Kim Pearl: the Drama Academy - Cover

Kim Pearl: the Drama Academy

by Mushroom

Copyright© 2022 by Mushroom

Mystery Sex Story: Kim Pearl gets sent out on another case. This time because at least three girls who claim to be virgins are all pregnant. And it is at an all-girls school, so she once again goes undercover to investigate. Note: While there is rape, it is never described in detail. So if "rape fantasy" is your kink, this is likely not the story for you.

Caution: This Mystery Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Crime   School   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   .

I had just dropped of my jacket on my chair when Sue came up and handed me a cup of coffee. I thanked her for that, she was such a doll. I sat at my desk and logged into my computer as she sat on the corner of my desk and asked me how it went.

“Well, not a total disaster, but I don’t think I’ll be seeing Travis again.”

“Oh no, what happened?”

“Well, in his profile he failed to mention he was divorced, and that his kids were almost as old as I was.”

“Oh good lord, really? How old was he?”

“Well, when I got home I ran his license plate through the database. He’s 49. I will admit a good looking 49, but still 49. Not 29 like he had claimed in his profile.”

She shook her head, and asked what I was going to do about it. “Well, I already reported him to the dating site, I bet his profile will be gone shortly. The thing is, he is actually not a bad guy from what I saw. But he needs to be more honest.”

She clucked her tongue and nodded. “Besides, I’m not looking for a daddy. A bit older I can accept, but not almost twice my age.”

“Well, keep looking Kim, there’s somebody out there I know. Oh, and Fred wants to see you.” I smiled at her and she returned to her desk. And after making sure my blouse was straight went to see Fred. He was my boss in the Special Investigations section of Children’s Protective Services, and a great guy.

He stood up when I came in, and asked me to close the door and have a seat. I knew that meant something sensitive, so did as he asked and crossed my thighs, taking another sip of my coffee and watching him finish whatever he was typing.

“Well, I had a call from Mrs. Wheeler, and we need you to lead another investigation for us.” I asked him for the particulars, and he handed over a folder. This was unusual in itself, as we rarely used physical folders in the current age. I opened it, and started reading through the file inside. Then raised my eyebrow at him and sighed.

“Oh no, you have got to be kidding!”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. We need you undercover again. The Greenblat Academy has now had five of its pupils become pregnant, and most of them claim they were virgins. Physical inspection showed that was not the case, but they insist they had never voluntarily had sex. Which has us completely stumped. Either they’re lying, or there’s something else going on here.”

“But Fred, that is a dance academy! How in the fuck am I going to ever hope to pass as a student with this?” I said, holding up my cane.

“Oh, it’s not only for dance, it covers other performing arts, as well as teaching set design and other stage work. It is most famous for their dance team, but that is not all there is. Students also handle things like stage setting, directing, and other things. If you played an instrument we would put you in the music program, but according to your file you don’t. Do you?”

“Nope, the only thing I play is the radio.” He chuckled and shook his head.

“OK, you got two weeks to get ready. I already sent you an email so you can build your interest in set design. Do you have any skills not listed in your official biography, Kim?”

I thought for a moment, and nodded. “I can sew. I took it up because I wanted some more mature outfits that were not available in my size. I’m not great, but I can make a straight seam and do some alterations.”

“Great, we’ll put you in as a costumer then. That might be even better than set design as I was thinking. And just so you know, Mrs. Greenblat is fully in on this. She is aware that you’re going to be there, and your role. She’s actually the one that approached us when the third girl became pregnant.”

“Any suspects so far?”

“Nope. We checked all the staff, clean records. And all of the male staff have submitted DNA profiles. So far only one of the girls has given birth, and there was no DNA match with any of the staff. Two of the girls opted for an abortion, the other two are going to keep the baby.”

I shook my head, and leafed back to find the sheets of the victims. I looked through them, and wanted to cry. “Oh holy fuck, ages 14 through 16? OK Fred, this alone has sold me. No 14 year old girl should suddenly find herself pregnant and not know who or how. That is, if they really are telling the truth in that they do not know.”

