For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

I met him again at 11 and we sat in the car listening to music and kissing for about thirty minutes. He was loving, kind, and gentle. The large plug in my butt was long forgotten and a dull ache was the only reminder that it was even there. His pants were pulled down below his thighs and I was slowly stroking his penis while we kissed. My shirt was off and he fondled my breasts, coaxing the nipples hard in the cool air. I moaned into his mouth when his fingers toyed between my legs.

It all seemed perfectly natural and I didn’t have a care in the world. He was my boyfriend and this is what girls do with their boyfriends. There was no doubt in my mind that Money loved me and would do anything for me just as he promised, and I would do anything for him.

“I love you boo,” he said breaking our embrace.

“I love you too, Money,” I sighed. My heart was pounding and I felt warm all over.

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” I nodded with a smile.

“Good. I know you’re the right girl for me, boo and one day I will marry you, I promise.” That’s what all little girls dream of, marrying a prince charming and he was my prince charming.

Reaching past me he opened the glove compartment and for a moment I got concerned. I never knew what to expect from him. He took out a tin box of Altoid mints and I suddenly felt embarrassed. Did I have bad breath? I brushed my teeth before leaving the house. He opened it to show me several hand-rolled cigarettes.

“Take one.”

“Is it marijuana?”

“You smoked it before. It will help take the edge off and let you sleep.” I had to admit that I wasn’t tired and ever since leaving his apartment I felt like I had been drinking Red Bulls all afternoon. Pushing one end of a cigarette into my mouth he flicked a lighter and held it under the other end.

“Suck.” I did what he asked and immediately felt better. I was more relaxed and my mind seemed clear of worries. I coughed but not as much and he had me smoke the entire thing before I could stop. My head was spinning afterwards and I had a bad taste in my mouth.

“Sorry but I don’t have any vodka tonight. I didn’t have time to get another bottle.”

“That’s okay, this is enough. I don’t like it anyway,” I said noticing how bright the dash lights suddenly seemed.

“Give me a blowjob and go home to bed.” I was perfectly okay with his request and leaned over the center console to take his long fat cock into my mouth. I worked on him for a while, not slowing down or letting off the pressure. My right hand stroked his shaft at the same pace that my mouth glided over the last half of it. His hips bounced up and down slightly and he kept his left hand behind my head dribbling it like a basketball.

“CUMMMMING!” he gasped and pushed firmly on my head. His cock began jerking hard and my mouth was suddenly flooded with salty goo. I swallowed after every pulse and kept my mouth on it until I felt the pressure behind my head ease off.

“You’re gettin’ better sucking dick,” he said wiping the sweat from his forehead. For some demented reason, I smiled at his ‘compliment’ as it made me feel good that I could please my man. I watched as he lifted his butt off the seat and struggled to pull his jeans back up. His shrinking black slab of meat jiggled about as he fought to get them on.

“Go get some rest, boo, you earned it,” he said leaning over to kiss the tip of my nose. I suddenly realized that whenever I suck his cock or swallow his cum, he doesn’t kiss me on the mouth. What I found strange is if it’s okay to be inside of my mouth why not his? It seemed to be a double standard. I didn’t comment on it though. He reached past me, opened my door, and pushed it open.

“I’ll meet you after school,” he said patting my leg. Slowly I got out and stood next to the car to watch as he drove away. I felt good for some odd reason. The dull pain in my butt was gone, my headache was no longer, and the soreness between my legs were a distant memory. I walked home smiling to myself and thinking about Money, the love of my life.

I stood outside of my school waiting for him for a few minutes. He was late and I kept looking around hoping that he’d hurry. I had changed into one of the outfits he had given me after school as he asked and was nervous about people seeing me standing on the side of the road dressed like that. A few of the boys I knew stared at me with shock as they walked past and a girl, I used to be friends with, mumbled something rude to me on her way past me.

I could feel the warm afternoon air blowing between my legs under the short skirt and in the bright sunlight the thin shirt revealed a lot more of my chest than I wanted. An older man slowed down and stared at me through the passenger window but kept driving. A while later a man in a beat up pickup truck stopped in front of me.

“Hey baby, looking for a ride?”

