For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

The green car was already there as I rounded the corner. I was afraid that I was late but it was only 11:27 and I felt a little better. I didn’t want D angry at me for being late. As I approached the car, I saw the door fly open as he leaned across the seat to open it.

“Get in.”

He didn’t really need to tell me that but I did anyway without commenting. He started driving as soon as my door was closed and before I had on my seat belt. There was someone sitting in the backseat that wasn’t one of his friends from Saturday night. I turned to look at him and he sort of jerked his head in a ‘what’s up’ gesture. He was smoking a joint and handed it to me across the back of the seat.

“I already got the money so I’ll drop you off and you take care of him. I’ll get you in an hour.” I had just taken a deep drag and blew the smoke out the widow as he spoke.

“You’re not staying with me? Money always stays.” That wasn’t entirely true as last night he left me alone in that house for hours but he didn’t need to know that.

“I’ve known John for years. He ain’t gunna give you no trouble so don’t you give him none, understand?” I nodded.

“He’s a good customer, so you better fuck him like your life depends on it, understand? He’s payin’ good money for your pussy so you bess make it worth it for him!” I took another hit from the cigarette and blew it out the window again.

“I will, don’t worry,” I said and looked out the window as we headed downtown. I didn’t go there often and stared at the buildings as they grew closer and taller. I handed the cigarette to the guy sitting in the backseat.

“He likes to fuck in the ass,” D said out of the blue. Was that a statement or question? Either way I knew I’d be doing that so I nodded. I remained quiet for the rest of the ride as D and his friend talked about being in prison and some business dealings they were working on that would make them a lot of money.

When we pulled into the Ritz-Carlton Hotel I was overwhelmed. I had never seen such a big hotel or one so elegant and I was thinking this guy must be rich to stay in a place like this. D valet parked and the three of us went inside. It was even more beautiful inside than out and we made our way through the hotel to the elevators.

We got a few stares from people, both the employees and the people staying there but I ignored them. I guess they don’t see a young white girl walking with two large black men through the lobby of a fancy hotel very often. I had to admit that I was a little nervous about meeting this guy as I was afraid that I wouldn’t be pretty enough. Rich guys like this want super models.

He was older, like D said, and I guess I was expecting to see a mummy-looking man but he wasn’t as bad as I thought. He met us at the door wearing only a plush white robe and slippers and quickly invited us in. He stared at me for a few seconds before smiling.

“My god, D, she’s beautiful!” he said holding my shoulders and squeezing my arms.

“You did really well this time.”

“I told you I gotta a gem fo’ you,” D smiled back. “A diamond in the rough.”

“It’s like you looked into my deepest fantasy and pulled her right out of my dreams.”

“You gotta hour, John, she’s yours ‘til then.”

“I’ll take good care of her,” he said guiding me over to the sofa. The room was huge, almost like an apartment and had everything you needed to live in there. It didn’t look like any motel room I’d ever stayed in.

“Make yourself comfortable, he said pouring himself a glass of brown something from a crystal bottle.

“I’d offer you one but I know you’re not old enough to drink,” he said winking. I went to the huge window and looked out. I could see the mountains and the ocean a when I looked the other way I could see buildings of downtown. It was amazing.

“Come sit with me,” he said patting the cushion on the sofa beside him. I did what he asked not sure what he wanted me to do.

“How old are you, sweetie?” he asked patting my leg. Money drilled it into my head what to say.

“Eighteen,” I replied still looking around the incredible room.

“That’s odd, D told me you are fourteen. Did he lie to me?” I looked at his very mature wrinkled face. He had a lot of wrinkles, lines, and rosy cheeks. His thinning gray hair was parted on the left and combed over the top but didn’t fully cover his balding scalp as I could see a lot of pinkness.

“How old are you? Don’t lie to me, I don’t like it when people lie to me.” His warm smile suddenly dropped to a scowl.

“I’m fourteen,” I mumbled looking toward the marble floor.

“That wasn’t so hard, huh?” I shook my head.

“I like younger women, like you,” he confessed. I thought I was there for sex and not to talk.

“I’ve been all over the world and have enjoyed the companionship of countless young ladies near and far but I always have a soft spot for young American girls. The sluttier the better,” he chuckled.

