For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

I was still sitting there when he returned five minutes later holding the white plastic toothbrush case. I suspected what was inside but I wasn’t sure as my mind was still in a haze. He sat next to me, put his arm over my shoulder, and pulled me into his side.

“You love me?” he asked rubbing my left arm.

“Of course, I do, Money.”

“How much?” I didn’t know love could be quantified.

“I don’t know, a lot I guess.”

We had only known each other for a week and I wasn’t sure how deeply I could love him at that age and that short of time, but a lot of feelings can be misconstrued as love, as I later learned. As far as I knew I did love him and he loved me. That’s all that mattered.

“Will you do anything for me?”

“Yea I guess,” I said looking up to his face for a sign of what he wanted from me. He wasn’t smiling his usual wide smile.

“You guess or you will?”

“I will.”

“Anything?” I nodded. I had already answered so I didn’t think I needed to say it again.

“Do you like my car?”

“Of course. What’s not to like about it?”

“I might lose it.”

“What do you mean?” I took him literally as if he might misplace it. That’s how naïve I was.

“I mean it’s gunna get repo’d.”


“Repossessed, Lisa, damn don’t you know nothin’.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know what that meant.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you,” he apologized with a kiss on my forehead.

“I’m just kinda upset about them takin’ my car. I love that fuckin’ car!”

“Why are they taking it?”

“‘Cause I’m late on a payment. I owe ‘bout two hundred dollars.”

“Two hundred? That’s all? They can take your car for only two hundred dollars?!?”

“The sure can and they will. Could be any day now.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I need to ask for your help again,” he said smiling that big welcoming grin. The kind where his back teeth showed.

“How can I help? I told you that I can’t get to my bank account yet.”

“There’s other ways you can help,” he said putting his free hand on my bare leg.

“You know, the same way you helped me with the rent.” My eyes widened. Surely, he wasn’t serious.

“I’ve already talked to LeRoy and he’s okay with taking a payment in trade. He’s done that a lot in the past.”

“Money, I don’t think I can do that. I don’t even know him.”

“It’s okay, boo, I know him and I’ll be right there. He won’t do nuttin’ to hurt you, I promise.”

“You want me to have sex with a stranger?”

“He ain’t no stranger to me. I’ve known LeRoy for years and I can vouch for him. He’s cool.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Come on boo, I need you and you said you’d do anything for me, right?” He used my words against me.

“It ain’t that bad, boo, it’s just one more dick, right? It ain’t like you ain’t already fuckin’ so you might as well get paid for it, right?” He started his ramblings about how easy it is to make money having sex and one more dick won’t really matter since I’m already fucking and it will help to build our future together. That last comment caught my attention.

“What do you mean by that?”

“What? Our future?” I nodded.

“You know how much I love you and I want to spend the rest of our lives together but we can’t do that without money. We need to work together to earn enough to buy the things we need. You want a car when you turn 16? I’ll buy you a car as soon as you get your licenses. Just tell me what car you like.”

“I like your car.”

“You want it?” I nodded again. “It’s yours, but you gotta replace it, right? You gotta buy me a new one if you want mine and the only way to do that is on your back.” I didn’t like the sound of that.

“I thought you just wanted me to do it one time to keep your car.”

“You mean YOUR car,” he said grinning. “If you really want that car you need to earn it.”

“By having sex?”

“Lisa, I don’t get what the big deal is? You’re already fuckin’, right?” That was rhetorical but I nodded anyway.

“Then what difference does it make to fuck one more guy? I ain’t jealous or nothin’ boo so you don’t gotta worry ‘bout that.”

My mind had been in a fog since yesterday but it was starting to clear up and what he was asking me to do wasn’t something that I wanted to do. My hesitation was obvious so he backed off for a while.

“How you feelin’ boo?”

“I’m a little sleepy and I’m feeling kind of sad, I guess. And I’m starting to hurt between my legs.”

“I think maybe you over did it last night? You were really something though,” he said kissing the tip of my nose.

“You were amazing. I was so proud of the way you handled all three of our dicks like that and just kept coming back for more. I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.”

“You aren’t mad at me for having sex with them?”

