For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

The next day was business as usual with me flying solo on Craigslist and even though I was kept very busy for the sixteen hours, he wasn’t happy as I wasn’t able to keep up with demand and he had to turn away customers. The next day presented the same problem and again the following day.

“I need another ho,” he told me as we drove to a different motel, the third in as many days. I was still reeling from the shock of having Brittany killing herself. It made the local news but nothing really came of it. I was just thankful that the motel accepted cash and no one used their real name when they rented the room. They had blurry video footage of D when he got both rooms, and they asked for the public’s help to identify him, but no came forward.

“I don’t know anyone else.”

“Think ‘bout it, boo. You did good with Brit, but it just didn’t work out.” DIDN’T WORK OUT?!?! She’s fucking dead!!! I stared at him in disbelief over his lack of compassion.

“I really don’t know of anyone else, Money.”

“Someone from school? Maybe talk to your cuz again. I’d still like to have ‘er. I’ve been tryin’ to get Scott to hook me up wid ‘er but he can’t do it.”

“Rachael isn’t talking to me and there isn’t anyone at school that I can think of.”

“What ‘bout your sister? She cute.”

“Brooke?!? Money you can’t be serious!”

“Why not?”

“For starters she’s only eleven.”

“You don’t think eleven-year-olds know how to fuck? I seen on TV not long ago a ten-year-old slut had a baby. They fuck, trust me.” I stared at him as he drove.

“You’re not serious, are you?” He turned to look at me during the red light.

“D knows people. Men who like real young girls like her. They’ll pay good money to fuck ‘er.”

“Money I’m not getting my little sister into this shit!”

“Who else then? You tell me who else and make it happen or I want your sister!” His voice was loud and echoed in my left ear.

“She’s only four-and-a-half feet tall and hardly weighs sixty-five pounds! She has no tits, no shape and she’s too little for sex. She still believes in the damn tooth fairy for fucks sake!” He snickered and slowly shook his head.

“See, she already know she can make money with her mouth!” He laughed again.

“Money ... please, don’t make me do that.”

“Get me someone else then, a’ight?” I sat in silence trying to think of someone, anyone that I could get instead of Brooke. Sure, she was a brat and got on my nerves but for her to go through what I’m going through is unimaginable. I wouldn’t do that to her. I couldn’t.

We turned into the motel and drove around the back. We always get rooms in the back to minimize visibility and prying eyes. Roscoe had already booked the rooms and was waiting for us there with D. We went in and I noticed the older man sitting on the bed with a smile. His hair was short and white and he was about sixty years old. He stood, met me halfway across the floor and whispered into my ear how pretty I was. Great, my first customer was already there.

It was hardly ten o’clock in the morning and he was well on his way to getting off inside of me. I was thrashing about beneath him, grunting and moaning with the same level and intensity that he was. My request for him to fuck me harder was met with lots of enthusiasm. He was slightly larger than average but I could barely feel him inside of me. My actions showed otherwise.

As my day progressed and the procession of men moved in and out of the room my mind remained fixated on Brooke and who I could get to replace her. I knew Money wouldn’t let me off without finding someone else to sacrifice. That’s what it felt like. My cousin nearly became a victim of Money’s disparate determination to get rich between the legs of unsuspecting prey and Brittany was already sacrificed for his greed.

In a way, it reminded me of The Hunger Games movie that I had seen a few months ago at the theater where the star took the place of her younger sister in a televised show where only one contestant was to live. I would do that for her but I knew that it was too late as I was already in the game. I need to find another tribute or my little sister would suffer the same fate as me. But who?

It was 3:48 in the morning as the final trick of the night rolled off of me panting. I was hot, tired, sticky, and stinking. The phone was silent and Roscoe and D had left over an hour earlier. My final refreshed ad was just after 10 pm and it generated several more customers before this last one. I hardly had any time to clean up and only got a couple of restroom breaks. Like a high-speed assembly line of dick, the men kept coming and cumming throughout the night. My legs were fixed in the open position, giving the outward appearance of wanting more sex.