“Oh, I believe they are. Only one admitted to having sex, but it was months before the conception date so that was not what caused it. OK, I gotta ask. What method are you using?”

I sighed softly, and said I was on oral contraceptives. “OK, fine. Go ahead and make an appointment for something else. I would suggest getting a Depo-Provera shot, that will cover you for three months. We know that girls are allowed birth control, they go to the nurse daily if they are on oral contraception. And we just don’t know if these attacks are targeted with this in mind, or what. Thankfully so far none of the girls have gotten an STD, and we do not know if there are more victims. We only know that five girls have gotten pregnant that we can’t explain.”

I nodded my head, then sighed. “Fuck, Fred. When I took this job, I had no idea I was going to become your living jailbait for things like this.”

Fred smiled, and stood up and came around his desk. He surprised me by getting on his knees, and looking into my eyes. “Neither did I, Kim. Trust me, neither did I. But you can’t deny, you have done good work that way. And I agree with Mrs. Wheeler, we have to use what assets we can in cases like this. You of course are free to refuse this.”

“Oh fuck no!” I said, uncrossing my thighs before finishing my coffee and setting it on his desk. I then turned to the first page I had read, and pulled it out and showed it to him. “Miss Angela Temple, age 15. Now in her third trimester, became gravid at age 14. I want to cry, thinking of her. A 14 year old girl, not knowing how she got that way. No, I will do it for her, and all the others in here. And any others who may have been raped, and simply have been lucky enough to not become pregnant. I owe it to them.”

He nodded, then surprised me by taking both of my hands in his and squeezing. “Which is why I asked you. I knew you would feel this way.” I stood up, and he nodded at me as I returned to my desk. I read through the files he sent me, and realized it just would not do. I sent him an email, saying I needed a special allowance of $400, and saying why I needed it. As well as most of the next two weeks off. He signed off on it, and at noon I took off early.

Thankfully because of the Camp Redfish affair I had some clothing suitable for a teen girl, but I would need more this time. As well as practice in sewing again. I headed to a fabric store I had not been to in ages, and soon had several yards of material, thread, buttons, and six packets of patterns. I then went to the local discount store, and selected three outfits that I liked, but none small enough to fit me.

Then after making a phone call, I was driving to my mom’s house. It was a two hour drive, and she was still at work when I got there. But I soon had my dressmaker’s dummy in the back seat, my Bernina arm sewing machine in the trunk along with the Singer overlock one. Along with several boxes of things like patterns, threads, and other things I knew I would be using.

That night I made sure my dummy was still set to my sizes, and laid out the patterns. I selected one that was in no way appropriate for work and cut it out and pinned it to the cloth. It was called “Misses Knit Dress with Sleeve and Length Variations”, and I actually liked it. The image of the model wearing one had it in a dark blue most of the way down the calf, and the left side was open with a sash running through the middle.

A perfect choice I figured, for a teen that wanted to be a bit daring, but still acceptable for say a school dance. I set the hem to a few inches above the knee, and got to work. The rest of the night and the next day I was cutting and sewing, and just after lunch on Wednesday I headed in to work.

Sue actually clapped when she saw me come in, and then had me come close and whispered that it was not exactly in keeping with the dress code. But I had to smile when she asked me where I had got it. I admitted I had made it myself, and I could see she was stunned. “It’s not really for work, but for an assignment.”

“Kim, you sew?”

I nodded and we went to get some coffee in the break room. “When you are as small as me, it’s so hard to find outfits that look professional, and fit right. So I learned how to make my own. Or alter those that were too big to fit me. I made this in the last day and a half, and wanted to see what everybody thought.”

“Well, I think it’s a killer! I would get one myself, but I can’t sew worth shit.” We both were laughing when Fred came in, and he shook his head and asked to see me in his office. I went in, and before I even sat I said “Look Fred, I know this is outside the dress code. But as I said in my memo, I needed to have some outfits to show I really could sew. I will have this and at least eight or nine others ready before I have to go to the school. And yes, I made it myself since Monday.”

He smiled and nodded, and said it was good, and he was surprised. “But what would this be for?”