“No thank you, I’m waiting for someone,” I replied and scanned the street for any sign of Money.

“I can give you a good ride,” he added smiling with dingy crooked teeth.

Why would I want an ugly white guy giving me a ride when I had a hot black guy waiting for me? Just then I saw the silver and blue car speeding toward me before stopping behind the truck. I quickly rushed toward him and climbed in with him, leaning over to give him a kiss.

“Where were you?” I scolded him.

“Sorry, boo, I had some business to take care of. You ‘a’ight?” I watched as the truck quickly sped away.

“Yea. I was just a little embarrassed wearing this in front of my school and that creep wanted me to get inside of his truck. Ugh, gross!” Money chuckled before reaching between my legs and pushing a finger into me.

“This pussy belongs to me, right?” I nodded with a smile. He was my man and I was his girl so everything I had belonged to him now.

“Good. Let’s go fuck.” I quickly reached for the seat belt as he shot away from the curb like a bullet.

We made it to his apartment really fast and my heart was racing just as fast as he was driving. He even ran through a couple of red lights and I don’t think he saw the stop sign a few blocks back as he didn’t even slow down. We were almost in a few accidents and had several cars blow their horns at us. None of that bothered him.

“Why were you going so fast?” I asked after settling my nerves.

“I missed my boo and couldn’t wait to be with you,” he said leaning over to kiss me. I felt a little better but was still shaken by the drive.

“Let’s go,” he added and climbed out of the car. I followed and had to double my pace to keep up with his long strides.

“Are we alone?” I asked as we entered the apartment. I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings.

“Just the two of us,” he answered and lifted me from my feet to give me a deep, passionate kiss.

“You are so fuckin’ beautiful, boo!” I was really feeling good after that.

“Sit,” he instructed after setting me back down. He headed toward the kitchen.

“Don’t worry about getting me something to drink, I’m not thirsty,” I called out hoping that he wouldn’t bring me anymore of that bitter soda. I was still hopeful when he returned holding a cup. Maybe it’s tea and not the soda.


I took the cup and looked at the brown bubbling liquid. It looked the same and smelled the same.

“I don’t like the taste,” I reminded him, not that I was expecting it to matter but I was being optimistic.

“This will be the last time you have to drink it; I promise.” He had never lied to me before so I took him at his word that this would be the last day of having to taste it.

“There ain’t that much so do it fast.”

Compared to the other days, there wasn’t a lot to drink, but I still wrinkled my nose at the smell before pouring some into my mouth. The bitter, chemical taste was much stronger and I pulled it away to make a face.

“It’s gross!”

“Drink it!”

With apprehension I did what he wanted, taking small sips of the unpleasant drink until there was nothing left. It was even stronger toward the bottom and I handed him the empty cup. He smiled and placed it on the coffee table.

“Let me see your ass,” he said pulling on my arm. I stood and turned away from him, gasping as he pulled the skirt up and spread my butt cheeks.

“It’s been in this whole time?”

“I went to the bathroom today but put it back in like you said.” He didn’t respond verbally but stood and dragged me behind him toward his bedroom. He quickly undressed, got onto his bed and caressed his erection until I was fully undressed. My head was racing but spinning at the same time and every movement seemed amplified. I felt weird but energized and carefree and didn’t object when he placed me on his bed onto my stomach.

With a quick yank the plug was pulled out of me, giving me a brief moment of discomfort before that empty feeling returned. My head was turned to the side and I waited as he shifted around to straddle me. He did something behind me and I suddenly felt the cool gel as he applied it to my butthole. I was lying flat on my stomach and he got on top of me, pushing my legs far apart as he stabbed and prodded around my back opening. I was still sore back there but allowed him to do what he wanted until I felt the burning sensation of him entering me. I flinched.

I never even knew that anal sex was possible or that people actually wanted to do something like that but apparently, it’s something that a lot of people liked, mostly men. He kept pushing it in deeper, stretching my novice opening wider than it should be. It wasn’t long before I felt his muscular thighs pushing against my butt cheeks. He was fully inside and fought to go deeper.