“Mad?!? Are you serious? Naw, Boo, you just proved how much you love me and what you’re willing to do for me. For us. I love you more for doing that.”

“What if they had sex with me when you weren’t there or asleep?”

“Listen boo, we’re roommates and we share everything. Soap, toothpaste, deodorant, girlfriends, whatever. What’s mine is theirs and what’s theirs is mine. That’s the way it is.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about being categorized as a household item.

“So, it’s okay if they have sex with me when you’re not around?” I just wanted to make it clear.

“What I just said? I don’t like repeating myself, Lisa,” his tone suddenly turned bitter. It was almost like he was bipolar or something. One minute his sweet and loving and the next he is biting my head off for doing something that he didn’t like. I dropped it.

“I know what you need,” he said popping the top off of the toothbrush older. As expected, there was a syringe inside half filled with a murky liquid.

“Everything will be fine after this,” he added while taking off the bright orange cap. I felt my heart began to race.

“Money, I don’t think I need any more of that. It makes me feel funny.”

“It made you feel good, didn’t it?” I had to admit that it did and I nodded my response.

“Gimme your arm,” he said taking my wrist and pulling my arm straight. I turned away as I felt the sting of him pushing the needle into the crease of my elbow. I could feel it moving up my arm and as soon as it reached my heart I sucked in a breath through my nose. It almost felt as if someone dumped a bucket of ice water over my head.

“Oh ... shit,” I mumbled a forbidden word as I suddenly felt a rush and my heart rate sped up. It wasn’t as intense as yesterday but it felt incredible. It made me lightheaded and I remember smiling so wide my face felt like it was about to crack.

“That’s my boo,” he said laying me backwards. I stared up at the ceiling as the effects took over my body. My breathing became rapid, I was no longer tired and the pain between my legs melted away to nothing.

“That’s some really good shit, boo,” he said pinching my right nipple and twisting it between his fingers. I could feel it but it didn’t hurt. I looked down as he pulled my nipple several inches off of my chest and twisted it once again. I should have been screaming in pain but wasn’t.

“Get dressed,” he said standing and throwing some clothes my way.

“Hurry your ass up, you got dicks to take care of.”

I was moving really fast, and everything else seemed to be moving really slowly, even Money. I was dressed and waiting for him while he finished dressing. I had on a halter top that barely reached below my tits and tied around my neck and a spandex skirt that kept ridding up too high. I struggled to keep in pulled low enough but it was a losing battle.

We sped out of the parking lot as if in a race and I found myself giggling as he weaved in and out of traffic. I wasn’t scared or concerned and my mind was racing just as fast as we were driving. I couldn’t sit still and kept fidgeting with things. To give me something to do, he wanted me to take out his cock and play with it while he drove but I struggled to release it. His jeans were too tight and his cock was too big to take it out. We were already pulling into a used car lot by the time I had it fully exposed. I leaned over the console and sucked it for about a minute before he pushed my head away.

“Wait here ‘til I signal,” he said tucking his cock back into his pants and getting out. My eyes followed him until he went inside the dilapidated building.

I looked around at the small car lot. There were a lot of cars but not a lot of room and the seemed to be too close together. I could see a black man wearing brown slacks and a white shirt talking to a couple a few cars away and inside the building was a woman sitting behind a cluttered desk. I didn’t see Money and wasn’t sure where he went. Hardly a minute later he opened the glass door and motioned for me to come to him.

I got out, tugged at my short skirt, and made my way closer, holding down the hem of the skirt to keep it from showing my ass. He held the door open for me with a smile as I walked past him to the overweight black woman sitting behind a wooden desk. She looked at me with indifference as I followed Money down a small hallway to a door marked ‘OFFICE’. He opened the door and nudged me inside.

The small room was disorganized and dingy. The dirty metal blinds were askew and bent. Behind a cluttered metal desk sat an older, overweight black man who stared at me with lustful interest. His wild black and white hair jutted outward, Don King style and was just as unkempt the rest of him. His button-down shirt was bright yellow with a red tie and he wore the largest wrist watch I’d ever seen. He was a hefty man and the clothes seemed a little too tight for his size. He stood and I couldn’t help but notice the burnt orange slacks he had on.