“Well, if asked this was for a dance I went to at the start of my Sophomore year. The kind of thing a teen girl would love, and not cause her parents or the school fits. None of the others will be quite this bad, but they will be a tad tight and short, in keeping with a 16 year old girl that makes her own outfits.”

He nodded and smiled, and asked that I never tell Carrie or she would want one too. I gave him an evil grin, and said that was a great idea. “Tell you what, I can easily make another one, just get me her measurements and I can throw one together for her.”

“Don’t you dare!” he said, then laughed. “It’s hard enough realizing she’s growing up, but please, spare a father a bit. I’ll do what you ask, but only on the promise that the cutout on the side is not in the one you make for her.” I laughed and nodded, and said that I could do.

“In fact, instead of a cutout and showing her skin, I will simply put in a contracting color. It will still draw the eye, but not show any skin. Acceptable, daddy?” He laughed, and nodded.

By the time I left for the Academy, I actually had fifteen outfits. Nine I had made, and another six I pulled out of my closet that I had made in college. In fact, other than my jeans and a few shirts all the outfits I packed were ones I had made or altered myself.

Mrs. Greenblat was glad to see me, and met with me in her office. She promised me any assistance she could give me, and even handed me a key. “This is a master key, good for almost any lock in the school. When Mrs. Jones gives you your room key, just slip it into an envelope and drop it in my box. And we have had another girl come up pregnant last week.”

I swore softly, and she looked up at me sharply, then smiled and shook her head. “Ms. Pearl, forgive me but you are very convincing I must say. If I did not know better, I would think you really are 16. So, can you really pull this off do you think?”

I stood up, and hobbled in a slow circle. “Well, you tell me, Mrs. Greenblat. This is the McCall’s Bodycon Pencil Dress pattern, I made it last week.” She actually stood up and walked over to me and as I leaned on my cane she walked around me. Then asking my permission checked the hem at the skirt, sleeve, and neckline.

“Oh my, yes. That is actually excellent work. You made that yourself you said?”

“Yes Ma’am. I know you talked to Fred about putting me in set design, but talking it over with him I thought working with costuming would be a better choice. I really can sew, as you can see. And with my disability this actually makes a lot more sense.” She nodded, then took me to another office where I met my Guidance Counselor. Where I got my class schedule, a map of the campus, and my room key. Then she called three students in, who all helped me move my things to my room.

Well, this was certainly better than the cabins had been! There were four of us in the room, and we had our own bathroom. And no bunk beds, but we each had our own bed, with a nightstand, dresser, and secretary. They showed me where I would sleep, and introduced themselves as Kim, Jessica, and Flo. I laughed, and said it might be easier to just call me Kimmie, and they agreed. Kim was in dance, and Jessica and Flo like me were in the drama program. Jess for acting, Flo for set design.

When they realized I made my own clothes, they actually spent quite a bit of time looking through my outfits as I hung them up. And the blue dress was a hit with all of them. We talked about the usual things I had remembered from the camp. And half of the conversation was about boys.

Seems there was a weekly school dance with a nearby Catholic school, and the Academies often worked together on drama performances. Either girls helping with theirs, or the boys coming to help us with ours. This I had not suspected, but it made sense as “Rene and Juliet” would not be as popular among most audiences as “Romeo and Juliet” would be. We had dinner, which was actually very good. Seems that the meals were made by students at a cooking school that the Academy shared the grounds with, and the students also acted as the wait staff. We all sat at four person tables by room, and Carlos was our waiter that night.

They showed me around the campus after we finished, and for most of the first week it was learning how to be a teen once again. It was on Thursday when I was with the rest of the Costuming group when the girls started to come in one by one so we could prepare them for the next performance in a month.

It had been a long time since I had been in a room with over a dozen girls, all clad in bras and panties. And as this was to be a series of short performances, they all needed to be in something different. Jess came up to me after she was handed a dress that looked like it had come from the 1940’s, and said she was doing a bit from “His Girl Friday”. I smiled and had her stand on a box as I looked at the photo she had of the intended look. Below the knee, pinstripes, and of moderate snugness. I started to pin it up, and I saw Miss Jackie come up and watch my work. She was the lady in charge of our group, and nodded as she saw what I was doing.