My head was spinning and my brain just couldn’t seem to focus on anything as I squirmed beneath him. He covered me like a heavy blanket, his slick and sweaty skin sliding back and forth along my entire length. My senses seemed heightened and I could feel every inch of him deep inside my gut as his speed increased.

“I didn’t get your other two cherries but I sure the fuck got this one!” He panted into the top of my head. Even though his body was lower than mine he was tall enough that his chin was over the top of my head. It felt awkward and weird, almost as if I really needed to use the bathroom but couldn’t.

My mind wondered and I found myself thinking of random things. I wondered if Rachael ever had anal sex or if my mom ever did. Did they like it? Did I turn in my math homework and what was the reading assignment for history? Was Money going to have sex with me like this often?

I caught a glimpse of him on top of me through the closet mirror. I could hardly see myself under his much larger frame and I found myself giggling at how funny it looked. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he was fucking just his bed but I knew better. There wasn’t much pain although it didn’t exactly feel good either. I was able to take his entire cock back there, but I wasn’t bottomless as it kept hitting something deep inside.

His movements changed as did his breathing and moments later I felt his cock jerking as his warm goo flooded my guts. He was cumming inside of me but I wasn’t concerned. Was it the stuff he put in the drink or did I know that I couldn’t get pregnant that way? Whatever it was I didn’t have a care in the world and just laid still until he stopped moving.

I could feel his weight on me, feel how sweating he was, and smell his strong armpit odor. He was panting and moaning, his body jerking spontaneously. His cock was shrinking, no longer hard enough to stay inside of my ass and I could feel it slipping out. It felt as if I was passing a long turd up to the point that only the head was lodged inside. I pushed slightly and felt it flop out and come to rest against my pussy.

“Damn, boo,” he sighed. “You’re gunna be the death of me.”

I smiled for some reason. He had just sodomized me and I was happy that I had pleased my man once again. His weight suddenly lifted and he collapsed onto the bed next to me still breathing heavy. I turned onto my side and snuggled against him with my head on his chest. His heart was pounding fast in his chest. I could feel liquids seeping out of my butt and was worried what it might be.

“Clean my dick,” he said pushing on my head. My eyes flew open.

“MONEY!” I exclaimed with shock. “That was just in my butt!”

“I know, boo, that’s why it’s dirty. When you make a dick dirty, you gotta clean it.” I didn’t have an argument for that. My mind was still foggy and what he was saying didn’t sound as stupid as I thought.

“Besides it’s your own ass juice.” That didn’t help. He pushed once again on my head and I slid my face lower, resting it on his navel and stared over his bushy, black pubic hair as the thick tube of meat vanished between his legs. It was drooped over his balls and I could only see a couple of inches of it. Reaching for it I tugged at it until it had slipped free. The sweat and fluids made it stick to legs like glue and I struggled to pull it away.

It was still big but rubbery and slumped over my fingers as if sleeping. I moved closer and shut my eyes. The spicy smell burned at my nostrils and sharp-tasting tang had an unfamiliar flavor. I could taste the lube and the remnants of his cum but the most distinct flavor was somewhat musky and sweet. Was that my butt juices?

I tried not to think about what I was doing and it helped that my brain wasn’t focusing on any one thing for very long. Shifting my body, I hovered over him while licking and sucking his cock, including his saggy nut sack for the longest time. I must have done well as he mentioned something about how good it felt and it began to throb back to life.

“Keep suckin’, boo,” he moaned while holding my head steady. Soon my mouth was crowded with his cock and I struggled to back away as it pressed against the opening of my throat. It was getting harder and growing larger by the second. With one strong push I was able to break free of his grip and pulled away, gasping for air.

“What the fuck you doin’?” He snapped while glaring at me with a frightening look.

“I couldn’t breathe,” I said gasping, still filling my lungs with oxygen.

“You need to learn your place, white girl!” He snarled while sitting up. That was the first time he ever called me that. For a brief moment I thought that he was going to hit me and I flinched as he reached out.

“I ain’t gunna hit you, boo,” he said softly. “I’d never hurt you, you know that, right?” I suddenly felt foolish. He really hadn’t been violent with me but the memory of what he did to those two guys was ever present in my mind. His voice became soothing.