“I guess I’m supporting my home country that way,” he said smiling as he finished his drink and put his empty glass on the coffee table before staring at me.

“What grade are you in?” No one ever asked me that before.

“I’m a freshman.” He chuckled.

“My youngest granddaughter is a freshman this year, but she attends Bradley U, in Peoria. She’s studying biomedical sciences and she’s a smart as a whip,” he said and smiled at the thought of her.

“She would never be a whore, that’s for damn sure,” he added with a stern expression my way. I wasn’t sure how to respond. He stared at me for several uncomfortable seconds.

“How long have you been having sex?” I turned back to him with a puzzled look.

“Don’t lie,” he added.

“About six months.”

“So, you’re still fresh meat,” he said and his smile returned.

“A few of the countries I’ve been to, girls your age have been prostitutes for years and are pretty worn out already or have a couple of kids.” Why was he telling me this?

“I have a confession,” he said leaning closer to whisper to me as if someone else was nearby.

“I have a fascination with sluts and whores. An obsession actually,” he added and moved his hand up my thigh to my crotch.

“I’ve been paying for sex for over forty-five years and have been with hundreds of whores. I like to know more about them before I fuck them, it’s a big turn-on for me.” I wasn’t sure if I needed to reply.

“How many cocks have you had in your fourteen-year-old pussy, Lola?”

I was shocked by the question and surprised that he used the name that Money had given me. It took a few seconds before I could respond as I tried running through the list of guys in my mind but some I couldn’t remember some and I lost count on others. Plus, I didn’t know if he meant all cocks or just the ones paying me. I shrugged my shoulders.

“You don’t know? You’ve been a prostitute for six months and you already don’t know how many men you’ve fucked?” He smiled, leaned closer, and kissed my forehead.

“I think I’m in love with you!”

Now I was really confused. First, I hadn’t been a prostitute for six months, he asked how long I had been having sex. I didn’t start off being a prostitute. Second, he wasn’t clear on what he was asking, and third why did he confess his love to me?

“Stand, let me see that sexy little body of yours. I’ll bet you’re still tight as a virgin, huh?” I stood in front of him and slowly turned around. He was smiling at me and rubbing my arm.

“Your skin is so soft. Like a baby’s bottom,” he said staring at my chest.

“You know your nipples are showing through your shirt. Do you normally walk around showing your tits to everyone?”

“Sometimes.” I don’t know why I said that because I normally didn’t.

“Nice. Very nice indeed,” he smiled.

“If you’re going to tease me you might as well show them to me properly.” I understood what he wanted and pulled my shirt over my head. He gasped at the sight.

“Very small but well proportioned. I like how your nipples make up most of your tits. I’ve been with girls younger than you, but they were more developed. Your tits are perfect for me,” he said leaning forward to take my right breast into his mouth. He sucked on it for about a minute before moving to the left. A minute later he pulled away.

“Let me see the rest.”

Unfastening my jeans, I pulled them down slowly, trying to give him a little dance to add to his excitement. I could tell by the lump in the robe that he was already very eager and my movements turned him on even more. Once they were around my ankles, I stepped out of them, nearly falling as I lost my balance as the left foot got stuck. I hopped a few times before I was able to get them off. His eyes were fixated between my legs.

“You had sex before coming here, didn’t you?” he asked and I looked down to see the large globule of slime dangling from my pussy.

I should have been embarrassed but I wasn’t. When I was high, nothing mattered and I didn’t care about anything. I hardly batted an eye at having a stranger seeing me naked with cum dripping out of me. With a swipe of my hand, the two-inch glob was gone. Not sure what to do with it, I wiped it on my leg and spread it around until it disappeared.

“You’re a dirty little whore, aren’t you?” He asked rhetorically.

“A dirty, little cum-dump slut, huh?” His face was turning red and I wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol, embarrassment, or excitement.

“How many men did you fuck so far this today?” I wasn’t sure if I’d call Cory and Joey ‘men’ but they did have cocks and they did fuck me. So did D.


“THREE?!? It’s only noon and you’ve already had three customers? No wonder you can’t remember how many men you’ve fucked! I’m not really surprised though as you are very pretty and sexy. You’re going to have a lot of men fucking during your lifetime. A lot,” he repeated with emphasis. I wasn’t sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.

