For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

Dinner was quiet and I wasn’t hungry so things went pretty fast. Everyone had already started eating by the time I made it out there but I was the first one finished. I cleaned my mess and started doing the dishes in the sink. I was hoping that if I helped out more then maybe my dad would let me spend the night. Mom brought in other dishes and I washed those while she put away the food.

“Are you feeling alright, dear?” my mom asked.

“I’m fine, why?”

“I don’t know, call it maternal instincts but I have a feeling something isn’t right with you. Are you having problems at school?”


“You can talk to me, Lisa. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” I chuckled. She would faint on the spot if I told her what I’d been doing lately.

“I’m fine, mom. I’m just a little upset about being punished.”

“You’re not really punished, dear. We just want to keep you safe, that’s all. Your father and I have noticed a big change in you and we’re very worried.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, mom, I’m fine but I don’t like being treated like I’m five-years-old! I’m fourteen, you know, and should have some freedom to do things with my friends.”

“Why don’t you invite Rachael to spend the night with you this weekend? I’m sure I can convince your father to allow that. You can still see her and we’ll know you’re safe.”

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” I finished the dishes and said good night. I was surprised when she grabbed my arm to stop me and kissed my cheek.

“I know you’re getting older, dear, but you’ll always be my sweet little girl.” I smiled and left the kitchen.

Dad was sitting in his chair and I went over to kiss him goodnight on the cheek hoping to get some brownie points. I hadn’t kiss him goodnight in about three years, but I thought the situation called for it. I had to figure a way out of this mess without becoming Cory’s little fuck toy.

Brooke was watching TV and working on homework when I went into the room. She’s required to read for 30 minutes every day and seemed more interested in the Fairy Odd Parents than the book she had open. I crashed onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for a while.

“You supposed to turn off the TV until your homework is finished,” I said looking over at her.

“You’re not supposed to sleep naked,” she remarked with a snide look over her shoulder at me.

“I told mom about that too!” The little shit! Is that why I’m grounded?!?

“Why did you tell on me? I thought you were cool!”

“Momma said you must have been hot that’s why you took off your clothes but I think it’s gross to sleep naked.”

“Whatever, Brooke, just do your homework.”

I looked at the clock. It was already 7:53 and I had an hour before I had to meet Money for my ‘midnight’ shift. I had no idea where he would take me this time, but I had a really good idea what I’d be doing. I wasn’t sure how to tell him about my curfew but he needed to know so that he wouldn’t make plans for me after school for a while and whatever he had planned for me this weekend would have to be cancelled.

The cartoon ended and Brooke put her head down to pretend to read. She had been staring at the same page since I walked in the room so I knew that she wasn’t actually reading. When I was her age, I loved reading but now I don’t even want to open a book. I sat up.

“How about I make you some hot coco?” I asked with a smile.

“It makes me sleepy.”

“That’s okay, Brooke, it’s supposed to help you go to sleep. You know like warm milk but it tastes a lot better. I’ll put tiny marshmallows in it.” A smile creased her cheeks. She has the cutest dimples and the brightest blue eyes. She was pretty enough to one day have her pick of boyfriends and I just hope that she chooses better than I did.

Mom and dad were in their room with the door shut. Normally they leave it ajar unless they’re making love. It was still early, too early for them to be having sex but I was curious. Gradually I made my way to their door and gently put my ear against it with a smile. I bet it’s hilarious watching them fuck.

“I’m tired, Jeff, maybe tomorrow,” mom moaned and I head dad sigh loudly.

“Come on, honey, it’s been eleven days already. Why are you making me wait so long?”

“I’ve been taking extra shifts at work and I’m having to do more around the house with Lisa being gone so much and then there’s the volunteering at church and...”

“Alright, Tammy, I get it,” my father huffed. I could just imagine him turning away from her and covering up like he normally did. Just turn away and shut people out, that’s how he dealt with conflict.

“Don’t be mad, honey. I promise soon. Very soon. Besides I don’t think a couple of weeks without making love killed anyone.” He didn’t respond but I did hear the lamp click off and the light from under the door disappeared. No wonder he’s been grumpy lately.

