For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

Sleep didn’t come quickly and my mind raced for a while. I should be exhausted but felt wide awake instead. I couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening to me and wondered why Money was making me do all that crazy shit. It just didn’t make sense. I was his girlfriend, his boo, and yet he was passing me around to his brother and all of his friends like a platter of hot wings at a super bowl party. And now he’s doing that with my own family!

My eyes were closed but I didn’t fall asleep. I don’t think he gave me a full injection of Meth as there wasn’t very much in the syringe, but it was enough to make me as jittery as a dozen cups of coffee and a Red Bull. Eventually everything vanished as my thoughts faded to obscurity and sleep finally overtook me.

“Lisa, are you awake?” I heard the tenor sounding voice near my ear. My eyes fluttered open to find Cory stooping near my bed.

“What do you want?” I groaned while rolling over.

“I told you not to wake her!” I heard Brooke’s snotty voice from across the room.

“I need you to help me with my math homework. I can’t figure out this one problem and I’m stuck.”

“Ask someone else!” I had just fallen asleep.

“Only you can help me with this problem,” he replied before he took my hand and put it on his crotch. I could feel the hardness inside of his pajama shorts and I sighed.

“I’ll be in my room,” he said quickly leaving. I released a deep, long groan as I stared at the pattern of the ceiling tiles above my head. Pulling myself out of bed I made my way across the hall to Cory’s room. He was laying naked on his bed with a grin.

“We can’t keep doing this,” I said shutting his door. He sat up.

“Lock it.” I turned to press the button.

“This is the last time, okay?” I said pulling my tee shirt over my head.

“For today.” He replied and watched as I removed my shorts.

“No Cory, I’m not going to keep having sex with you.” I stopped taking my shorts off and stood with them around my ankles.

“You agreed to do it until I find a girlfriend.” He walked toward me, led by his erection.

“I changed my mind.” I tried turning my shirt right-side-out and he grabbed it out of my hands and threw it toward the opposite wall.

“Then I’ll tell mom and dad about your boyfriend!” I exhaled deeply and stepped out of the shorts as he stared at my chest.

“You’re lying. You won’t do it.”

“Do you really want to find out?” He asked and took my hand and walked toward his bed.

I followed him to his bed and stood there as he turned to face me and then rotated me to face the door. With a nudge I went backward onto his bed and sat on the edge trying to make sense of what was happening. Cory usually wasn’t aggressive but he certainly was this time.

His cock was chest high and I reached for it, pointing it toward my face and leaning forward to take it into my mouth. He moaned as it went completely inside, the head fitting snugly into the opening of my throat. I moved back and forth, holding onto his butt cheeks with both hands and guiding his movements. He got the hint and began moving his hips back and forth, unhurriedly fucking my mouth.

It must be some sort of ingrained trait for guys to hold the back of my head while I sucked them as almost all of them did it, including Cory. His thrusts became more forceful as his pubic bone punched my upper lip with each forward lunge and I was surprised that it didn’t start bleeding. He groaned when I grabbed his balls and squeezed gently. I was tasting his precum more often and assumed that he was about to cum. Suddenly he pulled it out of my mouth and I took a deep breath of air.

“What are you doing?” I asked once I caught my breath. “You were about to cum!”

“Lay down.”


“I don’t want to ejaculate into your mouth.” I sighed and laid back, looking up at the similar -popcorn pattern of tile above his bed.

He moved between my legs and I felt him hastily enter me. At least he was getting better at that. I was still wet from his earlier load, my pussy was very warm, my blowjob got him extra excited and his lack of experience resulted in the same outcome as before. Less than a minute passed before I felt his really stiff cock explode. It jerked multiple times as he grunted some muted animalistic noises before his body came to a rest on me.

He was still panting on top of me when I started pushing on him to get off. He resisted at first but eventually rolled over. I quickly got out of his bed and slid my shorts over my feet. His fresh load was bubbling out of my reddened hole as I quickly pulled the jean material up my legs. I ignored the slug-sized wad slithering out as I pulled them into place and refastened them. I was walking toward the door and pulling on my shirt at the same time.