“Thank you for the nice time,” the final stranger said while tying his shoes. I smiled. He was mid-forties, medium build, dark curly hair, and a plain face. Nothing special about him or his cock and he was just one of thirty-two men to pay Money to have sex with me that day. My crotch felt as if it was on fire and my ass was prolapsed but I didn’t dare look at it for fear of freaking out again.

“Can I call you again sometime, Lola?” he asked standing next to the bed.

“Call me anytime you want to, I’m available all the time,” I replied trying to keep my fake smile wide. It was hard to with my lips so swollen they looked like a botched Botox job. Men love having me suck their cocks and aren’t just satisfied with me sucking, they want to fuck my mouth and most aren’t gentle. He left and Money sat on the bed.

“If I had two hoes, you wouldn’t gotta fuck so many dudes every day,” he informed me. Even though these marathon fuck sessions were brutal on my body, I would do it 24 hours a day, seven days of the week if it meant saving my little sister from this life. There was no way she could handle having sex with one man let alone dozens.

“Get dressed,” he instructed as he stood and began packing the computer and belongings into his bag. “Clean them condoms too,” added. I looked over the edge of the bed at the pile of used condoms, all devoid of semen after my determined resolve to empty everyone into my mouth throughout the night. That was what I was to do and it thrilled each of the men as they watched with captivation. Only one made a face of disapproval and had a negative comment. In a way, I think it helped as that was my main source of protein.

In the bathtub I tried spraying the water between my legs but the burning sensation was too hard to tolerate it for long. I used my hand to scoop water from the tub and gently splashed it between my legs. That would have to do for now. My butt hole didn’t fare much better as it was the preferred place of pleasure for over half of the men. I could feel the ‘tail’ bulging as I squatted in the tub but I didn’t try to correct it. I was too tired and to indifference to care.

Money turned the radio off in the car and drove home slowly. I knew he wanted to discuss something with me, or should I say discuss ‘at’ me. I had very little say in matters, especially those that involved me, sex, or money. I wasn’t in the mood and only wanted to sleep, but he wasn’t about to allow that.

“Who you got fo’ me?” He asked. I knew what he was asking.

“No one. I can’t think of anyone right now but if you give me more...”

“I done told you, Lisa. Gimme someone or gimme yo sister. I want cha sister.” I felt my stomach drop.

“I ... can’t.”

“What you mean ‘you can’t’?!? What I told you befo’? You never tell me ‘no’ and you never tell me you can’t, understand me!?!” He growled through clenched teeth.

“Do it and don’t gimme no shit!”

“How, Money? I’m sure my parents are watching her like a hawk and even if I was able to get her that’s kidnapping and they would call the cops. Do you really want the cops looking for her? Looking for us? This is some serious shit, Money! Rachael knows where we live and the cops will be at our door before the sun even set! Think about what you’re asking me to do.”

He mumbled something that I didn’t understand but remained quiet for the rest of the drive home. I felt a little better as I was hopeful that he changed his mind and wouldn’t want to kidnap my little sister to turn her into a drugged-out sex slave like me. She wouldn’t survive. I was petite but she’s a lot smaller and just having a normal-size adult cock inside of her would just about kill her, I was sure of that.

Tony, DeShawn, and Roscoe were waiting for me when we got back to the apartment to get their rocks off before I was allowed to clean up and go to bed. Money didn’t touch me that night and I wasn’t sure if it was because he was still mad at me about Brooke, if he was just tired, or if I had been with so many men that I was no longer exciting for him. It didn’t really matter as it gave me a break.

The next day I went with Roscoe and D to the motel while Money ‘ran errands’. That always made me nervous as I was never sure what to expect but it usually didn’t end well for me. My thoughts were on Brooke and I got it in my head that he was stalking her, planning a way to kidnap her. He was always thinking, always scheming always looking for a way to make a quick buck. If he could only use that talent for good.

I didn’t see Money until almost five in the afternoon when he replaced D as he had some place to go. D returned around midnight to get Roscoe and then it was just me and Money until just after 3 in the morning. Another sixteen-and-a-half-hour day of fucking and another 29 men. My body still hadn’t recovered and I was beginning the think the human body wasn’t designed for so much physical exertion and sexual abuse.