I quickly moved away from the door just in case he came out to watch TV or something. I didn’t want them catching me listening to them through the door. I crushed a half a pill and sprinkled it into the bottom of the cup before adding a package of coco and hot water. The mini marshmallows went on last and began to melt from the heat. Brooke was watching another cartoon when I opened the door.

“Here’s your coco,” I said nearly humming as I placed it on the bedside table. She sat up and began taking small sips of the hot beverage. I’ve got to remember to cool it down first as it was taking her too long to drink it.

By 8:30 most of it was gone and every once in a while, her head would drop a few inches before she snapped it back upright. Her eyes were droopy as she struggled to stay awake. Five minutes later she lost the struggle as her face went flat onto the book. I smiled and clicked off the TV before turning her over and putting away her book.

“Sleep tight, tattle tell,” I whispered into her ear before covering her with the blanket. Quickly I changed into one of Money’s ‘slutty’ outfits, stuffed my bed with plush animals and snuck out the window. It was only 8:45 and I figured that I’d have to wait a few minutes once I got there but felt a little better to see his car shining in the dim light.

“Hey boo,” he said as I sat in the passenger seat. Before I could respond he leaned over the console and kissed me, pressing his soft, succulent lips against mine. I melted into the seat as he continued kissing me, applying just enough pressure, and using just enough tongue to make me squirm. God what an amazing kisser! When he finally backed away, I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled with a huge smile.


“You look incredible, boo,” he said looking me up and down. I was showing a lot of leg and my midriff was exposed all the way to the bottom of my rib cage. The snug tube top was stretched across my chest like gauze and the tight skirt was cutting off the circulation to my legs.

“You’re in a good mood,” I said smiling at him.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I gots the most beautiful, sexy girl on the West Coast sitting right next to me!” He winked at me and I smiled.

“And she’s all mine.” He did a full one-eighty. When he dropped me off a few hours ago if felt as if he’s just as soon punch me as kiss me and was very cold toward me. Now he was the man I fell in love with. He started the car.

“Where are we going?” Normally I wouldn’t ask but since he was in such a good mood, I thought I’d risk it. The worse that could happen is that he’d yell at me. I need to keep him in a good mood to tell him about my punishment.

“There’s a little party goin’ on downtown. I think you gunna love it. Ever been to a rave?” I nearly gasped remembering what D told me about those ‘rave’ parties.

“I’ve never been to one before,” I squeaked. I really needed to stay on his good side because I know he’s going to explode when I tell him that not only can’t I go with him after school, but I can’t spend the night at his place on the weekends.

Money reached into the glove compartment to pull out a plastic Ziploc baggy with a tampon inside. After unzipping the bag, he pulled it out and handed it to me. It was swollen three times the normal size and water was dripping off of it. I looked at it and then to him with confusion. I didn’t need a tampon, especially not one this big.

“I’m not on my period,” I informed him.

“Put the fuckin’ thing in you!” He ordered and tossed the baggy out the window. I didn’t want to anger him so I did what he asked. It was dripping wet and was very cold as I pushed it into my pussy. It burned like fire immediately all the way along my vaginal canal but I managed to get it completely inside. Only the tiny string was visible. I got a cold chill and shivered slightly.

“Put on some makeup,” he said reaching into the backseat for a shopping bag. Inside were various bottles, tubes, liners and a compact. Flipping down the visor I angled it to see better as I applied a thick layer of makeup. I’m sure he wanted me to appear older and the makeup helped.

We drove mostly the inner streets while I continued to apply my makeup. We drove for a few minutes longer after I had finished and I didn’t recognize where we were. It was dark and in an industrial area. I remember seeing a Rosecrans street sign about two blocks from where we turned. It was a warehouse area with not a lot of houses or business around. A field of brown grass and weeds were on the other side of the tall chain-link fence. I was starting to feel dizzy.

We drove down a corridor of storage buildings to the very end where several cars and trucks were lined up like a parking lot. Mexican music was blasting and for the first time since being with Money, there were more non-black than black people at the party. Even though there were a few women, an overwhelming majority of them were men and most looked like gang members. Two men walked toward our car.