“Let’s take a shower together and I’ll clean my little cum-bunny,” he said with a huge smile. With that he stood and for the first time I got a glimpse of his cock as it poked out of the opening of the robe. He quickly covered it but he couldn’t hide the way it stuck out.

“You smell like a dirty whore,” he added while corralling me toward the elegant bathroom. After turning on the water, he waited until the glass on the shower started to fog up, and then ushered me inside. He took off the robe and let it drop to the marble floor.

He had large man-boobs with fur-like white hair covering his entire chest and a round pot belly. Not fat, but round. His skin sagged and he had wrinkles covering his body from head to toe. Although old and not in good shape, his cock was nice and thick and was framed with a nest of wild whitish-gray hair. He stepped in the shower with me and I reached for his cock.

“There will be time for that, little one,” he said while prying my hand away. He was tall and bulky, standing nearly as tall as Money but weighed a lot more. He was rich but didn’t invest in a healthy lifestyle.

No one has washed me like that since my mother used to when I was a baby. He washed my hair, conditioned it, and scrubbed my face and body, including my pussy and ass. It felt nice but in a weird way. I was naked in the shower with a man old enough to be my grandfather, hell maybe even my great grandfather, and he was bathing me like a toddler. I allowed him to do whatever he wanted, and then, he towel dried me before carrying me to the bed like a bride.

It was a huge bed, bigger than I’d ever been on and smelled nice and clean. He climbed on next to me and hovered above me like a helicopter looking for a place to land.

“Is everything okay?” I asked as he seemed to be examining me like a doctor would but without touching me.

“Everything is fine. Perfect in fact,” he smiled. “I want to see your pussy, spread your legs,” he demanded.

That was a strange request but I did it anyway. He moved close enough to where I could feel his hot breath on my legs as he opened my hole to see inside. I felt his finger going inside as far as he could put it and then he pulled it out. I lifted my head and saw him examining his moist finger.

“You still have semen inside of you,” he said showing me the mucus covering half of his finger.

“I’m sorry, let me get cleaned up,” I said trying to wiggle out from under him.

“Leave it,” he replied and pushed the same finger back inside of me without wiping it off.

“Did all three of your customers ejaculate inside of you today?” They weren’t actually customers as none paid me but he didn’t want to hear that.


“Do you allow all of your customers to cum inside of you?”

“No. Just certain ones.”

“I see,” he said taking his finger out once again to look at it.

“It’s a turn-on that you are so young but slutty enough to allow men to do that to you. Most whores require condoms but you don’t. It’s dangerous but thrilling at the same time.” He smiled.

“Do you swallow semen too?” I nodded. “You are a very nasty young girl,” he said smirking.

“I think you and I are going to get along just fine,” he added with a laugh.

I looked at the clock beside the bed. I had been there for thirty minutes and he hadn’t fucked me yet. Time was running out but I didn’t know how to get him moving. He seemed more interested in my sexual history than actually fucking me. He had me roll onto my stomach and repeated the examination of my butt hole.

“How often do you do anal?”

“I don’t know,” I retorted. He was getting too personal and that’s not something that I wanted to keep track of. His finger probed deeply.

“Did any of your customers fuck you in the ass today?”


“That’s a shame. I’d like to see how wide you’d be if they had.”

“D will be back soon,” I finally said hoping to end the conversation and get this awkward encounter over with.

“Are you eager for my cock?” He asked. I rolled over and smiled, hiding how I really felt about it. I was just a plaything to him and he didn’t really care about me so why should I care about him?”

I reached for his cock and stroked it a few times. It had thickness but it wasn’t fully hard. I wondered if it would get harder and moved around to suck on it, hoping to stiffen it up. He stopped me before I got it into my mouth.

“STOP!” he snapped and pushed my face back until I landed on my butt.

“I’ve been married 44 years to the same woman and I haven’t once brought home a disease and I don’t plan on doing it now! You sluts are nothing but filthy, diseased-infected whores that allow anyone with a few dollars have sex with you and I’m sure you’re full of diseases by now. My cock goes nowhere near your soiled holes without a condom, understand?!?”