“You want to please me, right?” I nodded.

“I want you to learn the right way. I want you to learn how to do it so we don’t have no misunderstandin’, okay?” He smiled really wide and I smiled back.

“Tell me you love me.”

“I love you, Money,” I repeated and he touched my cheek with the back of his hand before flopping back onto the bed on his back.

“Let’s do this again but let me guide you, boo.” I agreed and assumed my previous position beside him. His large hand went behind my neck and firmly massaged the area. I stared at the swollen tube of cock as it rested along his upper leg away from me. It reached beyond the side of his leg and sagged slightly over the edge of it.

“You know what deep throat is, right?” I had heard the term before but never really understood what it was all about. He must have recognized my confusion.

“Deep throatin’ is where you take a dick all the way into your mouth and inside your throat. You gotta take it all the way in to do it proper.”

My eyes flew open as I looked at his face to see if he was joking and then back to his big fat cock with astonishment. There was no way in hell that I’d be able to get that giant snake of dick inside my throat. Just having the head back there nearly chocked me to death and there just wasn’t enough room!

“It’s too big. I can’t do that.”

“That’s what you said ‘bout takin’ it in your pussy and you did that, right? You didn’t think you could take it in your ass but you did that too, right?” His rhetorical questions were further confusing my clouded mind.

“You can do this, boo, ‘specially if you want to please me. You do want to please me, right?”

Money was a master at manipulation and knew what to say and how to say it to turn everything around. It did matter what it was. You could say the sky was blue and in no time, he’d have you convinced that it wasn’t even though you were looking right at it. He had that ability, that power and I was sucked right into his little game, his fantasy world.

“Try it again but this time let me guide you,” he said tugging at the back of my neck. I leaned over and reached for his cock. It was almost fully erect and after a few strokes it was throbbing between my fingers.

Taking a deep breath, I slipped it inside my mouth and pushed it to the back of my throat. Immediately I gagged and tried to pull away.

“It’s okay, boo, keep tryin’. Control the gag.”

I tried it again and again and again, each time resulting in the same outcome. As soon as it touched the opening of my throat I gagged and wretched as I fought to suppress the urge to vomit.

“It’s too big,” I repeated again as I gasped for air. The head alone was the size of a plumb and filled my throat. I wouldn’t be able to get it inside my throat no matter how many times I tried!

“I got an idea,” he said pushing me aside as he climbed out of bed. “Lay on your back with your head over the side of the bed.”

I was confused but did what he said. He pulled my body a little further over the edge and his room suddenly turned upside down. I watched through inverted vision as he coated himself with lube. I still didn’t know what he had in mind, and I couldn’t seem to focus my thoughts on anything for very long.

Dropping to his knees he moved closer and pushed the end of his cock against my lips. I opened my mouth and allowed it to slide to the back of my mouth. He stopped after the first gag and kept it still for a few seconds before he tried again.

“Control your gag,” he warned again before proceeding. Again, I gagged but this time he didn’t stop pushing and I felt my throat expand. My body jerked as another inch was forced into my throat but he held my torso down. I began squirming as I ran out of air and he pulled it out of my throat. It felt like I coughed up a small apple as my airway was suddenly clear of the blockage.

“See you did it,” he said smiling down at me. I hardly had half of it inside my mouth but he seemed happy with that. My throat was already getting raw.

“I didn’t get it all in,” I coughed with a hoarse voice. I thought that was what he wanted.

“You done enough to show me you can do it. You just gotta control the gag, that’s all, boo. Once you learn that you can get any size cock all the way inside your throat.”

“Can we stop now?” I asked still feeling the burn along my windpipe.

“Tell you what, boo, I’ll put my hand right here,” he said holding his cock at the base, “and when you can get it inside your mouth to my finger you can stop, okay?” Even though about six inches extended beyond his hand I did think I had a choice to say no.

After he put a little more lube on the head we tried again. It felt so big inside of my mouth but I knew that he wouldn’t allow me to stop until I reached his goal. Being upside down intensified my dizziness and my head wouldn’t stop spinning. I gagged as it touched my throat and again, he didn’t stop and kept pushing. I squirmed but I didn’t protest.