Opening the center console, he took out the toothbrush holder and pulled the top off. The bright orange cap was visible through the opaque plastic and I gasped at seeing it. I could feel my heart racing at the prospect of getting high again. I needed it. Extending my arm quickly, I felt a small prick, leaned my head back and shut my eyes as the euphoric rush took over my brain. After dropping the container back into the console, he opened his door.

“Bess act right,” he warned.

“Hey homey,” one of the Spanish men said as Money got out of the car. I stayed inside and waited for him to signal to me. They clasped hands together and touched shoulders in some sort of male bonding ritual or something. His door was shut and I could only hear muffled conversation between the three of them, especially since the music so loud.

They were joined by another Spanish guy about Money’s age and then an older man. The four men kept looking into the car to see me but I think it was too dark. Money turned around and motioned for me to get out. With a deep sigh I opened my door and the dome light flooded the car.

“DAAAMMMMMNNN,” one of the men said as I wobbled around the front of the car. For some reason my balance was off and things seemed blurry.

“Chit man, chew got a fine one dis time, man” the last one to arrive said with a thick accent.

Most of the party goers were drinking, dancing, smoking, making out or outright fucking right in front of everyone. There was no modesty. There was an argument going on somewhere not far away but I couldn’t see where they were as the echoes between the buildings made it difficult. Money pulled me into his side and kept his arm around me.

“This here is Lola, my newest girl,” he introduced me. He used my whore name so I already knew what to expect. The men were smiling and gawking at me like the main course on a buffet table. I returned the smile.

There were probably forty or fifty men there with maybe a dozen women and all of the women were either talking to other men, dancing or otherwise occupied. One of the men reached out and shook my hand, his smile never wavered. I nearly lost my balance and fell over. What was going on?

“Chew look berry young,” the older man said roaming his eyes up and down my thin body.

“She’s old enough, don’t worry ‘bout that,” Money assured them. I was certain it wouldn’t matter to them even if I wasn’t. The man that first greeted Money stepped forward and put his hand on my waist.

“Chew wanna dance, chica?” He asked pulling me closer.

Money removed his arm from around me and the man pulled me to his body and quickly grabbed my ass. Lifting me off of my feet, my crotch was pushed into his as he grind against me to the rhythm of the music. My legs swung back and forth like a pendulum as he turned, moved, and spun around doing some unknown Spanish dance.

When the music stopped, so did he and I could definitely feel his cock poking me through his jeans. One of the others came behind me and moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck, shoulder and back while pulling down my top. The music resumed and I was handed off to another dancer as he began to spin me around like the first one had.

Money was sitting on the hood of his car watching with a smile. Other men began gathering around to watch as I was handed off to yet another dancer, minus my skirt. I didn’t know if it was my previous partner or the newest one that removed it but it didn’t really matter. He was rubbing me up and down his erection while I hugged onto his neck to keep from falling. I was getting nauseous from all the spinning. I felt a finger probing the entrance of my pussy but then suddenly stop.

“What the fuck?” He exclaimed and began pulling on the string. “Chew on da rag, chica?”

“Naw, man, it’s a vodka tampon, she likes her alcohol like that, gets her drunk faster.” My head was wobbly and I could tell that I was definitely drunk. With a hurried jerk, the bloated cotton blob was launched from my vagina like a cannon. I hardly had time to realize what was going on until it was completely out. The cool nighty air caused the burning sensation to return.

Everything seemed to be moving slowly as my head bobbed from side to side and the music seemed to fade away. The lights seemed brighter and there seemed to be more people around me. Well not people, men.

The next thing I realize is that I’m on my back in the dirt with someone on top of me thrusting back and forth. He was fucking me and I struggled to focus on who it was but couldn’t seem to see his face. The noise around me was garbled, the music seemed far away and the conversation was subdued. To my left were feet and to my right were feet. Some with shoes, others bare. The man stopped moving and I felt his weight lift from me only to quickly be replaced by another man.