“Tomorrow we get your sister,” he said after starting the car.

He slowly backed out of the motel parking stall and I just stared at his profile. Was he joking? Doesn’t he remember our conversation from last night? The risk was too great for any reward to happen, so why would he even suggest that?

“What do you mean?” I knew what he was saying but I wanted to hear it.

“You know what the fuck I mean, bitch, don’t play dumb!” he retorted.

“How? What about the cops? Her face will be all over the news and anyone that sees her will report us. You’re asking for trouble.” I made one last ditch effort to persuade him against this crazy idea.

“If you don’t get someone fo’ me, I’m gunna get your little sister.”

I have been racking my brain for two days trying to come up with someone, but I couldn’t. The meth not only numbed my body, but it also numbed my brain and even if I knew someone, I don’t think that I’d would know it. I thought of Britney and how we ‘became’ friends because of Joey. I never knew her and wouldn’t have known her if she...

“JOEY!” I shouted as we drove into the parking stall at the apartment.

“Who da fuck is that? She fine?”

“Joey’s a guy.” He turned off the car and glared at me with his intimidating bulging eyes.

“That ain’t funny, Lisa. I don’t mess with no fuckin’ guys!” It suddenly dawned on me why he was so upset and I cracked a smile.

“No, Money, not like that! Joey is that guy I told you about picks out vulnerable girls, tells them he wants to be their boyfriend, and then tricks them into having sex with a bunch of guys at school. If they don’t, they start spreading rumors that the girl is a slut and they share photos all around school of them having sex.” It made sense in my head, but it wasn’t coming out right.

“What the fuck?!?”

“Joey had a girlfriend, Ashley Thompson, I knew her since the third grade, but we haven’t been friends since the sixth grade. He did the same shit to her and then broke up with her for some reason. She used to be a cheerleader but quit the squad after he ruined her rep around school!” He just stared at me as if I had two heads.

“She fine?” He finally responded after thinking about it for a moment.

“She’s very pretty. Used to do dance and gymnastics and she’s been a cheerleader for like five years. She’s very athletic and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her tits are bigger than mine if that helps.” A wide smile curled his large lips but he didn’t say anything as he simply got out of the car and headed for the building while I followed.

DeShawn was playing video games in the living room when we walked in the apartment. Who in the hell plays games at 4 in the morning!?! I rushed to the bathroom to clean up while Money talked to him about something. It didn’t matter as I only wanted to get away from them. My pussy was red, swollen, and really bruised, a ‘normal’ work hazard I was told, and the lump hanging out of my ass felt like a soft stress ball. I pushed it back in and cleaned up, expecting DeShawn to come get his nightly dose of pussy but he didn’t.

“Hurry the fuck up!” Money barked through the door. I had only been in there for about ten minutes but he wanted me out. DeShawn was gone when I opened the door and that really confused me.

“What happened to DeShawn?” Unusually if he waited up for me to get home, that meant he wanted sex, but not that night.

“Sleep,” he replied and pushed me toward our bedroom. For the next twenty minutes we sat on the bed as we discussed my idea to ‘befriend’ Ashley and then turn her out. Once she had her first taste of meth, I was sure that she would love it just as much as I did and would willingly allow them to prostitute her just to get her next fix. Money seemed intrigued, but not convinced I could pull it off.

The next morning, I met with a few clients that D had set me up with. They didn’t post my Craigslist ad as they wanted to wait until I was able to get Ashley for them. My fifth trick was at 1:30 and by 2:15 we were leaving the motel on our way to my old school. My stomach was in knots and I felt as if I was going to throw up but this had to be done in order to save my little sister.

Money didn’t give me the usual shot and held back a lot. I hardly got a third of what he normally gave me and by the time the last guy was getting to the motel I was starting to crave more. He has been waiting longer and giving me less each time and my anxiety levels and sleepiness increased. My hunger for more kept me submissive and obedient, just the way he wanted me. I literally gasped when he pulled the cap off of the toothbrush holder with a syringe inside and removed it.

“You want this, huh?” he asked waving it around in front of me. He knew I did. I wanted it more than anything in the world and he laughed when I quickly nodded my head in anticipation.