I was shocked. He was so kind and gentle, almost grandfatherly, and now he was yelling at me as if I had just broken his window with a rock. His words stung and I felt like shit. Did he really feel that way? Why did he keep going to prostitutes if he was afraid of catching a disease? He said that he was ‘obsessed’ with whores but actually seemed to despise them and despised me.

I watched as he pulled out a condom and rolled it onto his cock before flopping onto his back with a bounce. His cock drooped on the top of his leg like a fat little snake molting its skin. Propping his head up on two pillows he stared at me.

“What are you waiting for, slut? You’re a whore, be a whore!” he snapped. Talk about Jekyll and Hyde! I moved closer and sucked his fat cock into my mouth, tasting the oddness of the condom. I had never performed oral sex on anyone wearing a condom and it just felt and tasted weird. I did my best and even got most of his eight inches into my mouth before the sensation of the rubber caused me to gag.

“That’s enough!” he barked and pushed my face away from his crotch.

“Ride me, whore!”

Squatting over him I held his cock straight up and lowered my pussy onto it. He was thick but not as hard as it could have been and I struggled to get in inside. Finally, it slipped in and I sank all the way down until I was sitting on his thighs. He remained still as I slowly rocked back and forth, feeling his thickness widen my channel. He reached up and grabbed my tits, pulling and pinching them roughly.

“Who fucked you first?” He asked as I increased my tempo but I didn’t answer.

“Your daddy? Does your daddy fuck you?” His comment surprised me and I stopped moving. My father would never consider doing something like that!

“That’s it! Your first fuck was your daddy!” He seemed excited about that prospect so I remained quiet to allow him to believe that. He didn’t know the truth but I did. He began thrusting upward to counter my back-and-forth movements.

“Incest is prostitution boot camp you know,” he said smirking.

“You learn how to fuck from your daddy and then go out and make money doing what you’re giving to him for free.” I could feel his cock hardening.

“For you to start prostituting at fourteen, he must have started you off early.” He was annoying me with his talking and his hands were getting even rougher on my breasts.

“How many years has your daddy been fucking you? Does he cum inside of you too? Does he share you with all of his friends? I bet he does,” he said gasping between questions. My movements quickened as I wanted to make him cum as soon as I could to shut him up.

“Does that turn you on? Are you getting excited telling me about how your daddy fucks you?” I never said anything about that but I smiled and nodded anyway. He was paying good money for this and I didn’t want to disappoint him.

“Turn over, whore!” he ordered while throwing me off of him. I landed with a thud on the bed as he shifted his bulky body around. Grabbing my ankle, he pulled me onto my stomach and lifted my hips. I knew that he wanted anal, so I assumed the position and waited. It didn’t take long before he was fully inserted deep in my butt hole.

“Does your daddy fuck you in the ass too? I bet he does,” he continued.

“My dick went in too easily for you not to be doing a lot of anal.” He hunched over me on his feet with his knees next to my side and held onto my shoulders as he began thrusting harder into me. I was holding on for dear life as he repeatedly crashed into my backside.

“You’re a filthy daddy-fucking little whore!” he growled through clenched teeth.

“A fucking dirty pig! What kind of fourteen-year-old girl doesn’t know how many men have fucked her? Huh? Most girls your age are still virgins and you just spread your legs like a whore and let anyone fuck you! You’re disgusting, you’re despicable, and you’re a fucking nasty little whore!” I could tell he was angry by his vicious thrusts.

“You’ll always be a whore! No decent man will ever want to marry you. You’re fourteen and already used merchandise!” he shouted before he abruptly pulled his cock out of my ass. Seconds later I felt droplets of wetness my back and turned to see that he was ejaculating on me. It went on for a few seconds before he suddenly exhaled deeply and sat back onto his feet gasping for air.

“There’s some more cum for you, whore,” he said throwing the used condom between my shoulder blades. I fell forward and crashed onto the bed panting. He was rough, but he didn’t hurt nearly as much physically as what he had said. I wanted to turn around and scream at him that my father never touched me and never would and that he was the pig for doing that to me. Instead, I sighed and remained quiet as he climbed out of bed.

