You Said Forever - Cover

You Said Forever

Copyright© 2022 by Annella Darcy

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Follow the story of Jon Farthing and Claudette Batten, long-lost childhood friends on a journey to find each other again. A classic tale of misunderstandings, deception and lots of romance.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical  

It had been two weeks since the wedding. Claudette felt at peace, finally. She felt guilty about being happy about the death of the man whom she now knew as Timothy Donahue, but she did. She could let go of the past and move on with her life.

She and Benjamin were to leave on honeymoon today, and her maids had just completed the packing her luggage. Claudette was looking forward to the time with her husband – to actually get to know him. It is true that he had been a gentleman the last few weeks, he was completely different to whom she thought he was. She was quite disturbed at his indifference towards her – she had believed he would have wanted to ravish her immediately, but he didn’t. He kept his promise that he would not touch her until she wanted him to. Perhaps now that everything was behind her, she would be able to work at her marriage with her husband. Perhaps she could love him eventually.

Claudette walked down to the carriage awaiting them – the carriage would take them to the train station where they would ride in a first class cabin all the way to Benjamin’s family villa at the beach. Claudette was truly looking forward to it.

Claudette was wearing a peach-coloured dress, her hair pinned atop her head, with a few stray curls hanging down around her face. She had a large sunhat on her head, and she, once again, marveled at her beautiful wedding ring. She stretched out her left hand for Benjamin to help her into the carriage. Their suitcases had already been loaded and they were soon on their way.

They sat in silence as Claudette looked back at the mansion she was now to call home. She did enjoy the mansion – it seemed almost as large as Batten mansion, and it was decorated beautifully. She could see herself enjoying the rest of her life there – it was the husband she was still a bit unsure of.

“My lady, I know I have made you a promise about our physical contact, but it seems appropriate for a husband to, at least, hold his newly-wed wife’s hand as they head off on their honeymoon.”

Claudette was taken by surprise at his seemingly simple request.

Was that all he wanted?

She smiled at him and he took her hand, moving closer to her. She could smell him now in the confines of the carriage – he smelt so manly, of earth and pine. She placed her head on his shoulder and they rode along that way until they reached the train station.

The train was waiting for them when they reached the station. Their luggage was loaded quickly, and the couple was ushered into their fancy cabin. Claudette was awestruck – Benjamin had organized it to be perfectly arranged for a honeymoon. There was a bottle of champagne waiting at the bed, a bed covered in red linen. The cabin contained a small table with two chairs, as well as a large bathroom, but only the one large bed. Claudette felt a jolt through her body as she wondered whether Benjamin would finally sleep in her bed tonight. Benjamin saw Claudette’s eyes looking at the bed and said, “Do not fear my lady, I have also reserved another room next door. I will sleep there for the duration of the trip. As for the champagne – please believe that it is not my doing. As soon as people hear the word ‘honeymoon’ they seem to get their own ideas.”

Claudette was still speechless. She looked at him and smiled. She walked over to him and looked him in the eyes.

“Benjamin,” she said putting her hand on his cheek, “I thank you for your decency in this matter, but we are, in fact, wed now. I do believe it is time that you found your way into my bed.”

Benjamin sighed, “I understand my Lady, but I want you to understand that I will not find my way into your bed for the moment. You see, I want you to want me there, not merely tolerate me because it is our marital duty.”

With that, Benjamin left the room and Claudette was left to her own thoughts. He was behaving most strangely. Could it be that this arranged marriage meant more to him than he had led on? Could he truly want her, not because he was her husband, but because of who she was? How she wished that he would forget about his promise now – she felt ready. She wanted him in her bed.

Dinner was exquisite that evening. Claudette was treated to a starter of scallops, main course of duck and vegetables, and raspberry tartlets as dessert. Nothing much was said between the couple, but Claudette was also distracted by the look of Benjamin – he was wearing a tight pair of trousers and a sky blue shirt that clung to his marbled skin. His muscles seemed so large, she wondered what it would feel like to have him hold her with those arms. She stared at his magnificent jawline, and then his lips – the lips that had kissed her before. She felt a jolt through her as she thought of that kiss they had shared so long ago. She blushed as Benjamin said he was to retire early as they had a long road ahead of them tomorrow.