“Thanks sis,” he called to me as I unlocked the door. For some reason that infuriated me. I huffed and dashed out of his room, slamming his door in my wake.

“Are you alright?” Brooke asked as I rushed back into our room. She could tell that something was wrong and I wished that I could talk to her about this but knew that I couldn’t.

“I’m fine. It was just a harder problem that I thought and took longer than I wanted.” I looked toward the clock. 7:11. UGH! My door suddenly opened.

“I brought home some leftover barbecue if you’re hungry,” my mom said poking her head inside.

I suddenly realized how hungry I was. I hadn’t really eaten in days and my stomach was hurting a lot. I was also feeling weird, almost as if I had just lost my best friend and found out I was dying of cancer or something at the same time. All I wanted to do was cry and didn’t know why. I began feeling the sting inside of my pussy of the week-long sex marathon and my throat was starting to itch as if a cold was coming on and pain was getting worse.

“Sounds good, thanks,” I replied and followed her into the kitchen.

Dad was sitting in his chair watching TV and I wondered if he realized that Money had been sitting on it earlier. He seemed to notice things like that. I ate like crazy and the food tasted so much better than I remembered. Mom even commented on the way I was eating. It didn’t matter as I was hungry. I finished, cleaned up the mess and headed back to my room. Brooke was watching the Disney channel again and I rolled my eyes at the childish antics. I wished she liked better shows.

It was already eight o’clock and I only had an hour to get everything ready. I needed to meet Money outside and I didn’t want to be late. I went back to the kitchen to make my little sister a cup of hot coco with extra marshmallows. I only used a half a pill this time as it seemed to be too strong for her last night. She kept nodding off in church and didn’t seem to come out of it until we were at Rachael’s house for the barbecue. I returned to our room.

“Coco anyone?” I announced as I pushed open the door. Her eyes lit up as I brought it to her.

“You remembered the marshmallows!” She gleamed and took a sip, ending up with cream in the tip of her nose. We laughed at it. That was the first time in almost a week that I actually laughed.

“Drink it all before it gets cold,” I warned and sat on my bed. My heart was racing and I felt like a villain for drugging her to sleep like that but what choice did I have? She wouldn’t be sleepy for at least another two hours and I couldn’t wait that long. I watched as she took sip after sip and before long her eyes were once again getting weary. It wouldn’t be long now. I took the cup from her hand as her head kept drifting to the side and then she’d suddenly jerk back awake. It was 8:42.

“Why don’t you lay down, Brooke,” I said and pulled her blanket aside. She crawled under and I covered her up to the neck. I turned off the TV and went to her.

“Don’t fight it, just go to sleep,” I said before kissing her forehead just like my mother used to do. At 8:46 she was lightly snoring and I quickly brushed my teeth, stuffed my bed with plush animals and snuck out the window. I was five minutes early but he was already waiting for me.

“Hey boo,” he said as I slid into the passenger seat. He leaned over to kiss me.

“You a’ight?” He noticed my lethargic movements and the expression on my face. Something was wrong and he knew it.

“I’m just really tired and achy. My pussy feels like it’s on fire and all I want to do is cry. I feel shitty and I have never felt like this before.”

“I know what will make you feel better,” he said while opening the center console.

He suddenly had the plastic toothpaste holder and inside was a syringe filled with clear fluid. There was a lot more this time and my heart began to race and suddenly I felt a little better. Just seeing the damn needle made me felt better! How was that even possible? I didn’t even hesitate and extended my arm across the console, palm side up. I knew that was going to make me feel better and watched as the tip of the needle punctured my skin and the clear fluid slowly disappeared into my vein.

Seconds later it hit me like a speeding freight train as my brain took off on a roll coaster ride. I felt my heart racing and my breathing became rapid. My body and my mind were floating and quickly felt much better. I remember smiling as I looked at Money and he smiled back.

“Better?” he asked. I nodded and started to giggle. It felt incredible. This was the best stuff in the entire world and I never wanted this feeling to stop!

“I hope that pussy’s ready for more dick ‘cause you’re gunna make me some money,” he said starting the car. I felt too good to care and pulled the seat belt over my chest as he accelerated.

