For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

>>’Awake?’ I texted to Money. I was sure he was but didn’t know what else to ask.

>>’Yea. Hi boo,’ came the response. ‘I had a great time,’ he added with a smiley face. I replied with the same emoji.

>>’I really miss u, boo.’

>>’I miss u too.’ I had been thinking about him a lot.

>>’Can u meet me?’



>>’Now? I’m in bed.”

>>’MMM. Wish I was with u.’ The emoji sticking out his tongue was included. I smiled. ‘I’m at our special spot.’ I was confused.

>>’Where’s that?’

>>’U no. The lot by ur house.’ I suddenly remembered parking with him the other day.

>>’I’m in my pjs.’

>>’K, come anyway.’ I stared at the message for a few seconds unsure how to respond. ‘Won’t b long. Just want 2 c u. REALLY miss u.’ Double heart emoji.

>>’K.’ I took a deep breath and glanced over to my sister. If she woke up and found me gone ... I couldn’t think about that. Pushing my feet into a pair of old sneakers I quietly opened the window and eased outside, careful to shut it most of the way.

It was cool and dark as I made my way to the old burned-out house. Money’s car was backed against the bushes and even in the dim light it shimmered like polished silver. I rushed over to the passenger side and pulled open the door. His handsome, smiling face greeted me and I couldn’t help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

“Hey beautiful.” I sat and he leaned over to kiss me. It wasn’t just a little peck but was full on a very passionate kiss, tongue and all. I felt my breathing increase and felt overwhelmed. When I felt his hand on my bra I pulled away.

“Let’s just talk, okay?” I asked gently pushing his hand away.

“Sure, boo. What do you want to talk about?”

“Well,” I sighed. “Maybe what happened earlier today?”

“You mean how we made love for the first time? It was incredible, boo. I think it brought us closer and it made me realize how much I really love you.” I didn’t have the same experience.

“I wasn’t ready to do it.”

“Yea you were. You only think you weren’t. Your body know what it want, boo.”

“I don’t think we should have done it so soon.” My Christian upbringing was coming through with a clearer mind.

“Boo, listen, when two people love each other they show it by making love. That’s how it work. I know that I love you, do you love me?”

I had to admit that I was young, immature and very impressionable. I didn’t really know what love was or how to handle adult decisions. He told me that he loved me, and I knew that I had feelings for him. I truly thought it was love at the time.

“Yes, Money, I love you too.”

“Then it’s settled, right, boo?” he asked smiling.

“I got something for you,” he said opening the center console and taking out a small jewelry box. Inside was a silver heart locket. I held my hair up and allowed him to place it around my neck. That was the first gift a guy had ever given me, and I felt special.

“Thank you,” I rejoiced unable to contain my smile.

“Here, to celebrate,” he said pulling out a bottle of clear liquid from the glove compartment and twisting off the cap.

“What is it?” I asked suspiciously.

“Vodka,” came the reply as he held out the bottle

“Isn’t that alcohol?” Even if I was old enough to drink, I wasn’t permitted to.

“Yea. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. Besides it’s to celebrate our union!” I watched as he upended the bottle for a few seconds before pulling it away and holding it out to me. I looked at the watery substance. The bottle was full before he took a sip, and it didn’t look as if any was gone.

“Drink it,” he said bringing it to my lips. I took a small sip and quickly pulled the bottle away. The liquid burned my throat all the way down to my stomach and I made a sour face.

“It’s gross!” I mumbled staring at it.

“It only tastes bad the first time. You’ll get used to it. Have another sip,” he said returning the uncapped end to my lips.

“Money, I don’t want any more,” I replied and pushed it away.

“Come on boo, just a little. We’re celebrating, remember?” Leisurely he guided it to my mouth and tilted the bottle slightly. Money tilted it upward on the bottom which sent a flood of the burning liquid into my mouth. Quickly I pulled the bottle away and looked for somewhere to spit it. It was hot inside my mouth and tasted gross. His hand quickly covered mouth.

“Swallow it,” he barked. I shook my head and began to panic as I couldn’t breathe. He repeated his demand. It took several gulps to clear my mouth and as soon as he pulled his hand away, I began coughing.