“I’m done with you, get dressed and leave,” he said throwing my clothes on me. They landed on my back right on top of his cum. Great. Slowly I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed and pulled my pants on. I didn’t even care that I still had his cold, sticky cum on my back. I just wanted to get out of there and looked at the clock to see that he had about five minutes left.

“I’m in town every two weeks,” he said pulling on an expensive looking suit. “I’d like to see you again.” His tone was totally different than a few minutes earlier.

“It’s not up to me,” I admitted. “You’ll have to ask D.”

“That’s right. He’s your pimp and you have to do whatever he tells you, right?” I nodded and pulled my tee-shirt over my head.

“So, if next time I want to shove a beer bottle inside of your pussy and fuck you in the ass, you’d have to let me, right?” I didn’t know why he’d want to do something like that.

“I don’t think it would fit.”

“It will fit, trust me. Vaginas are designed to stretch to allow babies to pass through. A beer bottle is nothing for a whore like you.” I began tying my shoes when he sat next to me.

“Have you ever been fisted before?”

“Fisted?” I had never heard that word before.

“Yes, it’s where a man puts his hand inside a woman’s pussy and then closes it into a fist to fuck her with it. You’ve heard of that, right?”

“No.” I had no idea that people did that kind of thing and wondered why people would even want to do that.

“I think next time I’m town we’re going to have a lot of fun together. I’ll pay for two hours and go hog wild with your slutty whore pussy, what do you say?” He asked and gently patted my leg.

“You may want to bring some lubrication next time, you’ll need it.” I didn’t have time to respond as there was a knock on the door. Thank god D was here for me.

“This is for you, sweetie,” he smiled and handed me a fifty-dollar bill.

“Buy yourself something nice and don’t give it to your pimp. You did really well today, thank you.” I couldn’t believe how nice he was now.

He went to the door, looked into the hole, and opened it the door. He stepped aside and let D and the other guy inside before shutting the door.

“Was everything to your satisfaction?” D asked him. He smiled.

“Oh yes,” he said smiling at me. “She’s the best one you’ve had so far, even better than that little black girl a couple of years ago. I have a feeling I’ll be using her services often for the next year or so.”

“Anytime you want her you got my number. I’ll have her in your room in less than an hour no matter the time, guaranteed.”

“I’ll be back in two weeks,” he said pulling out his phone.

“I’d like to have her for two hours next time. We were just getting started when it was time to quit. She’s so much fun.” D looked at me with a smile. He was pleased.

“You might want to have her bring some lubrication next time,” he winked at me. “She wants to try some kinky stuff.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout that, John. I’ll bring whatever you want.”

“Does she have sex toys? I’d like to use some on her. Some big ones,” he said smiling at me. “Really big ones. And maybe handcuffs and a blindfold.”

“I can see what I can get.” I wasn’t liking the sound of that and looked nervously at D.

“Let’s bounce,” he said and opened the door. “It’s been a pleasure.”

“The pleasure was all mine,” the old man replied with a wink in my direction.

I was quiet until we got into the car. The valet took longer than I wanted and it was already after 1 in the afternoon. Sixth period started in thirty minutes and I knew we wouldn’t get back in time. The long green car finally pulled up to us and D’s friend got into the driver’s seat. D opened the rear door and held it for me.

“Get in.” I did what he asked and he got in back with me. “Here’s your money,” he said and gave me a hundred-dollar bill.

“Did he tip you?” I nodded.

“Fifty dollars!” I exclaimed and showed him the money. “He told me to keep it for myself and buy something nice. I didn’t really like him though. He was mean toward the end.”

“I don’t give a fuck ‘bout that. He paid to fuck you,” he replied and unbuttoned his pants.

“Take off your pants.” I watched as he pulled his pants down to his knees, his cock standing at attention like a lonely dark palm tree. I removed mine and dropped them onto the floorboard as he pulled me around to face him. One push on my chest sent me backward on the seat and he wasted no time in getting between my spread legs. Seconds later his cock was inside of me and he was thrusting in and out with enthusiasm.

I was thankful that his windows were tinted as we weren’t moving very fast through traffic and anyone could have seen us. We seemed to stop every other block and moved at a snail’s pace. D was quite the opposite and was thrashing on top of me as if we were wrestling. I kept grunting as his oversized cock kept pelting the end of my vagina with every forward thrust.