“Beg for it.”

“Please, Money ... please.”

“That ain’t good ‘nuff.”

“Please, Money, I really need it!” I laid it on thick and he smiled at my desperation.

“You get this when I get my new girl,” he said and dropped the syringe back into the plastic holder then recapped it. I gasped loudly and my eyes widened.

I had never gone this long without my shot and it felt as if I was losing my mind! The tremors had already started, my stomach was in knots, I was feeling anxious and the only thing I could concentrate on was getting more of it. That’s all that mattered. My eyes followed his hand as he reached over and shoved the holder into the glove compartment. It felt as if I had just lost my best friend, and in a way, I had.

I knew where Ashley lived and I predicted how she would walk home from school and had Money park about two blocks away. She no longer stayed after for cheer leading practice as she saw herself as the laughingstock of the entire school for what Joey had done to her. Her friends abandoned her and she no longer had a social life as she was sent into self-exile.

“THERE SHE IS!” I shouted when I saw her approaching in the side mirror. Money turned around to see her better and smiled at my choice.

“That’ll work,” he said winking at me. I lowered my window and waited for her to walk closer.

“ASHLEY!” I shouted. She gave a quick glance toward the car but kept walking. Shit! I called her name again but she didn’t even acknowledge me. I got out as she passed the car.

“Why are you ignoring me?”

“What do you want, Lisa?” She asked with a rude tone.

“I just want to talk. I know what Joey did to you and he did the same thing to me. That’s why I quit school.”

“You quit?” I nodded.

“He ruined my reputation and sent out photos of me having sex to everyone and I couldn’t bear to face anyone.” Slowly she nodded.

“Yea, I know that feeling,” she sighed.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know. I just want to go home and lock myself in my room and not think about it.”

“You’ll feel better to get it off your chest, Ash,” I smiled and caught myself looking at her tits. Although the shirt wasn’t tight, she definitely had two large lumps there and Money will be happy.

“I’ll give you my number, you can call me later if you want to,” she said and tore a sheet of paper out of her notebook.

“No, I’d like to talk about it face to face. Maybe we can get some coffee or something and just talk for a while. I’ll feel better and I know you will too.”

“I have a lot of homework, Lisa.” I could tell that this wasn’t going to be easy. Joey really did a number on her and really fucked up her life.

“It won’t take long, I promise.”

“I have to go,” she informed me and started walking away.

“ASHLEY! WAIT!” I grunted and heard a car door slam shut. I looked back toward Money’s car to see if he was coming after us. I wouldn’t put it past him to just grab her off of the street and throw her in the backseat of the car.


“Please, I really need to talk to you about this. There’s a Starbucks not far. We’ll have one coffee, my treat, and then talk about how to get even with Joey.” I could see the wheels turning as she debated on going or not.

“Come on, this won’t take long and my boyfriend will have you home in no time. It will only be fifteen or twenty minutes, I promise.” I gave my best friendly smile.

“Maybe another time,” she smiled at me.

“I really need to talk to you alone, Ashley, please.” I was literally begging her as if my life depended on it as in a way it did. And so did Brooke’s.

“What do you want to talk about?” She asked with a heavy sigh and my heart began to pound.

“I’ll tell you later. Right now, let’s just get some coffee, okay?” She nodded and walked with me to the car. My heart was racing like crazy in my chest and by the time I opened the door I couldn’t breathe. I knew once she was inside of the car there was no turning back. Her fate would be sealed forever. Folding the seat forward I moved aside to let her get in. She saw Money and stopped.

“What’s wrong? Get inside.”

“I don’t know him.”

“I do. He’s my boyfriend and he’s going to drive us to the coffee shop and then drive you home, okay?”

“I don’t get into cars with people I don’t know.”

“Ashley, everything’s fine, you don’t have to worry,” I assured. The need for my shot was making me irritable and impatient.

“You know me, don’t you? We’ve been friends since the third grade!” She nodded but kept staring at Money. He was giving her his ‘killer’ smile and extended his hand to shake hers.