With little grace he rounded the desk and approached us not taking his eyes off of me. I noticed a gold front tooth when he smiled at me.

“You must be Lola,” he said standing right in front of me.

“I’m Lisa,” I corrected and felt Money bump me from behind.

“Is it Lisa or Lola?” He asked Money.

“Lola. She wants to change her name to Lisa but I won’t let her.”

“I see,” he said roaming his eyes all over me.

“She’s very cute. And young. How old is she?”

“Eighteen,” Money spoke before I had a chance to.

“EIGHTEEN?!? Honey you don’t look a day over thirteen. Are you sure she’s eighteen?”

“I’m sure. We got a deal?”


“One-eighty,” Money responded.

“Come on man, we’ve known each other for years, can’t you give a brotha a break? Besides I know she ain’t eighteen. It’s gunna be hard selling this skinny little white girl you know. Guys want a whore with some meat on their bones and this little thang ain’t got much of that,” he said and abruptly pulled the bottom of my top to my neck and exposed my breasts.

“She ain’t even got tits, man. One-fifty or nothing.”

“All right, I’ll give you an intro price just to sample the merchandise today. If you like her, it’ll cost you more next time.”

“I don’t even think she can take my dick. Looks like she’s about 100 pounds soaking wet.”

“She can handle it, believe me. She’s been broken in already.”

I couldn’t believe they were talking about me like that right in front of me. It was like I didn’t have a say in what was going on. I was surprised that I didn’t high tail it out of there, run away as if my life depended on it because, as I would soon learn, it did. I was hearing what they said but my brain wasn’t processing things normally and I stood there waiting for whatever was going to happen.

LeRoy bent over and put his mouth over my left breast, sucking the entire thing into his mouth. It felt weird having his big lips covering half of my chest like that. His hand drifted downward and soon made its way to between my legs. I felt his rough, callused finger slip inside.

“You gotta pay to play,” Money reminded him and pulled me one step backward. The much older man sighed before returning to his desk. Unlocking the top drawer, he pulled out a metal box and unlocked it to get to the money. A fifty and a one hundred bill was laid out on the desk before he returned his attention to me.

“I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, little white girl,” he said grinning as he steered me toward a worn leather couch. I watched as he undressed, taking off his shiny black shoes and socks and tucking them under the chair. Next came the shirt and tie and the tee shirt under that. His flashy slacks were next and right away I could see the bulge jutting out from inside of the boxers. He folded the slacks over the chair and quickly yanked down his blue and white underwear.

A large, fat cock sprung out and giggled around for a while until it stopped moving. He stroked it a few times to make it harder and then shook it at me.

“Think you can handle this big anaconda?” His cock wasn’t as long as Money’s but it was just as thick. Maybe a little thicker but it definitely wasn’t as thick as DeShawn’s.

I hadn’t seen a fat man naked before and I stared at his grotesque out of shape body. He had man boobs and a big gut that hung down over his pubic hair. He had stretch marks not only on his stomach but on his legs too. He must have weighed close to 300 pounds and was a little shorter than Money. He flopped onto the couch and it made protesting sounds as he moved.

“Get your clothes off and come suck my cock, bitch,” he said lifting his stomach with one hand to reach his cock with the other. I swallowed hard and glanced toward Money hoping that this was a joke or something and he wasn’t really going to make me have sex with the fat pig. His indifferent expression told me it was no joke.

After removing my halter and skirt I dropped to my knees and crawled the ten feet distance to reach him. He was already sweaty and I hadn’t even started doing anything yet. He shook his cock at me one more time and I took it from him.

“Go on, I ain’t got all fucking day!” he barked as I postponed the inevitable. I moved closer and could smell the strong fishy odor coming from it. Disregarding everything my body was trying to tell me I opened my mouth and shoved the swollen cock into my mouth. He moaned as I began sucking.

“She’s good,” he said and rubbed the top of my head. I pecked my head back and forth over the last half of it while twisting my fingers around the base. My left hand was busy playing with his saggy balls hoping to get him off quicker. My saliva washed away most of the foul taste.

“Does she take it in the ass?” I heard him ask.

“She does but it will cost you more.”

“Come on, man, how ‘bout a sample?”