“OK, but remember that when you make the alterations, do not cut off the excess fabric. The next girl to wear this might be larger than Jessica here, and we may need to have it let out.” I nodded as I had a mouth full of pins, and when I was done had Jess take it back off.

I moved to the sewing machine and she watched as in less than a half hour I had ripped out the seam, put in a new one, then shortened the hem a bit. She put it on, and Miss Jackie checked it again. Jess gave me a hug, and soon I was working on the next girl.

This time it was a faux Elizabethan outfit, and half way though pinning it the girl jumped off the box and ran out of the room. This was Monica, a 15 year old Sophomore. She came back in, and sheepishly said she had been having an upset stomach for the last two weeks. I hid the alarm bells in my mind, and finished pinning her outfit just before it was time to stop for the afternoon. I went to the library, and penned a short note for Mrs. Greenblat, telling her to find some way to have the nurse check out Monica.

“I have a suspicion she might be pregnant. She had classic signs of morning sickness, and as I altered her outfit she said her breasts were more sensitive when I brushed against them. And she looked maybe a cup too big for her bra.” I dropped it in her box on the way to dinner, hoping I was wrong.

The next morning I slept in, which was very unusual for me. And as soon as I sat up in my bed, I knew something was wrong. I almost never slept in, as my year long stay at the Police Academy got my body used to getting up at 6 in the morning. But here it was almost 8, and I was just waking up. And as I sat there, I realized I was feeling funny in other areas also.

I got my cane and went into the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. I sighed softly as I reached down, afraid of what I would find. I eased my finger into myself, and then back out. My mucus was, thicker and tackier than it should be. I brought my finger up and sniffed it. I sighed in my head, this was not all “me”. And grabbing my compact out of my shower kit I used the mirror. My labia were swollen, more than they should be when I was not in an excited state. And there was a milky color to some fluids around my opening along with crusty flakes around my labia and down my ass, almost looking like flaking skin after a sunburn.

Somehow, during the night I had been fucked!

I got dressed and went straight to Mrs. Greenblat’s office. I told the secretary I had a personal issue, and was soon in her office. “Mrs. Greenblat, you need to get me to a hospital somewhere right away so they can perform a rape test. And find a way to have all of the other girls in my room checked. Somehow, somebody had sex with me last night.”

She looked aghast, and asked me if I was sure. I nodded slowly. “Ma’am, I’ve had sex enough times to know what it feels like the next day. Waking up with that ‘freshly fucked’ feeling, and the guy’s fluids still inside of me. And drying on me where they had leaked out. I have no idea who, or how, but it was last night for sure.”

She nodded, and after telling her staff we were going to the hospital. And on the way, she asked me how none of the other girls would have realized that. “Mrs. Greenblat, how many of them have had sex? I read the reports already, the one that admitted she had been sexually active had also said she had always used a condom. I bet that none knew the signs, but I’m more than aware of what they are.”

She nodded, and once I was on the bed with my feet in the stirrups, the doctor confirmed what I suspected. That indeed I had intercourse within the last 12 hours. I had her drive me to my apartment once we left, where I got into the shower for over an hour. I was thankful the hot water never ran out here, and I washed myself over and over again. Finally coming out in a robe where I poured myself a stiff drink.

I could see her start to object, then she sighed and asked for one herself. We each had a vodka we shot down, then I made us another with orange juice as we sat in the living room. “Miss Pearl, how did this happen?”

“Honestly Mrs. Greenblat, I have absolutely no fucking idea!” I said, and wiped a tear from my eye. She gently told me to call her Fran, and I took another sip and nodded. “Fran, I have never been raped before. I’m only thankful I have no memory of it at all. But there is no doubt, somehow last night somebody had sex with me. I had a contraceptive shot before I came here so am safe there. And considering that most girls would be going through so many changes, they likely would have no idea what had happened. Some weird fluids leaking out, with girls only a year or so into their first periods? Tenderness, maybe some blood spotting and a torn hymen in girls that likely had recently discovered masturbation? They would likely think they had done it while pleasuring themselves.” I shuddered slightly, and took another sip of my drink.