“You’re Ashley, right? I’ve heard so much about you. You’re much prettier than Lisa told me.” His words were sweet, soft, and his voice was calming. He was very good at this.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” He added. Money could be a perfect gentleman when he wanted to. I nudged her slightly toward the open door but she resisted. For a few seconds I thought she was going to back away and take off running down the street screaming. I could just imagine the problems we’d have then.

“Get in, Ashley,” I snarled a little too forcefully. “Please,” I added with a smile.

It was the longest ten seconds of my life as she debated on whether to get in or not. Finally, she did and I breathed a deep sigh of relief. As quickly as possible, I jumped in and slammed the door while Money accelerated rapidly, nearly sideswiped a car about to pass us. The guy blew the horn at us, but Money ignored him.

“Hold on,” I smiled toward her. She had the look of fear in her eyes as she slid on the leather seat to the other side of the car.

“Buckle up!” She was busy snapping the belt together and didn’t notice when Money looked in my direction and smiled.

We laced through traffic and ran two stop signs that I noticed as he hurried toward the apartment. Ashley watched from the backseat as cars, people and houses flew past us at a concerning speed. He was doing more than twice the posted speed limit and thankfully wasn’t pulled over by a cop.

“Where are we going?” she asked as Money turned the car into the apartment complex.

“I forgot my wallet. I need it to pay for the coffee,” he informed her. He had plenty of money but she didn’t need to know that. He parked the car and we both got out. I stood next to the opened door, folded the seat down, and waited.

“Aren’t you getting out?”

“I’ll wait here. Just get the wallet and come back.”

“I want you to see where I live, Ash. Come on, okay?” She looked around the grimy complex and then toward Money before looking back at me.

“I’ll just wait here,” she repeated.

“Come on, Ashley, get out! Don’t make me go in there to get you.” My voice wasn’t nice as I was getting desperate and she needed to listen to me! Eventually she slid out and I slammed the door, leaning closer to her just in case she tried to run away.

“You don’t have anything to worry about, Ashley, we’ll just be here for a minute,” I assured as I coiled my arm into hers mand guided her toward the building.

“You live here?” She asked with a sour expression as her eyes carefully scanned the neighborhood It certainly wasn’t a neighborhood she would go to on her own.

“Yea, come on, let’s go, I urged and nudged her slightly.

“Why can’t I wait in the car?”

“Because you can’t, so stop asking and let’s go so we can get what we need!”

God she was annoying! Halfway up the three flights of stairs she was complaining about how far it was and that she wanted to return to the car and bla ... bla ... bla ... Suddenly I wanted Money to shove his cock into her mouth just to shut her up! She was really getting on my nerves. Money held the door open for us and shut and locked it once we were inside.

“This is where I live,” I announced. Thankfully Tony and DeShawn weren’t home or it would have really freaked her out having three large black strangers to deal with.

“Have a seat, I’ll get something for you,” Money said heading toward the kitchen. I was hoping it wasn’t a soda because I figured that would not drink or eat anything that tasted ‘funny’, just like Rachael. She sat on the sofa and I sat beside her.

“What did you want to talk about?” she asked scanning the cluttered room.

“Are you okay?”

“Not really. This has been really hard and I had to close my social media accounts. People can be so mean!”

“Yea, I know. That’s why I quit school. I just couldn’t deal with all that shit anymore!” About this time, Money came back into the room holding a small trash can and sat on the other side of her.

“So, I hear you were a cheerleader,” he said then showed her his wide, flashy smile. She nodded. She was usually outgoing and friendly, but now she’s different and I don’t think she had ever been this close to a black man before. We just didn’t have any black friends.

“You’re in really good shape and I see that you’ve got a killer body!” He complimented her and his smile never wavered. He slowly pulled out the syringe. She inhaled a sharp gasp through her nose and moved away from him and bumped into my arm.

“It’s okay, Ashley, it won’t hurt, I promise.”

“I ... I need to go,” she murmured and was pushing harder against me to get further away from Money.

“Give him your arm,” I demanded. She rapidly shook her head and pulled her arm into her body as she twisted away from him.

“ASHLEY!” I warned in my sternest voice.