She was confused by her feelings. She wanted Benjamin to remain with her that evening, but how? She remembered how Benjamin had wanted her to admit that she wanted him to kiss her the last time. Perhaps that is what he needed now? Could she do it? She still felt so unsure.

She went to bed, still confused. She couldn’t sleep, but she was resolved to do something to let Benjamin know that she wanted him.

The next day went by slowly. Benjamin didn’t come out of his bedroom until the afternoon, and Claudette felt herself missing him. It seemed that, with every passing minute, the need to kiss him felt more urgent.

After dinner, when Benjamin had informed her that they would be arriving at the villa tomorrow, early afternoon, they rose to go to bed. He greeted her by lifting her left hand and kissing her fingers. Claudette watched him intently, wanting to grab his hair and pull his face up to hers so that he could kiss her like he did that day in the clearing.

“Kiss me,” she said softly.

Benjamin rose and looked down into her eyes, as if wondering whether he heard her correctly.

“Kiss me,” she repeated.

And then she felt his lips pushed against hers with an intense passion. It was as though she had finally released something inside him. He put his hands on her waist and pushed her against the cabin door, all the while kissing intensely. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and pushed his body against hers. Claudette swooned, feeling an electricity moving throughout her entire body. She put her arms around him and moaned as he started kissing her cheek, and moving down to her neck, and then to the cleft between her breasts.

And then, he stopped. He smiled slyly at her, and walked off to his bed chamber.

Claudette was stunned.

What is he playing at?

She didn’t know what to feel. He had given her a look which had made her feel humiliated. Was this about power? Did he want her at his mercy?

She rushed after him and stormed into his bedroom, “What was that about?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, still smiling.

“You know what I’m taking about you brute! Is this some kind of game to you? We’re married!” she almost screamed.

He laughed, “I was simply attempting to find out whether you still want me as much as I want you, after all this time.”

“So then why did you stop kissing me?” she asked, softly now.

“Because you need to learn that you also have an intense passion for me inside you. You are not doing me a favour by being with me, sexually that is. You want it just as much as I do, and I have proved that tonight. Although our marriage was arranged, I know that there is a passion for me inside you. I want you to know it, and tonight proved that there is a part of you that already knows.”

Claudette felt an incredible rage inside her. She was extremely upset. She yanked the door closed and ran to her bed chamber.

He doesn’t know who he’s messed with. I can hold out forever. I don’t need him. This isn’t some sort of game. We’re married! He is not going to humiliate me!

She attempted to convince herself, but deep down she knew that his kiss had ignited something inside her, something she wanted to feel again and again.

She remained in her room for the entire morning, until someone came to inform her that they had reached their destination. Their luggage was loaded into a carriage once again, and they were off to the villa. Neither of them said a word, but Benjamin stared at her with that same sly smile throughout the journey.

As Claudette stared out the window of the carriage, taking in the scenery around her and attempting to ignore the man next to her who ignited all kinds of feelings inside her, she felt his hand grab her around her waist.

“What are you doing? Get off me!” she shouted, not entirely meaning it.

He smiled as he pulled her closer to him, so close that she could feel his breath on her lips. He stared at her intently, and then whispered, “Now, my wife, we have this villa to ourselves for a month. I’ve organized that the servants will only be around to clean and get our food ready – other than that they will be scarce. So, you can make this difficult by continuing to lie to yourself about your feelings, or you could make this honeymoon one we’d both never forget. Just know that at some point we will have to consummate this marriage as it is your duty to provide our estate with an heir. Thus, my final proposition is as such – you can admit to yourself that you want me just as much as I want you and enjoy every moment of pleasure we share, or you can seethe and be stubborn for the next month; but when we are back home, I will have you carry our heir, whether you admit your feelings or not. So, once again, you can enjoy it and explore your feelings for your husband, or we can make this a simple transaction as it usually is in an arranged marriage. My advice would be to give in to your needs now, rather than later – it will give you a kind of satisfaction you will cherish forever as my wife.”

Claudette was dumbfounded, but before she could offer any kind of protest, his lips found hers with an intense passion. He pulled her waist to his and was then lying on top of her inside the carriage. She felt her thighs ache with a need for him inside her, and as his tongue explored her mouth, she let out a moan of passion, giving in to her feelings.

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