She nodded, and took another sip herself. Her phone rang, and she answered it and had a brief conversation with whoever was on the other end, then hung up. “That was Miss Thompson, the school nurse. I told her she had to check all 16 year old girls for lice. None of the girls in your room show signs of being assaulted, but she did get the confirmation back on Monica. She’s pregnant.”

I sighed, and said that at least I was the only one in my room. She asked me if any of the girls in my room were sexually active, and I gave her a grin and took another sip. “Oh yes, at least two of them are.”

“Oh dear me, how will we know if it happens to them, then?”

“Oh, it’s rather simple. No matter what Flo and Jess get up to, there is no way they can leave semen inside of each other.” She gasped, then finished her drink in a single gulp.

“Are, are you sure of that?”

I grinned and nodded. “Oh yes, I’m sure. I have caught the way they look at each other, and they always shower together. And two nights ago when I came back from dinner, they were both in the broom closet. I went in a few minutes later, and I know what a room smells like that sexually excited girls had been in. To be blunt, it almost reeked of sex.”

“Well, not unheard of to be honest. Especially in an all-girls school. So what are you going to do now?”

“Well, I will call my boss, and arrange to have a camera sent to me I can set up in my room. If I wake up like that again, hopefully I can use it to help identify whoever it was.”

I called Fred, and he promised to have it to me the next day. Then I dressed again and headed back. When we were back at the academy, we told them I had an issue with my ankle and needed my doctor to check it out. Thankfully there were no further questions, and my roomies all were glad to hear it was nothing major. Seems most of the school knew, and I said that my doctor had given me a few things he wanted to check immediately if they happened.

“It was one bone hanging up on another. It hurts like hell, and he put the bone back in place without a problem. But I had to spend the next six hours in bed as they iced it down and did more checks to make sure it was fully in place again.” I know, all bullshit. But they were only 16 after all, and it sounded logical.

On Friday I got called to the office where a box was waiting for me. I went to my room and opened it, and it was a clock radio. I read the note, and it said how to change memory cartridges and where to place it for best capture. Each card would hold 24 hours of video, and overwrite the previous day. So if I had something I thought needed to be saved to change cartridges. Soon the other three joined me in the room, and Kim and I showered first. I was sitting on my bed doing my hair when I heard a gasp from the bathroom. Kim looked over at me and winked, and said I should get used to that.

“They’re being more careful since you joined us, but they’ve been like that all year.”

“Are they lesbians?” I softly asked, and she shook her head.

“Naw, just horny girls like most of us are. Flo likes hooking up when she can, and was even caught about two months ago with one of the boys from St. Andrews in the bushes.” I asked her if that was common, and Kim nodded. “Well, not uncommon I would say. Maybe one in three of us will fool around if the chance comes up. I know I’m not a lesbian, but I have made out with other girls a few times. Not as much fun as with a boy, but it’s better than nothing. For anything else, there is always my hairbrush in the shower.” I giggled, and said I knew what she meant there.

I put on my blue dress, and when Flo and Jess came out I made it a point to go up and ask if they had a nice shower. Flo blushed, and I smiled at both of them. “Honest, no need to hide just because I’m in the room now. Trust me, is not like I’ve not done something similar. So just act as you both did before I moved in.” They both smiled at me, and soon I heading to the auditorium with Kim.

Wow, there were even more guys in there than there were girls at our academy. And I saw quite a few watching me as Kim and I took a table along the wall. We leaned in together, and I asked her if it was always like this.

“Oh yes, that is a huge school, much larger than ours is. We even have a little sign you should know about. If the guy is one we think is rude or grabby, we will reach back and rub the back of our neck. If you see one of us doing that as you talk to him, you might want to move on to somebody else. Unless that’s the kind of thing you like.” I giggled and shook my head, saying I only liked such from guys I knew and not random strangers.

I did have a few boys come up and ask me to dance, but all beat a hasty retreat as soon as I shook my head and showed them my cane. Kim did accept one though, and soon I was sitting at the table by myself. I saw Flo and Jess also had partners, and by how Flo was grinding her bottom against the boy she was with before one of the teachers broke them up I knew she was indeed not a lesbian.