“I don’t want it! I want to go home!” She gasped and moved further from him. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm straight. She struggled and fought but she was no match for me as he tied the rubber strap around her arm. Money used his free hand to extend her arm further and I pinned down to her keep her still. One wrong move could become a problem.

“HOLD STILL!” I shouted as she continued to squirm like a snake on a hot road.

“If you move while the needle is in your arm you’ll bleed to death!”

I was using both hands and one of my legs while Money was using his free hand to try to contain her. It took longer than I thought but soon the needle was embedded deep into the crease of her arm and Money was pushing on the plunger. She had stopped struggling once the tip breached her skin. Seconds later he pulled the strap free.

She inhaled deeply and her body went slack. I released my hold and watched as her eyes suddenly widen then rolled up into her eyelids. She made a soft, garbled sound and Money picked up the trash can and held it in front of her.

“In here,” he said seconds before she leaned forward to throw up. How did he know? I didn’t throw up like that the first time I used meth.

“Clean her face,” he told me as she fell backwards onto the sofa. I went to the bathroom and returned with a wet rag. Her eyes were droopy and she struggled to open them. I had quite the opposite reaction.

“What was that?”


“What’s smack?”

“Heroin.” I was shocked that he had given her that. He had given some to me often but only a little bit to help me unwind. Most of the time it was cut with meth to keep me from speeding my ass off too much.

I watched as her lily-white skin became flush and beads of sweat formed on her upper lip. With meth, my eyes were dilated but here became small black dots surrounded by a blue diamond ocean. Her arms fell slack to her sides and she seemed very relaxed, a little too relaxed. I could swear she was smiling but maybe that was just my imagination.

“Get ‘er naked,” he said moving the vomit-filled trash away from her.

“Money you’re not planning on fucking her right now, are you?” He snarled at me and I pulled her to sit up. She had on a pullover striped shirt and it was difficult to get it off of her because of her boobs and she was too relaxed cooperate. Her body kept drifting to the side.

“Just cut the shit off ‘er!” Money barked and handed me a pair of scissors. I started at the neck collar and cut downward, ending at the hem of the shirt. Money reached over and pulled open the front to expose her lacy bra.

“Damn,” was all he said.

“I told you she had nice tits,” I reminded him.

I hadn’t seen her naked since gym class in the sixth grade and she definitely grew quite a lot since then as her breasts were spilling out on both sides of the cups. Money pulled it up and her large tits flopped out and swayed from side to side. Her nipples were distended and rose from her sizable, pastel-pink areolas like the eraser of a new pencil. He leaned over and sucked on each of them for a moment until they were wet and red from his efforts. A snip with the scissors and the bra was gone.

“Your turn,” he told me. With shock I looked at him and then at her. Was he serious? He wanted me to suck on her nipples?!?

“Do it.” I didn’t have a choice and leaned over, shut my eyes, and did what he ordered. It felt weird doing that and not just because she was my friend. Every man whose nipples I had sucked usually had hair around it and was rough and firm. Hers were soft and delicate, almost like kissing a rose petal. I did the right one for about twenty seconds and then moved onto the left.

Money stood, lifted her from the couch and held her suspended midair in front of him. Her body was slack and she struggled to keep her head from rolling to the side but often lost the battle.

“Take off ‘er skirt.”

She had on a designer skirt that hardly reached her knees, with a nice flowery print and a soft material. It was very dainty and girly, much like her. I didn’t bother to remove it and used the scissors to cut it away, just as I had done to her shirt. Soon she was naked except for the tattered shirt sagging from her toned torso. She didn’t struggle much at all and only looked at me with a blank stare. It was as if she was looking through me.

Money dropped her onto the couch and moved his face closer to her crotch. I wasn’t sure what he planned on doing to her, but she was here for one reason and one reason only. If he didn’t fuck her right now, it would happen very soon.

“Damn!” He exclaimed with a smile. “Bitch gotta nice pussy!”

He sounded delighted and I looked between her legs for the first time. She must have kept her pubic hair trimmed very short for cheer leading as there was hardly any hair down there, but she had a lot of stubble. She had very large labia that was elongated and crinkled up around her opening like dried pink fruit.

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