudly, pulling at his long hair. He commenced the motion of lifting her body and pulling it back down again over his manhood. She reached her climax quickly as the movement became quicker. As he felt her release her pleasure, he came inside her, his seed bursting out of him as though it was his first time feeling the touch of a woman. He lowered her down, still pulsing inside her, and kissed her again, tasting the salty water on her lips, breathing in her scent, and pulling her against his hard chest. His arms surrounded her body, protecting her.

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