“What did you do that for?!?” I screamed and punched him on the arm. He got a cruel expression on his face, but it quickly vanished.

“You ain’t a baby, Lisa, so grow the fuck up! Stop being a little bitch about it.” I wasn’t sure where that came from. It took about a minute before I could compose myself and I didn’t even notice when he took out a cigarette. It was hand-rolled and smelled funny. I had been around cigarettes and knew what they smelled like, but this one smelled differently.

I watched as he took drag after drag, keeping the tip bright red until most of it was gone. He took out a second cigarette and lit it.

“Take a hit,” he said extending his hand holding the cigarette, pinching it between his thumb and middle finger.

“I don’t smoke.”

“I didn’t ask. Take it,” he commanded. I sat frozen, staring at it as if seeing a cigarette for the first time.

“Wh ... what do I do?”

“Hold it like this and suck it really hard and hold the smoke in your lungs for as long as you can.”

“Is this marijuana?”

“Yea,” he said smirking. “A special bend. You’ll like it.” I took the cigarette and brought it to my nose and sniffed. My nose wrinkled from the pungent odor.

“Don’t let it waste,” he said nudging my hand. Slowly I brought it to my mouth and sucked softly on it. Immediately I began coughing and the stuff burned my throat like the vodka. I did what he asked and handed it back to him.

“Finish it,”

“Money, I don’t think I can. I don’t like it.” I was already feeling lightheaded, and the car felt as if it was spinning. Taking the cigarette from me took a deep drag and leaned over the console to give me a kiss. I wasn’t expecting my mouth to be drowned in smoke as he exhaled everything he had straight into my mouth. I coughed again just not as much. He did it again and I felt like I was melting into my seat.

“Pretty good shit, huh?” I suddenly had the same anxious feeling I had earlier at his apartment, and I felt a little nauseous.

“It might be a little strong for you right now but you’ll get used to it.” He said that about a lot of things.

I didn’t want to get used to it and I certainly didn’t want to ever smoke it again. I did feel very relaxed and calm and I looked out the window to see a cat walking up the driveway and I began to giggle. I don’t know why I did but I was laughing at the cat walking. Money was leaning over the console again and had his plump lips over mine. I didn’t resist and just moaned into him mouth.

His fingers began fumbling with the buttons on my pajama top and had most of them unfastened before I even knew it. I felt the cool air on my stomach and gasped as he reached behind me to unclasp my bra. The tension around my chest suddenly relaxed.

“Money, wait...” my mind was foggy, and I wasn’t thinking right.

“What is it now?” he asked annoyed.

“We had sex earlier today.”

“So? That was like over six hours ago. Your man needs lovin’, boo.”

“I’m still a little sore from earlier.”

“I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He had a comeback for everything. He always does.

“Look,” he said holding up a bottle of liquid lube. “Works better than KY.”

The car suddenly became very bright as he opened his door, and the dome light illuminated the car. I’m pretty sure it was a normal brightness but at that time it felt like a spotlight was shining on my face. Reaching into the backseat he took out a rolled-up blanket and exited the car. I wasn’t sure what he wanted or what I was supposed to do so I just sat there somewhat dazed and confused. The combination of the vodka and the very strong pot was making me disorientated.

“Get out,” he said opening the passenger door. I blinked my eyes a few times and quickly shook my head in a feeble effort to get my thoughts straight.

The blanket was spread out next to the car, he left my door open for the light and the music was playing softly in the background. Any other time this might have been romantic but the way he started pawing at me and literally ripping my pajamas off destroyed any semblance of romance.

I felt the cold wetness of the lube between my bare legs before he unceremoniously climbed on top of me as if getting on a pool raft. He entered me abruptly, pushing most of his over-sized penis deep into me on the first thrust. I grunted as it took my breath away. He was very large, very hard and very aggressive.

My vaginal muscles didn’t have time to adjust to his size or assertiveness and I cried out from the pain as the pounded fast and hard into me. It literally felt like he was ripping me in half as the blunt end of his penis repeatedly hammered my insides into mush. I just knew that he was trying to relocate my vagina into my stomach or beyond. The little consolation I had was that my mind was somewhat numb from whatever he had given me which minimized the pain.