I drifted in and out of consciousness as various men used me over and over again. Sometimes one at a time, sometimes in pairs. For a while I was face down in the dirt with my ass being fucked before being turned back over for them to use my pussy and then face down again. I don’t know how many men had sex with me or if they paid or even if Money was still around. He had a knack for disappearing when I needed him the most.

“WAKE UP!” I heard someone shouting at me while my body rocked back and forth.

“WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Was repeated. Slowly my eyes fluttered open and I was staring into Money’s stoic face a few inches away from me.

“You gotta go,” he said reaching across me. Suddenly a blinding light shined in my face and I struggled to shield my eyes.

“Get out!” he commanded. It took a while for my brain to process his words and I looked around to see that I was in the front seat of his car. Lifting my head, I realized we were in front of my house. When did we get here?

I felt like crap and hurt all over as a week’s worth of sexual abuse hit me all at once. Whatever had been sheltering me from the pain was gone and everything I had been though rushed to the surface. I don’t know what the men at the rave did to me and it’s probably better that I don’t know but my pussy and asshole was on fire and my throat was so raw I could hardly swallow my own saliva.

“Where ... my ... clothes...” I slurred looking down at my nakedness. I was still drunk and my hands seemed to move on their own.

“Just get the fuck out! No one will see you.”

My door was open and I literally fell outside onto the wet grass. The sprinklers had been on earlier and now dirt, grass and small twigs were stuck to my skin. The door slammed shut and Money squealed the tires as he drove off, leaving me naked and alone in my front yard. Struggling to stand I swayed back and forth as I made my way around the side of the house to my bedroom. I really needed to pee and just let it go right outside my window. I guess it’s better than in my room.

I crawled back inside and vaguely remember falling onto the floor with a crash but I don’t remember anything after that. The next thing I know is the alarm is going off and Brooke is rocking my body with her foot. I was still on the floor under the opened window and I can only imagine what I must look like. My head was pounding and that damn alarm wasn’t helping.

“Shut that fucking thing off!” I shouted and rolled onto my back. Brooke was standing above me with a shocked expression on her face. Slowly I sat up and looked at my little sister.

“You better not tell mom or I’ll kick your ass, understand?!?” I somehow knew she would tattle. She always did.

My legs were shaking as I stood and pulled a tee shirt over my naked body just in case my parents saw me heading to the bathroom. I had never felt like this before and I never wanted to ever again. I couldn’t stop myself from shaking and I was breaking out in a cold sweat. Was it the alcohol? It was hard to believe that one tampon full of vodka could do this to me.

I got into the shower to clean up, feeling a little better. When I opened the curtain Cory was standing there with a smile. I gave a deep sigh.

“Not today,” I said reaching for the towel. I didn’t feel like having sex with him, or anyone else for that matter. I stepped out of the shower and dried off.

“You promised.”

“Cory, give it a rest.”

“I can’t,” he said shaking his erection at me. “I need relief.”

“Then jerk off like you used to do.”

“I don’t have to, now that I have you.”

“I’m not in the mood.” Boy, did I just sound like my mother?!? He bumped into me and pinned my stomach to the sink while fumbling around my hips for my opening.


“I’ll be fast, I promise!”

“That’s not the point!”

“Please...” He wasn’t going to drop it and it will take longer for me to convince him that I don’t want to do it than if I just went ahead and did it.

“Fine!” I growled and turned around to pull myself onto the sink. His cock had already been exposed since before I got out of the shower so he was rearing to go. Leaning forward, he slipped effortlessly into my enlarged opening.

It wasn’t very long ago that a cock even his size would have been uncomfortable but now it’s like pushing a warm knife into soft butter. I don’t know if he noticed a difference or if he even cared. He had his cock into a warm, wet hole and that’s all that mattered to him. His thrusts were short and quick, hardly moving more than an inch or two with every stroke.

I stared at his thin stomach and realized that he had somewhat of a six pack. Where did that come from? I had never noticed that before. Cory was really cute, well-mannered and had a nice body so he shouldn’t have any trouble finding a girlfriend. His thrusts became labored and I soon felt his cock twitching as ropes of semen shot into me. Why I allowed this to happen I’ll never understand. I can’t really blame him, he’s a guy and will want to fuck anything with a wet hole, especially a slutty sister.

