Wrong Place at the Wrong Time - Cover

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

by Wild Man

Copyright© 2022 by Wild Man

Erotica Sex Story: Doing maintenance at a hotel I get called to go to a room and fix something. Was it ever The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time. Their family guard dog was totally raping the eldest woman of the family.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including NonConsensual   Rape   Workplace   Bestiality   First   Voyeurism   Size   Violence   .

Story about my first ever discovery of bestiality.

I actually have been very afraid to even mention this story anywhere at anytime due to certain per say personal information stuff.

In that I’m speaking of the fact that I worked at a rather nice 5 star hotel now I’ll not mention where by any means whatsoever but I was the maintenance director there and thusly on call and such and visited many rooms for problems with this and that which many tenants per say have.

But on this particular day I was called to a suite which had adjoining rooms etc. and had been told the tenants were gone and their dog was with them, so I could go in room and fix problem( toilet related) and so gathered up needed items from warehouse and headed to the room to do the work order.

These being outside suites meaning you entered them from outside and saw their land rover was still parked there and was questioning that but having known as well they were there to pick up a brand new one from a local dealer in our area so dismissed that and continued on.

So as was our customary habit to knock and announce ourselves and hearing no one answer I entered the suite and gave not one thought to anything going on at all.

That is until I went into the bedroom, and I was frozen in my tracks as their huge dog that was some type like what they hunt lions with in Africa etc. and I swear my heart stopped beating and I could not for the life of me engage my feet to get the hell out of there in any way shape or form.

But that wasn’t even the whole of what was going on for there on the bed was the elderly woman maybe 50 yrs old or so greying hair of long once blonde like length and she was pushed over the bed on her belly her towel laying there on the floor somewhere in that area.

The huge dog was turning his head to me giving me that move and your dead growl and she laid out totally naked before him and his huge snout plowed up between her legs as her pleadings of oh no don’t bite me I’ll let you do it and not knowing that his intentions and growling were at my ass for intruding into all this damn mess to begin with.

So here I was scared as I’ve ever been in my life and each movement from me made him turn and growl viciously at me and I knew damn good and well he meant it and had I moved he would have attacked me and most likely killed me.

Frozen in my tracks and being to afraid to do a thing I couldn’t leave nor do one thing to help her hell what would I use to fend off this huge ass killing animal my screwdriver wow that would be like pissing him off to really attack my ass then.

I was bound by mental anguish and grief to have to watch this action going on just feet before me and powerless in any way shape or form to stop it.

And somehow my mind had said she’d been showering and was about to get dressed having dropped the towel beside the bed she now was captured on, and the huge dog now lapping at her cunt lips like crazy as his huge tongue seemed to cover from her belly up to the crack of her ass even in long swoops of tongue as she was shaking all over and scared to death herself.

Since every growl from him she thought was meant for her to accept his doing damn well what he wanted with her but really because I the damn idiot intruder had come into that room at the wrong damn time and place!

Well she was trying her best to crawl up onto the bed and escape the thing she feared most was her own dog now using his huge tongue to lick her entire mound and up into her ass cheeks

She was pleading oh please, oh please, no don’t do this and the huge dog just seemed to follow her up onto the bed and then once there she tried to lay on her belly and he absolutely gave this gut retching growl and begin to use his huge snout to absolutely push it from her mound upwards telling her he wanted her to assume the position and she was crying and shaking all over and pleading with him to stop.

But he had one thing in mind, and one thing only, and that was that she was going to be his bitch and his slave. That just seemed to hit me that way about it all sort of that gut feeling thing.

Well as luck would have it my damn radio sounded off and that made him even more pissed off so I had to move as easy as I could to not make him lunge on top of me, and turn that off.

There though the woman on the bed now head long forced into the very headboard of the bed and now cried out, I’ll do it, i’ll do it, j ju just don’t bite meeeee.

Still not even aware that I was even there at all, and thinking her huge killing instinct pet was viciously growling at her to do as he ask and may have been in part that.

But seeing him turn his huge head to me, and that look in his huge black eyes of I’ll kill you in a moment certainly made me aware of his dominance and the fact I was intruding in his territory and to him I was like a damn thief that had broken into the room at the wrong time and sure as hell wrong place!

Well once he seemed to be aware I certainly was frozen in my tracks and made a slave of his being the absolute master of the moment he turned back to his woman master who’s ass was churning and trying to stop all this somehow someway.

But her body was shaking in absolute fear of him, and he just leaned his huge head down and nudged back up with it from under her mound which her cunt lips were golden fleeced with greying like hair and moistly covered from his tonguing over it all and she then raised her ass up in the air placing as best she could her legs to support her in this semi sort of on all fours way.

Yet from her not fully succumbing to his want for her to be in an all out fully open position, and then gave her yet another growl of menacing sound, and she absolutely then raised her ass even higher and spread her legs pleading the whole time doing this that he wouldn’t attack her!

He did in fact nip at her butt cheeks which were not by any means old looking in that regard, just slightly sagging and still nicely rounded proving she worked out a lot at her age to keep herself in good shape.

So as soon as she had raised her ass higher and he had made her open her legs by nudging at each of her inner thighs making her spread them for him!

And as at last this was done her head was plowed up into the headboard now from her trying in vain to escape this unwanted happening and in fact it seemed to me he was absolutely raping her.

But she was crying and still pleading for him to stop but he paid her no attention at all and just dove his huge head right down between her open legs and began then and there to lick her mound like crazy his tongue covered every single inch of openness between her legs and it spread from inner thigh, to inner thigh, at her mound as he licked her this way several times as she pleaded oh no, don’t oh please don’t!

But he then just started licking her pussy lips wildly, and strongly, and as he lapped at her lips he made her slim body move about from his powerful tongue doing this to her as she lay buried face into her pillow plowed up against the headboard of the king size bed.

He absolutely began to try and shove his huge thick black spotted tongue into her cunt and she cried all out when he did that and shook all over as her cries of him stopping seemed to fade and suddenly this strange like moaning sound began to come from her.

He was literally trying to make her cunt stretch open, to accept his huge tongue now curled up as it sank into her cunt but just the tip seemed to be able to do such but he continued, and continued to do it over and over again as now her ass was quivering and shaking from his assault of her pussy and even more so was the fact that indeed she was getting wetter and wetter from it now.

As I tried to come to grips with seeing such a thing not even belonging there in his presence at all and seeing her being made to do what he wanted was even more so a grueling with the thoughts and feelings of seeing actual bestiality going on right before my eyes.

As the sounds of the wetter and wetter licking began to get louder, and louder, as I watched his tongue digging deeper and deeper into her now spread widely open cunt and she was grunting and groaning, and her whole body quivering and shaking wildly as she was by no doubt getting the best damn tongue action a woman could ever want or even dream of.

But not by a man no, it was her own pet doing this honor as slowly and surely her moans were getting louder and louder as the sounds of his sloppy tonguing of her cunt got louder and suddenly she seemed to shake and tense her entire body up and gave out a loud crying moan of pleasure as she came all over his assaulting tongue as he lapped every last moment of her juices up and I was doomed to stand there and watch this creature have his bestial way with her!

Well the sloppy licking stopped, and he just removed his huge head and snout from between her legs leaving her cunt now gaped open, and wet as hell for my eyes to see and as if he knew this, he turned his head to me to see that I was indeed still his captured audience and I swear, I think that’s what he wanted.

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