Minutes passed, I wasn’t sure how many as I kept drifting in and out of consciousness, but I remained aware of what he was doing to me. He was a big man and very strong and his thrusts reflected that fact. I could only lie beneath him and take whatever abuse he gave me. The first time he was kneeling on the floor and didn’t have the leverage that he had now.

“I’m cumming, boo ... I’m cumming!” he panted before abruptly yanking it out from inside of me. I suddenly felt hollow from the void he left but that was short-lived as he moved upward to my face. Through blurry eyes I watched as he held his penis behind the head and aimed it toward my lips.

“Open your mouth,” he demanded. Like a trained seal fed a fish, I did what he ordered as he pushed the tip of his penis past my lips and released his hand. The deluge of slime into my mouth was incredible as the opening of my throat was suddenly swamped with mucus. It felt as if someone cracked open and egg and dropped it into my mouth. My eyes widened and I grunted a garbled moan.

“Swallow it!” he commanded when he pulled away. As much as I didn’t want to, I knew that I didn’t have a choice and swallowed the salty, bleachy goo in three or four gulps. Some remained in my throat and no matter how many times I swallowed, it remained lingering there.

“That wasn’t so bad, right boo?” he asked smiling at me. Even in the dim light I could see his teeth shining in the night through his dark skin. The bitter taste still dominated my senses, but I found myself nodded in agreement. Even though it had felt like I had just been sexually assaulted I wanted to please him and smiled back. He kissed me on the cheek and helped me sit up.

My entire lower half felt sore and raw and thankfully it was too dark for me to see if there was any blood or damage done to my privates. I felt something wet leaking out of me and I was afraid it might be blood. Touching myself I slowly brought my hand to my face and felt somewhat better to see a clear fluid and not redness.

“Thanks boo,” he said helping me to stand. My legs were shaking, and I had to lean on him for support. With a slight turn of my body, I felt the cool metal against my lower back as he propped me against the car.

“Here’s your clothes,” he said handing me my pajamas. My head was still spinning, and I nearly fell over just by him giving them to me.

“I know you wanna spend more time with me, boo, but I gotta go. I gots people I gotta meet.”

He was essentially telling me ‘thanks for the fuck now I need to leave’. I should have felt disgusted and angry, but I didn’t. Was it the alcohol or the pot? Was it something else? I felt an unusual bond with Money and even though what we had just done went against everything I stood for; I didn’t really see anything wrong with it. Was my mind playing tricks on me?

I don’t know how but I managed to make it home and into bed that night. I don’t remember walking or even sneaking back into my bedroom but there I was when the alarm clock went off. It felt as if I had been run over by a car and my head was pounding but I got out of bed anyway. I had to. My pajama bottoms were on backwards, the top was off by one button and my bra and panties were missing. How did that happen?

“What’s wrong with you?” I heard Brooke asking and turned to see her staring at me.

“Shut up!” I snapped before getting out of bed and nearly falling over. My head was still spinning but not as much as last night. Slowly I made my way to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. I could see what Brooke was talking about. I was a mess. My hair was tangled with a few dead leaves and twigs clinging to it, I had bags under my eyes, and I had a ‘wild’ look.

Slowly I pulled down my pajama bottoms and sat on the toilet, careful not to sit to fast as I was still tender down there. The area looked a little bruised and was definitely swollen.

Mom had breakfast ready for us as usual and everyone ate as if they hadn’t seen food in days, but I wasn’t hungry and just picked at the food on my plate. My mother commented about it but I dismissed it as having a ‘tummy’ ache but the real pain was a few inches lower.

My tight jeans dug into me as I walked the mile to school, and I knew that I’d be rubbed raw just from that. The tenderness was intensified by the thick material and the constant back and forth motion. Each step hurt a little more than the last and I wasn’t sure how I’d get through the day.

I always liked school but for some reason it seemed boring today as my teachers droned on about things that I’d probably never use in my lifetime. I even fell asleep in math and Mr. Nisan kept me after class with a stern warning. I couldn’t wait for the day to end and get out of there.

“Hey beautiful,” I heard the masculine voice from the car that had just pulled beside me. It was Money and he was smiling at me. My heart melted.

“Hi,” I said a little less eager to see him than yesterday.