Inch by inch he forced more and more of it into my mouth. I could feel my throat expanding as it slipped further inside. I held my breath for as long as I could hoping that I’d feel his finger soon. My eyes were shut and his cock seemed to be endless as more of it went inside. It would hang up briefly on something but a firm thrust sent a little more inside.

“You’re doin’ good, boo,” he panted. “Almost ... there.”

I felt something tickle the tip of my nose and I opened my eyes to see blurry darkness. Struggling to focus on what I was seeing distracted me as he pushed a little more inside. Saggy flesh was now touching my nose and I realized that it was his ball sack! The air ran out and I began flopping around trying to get his cock out of my throat. It slipped out in a matter of seconds, pulling all sorts of juices out with it.

My brain was so out of focus that I hadn’t realized that spit, bile and snot had been coming out my mouth and nose for nearly the entire two minutes he had his cock down my throat. I also didn’t realize that he had removed his hand and had forced in more than what he had originally said. I coughed up slime and goo and partially threw up on his floor. I couldn’t stop coughing and it took a couple of minutes to get it under control.

“I’m gunna let that go this time,” he said looking at the pile of vomit. “Next time that happens you’re gunna lick all that shit up, understand?” He didn’t raise his voice but it was firm and ominous.

“Why did you take your hand away!?! I nearly screamed. I only wanted to put as little of his cock into my mouth as possible, not the whole damn thing!

“You were doin’ so good that I didn’t want to stop,” he smiled.

“I said you could do it and I was right.” I was still panting and trying to control my breathing. “You got all but maybe two inches down your throat. Pretty good for your first time. Next time you’ll get it all the way down your throat.”

I swallowed hard, trying to clear my throat of the lube and whatever bodily fluids remained. The entire area burned as if on fire but deep down I think I was happy that I was able to do it. Not for me but because Money was happy and that’s all that mattered.

“Go get some rags and clean this shit up,” he said collapsing onto the bed like a ton of bricks. I nearly flew off as I bounced several inches from the mattress as his weight tossed me around like a rag doll. As per his request, I went into the bathroom and returned with a towel and wet washcloths to clean the mess. My mess.

I tossed the soiled towels into the bathtub and returned to see Money was leisurely rubbing his cock. That was my dilemma. He hadn’t cum yet and it was my obligation to make sure that he did anytime he needed to. I was his girlfriend and it was my duty as his girlfriend. His boo.

“Suck me off,” he said pointing the spear toward me. My throat was really sore and I was afraid that he’d want me to ‘deep throat’ him again. He noticed my apprehension and smirked.

“Just a blow job.” I nodded, climbed back into bed with him and reached for his throbbing cock.

He laid there with his fingers laced behind his head watching as I sucked his cock. I worked diligently, both hands stroking it up and down as my mouth jerked back and forth over the last few inches, just as he taught me. I was careful to avoid going too deep as the opening of my throat felt the same as when I had a tonsillectomy. It was going to be sore for a couple of days.

He didn’t tell me when he was cumming but I sensed it. His breathing became harder, his body tensed and there was a steady flow of sweetness wetting my tongue. The final clue was when his stomach tightened and his cock swelled slightly. Four strong jerks and three weaker ones later and I was once again swallowing a mouthful of his bitter cum. It was his gift to me and I accepted it with gratitude. The saltiness aggravated my sore throat but only briefly.

“Come here, boo,” he said pulling me onto his chest. “Do you know how much I love you?” I smiled at him and swallowed a few more times to free the clottiness lodged in my throat.

I listened to his heart beating and wrapped my right arm over his stomach as we laid together for several minutes in silence. My mind was still racing and I wasn’t tired at all. In fact, I felt really energetic and couldn’t lie still for very long. Eventually my attention turned to his cock. It was soft but at about six inches long it still looked menacing. Pinching the loose skin between my thumb and pointer finger I lifted it from the center and smirked at the fat head remained resting on his leg. It looked like black arch pointing toward the ceiling. I was amazed that something so soft and pliable could become so hard and rigid. It jerked and I dropped it.