“I’ve seen your samples, LeRoy, once you get your dick in her ass you ain’t gunna wanna stop, you greedy fat bastard!” I was shocked that Money said that.

“HEY!” He protested. “I’m not that greedy!” They laughed together but I didn’t see the humor. I continued working on his cock, trying to get as much of it into my throat as I could but it was still sore from what they had done to me last night. Rachael was right about black guys; they do all have big cocks. Every one of them I’d seen so far was really huge.

“That’s enough, whore,” he bellowed and pushed me away from his cock.

“I want to fuck you now,” he added and moved aside. I repositioned myself to lay prone on the fake leather couch. It was hard moving as my skin stuck to the material and there were patches of stickiness what was worse in some places. Money tossed him a condom and he groaned at having to wear one but put it on anyway.

I had my legs spread was wide as they could go in the room that I had and the fat bastard crawled on top, his beefy legs filled the small space between my open legs. I stared at the short, kinky white hairs covering his dark, flabby chest and grew around the black nipples like stubbly weeds. My attention was sudden shifted as his bloated cock was forced inside of me with one solid thrust. I grunted before he even bottomed out.

LeRoy wasted no time in getting a rhythm going, his bulky body crushing my much smaller frame with each succession of lunges. I could feel every inch that was inside of me as it racked against my distended vaginal walls. Whatever was in that shot that Money gave me seemed to intensify physical sensations while at the same time minimizing any pain or discomfort. I could feel myself being stretched but it wasn’t hurting.

The couch made weird farting sounds which sounded like a machine gun going off. I turned toward Money and watched his face for any sign of dissatisfaction in me or my performance. I don’t know why but I was still seeking his approval and didn’t want to do anything to upset him. He showed no sign of emotion and simply sat there watching as the fat man fucked me. Over and over, he shoved his cock into me only to quickly be partially withdrawn as he repeatedly beat my pussy to a pulp with his fat cock.

It went on for a while, it could have been ten minutes or twenty I didn’t really know as I was having a problem concentrating on what was happening to me. My mind scanned the room, focusing on one thing or another for a few seconds before moving onto something else. He was very sweating and soon I was drenched in his sweat which caused my body to slip and slide on the leather.

“FUCK ... FUCK ... FUCK...” he panted from above and I felt his fat cock jolting in me. It jerked several times before he stopped moving altogether and just laid on top of me panting. A couple of minutes later he pulled away and fell backwards onto the arm of the sofa gasping for air.

“Damn baby, you just sucked the life outta me,” he said smiling, his golden tooth shining from the overhead light. Slowly I sat up and looked at his deflating cock. The condom stretched out along the couch, half attached to his black cock the other half flattened out and partially filled with yellowish goo. I moved to him, grasped the base of the condom and pulled it off of his cock before bending over to suck clean him.

Still holding the condom, I looked at Money and he slowly nodded indicating what he wanted me to do. Holding the condom by the tip I upended it over my mouth and allowed the slime to drip into my mouth. Using my fingers, I squeegeed what I could from it before sticking my tongue into the open to get the rest. LeRoy stared at me with shock and surprise.

“Damn man, you got your whore trained good,” he said smirking at me. I wasn’t sure what to do with the condom and asked LeRoy.

“Throw it in the trash can, baby,” he informed me while struggling to get up. It took him a few times to get the momentum to pull his wide body up.

“You done wore me out, girl,” he said once he stood.

“You think Quincy want in on this?” Money asked still sitting in the chair. I had already reached for my skirt but stopped getting dressed once he asked the question.

“Probably,” he said tucking his shirt into his pants. “He broke up with his girlfriend last weekend so I’m sho’ he’s horny as hell.”

“Tell him the same deal, okay?”

I watched LeRoy waddle his fat ass around the desk and flop into his swivel chair like a ton of bricks before pressing a button on the phone.

“Jeanette, where Quincy at?” He asked leaning closer to the phone as he spoke.

“He’s closing a deal right now. Want me to get him for you?”

“Naw, that’s cool. I’ll talk at him later,” he replied and released the button.

“He’s busy right now. Maybe come back later?”

“We’ll see how it goes,” Money said and stood to stare at me.

