For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

My dad’s car wasn’t in the driveway and I wondered where they were. Was he at work? Was it Tuesday already? My brain was disoriented, my thoughts jumbled and my body was aching all over. I wished they had given me a shot before they left as I was already craving it but I knew it would keep me awake. I needed to sleep.

“HELLO?” I called out as I entered the living room. There was no answer. No one was home and if it was Monday my dad should be here but he wasn’t. Maybe he got called into work. It was 12:27 according to the clock on the DVD player under the TV. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts but it didn’t work. I was exhausted and headed to my room to sleep. I was so tired that I could walk straight.

The muffled sounds of my sister’s voice echoed faintly in my head as if a very distant dream. I could hear bits and pieces of conversation and distinctly heard my mother’s voice. Slowly I opened my eyes to see her concerned face suspended about a foot above mine. She was out of focus and saying something that I couldn’t understand. There was too much echo in my head.

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!” Her voice suddenly became loud and clear.

“Do you know how worried sick we’ve been? What have you been doing? Who were you with? What is going on, Lisa?!?” Her questions came at me faster than my brain could process.

“Answer me!”

“Get the fuck away from me!” I screamed and turned my back toward her. I didn’t see her reaction to my outburst and I frankly didn’t care. I was there to sleep and not be interrogated like a criminal.

“Let her sleep, honey,” I heard my dad tell her. “We’ll talk to her later, okay?”

“What is wrong with you Jeff?!?” She yelled.

“For the past three days you’ve been acting like she’s just away at summer camp or something! Don’t you even care about your daughter? Don’t you want to know what she’s been doing and who she’s been doing it with?!?”

“Screaming at her won’t solve anything, honey and it’s obvious she’s tired. Give her some time to sleep. We’ll wake her later and talk calmly about this. You’re too upset right now anyway.”

“Why am I the only one upset? You should be just as angry as I am, in fact you should be a lot worse!”

“Come on honey, let’s go,” he said and a few seconds later I heard them walking away. Mom was still muttering something about getting to the bottom of this and I was never going to leave the house again without one of them with me. I smiled at that comment. It didn’t take long for me to fall back to sleep listening to the sounds of cartoons on the TV.

“Lisa...” I heard my name as my body gently rocked back and forth.

“Are you awake?” The voice was too deep to be Cory.

“Are you hungry?” My eyes batted open and I rolled over to see my father sitting on my bed with a concerned expression on his face.

“Are you okay?”

“Where’s mom?”

“She’s in the living room waiting for you to come out to talk to us.”

“I don’t feel like talking. I just want to sleep.”

“Where have you been?”

“With friends.”

“Can you come out and talk to us? Your mother is insisting on coming in here but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said looking over at my little sister lying on her bed.

“Why don’t you come talk to us, okay?”

“Later, dad.”

“I think we need to settle this now. You can come back to bed after we’ve talked.” I can’t believe how calm he’s being about this. Normally he’s the one ranting and raving about shit but nothing compares to what I just did.

“Come on, let me help you up,” he said pulling away my sheets. I was so tired that I didn’t change and just got into bed wearing the nylon mini skirt and sequin half shirt, which had folded up to expose my left tit. I hadn’t realized that I was showing it to him and he adjusted it for me.

“What are you wearing?” That was his question?!? The man that chastised me for wearing shorts that showed too much leg asked that question after being MIA for three entire days?!? I was dressed like a whore and exposing parts of my body that he hadn’t seen in years. Well except for the other night.

“Maybe you should change before going out to talk to your mother. She won’t like what you’re wearing.” I smiled. He must be feeling guilty as hell to be so calm about this.

“FINE!” I exhaled deeply and sat up. I could still feel the burn between my legs as whatever was keeping the pain suppressed wore off. A hundred cocks in three days was a lot to deal with and my body was just now starting to protest the abuse. Just sitting caused discomfort as my asshole was also a frequent target for use.

My father looked away as I changed into something ‘more appropriate’ for my mother. I had a headache, my body hurt all over, I felt tired and depressed and didn’t want to deal with anyone or anything. I just wanted to be left alone but I knew my mother and knew that I wouldn’t have a moment of peace until I faced her and gave her satisfactory answers to her questions. She was sitting on the couch when we entered the room.

“Sit,” she demanded and I sat on the opposite end of the sofa while my dad sat in his chair. I didn’t see Uncle Russell or Cory.

“Where have you been for the past three days?”


“Don’t give me that crap, Lisa. Tell me where you’ve been!” I knew she was angry because she used ‘crap’, something she never did. I had never heard her say a curse word before and they were strictly forbidden in the house.

“I spent the night with a friend.”

“THREE NIGHTS, LISA!” She corrected. “Who is this ‘friend’?”

“He’s just a friend.”

“HE?!? Is it a man? How old is he?” Shit.

“Nineteen,” I lied, as I gave her the age he had given me when we first met.

“NINETEEN!!!” You’re hanging around with a nineteen-year-old man?!?”

“He’s just a friend, mom.” If she only knew the ages of the men, I’d had sex with already.

“Are you having sex with him?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, yes it does, Lisa. You’re a child! You’re only fourteen-years-old! You’re not mature enough for a relationship and definitely not ready for sex!” She huffed and looked toward my father for support. He remained quiet.