I gripped the skin around his waist and kept my legs bent and spread as he continued thrusting in and out. He was really big and violent which didn’t bode well with my tenderness. Finally, he came and doused my burning vagina with his hot semen. Once spent he withdrew and I went to him for cleanup.

“Pull over,” he said to the driver once I finished cleaning his cock. I watched as he pulled up his pants as the car moved off of the road. Seconds later we stopped and D got out of the car. I sat up expecting to put my pants back on but his friend climbed into the backseat smiling. D drove the rest of the way while his friend took his place fucking me in the backseat. He was done and I was sucking off the juices on his cock when I felt the car stop again. Lifting my head, I noticed that we were parked outside of my school.

“Time to go,” D said turning around to look at me in the backseat. His friend got out and moved into the front passenger seat while I finished pulling up my pants. Trying to put on tight jeans in the backseat of a car wasn’t easy and I ended up getting out of the car to button and zip them.

“Hey, you did good today,” D said leaning over a little to look at my face. I gave him a crooked smile and made my way back to school, dreading every step.

It was 1:36 and sixth period had just started a few minutes earlier. I debated if I should go to the soccer field to meet with Joey or just go to class. I was already late to class and I didn’t really feel like sitting through another boring lecture but do I really want to have sex again? I smiled to myself as I rounded the corner of the building on my way to the field. This was Joey Russo!

Joey wasn’t just any boy, he was my highest infatuation ever since I first saw him two years ago. Rachael knew how much I ‘loved’ him and I often wrote ‘Lisa Russo’ on my notebooks. I loved how that that sounded and how it just rolled off my tongue. I dreamed one day that I would become his wife, even if it was just imagined.

There is no doubt in my mind that if Joey had been my boyfriend instead of Kyle at the start of the school year, we would have had sex. I was that infatuated with him and since he broke up with his girlfriend, somehow my reasoning determined that if I was extra nice to him that maybe I could be his new girlfriend. My current situation with Money and D didn’t seem to matter to me as I finally had a chance with my main crush. I’m sure the meth coursing through my veins had something to do with my decision.

I could see some of the players already out on the field practicing but I didn’t see Joey. He did ask for me to meet him under the bleachers. Slowly I made my way to the rows of bleacher seats to look for him.

“JOEY?” I called out still unable to find him.

“Under here,” the voice called back. I could see someone behind the bleacher and assumed it was Joey. With a smile on my face, I rushed around to the side and slipped underneath. His back was to me and he was wearing his gym clothes. As I got closer, I realized it wasn’t Joey. This guy was taller but thinner and had brown hair, not black like my Joey. He turned around.

“Hi Lisa.”

“Where’s Joey?”

“He couldn’t make it and asked me to come for him instead.”

“I only want to meet with Joey.”

“I’m his friend,” he said stepping closer to me. I backed up a few steps.

“He told me that you sucked his dick and he fucked you.”

“That’s none of your business!”

“I want to do the same thing.” I was shocked that he said that.

“Fuck off!” I spat and turned to leave. My heart suddenly stopped beating as I saw Joey entering the void under the bleachers with a grin.

“There you are!” he called out and I ran to him. I couldn’t get my arms around him fast enough.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t meet me.”

“I’m here now but I want you to let my friend fuck you too.”

“WHAT!?!? Joey. I only want you, not anyone else.” That wasn’t the arrangement!

“I want you to prove yourself to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I gasped. Did he REALLY ask that??!? I couldn’t answer him fast enough and was so excited that I literally almost peed myself.

“Then prove it. Have sex with Alvin.” I turned to look at his friend again. He wasn’t ugly and I’d had sex with a lot of guys not as cute as he was, hell, I just let a man older than my grand-father fuck me.

“Go suck his dick,” he said nudging me closer. Staring at his crotch as I walked closer, I could see the shape of his erection in the front of his gym shorts. I reached him, went to my knees, and pulled the front of his gym shorts down. His cock shot out and I caught it with my mouth. Seconds later, I was bobbing my mouth over it as if trying to catch a wild apple in a bucket of water.

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