Once sated he pulled himself free and headed for the door, pulling up his pants as he walked without saying anything. I remained on the sink in somewhat disbelieve on how casual he was about having sex with me. It seemed as though he had just used a public urinal and left without flushing. Sliding off of the sink I wrapped the towel around me and headed for my room to dress.

I felt like shit and didn’t want to go to school. I knew that mom would be a mother hen over me and either take me to the doctor’s or stay home from work to nurse me back to health. I hardly ever got sick so when I did, she was there to care for me. Brooke bargained into the room and stared as I was pulling my jeans on.

“Where are your panties?”

“What do you want?” I snapped.

“Mom said to come to breakfast ‘NOW’,” she imitated how our mother spoke.

“I’ll be right there. Start without me.”

“Are you going to wear a bra?” She asked noticing that I was putting on a button-down shirt without one.

“Will you leave already?” I snapped.

“You should wear a bra,” she replied. “Only naughty people don’t wear underwear.”

“Well then I guess I’m naughty, so get lost!” She slammed the door and I breathed a breath of relief. She was so fucking annoying!

After putting on my sneakers and combing my hair I put on my best face and went to join the others in the dining room. For once I was hungry and ate everything on my plate as if I hadn’t eaten in days, which was actually true. It tasted so good. I didn’t notice that my dad was staring at me while I ate.

“You must have been hungry,” he said once I shoved the last piece of toast into my mouth. I nodded while still chewing. Brooke and Cory had already finished eating and were either brushing their teeth or getting ready to leave.

“Remember, Lisa, come home right after school today. Don’t stop off anywhere and don’t even think of going to Rachael’s.”

“I know, dad.”

“Your mother will be home...” Was that some sort of open-ended warning?

“Alright, I know, dad. I said I’ll be home so just relax, will you?” He sat back in his chair. Never in my life had I talked back to him and never with that tone. It was the same tone I usually yell at Brooke in.

“We don’t speak to elders like that, Lisa. You know that.”

“I’m sorry, dad,” I huffed. I didn’t need him to be mad at me if I’m trying to shorten my punishment.

“Go get dressed for school.”

Mom had already started clearing the table and I was running a little late. Cory and Brooke had both left already and my school is further than either of theirs. I was starting to feel worse by the minute and knew what I needed. It was the only thing that made me feel good, made me happy and made me feel invincible.

My phone chimed and I noticed I had a text from D.

>>’Ride 2 skewl?’



I replied with a smiley face.

His green car was parked a few houses down the street and I all but ran to him, panting as I arrived. His smiled dropped when I slipped into the passenger’s seat.

“Damn baby, you look like you were rode hard and put up wet!” he said looking at me over his sunglasses to be sure he was seeing me correctly.

“I had a rough night.”

“Yea I heard. First rave, huh?” How does he know these things?

“Yes. I could really use something, you know,” I said pulling down the arm rest and flopping my arm onto it palm side up. He smiled.

“I thought you might. I watched as he swung the visor down and the syringe dropped onto his lap. I gasped. That was my god and I wanted nothing more than to embrace my new religion.

“You need to learn to do this yourself, Lisa,” he said squeezing my arm to find a vein.

“I don’t think I can. I hate needles.”

“You’ll learn or you’ll have to go without. I’ll get you a strap to help.”

“Why can’t you do it for me?”

“‘Cause I can’t always be there to do it. You’re gunna need more and more of this shit all the time and you’re gunna need to shoot yourself.” I jumped as he pierced my skin.

“Push the bottom slowly,” he said holding the syringe still inside my arm but didn’t have his thumb on the plunger. I did what he said and felt the rush almost immediately.

“Where’s that spot you and Carlton fuck?” he asked as my high was calming me down. I pointed toward the overgrown shrubs across the street and he started the car. A minute later we were parked behind the wall of bushes and he was kissing me. I kissed him back. The meth made me feel incredible and in a way, I wanted to make him feel the same.