I had no idea where we were but it took us about twenty minutes to get there even in light traffic on a Sunday night. The neighborhood was bad, really rundown with trash and abandoned cars lining the streets on both sides. Old mattresses, car tires, broken TVs, dressers, and other furniture were toss about as if someone house had exploded. There were a lot of people walking or standing around and most turned to look at us as our nice, fancy sports car slowly drove through the devastated neighborhood.

The buildings had graffiti and most the business were closed and had bars on the windows and big metal gates over the doors. The few businesses that were open catered to the night crowd. Bars, liquor stores, fast food, a pawn shop and two porn stores within a block of each other. Who needed that much porn?

The street we finally turned down was dark as most of the streetlights were out. A few people were walking, some women dressed provocatively. A drunk man stumbled out into the street in front of our car and Money blew the horn at him. Someone was lying in the gutter and I wasn’t sure if they were sleeping or dead. We parked in front of a rundown house with a rusted chain-link fence and tall grass in the yard. Next door was a small brick wall where several men sat drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and talking. A few had their shirts off and others had their pants pulled down below their asses with their underwear showing.

All eyes were on us as we stopped. I should have been scared or nervous but that shot always calmed me, took away my fears, and gave me confidence. I was sure that they couldn’t see me as the windows were very tinted but the huge crowd still made me feel uneasy. Money got out and went to talk to the men. I could only imagine what he was saying.

It didn’t take long before Money came over and tapped on my window. I rolled the window down.

“Come meet ‘em,” he said smiling as if he was introducing me to his family. They could have been his family for all I knew as most were pretty dark like him. Or maybe it was just the low lighting was. I got out and hugged his arm as we walked over. They made no effort to hide the way they gawked at me in my ‘slutty’ outfit.

“This is Lola,” he said bringing me around to be in front of him.

“She’s new to the game and is looking for business,” he added. My racing eyes scanned them as they stared at me with little or no expression. Only one was smiling. The fact that he used my ‘whore’ name told me that I’d probably be having sex with them, or at least many of them. I did a mental count of how many there were. Eleven.

“Lola loves black cock,” I heard Money tell the guys.

“I was hopin’ you could help her out.” The mumblings were overlapping as they all seemed to talk at the same time. One of the men stepped forward and pulled me into his chest.

“I gots a big black cock fo’ you right here, baby,” he informed me. His arms wrapped around my back and I felt his hands groping my ass. The guys were getting louder with excitement.

“You want pussy you gotta pay for it.” It suddenly got quiet as he dropped the ‘ho’ bomb on them. Only a couple actually had any money and a few of the others tried to negotiate with him. Money got tired of hearing their bullshit and threw his hands up.

“Anyone that got money can fuck ‘er at Angel’s,” he said pointing to the house with the fence.

“The rest of you assholes can find the money or fuck off,” he added and pushed me toward the gate.

“When she done here anyone with fifty dollars can fuck her,” I heard him calling back to the group. Two of the guys followed us into the house and I was somewhat thankful that they didn’t all have the money.

He didn’t even knock on the door and simply opened it and pushed me inside. The front room was smoky with a sweet-smelling scent and there were several people lying around. Some were smoking out of bongs, others just staring off into space and a few were sleeping. I wasn’t sure why Money brought me here as I was expecting to have sex, not smoke. Another nudge sent me deeper into the house where an older, fat woman appeared after pushing aside a sheet draped over a doorway. She came to us.

“Dis the girl I told you ‘bout, Angel,” Money said still guiding me toward the large woman wearing a moo-moo.

“Mmm, lord, child, you sho’ be a pretty’ lit’l thang,” she said smiling at me as she put her hands on my arms and turned me away from her. “She know what to do?”

“She knows,” Money replied. “You won’t have no problems with her, ain’t that right, Lola?” I knew what that meant and slowly nodded.

“Come on honey child, let’s get you fixed up. Oh, child they just gunna love you, love you lots!” she added as she pushed me into the sheeted room.

“We don’t get a lotta white girls here,” she added letting the sheet drop into place. “And they don’t last long, if you know what I mean,” she giggled a hardhearted laugh.