“Excuse me, may I join you?” I heard a soft voice say, and I turned and nodded at the boy standing on the other side of the table. He smiled at me and took a seat, and asked if I was new there. I said that indeed I was, and that I had just gotten there that week.

I felt my cop instincts kick in, and he was actually quite enjoyable to talk to. After almost 15 minutes I softly asked him where he was from. He just smiled at me and said I should guess.

“Well, your accent is very British, but not quite. Not quite as clipped as they are, but also not as Americanized as in Canada. Also not the accent from Jamaica, not even close. You are obviously not an Aussie, and it has been driving me crazy. I know it is a nation that is or was part of the British Empire, but for the life of me can’t place it.”

He applauded softly, and his white teeth shined when he opened his mouth and grinned. “Very good, very good indeed. Well, I am from Belize, and we were part of the Empire until 1981. My father is an industrial engineer, so we moved up here when he got a job offer. Been here for three years now.”

I gave him a grin, and said for only being here for three years he spoke very good English. He actually grinned at me and then teased me for trying to have one over on him. I asked why he was at St. Andrews, and he said his dad did not want him in the public schools, with all the gangs and drugs. “And I have to say, I am glad he did. I have had others try to talk to me like I was one of them, and I very much am not. I do not like rap, and have no interest in gangs unless their love is for Griga United.”

I laughed, and said that was not likely, as what we call soccer is not a major interest for most our age. At that he really did smile, and asked if I knew of it. “Sorry, I’m afraid I do not. But I am familiar with teams like ‘Manchester United’, and know that names like that are common in football clubs.”

He said that did impress him, as most knew nothing about what he called “Real Football” in the US. And when the DJ threw on a slower song, he asked if I would care to dance with him. I looked into his eyes, and he quickly said he would understand if I refused, and I quickly stood up and laid my cane on top of the table. I then asked for his arm and he helped me to the floor.

I smiled as Marcus kept a respectable distance between us, and he admitted he had seen me shoot the other guys down, and had noticed my cane. I nodded, and said that I never would have turned him down for any reason, other than the reason I had the earlier boys. “I can dance like this just fine, but for faster ones it normally means me standing in one place and flailing my arms around, or flailing my arms around and hoping I hit nobody with my cane.” He laughed, and said he understood.

One of the things I had not realized when I selected and made this pattern is that since it was the left side that was open, when his hand rested on my waist it was right on my bare skin. And I almost expected him to start trying something, like exploring around, but he never did.

They were only slow for three songs, and he again offered his arm as we returned to the seat. Once I was seated he went to get us both something to drink, and I took a moment to use the facilities. But when I returned, I saw him standing by the wall, and our table had been taken. I smiled at him and told him that was fine, and we leaned against the wall and had our soda. I saw Kim, and she actually smiled at me and did not reach behind her neck.

So when Marcus asked if I would take a walk with him, I accepted. And he was actually a perfect gentleman. We sat for a bit on a bench, and I was the one that reached for his hand. We talked there for about an hour, and finally we headed back. When the dance was breaking up I gave him a hug, and said I hoped to see him next Friday.

Back at the room the girls immediately wanted to know about Marcus, and I admitted I had a lovely evening with him. They told me he was new this year, and none of them really knew him yet. I explained what he told me of his background, and that he was very proper and polite.

“You aren’t worried what being seen with him might do to your reputation?” Flo asked, and I looked at her and sadly shook my head.

“What, because I danced and talked with him? Kim, you were there with me when those three boys each asked me to dance. What was the music like?” She grinned and said it was fast. “That’s why I turned them all down. I can’t do fast songs with my ankle. Marcus was smart enough to realize that, and asked during a slower song. If anybody had asked at a song that I could dance to, I likely would have accepted.”

They all nodded, and Flo actually apologized. Saying she did not care, but some others might. “Well, if they do, then fuck them I say.” All three of them nodded, and echoed my “Fuck them” statement, and added one of their own.

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