“What the fuck you waitin’ for, get dressed!” he barked at me. I quickly pulled my clothes on and we headed for the door. He stopped before opening it and turned toward the fat slob.

“My girl is just gettin’ started and is lookin’ for customers,” Money said grinning. “Pass the word ‘round ‘bout her, a’ight?”

“Bring your whore by again later, I think we can work out somethin’,” he said grinning at me.

“I like this one ... a lot.”

“I’ll call you,” Money told him as he pushed me out the door. The woman sitting outside the office gave me a knowing sneer as we passed her desk. She must have known what we did in there. The other man, Quincy I assumed, was in a small room talking to the couple I had seen when we first got there. Money didn’t say anything to me until we got into the car and he started the engine.

“What the fuck was that?” he barked turning slightly in his seat to stare at me.

“What do you mean?”

“What I told you ‘bout fuckin’? You don’t just lay there like you’re dead and let them do all the fuckin’. You gotta move your ass, Lisa,” he huffed.

“And grunt and moan and talk to him. Tell him how good his big dick feels inside your pussy. Beg him to fuck you harder and faster, understand? If you wanna make money in this business it’s all ‘bout turn around. Get them in and out fast to do more dicks! Time is money and they ain’t payin’ to fuck a dead body!”

“I’m sorry, Money,” I said looking away. I couldn’t bear to see him angry at me.

“Don’t let that shit happen again, understand? You’re a whore now and you need to act like one!”

“I’m not a whore,” I protested and glared angerly at him. I don’t know where that came from as I usually don’t talk back, but I felt strongly about not being called ‘that’ name.

“When you fuck for money, you’re a whore, Lisa. Get used to it.” I couldn’t seem to process that statement with my drug-fueled brain.

“Why did he pay you? I thought I was there to keep him from repo’ing your car. Why did he give you money?” His look changed slightly as his stared intensified. For a second, I thought that he might hit me for talking back, but then it changed again.

“Don’t you know nothin’, Lisa? Are you that stupid? I bought the car from LeRoy but I had to get a loan to pay for it. LeRoy gave me the money to pay this month’s car note. I didn’t owe him the money, I owed it to someone else.”

“Oh,” I mumbled and felt dumb. I would later find out that he didn’t even owe money on the car, it had been paid for at the time he bought it. He put the car in reverse and backed out.

“Who is Lola?” I asked as he turned onto the street.

“That’s your whore name. All whores got one.” I wanted to protest him calling me that but didn’t want to make him any angrier.

“When you’re workin’ that’s your name, don’t forget it.” I sat quietly as he made a few turns and then pulled into the parking lot of a repair shop. It was pretty rundown and several cars were parked around the decrepit building.

“Wait here, I’ll let you know when to come,” he said getting out of the car. I watched as he went inside the middle of three bays to talk to someone hunched over the hood of a car. They spoke briefly, Money overly laughing at something the other man said.

The first bay had a car raised up and a man was underneath it, working on something and I could see the legs of a man under a car in the last bay. I wasn’t sure what Money was up to but I was sure that I wouldn’t like it. After about five minutes Money walked toward me with a smile and pulled open my door.

“Rodney did some work on my car last month and I still owe him money. You’re gunna pay if off for me,” he said pulling on my right arm. I got out of the car and followed him into the middle bay.

“Damn she cute,” he man he had been talking to said grinning at me. He wasn’t as tall as Money but was stockier, had a big afro and thick mustache that partially covered his large upper lip.

“This is Lola,” he said nudging me closer to the man. I took a few steps toward him and he made no effort to hide his eyes roaming my body.

“Hel~lo Lola,” he said extending his hand to take mine.

His hands were filthy, there was black gunk caked under his fingernails and he smelled like used oil and gasoline. His coveralls were just as dirty as he was and he had a handwritten name tag with ‘Rodney’. The man that had been standing under the car in by one came closer.

“You got another girl?” He asked wiping his hands on a dirty red rag.

“Alphonse, this is Lola,” Money introduced me.

“She’s young,” he said looking me up and down. “How old are you, honey?”

“She’s eighteen,” Money said before I could reply.

“She don’t look eighteen.”

“She is so don’t worry about it.” I didn’t want to correct him in front of the others.