“Get in,” he said reaching over the seat to open the passenger door.

“I have a lot of homework,” I replied. I was halfway home and wasn’t lying about that.

“I’m not asking.” His smile dropped and a strange look suddenly came over his face. Slowly I got in and shut the door. Grabbing my back pack he tossed it into the back seat and leaned over to give me a kiss. Not just any kiss but his signature, tongue-in-the-mouth-butterflies-in-the-stomach kiss. When he pulled away I could only sigh, it was that amazing!

Pulling into traffic he drove away from my house and toward the bad part of town. I knew that he was taking me to his apartment again. His right hand stayed on my thigh slowly rubbing it up and down.

“I don’t want you wearing pants anymore,” he informed me.

“It’s all I have mostly.” I had a few dresses for church but most of my clothes involved pants.

“I’ll get you some skirts,” he said moving his hand toward my crotch.

“I need better access to my property,” he said grabbing my privates. I jumped as it was still tender and pushed his hand away.

“What the fuck?!?” he shouted. “Don’t ever do that again!”

“I’m sorry, Money, but I’m still sore.”

“I don’t give a fuck, Lisa, you’re mine and I do whatever the fuck I want to when I want to, understand?”

That was the first time I’d ever seen that part of him, and I didn’t like it. It was scary.

“Unbutton your shirt,” he growled.

“WHAT?” I gasped looking around at all the people and cars around.

“I said unbutton your fuckin’ shirt!” With nervous fingers I unfastened each one but kept my shirt closed.

“Lose the bra.”

“Where’s my bra from last night?” I suddenly remembered the missing underwear.

“Gone,” was all he said. “Now take it off or I’ll fuckin’ rip it off!” Reaching behind my back I unhooked it and let it fall away. Pulling my right arm out, I contorted around to pull it through the left sleeve of my shirt. He yanked it out of my hand and rolled his window down.

“What are you doing?” I asked. The words were hardly out of my mouth when he tossed my bra outside.

“MONEY!?!?” I shouted and turned to see the small white garment tumbling in the middle of the street.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t want you wearing bras no more,” he said glaring at me.

“It ain’t like you really need one, right? I mean your tits are pretty damn small!” Just yesterday he said they were perfect and now they’re small? He reached over and pulled open my shirt, exposing my chest to God and everyone and I felt my face turn beet red. His large black hand squeezed the left one before going to the next to repeat the same thing on the right.

I was somewhat thankful when we turned into his apartment complex but was dreading what I knew was about to happen. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend time with him I just didn’t want to be treated like a piece of meat and I certainly didn’t want him having sex with me until the soreness went away.

Money parked and I remained sitting in the car as he got out. I wasn’t sure what to do but when my door flew open, and he was standing there with his hand extended I knew what I must do. I got out and tried to close the front of my shirt.

“Leave it,” he said nudging me forward enough to shut the door.

“Don’t fuckin’ touch your shirt, understand?”

I nodded as we began walking toward the building. Just as I had noticed before there were no other white people around. Mostly blacks and a few Hispanics but not one white face was visible. My shirt blew open as we walked, and I felt humiliated every time someone noticed my breasts. A couple of guys whistled and someone else made a crude comment toward me. I felt somewhat better when we made it to his apartment, and he ushered me inside.

“Get comfortable,” he said pushing me toward the couch as he went into the kitchen. With apprehension I sat and looked around. Hopefully his roommates were gone again. Money returned after about a minute.

“I said to get comfortable!” he barked.

“I am comfortable,” I replied indicating that I was relaxed on the couch.

“I mean take off your fuckin’ pants, Lisa. Don’t play dumb.” He sat next to me and placed a glass of cola on the coffee table.

“I sorry, I didn’t know what you meant.”

“When I say to get comfortable, I mean take off your clothes. Do you know what I mean now?”

I swallowed hard and nodded. Sluggishly I stood and unfastened the button and unzipped my jeans before slowly pulling them down my legs. I had to admit it felt a little better not having them smashed against my privates.

“Panties too,” he added. Even though he had already seen me naked, and we’d had sex twice, I still felt uneasy about undressing in front of him, but I did what he said. As I pulled them off, he grabbed them out of my hand and ripped them into pieces.