The area was huge and included a back patio area in the back yard. The lights were dim and there were many people drinking and talking. To the left corner was a couch where two older women sat, one wearing a teddy while the other only a bra and pair of panties. Both were black. At the bar was a skinny Asian woman hanging all over one of the men drinking at the ‘bar’ and a Mexican woman was sitting at a table between two men who were practically having sex with her right there. The rest of the two-dozen people were all men. Black men.

Angel motioned one of the women from the couch over and the one wearing the teddy responded. I watched as she sashayed over, trying to make herself look very sexy.

“Cinnamon, she new and needs ta get fixed up. Take her to da back and make her look presentable.”

“Come on, hon,” the older woman spoke without emotion and headed toward the back of the ‘club’. I didn’t even know such places existed. I noticed all seemed to be looking at me as we crossed the room.

“You a size one?” she asked looking through a rack of clothes. She took out something and held it up to me.

“Looks a little big fo’ you.” She was all business and soon found something close to my size. I striped off my clothes and put on the see-through bra and panty set she had found. It was still a little big on me but at least it didn’t fall off when I walked. Next came the hair and soon she started on the makeup. I began to look like a completely different person. She talked while she applied the foundation.

“Sundays are the slowest night,” she informed me. “You da new girl and everybody wants to fuck the new girl so I probably won’t get too many customers but that’s a’ight with me. My pussy needa break.”

“You don’t like doing this?”

“I does what I gots to so I can survive. It don’t matter if I like it.” I nodded.

“I ain’t seen no white whores here for a while. Dis is rock bottom and most hoes are used up and strung out on drugs by the time they do this shit in places like this. Ain’t exactly high class you know.” I wasn’t sure why Money brought me here but I didn’t comment.

“How old you is, girl?” I wasn’t sure if I should tell her the truth or not and started to tell her my real age. Then I remembered what Money said.

“I’m eighteen.” She sniggered.

“Honey I know you ain’t eighteen. I don’t giva fuck how old you really is. If you wanna do this shit then do it, it ain’t for me to decide.” After she did a few more touch ups on the foundation she started applying eye liner.

“Who your pimp is?” The question startled me.

“I don’t have a pimp. He’s my boyfriend.”

“Honey, your man would not put you up in a shit hole like dis ‘less he a pimp. That’s all there is to it. I know you ain’t that dumb.” What she said made sense.

“Money. His name is Money.”

“I thought I recognized that nigga,” she said shaking her head.

“Girl if you know what bess fo’ you then you would run for the hills as far away from that nigga as possible. He bad news, girl. Really bad news.” I didn’t understand why people kept saying that about him. I loved him and he didn’t treat me badly. He only wanted me to make money for us so we’d have a future together. What was so bad about that?

“What do you mean?”

“He a crazy-ass motha fucker, that what I mean. He had this one little girl, ain’t much older than you is, and he made her do some sick shit. Shit I wouldn’t do no matter how much I got paid. I ain’t seen her in ‘bout a year. I ain’t seen him neither. I thought they moved away.” She shook her head with a little smile.

“Somebody told me she was his baby sista but I said they was lyin’. Not even a trashy-ass nigga bastard would do some sick shit like that to they own little sista.” I didn’t speak. What could I say?

“Money’s not like that.” She simply shook her head and mumbled something that I didn’t hear.

“You all done, child,” she said stepping back to admire her work. I looked at myself in the mirror. WOW. The makeup was layered on and my lips were so bright red that they were distracting.

“You know how it work here, right?” I slowly shook my head.

“It’s my first time.”

“You just mingle with the men, you know, be nice and flirty. Let ‘em touch you and shit ‘cause they will want you more that way. When one wants you, he’ll pay Angel and take you to one of the back rooms. You do your shit and you bess keep the tickets to know how many tricks you do. Angel don’t keep count of all of us and you give her the tickets after your shift to get paid. No ticket, no money, that’s the first rule.” I didn’t know there were rules.

“Okay,” I said feeling uneasy about going out there and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. It may have been the meth.

“You sho’ ‘bout this? Dis somthin’ you want to do, right?” I wasn’t really sure about anything but nodded anyway and followed her back out into the crowd.