“Don’t stop now, boo,” he said returning my hand to his cock. I squeezed it and felt it twitch again. He had just cum about twenty minutes earlier and twice in less than an hour and it was starting to get hard again. I swallowed the saliva accumulating and hoped that he didn’t want me to deep throat him again. It was still too sore.

“Keep playing with my dick,” he said after I stopped stroking it. I resumed and it continued growing.

“Let’s do a trifecta,” he said kissing my forehead. He still wouldn’t kiss me on my lips after he came inside of my mouth.

“What’s that?”

“You know, fuckin’ in all three of your holes. That’s call a trifecta.”

“I never heard of that before.”

“You might have heard of triple penetration. That ain’t the same.”

“I never heard of that either.” He was opening me up to new experiences.

“TP is where you take three dicks in each of your holes at the same time.”

“Is that even possible?”

“Sure, it is. Most chicks love it.”

“I don’t think I can do that.”

“You can if you try. You might like it.” That was another clue that I didn’t pick up on.

“Get on her hands and knees,” he said shifting around the bed before I even had time to process his last statement.

Turning onto my stomach I raised up to do what he asked and smiled as I remembered my dad giving me ‘pony’ rides in this position when I was younger. He moved behind me and I felt his newly engorged cock pressing against my pussy. I grunted as the wide head penetrated me quickly and kept going.

He fucked me fast and hard, shoving his cock in and out of me as deeply as he could. I fell onto my chest and hugged the pillow as he repeatedly slammed back and forth. He treated me like a piece of meat, like a warm, wet hole to satiate his urge but it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. It went on for the longest time and I grew concerned that he might not cum, or even worse that he might cum inside of my pussy.

Neither held true as he soon pulled it out of me and shoved it right into my asshole. No warning, no preparations, just out and in, that fast. Seconds later I felt it jerking and knew that he was cumming inside of my butt for the second time. After nearly a minute he collapsed on me causing my legs to buckle as we crashed onto the bed with his deflating cock still lodged in my butt. Minutes passed before it was soft enough for me to ‘shit’ it out and he rolled over. I remained motionless for about a minute before he spoke.

“Clean my dick.”

Grudgingly I shifted around and moved my face closer to his crotch. I didn’t object, didn’t complain, and didn’t hesitate. I went straight for it and sucked and licked off all the fluids, ignoring the unfavorable taste. It didn’t take long, perhaps three minutes before I was finished. He didn’t say anything when I pulled away from his cock and looked into his eyes for validation. I don’t know why I did that but I needed to hear his endorsement of what I had done.

“You did good, boo,” he finally spoke after several seconds of quietness. He understood what I wanted and threw me a bone.

“A dick needs to be cleaned every time without bein’ asked,” he said moving the stray lock of hair out of my eyes. I nodded. “Get dressed so I can take you home,” he added pushing me aside to sit up.

My butt crack felt wet and dirty and it had the scent of ‘ass’, so I asked to clean up, which was quickly rejected. He rambled on how our ‘union’, our ‘lovemaking’ shouldn’t be washed away as if it’s some dirty, disgusting act and that I should ‘enjoy’ the feeling and not want to flush it down the toilet like shit. I felt stupid for even asking and searched for my clothes. It was then that I remembered that I had worn the slutty clothes to the apartment and couldn’t put them back on. My parents would kill me if I walked in wearing that.

“My clothes are in my backpack,” I told him.

“What’s wrong with the clothes I bought you?” I explained my plight and even threw in that my parents would punish me for wearing the skirt and blouse and I wouldn’t be able to see him for a while. In hindsight that may have been the best thing for me. He finally agreed and tossed me his car keys to get my backpack.

I dressed in the slutty clothes and started to leave before he stopped me to ‘remind’ me to wear the plug. I didn’t think I needed to but he commented that he didn’t want anything leaking out of me in his car.

“You can take it out when you get home but keep it in your backpack.”

We had known each other a total of five days and already he was controlling every aspect of my life. He had more control over me than my parents and I didn’t object or resist to anything that he said or had me do. Love is blind they say but this went far beyond anything called love or blindness. I was young and naïve and he took advantage of me and manipulated me into doing his bidding. I didn’t realize that at the time nor did I understand the consequences. I was in love and that’s all that mattered.

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