“You don’t wear shit like this no more, got it?”

“I have to wear panties, Money.”

“No, you don’t. My woman don’t wear this shit!” I stood staring at him for a few uneasy seconds trying to gauge his thoughts. Why doesn’t he want me to wear underwear?

“Sit,” he snarled and picked up the soda.

“Drink,” he added while extending his hand with the glass. I could tell it was the same drink as before and it tasted just as bitter. I took two small sips and tried to put it back on the table, but he stopped me.

“All of it.” His voice was calm but firm. It took me a couple of minutes to finish it and even before the last sip I was starting to feel the effects. What was in it? My heart raced and I felt an incredible rush of energy. Just like the feeling of going over the crest of a roller coaster by stomach felt funny and I felt dizzy. All my worried suddenly vanished and Money stood and began to undress.

“You need to learn the right way to suck dick,” he said standing in front of me. He was already hard, and the angry black pole was staring right at my face.

For the longest time that’s what we worked on. Him assaulting my tonsils with his tip of his penis as he repeatedly trying getting it further and further into my mouth. It was too thick to fit into my throat but that didn’t discourage him in the least. He instructed me on how to perform oral sex while I did it to him.

“Suck harder, watch your teeth, make it wetter, use your hands more, squeeze tighter, suck harder!” I could hardly keep up with everything he was saying and the fact that he was determined to get it as deep into my mouth as possible didn’t help.

“Use your tongue more, pull on my balls, lick the head, go faster, move your head more, twist your hands, slow down, and watch your fuckin’ teeth, suck harder!”

My mouth was getting tired, and my throat was sore from the endless bombardment of the head, but I kept going. I wanted to please Money and if doing this made him happy then I’d do it. I had one hand on his testicles and the other was somewhat holding onto the base of his penis when I heard a door open. Immediately I panicked and tried to pull away. Money’s large hand wrapped around my smaller one keeping my left hand glued to his shaft.

“What’s up, man?” I heard a voice for not far away. I quickly released my hold on his testicles and covered my breasts with my free arm.

“Come ‘ere, I want you to meet Lisa,” Money said. I was mortified. Money’s big hand remained behind my head holding me steadfastly in place and I could see movement from behind him as the stranger approached.

“Daaaaamn, she fine,” I heard the guy say.

“Lisa this is Tony, one of my roommates,” he said. “Tony, Lisa.”

“Hey sexy,” the guy said stooping over to see me better.

“She would say ‘hi’ but she don’t talk with her mouth full,” Money joked. Both chuckled.

“Lisa, don’t be rude, shake his hand.” My eyes widened. Not only was this guy watching me butt naked performing oral sex on Money but the only shred of decency I had, my arm covering my breasts, was about to be removed. I felt him jerk my head closer to him which caused me to gag.

Sluggishly I pulled my hand away and extended it to his friend. The guy took my hand and kissed the back of it, just as Money had done when we first met.

“You’re very pretty,” he said softly. “No, you’re absolutely beautiful,” he corrected.

I couldn’t really tell you what he looked like as I tried my hardest not to look at him. I didn’t want to see him staring at my nudity and I certainly didn’t want to see him watching me performing oral sex. I just wanted to curl up in a deep hole and die.

“Money is a lucky man.”

“That I am,” he replied as the guy let go of my hand and left. I didn’t even know if he was still there watching or not and I briefly wondered if the other roommate was going to show up.

“That’s enough of dick-suckin’ 101,” he said pulling away. I allowed the swollen chuck of meat to fall from my mouth and it dropped like a rock tethered to a wall of short, thick hair before it swung back and forth a few times.

Taking a step to the right he leaned over and pulled out the tube of KY and began coating his penis with it. I felt detached, almost as if I was as if I was just a spectator as I watched the clear gel coating his rigid black skin. I couldn’t move and remained sitting there like a robot waiting for instructions. I didn’t have to wait long for them.

“Get on your back,” he said and moved slightly out from in front of me. That’s when I saw Tony standing in the doorway to one of the rooms watching us. He was a little taller than Money but thinner and had an indifferent expression on his face. He could have been watching a golf tournament for all he cared.