Several men were waiting for us as I emerged from the small room and the closest one quickly grabbed my arm.

“Hey baby,” he said breathing he alcohol-laced breath into my face. He looked to be around sixty years old and somewhat overweight.

“Give her a chance to breath, Otis,” Cinnamon said patting the old man on the chest.

“She’s a nice young one. How much?”

“You gotta talk to Angel ‘bout that, hon. You know how thangs work ‘round here.” He winked at me and quickly turned to find Angel.

“He’s nice. I think you’ll like him. He ain’t crazy like some of these niggas ‘round here. Kinda on the big size if you like that,” she added with a smirk.

A tall, slightly younger man was suddenly standing in front of me smiling. A shorter man was trying to push his way around the much taller guy.

“Damn baby, you fine as hell!” he said taking my hand to kiss the back. “You new here?”

“Down boy,” Cinnamon said playfully slapping his hand. “Someone already interested.”

“I’m interested too,” he replied not taking his eyes off of me.

“Talk to Angel,” she reminded him and he quickly rushed away. The shorter man was waiting to talk to me as soon as the last one moved away and several others were pushing their way closer.

“Damn girl, you gunna be busy as hell tonight!” Cinnamon said winking.

“I want to fuck you,” the short man came right out and spoke. He was in his early 30’s and wore a button-down shirt opened almost to his navel. Another man reached around him and grabbed the thin bra strap causing it to break. My tits were suddenly exposed to everyone and a hand from nowhere suddenly grabbed my left one breast.

“You boys are gunna have to wait,” my protector informed him. “See Angel first, you know how shit work ‘round here!” Several of the men walked away while others stayed to stare at me like a new attraction in the petting zoo.

“Damn girl, I ain’t seen them that excited fo’ a while!” Two other men were making their way closer, their eyes focused on me. I was feeling uneasy and held my broken bra to my chest.

“You young, pretty, fresh meat, and you white. They all gunna wanna try out the new white girl,” Cinnamon informed me. I scanned the room and noticed that just about everyone was staring in our direction and I panicked as I didn’t see Money. The two newest men suddenly blocked my view of the room.

“Looks like I’m first,” he said holding up a small red ticket like you get at the carnival for rides. I guess in a way that’s what I was. I looked at Cinnamon to make sure that’s what he needed. He wasn’t the older man who approached me first and the grinning man beside him excitedly showed me that he also had a ticket as if it was a winning lottery ticket.

“See that guy over there?” Cinnamon asked pointing to a very large black man sitting on a stool near the bar.

“That’s Samuel and he’s here to protect us. You gots any trouble from anyone then you tell Samuel and he’ll throw them out on they ass.” I stared at the mountain of a man. I had never seen such a huge man in my entire like. Even sitting down, he was as tall as most the other men in the place and was very wide. Not fat, just really big.

“Come on, let’s go,” the guy that showed me the ticket said and pulled on my arm. I let go of my bra as he pulled me down a narrow hall to where it opened up into a larger room where sheets hanging from the ceiling divided it into small cubical. There were numbers written on sheets of papers and pinned on the front of the sheets one through eight. He pushed aside the sheet of number one and pulled me into the room.

The “room” was hardly much larger than the bare, twin-size mattress on the floor. It was dirty, discolored and very much worn. A single lightbulb two “booths” away was the only light and the area was shadowy with poor lighting. The room was stuffy, warm, and smelled like sweaty old gym shoes.

“What you waitin’ fo’?” he asked as he was pulling off his pants. Besides the mattress there was a plastic bowl near the head of the bed with several magnum-sized condoms, an almost empty bottle of lube and an old milk gallon jug cut in half for trash. That was all there was. The man rolled on a large condom while I pulled down my panties and got onto the soiled mattress.

I knew nothing about the man, not even his name. The only thing I knew was that he was about forty-years old, medium build with a few scars and tattoos. His afro was cut short, he had thick sideburns and wide nostrils. The other thing I knew about his was the size of his cock as he pushed it inside of me with a single thrust. I grunted as it knocked the breath out of me.