With my shirt unbuttoned but still on and my pants hanging from my right ankle, D was between my legs pounding into me. His long black cock was bombarding my lower stomach as if it was under attack. My pain, depression, anxiety, hangover, and problems were long gone and he fucked me fast and hard. It was all I could do to hang on. Sex on meth was the best!

I remained lying partially naked in the front seat as he drove toward my school. I watched the skyline passing upside down as I stared out the window. Slowly I sat up and began to dress.

“Are you going to see Money today?” I asked.

“Yea, why?”

“Tell him not to pick me up after school.” He turned to look at me as I fastened the last button. “My parents want me to come home right after school. I’m being grounded.”

“Grounded? What the fuck? Are you a little child? Are you in prison? You’re a grown-ass woman, girl and your parents can just fuck off!”

“I have to, D. They’re still my parents and as long as I’m living at home, I have to follow their rules. I can’t spend the night with him either this weekend.”

“That’s fucked up! Just don’t go home and tell ‘em to fuck off. You our girl now, boo, and you gotta do what we say, not your asshole parents!” He was really upset and huffing to himself.

We were approaching my school and he slowed down to drop me off.

“I got another job for you, same time as yesterday. I’ll get you at 11:30.” His disposition changed but he didn’t look at me. I could tell he was pissed and if he was this mad I could only imagine how Money will react.

“Will you tell him for me?” I asked as I opened my door. He still didn’t respond. I was right on time as I still had a few minutes before the bell rang. I cut across the grass to reach the entrance and was side blinded my Kyle.

“Was that your boyfriend?” he asked joining my walk.

“What do you want, Kyle?”

“Was he your boyfriend?”

“Yes, what of it?”

“Who was the guy that picked you up yesterday? The one in the silver and blue car? It wasn’t the same guy.”

“What are you spying on me?”

“I just happened to notice you were picked up by one guy after school yesterday and dropped off by another this morning. Kind of suspicious.” As we neared the entrance the noise level intensified.

“What do you want?” I barked at him hoping that he’d leave me alone. Kyle grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

“I’ll tell you what!” he wheezed leaning closer to me. “I want to fuck you like everyone else is!” I took a step back. Was he for real?

“I’m not having sex with everyone, especially not you, so forget it!”

“Why don’t you want to have sex with me? You’re fucking niggers so you’ve got to do it with anyone, right? I mean only sluts fuck niggers!” I pushed my way past the slower students entering the school with Kyle right behind me. Damn he’s real asshole!

“Just once and I’ll leave you alone!” he shouted over the noise of the hallway. I quickened my pace to reach my locker. Hopefully if I ignore him, he’ll go away.

“Come on, Lisa, what’s wrong? I used to be your boyfriend, remember?” I suddenly stopped my advance and Kyle ran in to the back of me and he nearly knocked me over. I stared at my locker with horror as someone wrote ‘SLUT’ in huge black letters filling the entire door from top to bottom. An unrolled condom was taped to the handle.

All around me people were whispering, talking, and laughing. A few pointed and the braver ones outright called me a slut to where I could hear them. Everything seemed to just buzz around me as I tuned out what was going on. To try and save face I pulled off the condom and opened my locker to take out my books. I already knew that my day was going to suck.

“Okay everyone, put your books away we’re having a quiz this morning,” Mr. Nisan announced as everyone sat down. A few grumbled but I just stared at the balding middle-aged man with a potbelly. Was he serious? I haven’t opened my math book in a week and have no idea what we’re even studying. He wrote five complicated problems on the blackboard and turned to face the class.

“You have fifteen minutes to finish,” he informed us and leaned against the front of his desk to watch for cheaters. He was always suspicious. I stared at the board and shook my head. I didn’t know how to start and certainly didn’t know how to get the answers. I wrote each of the problems on a piece of paper and just stared at them.

“Time’s up!” he declared and told everyone to pass their papers forward. Except for the actual problems I wrote down, nothing else was on my paper but my name. He gave us some busy work while he graded the papers and handed everyone’s back to them except for mine. He simply looked at me with stupid expression as he passed. The class dragged on as he yakked about shit that I didn’t care about. Finally, the bell rang.

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