“How much?” the newcomer asked.

“For you, a hundred.” I couldn’t believe he was selling me like that.

“Everyone else is eighty?” He replied with a smile.

“I’m going first,” Rodney said and pulled on my arm.

“Hold up, man, you gotta pay to play,” Money reminded him.

The guy unzipped the top pocket on his coveralls, reached inside, pulled out a wallet and thumbed through it until he found five twenties. Money took it and followed us as Rodney guided me to behind the shop where other vehicles were out back. There was a white cargo van parked near the fence and we went to it.

“I don’t get a lotta white pussy,” he told me as he pulled open the two back doors. There were no seats in the van, just a faded old army blanket. He helped me inside by lifting me from my hips and literally pushed me in.

“I like white pussy,” he added and pulled off his overalls.

I knew what was expect and quickly pulled the halter top off and tossed it to the side. My skirt came off next and I got onto the blanket just as he was crawling into the van naked to join me. His face was full of lust and he had a wild look in his eyes. I was thankful that Money was standing right there or else the guy might had been too rough on me.

“Condom,” Money said and tossed one into the van next to me. Rodney reared back onto his heels and picked it up. I saw his cock for the first time and groaned. Another big one. The magnum condom couldn’t even cover his entire length but that didn’t matter as he moved closer and got between my legs. I spread them wider to give him more room and grunted as he pushed himself inside.

Money had just scolded me hardly fifteen minutes earlier about my performance and I didn’t want a repeat of that. I put my hands on his sides and began pushing my hips upward to meet his thrusts. That caused his cock to go deeper into me and I grunted from the brutal impact.

“Mmmm, you like that, huh?” he asked. I grunted again as he shoved it harder and faster.

“Your ... cock ... feels ... so ... good...” I groaned between each stab. I had to stop moving as his thrusts were getting too severe to continue. He was really long and jabbing deep inside of me. My hands squeezed the coarse material below me as his fucking intensified.

He didn’t last as long as LeRoy but it was longer than I wanted. It was very warm inside the van and sweat was dripping off of him and onto me like a leaky roof during a storm. His thrusts slowed while his grunting quickened and then he nearly stopped moving, his hips hardly rising. I could clearly feel his cock jerking, filling the condom with cum.

He rolled off of me and collapsed on the blanket very winded. We were side by side each staring toward the roof as his struggled to get his breathing under control. A full minute passed before I sat up, peeled the condom from his cock and lowered my mouth to it. He moaned as I took more than half of it past my lips and licked the juices from the part that didn’t fit into my mouth.

His eyes widened while watching me suck the cum out of the used condom. Even though he acted surprised I knew that he liked it as the expression on his face revealed that. I looked at Money and felt a little better as he was smiling at me. I tossed the condom aside and laid back down. Rodney moved closer and sucked my left breast into his mouth.

“Come on man, I want some of that shit too!” the guy standing next to Money said while unzipping his coveralls. With a deep sigh Rodney moved away, scooching on his hands and butt out of the van. Alphonse was stripping at the same time as Rodney was dressing. Any other time that might have looked funny.

As soon as the second guy was naked, I checked out his cock and exhaled deeply. Not as long as Rodney but much thicker. Black guys really do have bigger cocks! Money handed him a condom and he put it on even before getting into the van. I fell back onto the blanket and waited with my eyes tightly shut. The wait wasn’t long as I felt the van rocking as he crawled closer with a big smile on his face. Just as before, I spread my legs wider as soon as he reached me.

“I wish I had more time to fuck you but we’re really behind at work,” he said getting on top of me.

I felt him searching around my hole with his hard cock for a few seconds before he found the opening and thrust forward. The sudden violation of his thick cock took the air from my lungs as held onto his wrists as he built up speed. My head bobbed back and forth as he slammed the oversized piece of meat repeatedly into me.

“Your ... fat ... cock ... feels ... good,” I panted.

He hadn’t started pounding too hard into me yet but I was expecting it at any moment. He was at least as thick as Money and it was being driven into me with powerful legs. I wondered if he would have treated me any differently if he knew how old I really was and if he knew that prior to Money I had only had sex a few times. None of that matter as he fucked into me just as he would any whore he paid for sex.

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