He wasn’t huge but was much larger than someone my size should be able to handle. His cock crashed deep inside of me repeatedly as his thrusts became faster and more distinct. My legs were wide and off to the side, my knees bent slightly as his body covered me from the crotch up. My hands stayed glued to his sides as he fucked into me like a wild animal.

He went for a while, exactly how long I didn’t know as there wasn’t a clock that I could see. When he came, he stabbed into me a few final times before stopping. He was breathing hard and I felt his hardness slowly growing softer inside of me. Sluggishly he pulled away from me and removed his cock. It looked longer than I remembered as the spent condom hung from the last half like a second droopy skin.

Sitting up I reached for it and pulled it off. The condom was heavy with cum and his cock was shining in the dim light from moisture. Bending forward I took him into my mouth and sucked off the juices and whatever dripped out of the hole. He snorted a few times as I cleaned him.

“Damn baby,” he grunted. “Nobody does that here,” he said smiling. I wasn’t sure if I had done something wrong or not.

“I like it though,” he added and patted the top of my head before standing to get dressed. I looked at the stretched, condom and held it up to be eye-level. There was about an inch of liquid at the bottom including the little tip.

Without giving it a second thought I pushed the opened end inside of my mouth and raised the nippled end above my head. The warm gel slowly made its way into my mouth and I swallowed whatever came out.

“FUCK ME!” the guy exclaimed and stared at me as if I had just grown a second head.

“Damn, girl, you must love cum!” He added before fastening his pants. I didn’t know why he was making such a big deal out of it as I thought everybody did that when they made a mess. Money had taught me that. He smiled at me before leaving.

Not even a minute passed and the sheet was still swaying when the next man pushed it aside. It was the man the first man had been with. He was a little shorter, darker, and pudgier. He also looked older, maybe late 40’s and didn’t have a lot of hair on top of his head. I was still holding the spent condom in one hand and the single ticket in the other.

The man dropped the ticket onto the bed and unfastened his pants. I watched as he rolled the large-size condom on, stretching the rubber as he struggled to get it on. He wasn’t as long as the first guy but was thicker. I pumped two squirts of lube onto my palm and rubbed it over my pussy and laid back. I would need the extra lubrication to fit it inside.

Positioning himself on top of me he forced his wide, bloated cock inside, not caring if it hurt me or not. Immediately he began thrusting, his ass flying up and down between my legs as his thick cock strained my already stretched hole. I held onto his forearms as the pounded into me with all his might. Or at least it seemed that way. I was a whore and he paid to fuck me and that’s all there was to it.

He was relentless and didn’t slow down at all for the entire ten minutes that he fucked me. It was constant, consistent, and cruel right up until the time he came. I felt his fat cock jerking as his pace finally slowed toward the end. He rested on me for a while before finally moving aside, resting beside me on his side. He was right on the edge of the thin mattress and when I pushed on his hip he rolled off onto the sticky floor.

Peeling the condom off I kept my hand over the end of it to keep any from spilling out and placed my mouth over the chubby meat. Once cleaned I repeated what I had done earlier and sucked his cum out of the spent condom. His eye widened but he didn’t speak. Pulling himself upright he struggled to get his portly body off of the floor, falling backwards a few times before finally succeeding. As he dressed, his eyes were unwavering with intensity as he stared at me.

“You a freaky white girl,” he finally said before leaving. I didn’t understand why he said that.

The next one came in right behind him and was the old man that first approached me. He quickly undressed, pulling his pants over his socks, and hopping a few times to keep his balance. He wore boxers and I could see the head of his cock bouncing around aggressively inside of the leg opening. He left on the black socks and quickly pulled down his shorts.

He had a pretty big cock for an old guy and it wasn’t even hard. I wondered if he could even get it hard as I had heard old men have a problem with that. He kept his shirt on and reached down for a condom. I was glad that I didn’t have to tell them to wear one as they all seemed to know.

He pulled on his cock for a couple of minutes to make it hard, put on some sort of rubber band thingy at the base and then rolled a condom on. He was much bigger than I imagined and even pulling hard on it the condom only covered two-thirds of his cock. With a wide grin he dropped to his kneed onto the mattress near my thigh.

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