I did what Money wanted and found myself allowing my legs to fall apart in a welcoming way even before he got on the sofa. Was this what I really wanted? He got between my legs, lined up his penis to my vagina and pushed. It tore into me like a charging bull and quickly collided with the very back of my girlhood. I grunted as he kept pushing, driving it even deeper inside. Where was he trying to go with it? It was already in as far as it could possibly go!

Thankfully my mind was muddled and unfocused or I would have realized how brutal he was with me. I was still really sore from before, but he showed no mercy and pounded me into the couch as if he was driving the final nail into a coffin. I guess in a way that was exactly what he was doing.

He wasn’t making love to his ‘boo’, his girlfriend, he was punishing me with his penis, or so it appeared. Each thrusts seemed more brutal, more determined than the last and it was all I could do to keep from crying out in pain. I didn’t dare make a sound though as I didn’t want to anger him as there was no telling what he would do. I was still new at sex, but he treated me as if I had been doing it my entire life.

“Open ... your ... mouth...” he panted just before withdrawing. I knew what he wanted, and I did what he asked, shutting my eyes in the process as I felt the spongy head push past my parted lips as the deluge of slime filled my throat. There is always so much of it. Somehow, I figured if he did that often enough that eventually he would run out, but I guess that wasn’t the case for him.

Sweat rained down on me from above as he gasped and struggled to catch his breath. He really exerted himself as the throbbing between my legs gave testament to his efforts. He was much bigger and stronger and utilized his superior power to exert his control over me. I just didn’t realize that at the time. I was still caught up with everything, having my first real boyfriend and reeling with the knowledge that an older guy really liked me. Slowly Money moved away and I saw Tony standing right next to the sofa.

“Damn, baby, you can take some dick, huh?” he asked showing a row of shining teeth. He wasn’t as dark as Money but was still dark.

“I didn’t think a tiny lit’l thing like you could handle a hard fuck, but you sure the fuck can!” I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. He looked toward Money, who was now sitting on the loveseat nearby wiping the sweat from his face.

“We cool?” He asked.

“Naw, man, not right now. She ain’t ready yet. Gimme a couple mo’ days, a’ight?”

“Sure, man, I can wait,” he said turning his attention back to me.

“Damn, baby, you sho’ be fine,” he added with a wink.

I wasn’t sure if it was drugs coursing through my system or my lack of understanding of ‘the game’ but I had no idea what Tony and Money were talking about. If I had maybe I would have stopped seeing him or told someone what was happening. No, like a lamb led to slaughter, I just laid there like an idiot, fully exposed to his roommate and totally unaware of what was in store for me.

“Get dressed,” Money ordered and reached for his own clothes. Slowly I dressed, being fully aware that Tony was nearby watching. Why was Money allowing his roommate to see me naked? Gingerly I followed him outside and to the parking lot.

“You did good,” he said after starting the car. “Too shy in front of my boy, but I liked the show you put on for him.”

“What do you mean? What show?”

“You know, fuckin’ and suckin’ like a ho. I was proud of you,” he added with a pat to my leg.

“You don’t need to be shy ‘round me or my boys, boo.” He was smiling at me and for some reason I felt pleased to have made him happy. I had this warm feeling deep in the pit of my stomach.

It took nearly fifteen minutes to make the drive to my house and he chatted nonstop about things I had no interest in or understanding of. Everything with him was some sort of ‘get rich quick’ scheme and he was always looking for the right angle, the right opportunity. Little did I know that his ‘right’ opportunity was sitting right next to him.

Parking a few houses from our house he leaned over the console and put his lips to mine for one of his notorious kisses. Every time it made my toes curl and gave me butterflies in my stomach. That was enough for me. I didn’t need all the sex stuff, just the kiss alone was incredible. When he pulled away, I sighed and took a deep breath. I couldn’t stop smiling as I was tingling all over.

“I’ll be back at eleven,” he said reaching past me to open my door. He didn’t tell me to meet him there, but I knew that’s what he wanted. I was still lightheaded, mostly from whatever he was putting in my drink, but also from that amazing kiss. I was high just from that.

“Hey,” he called out to me as he dropped my backpack onto the passenger seat. I smiled before reaching into the car for it.

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