“Did he at least use protection?” I sighed.


“So, you admit that you’re having sex with this boy ... this man!”

“It doesn’t matter what you think, mom, it’s MY body and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do!” She was shocked by my profanity.

“Do NOT use that language in this house, Lisa! What if your sister were to hear you say that?”

“She’s heard worse, I’m sure.”

“You are never seeing him again, understand? Delete his number. You will only leave this house to go to school and you will have either me or your father with you. You are to come home after school and remain home until we tell you that you’re allowed to leave! Do you understand me, Lisa?”

“I understand, but that’s not going to happen. I’m not a prisoner and you can’t keep me locked up and away from my boyfriend!”

“You think so? We’ll just see about that!” She huffed. “Where’s your phone?”


“You just lost your phone. Give it to me.”


“WHAT?!?” I had never in my life ever talked back to my parents and she was completely shocked that I did.

“I’m leaving,” I said and stood up.

“LISA! Get back here this instant!” I kept walking and I heard my father trying to calm her down.

He was actually holding her arm as she attempted to pursue me down the hall. I had never seen her so livid before. I grabbed the clothes I had on, the last remaining pair of hot pants I kept hidden in my closet and my cell phone before leaving the room in a tiff. Brooke silently watched me until I left the room. My mother was waiting for me by the front door with her hands on her hips.

“You’re not leaving this house!”

“Move out of my way, mother!”

“I will call the police and have him arrested! It’s statutory rape to have sex with an underage girl. Do you want to see your boyfriend in jail?” I guess she changed her tactics.

“Do you want to see your husband in jail?” I countered with a snarl.

“Go ahead and call the police, mom, but you better have them send another car for dad.” She looked toward my father.

“What is she talking about, Jeff?”

“I don’t know, honey,” he denied with a strained expression.

“Are you saying that we didn’t fuck the other day right in the chair you’re sitting in?”

“Jeff?” Mom said his name in the form of a question.

“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” he repeated a little stronger but with a reddened face. I could see that he was starting to sweat.

“Do you want me to describe your cock, dad? Tell mom how thick it is and how long it is? Should I describe the thick bluish vein that runs all the way long the top? Does she know how salty your cum tastes?”

“JEFFERY!?!” The blood seemed to drain from her face as she turned ghost white.

“Honey I swear I don’t know what she’s talking about!” My dad insisted. It was my word against his and I was the one acting wayward. Mom looked at me with anger over falsely accusing him of such a horrible crime.

“It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, mom, I made a video of us fucking and I’ll be more than happy to show it to the cops if you call them.” Mom’s stare shifted back to my father and he remained mute.

“I’m only going to ask you this once, Jeffery, did you do it?” She questioned him. I could see him swallowing hard.

“I..., uh, I don’t know, er, I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t stop it. It was, um, I was, so ... so confused, honey, it was like I was somebody else...”

“So, you did do it?”

“I’m sorry, honey, it only happened one time and...

“ENOUGH!” She screamed. “I’ll deal with you later,” she said before returning her attention to me.

“Regardless of what happened between you and your father you’re not leaving this house!” She was persistent and bitchy. I’d have to put her in her place.

“I’m not the only underage girl dad’s fucked mom,” I said with a smile just to twist the knife a little deeper.

“Ask him about Elizabeth Perkins. She was younger than me when he started fucking her!” Mom nearly collapsed and held onto the table for support.

“I wasn’t the only one having sex with her!” My father protested. “And I was only seventeen, I didn’t know any better and...” I had never seen the look she gave my father.

“YOU BASTARD!” She screamed. “I’ll see you in prison!”

“If dad’s going to jail so will Uncle Russell, he fucked me right on the couch the other day,” I grinned.

“And his cock is even bigger than daddy’s!” Mom’s face went ghost white again.

“His big blue vein is on the side though, isn’t that right daddy?” I asked smirking at him.

“And let’s not forget about your brother, mother dearest, he was the first to fuck me so he’ll go to jail too, right? I mean he did take my cherry and fucked me every chance he got, especially during the Sunday BBQs. Do you want me to describe his cock to you too?”

I felt empowered. She was trying to play the ‘mother’ card and I trumped her with the ‘send your relatives to jail’ card. She looked numb, her face pale, taunt, and void of expressions but I didn’t stop.

“Scott is over eighteen too so he’ll be sharing a prison cell right along with his father.” Mom’s mouth hadn’t closed since I mentioned Uncle Russell having sex with me.

“Maybe they’ll all share the same cell, what do you think, mom? It will be easier that way for visitations, right?” She still hadn’t recovered from the news.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about Cory, he’s not old enough to go to jail but he’ll probably still be sent to juvie or something.”

“Cory?” Mom whispered and then pulled out a chair from the table to sit before her legs gave out. She was in a state of absolute shock and she was shaking like a dried leaf in a summer breeze. Cory was her only son; the golden child and she’s always treated him a little better than Brooke and me.

I turned to my father who had the ‘deer in the headlights’ look on his face.

“Remember you said the other day that you were pissed because there was a joke going around work and you were left out of it? You want to know what the joke was, daddy? YOU are the fucking joke! Lester fucked me that day and was telling everyone at your work about it! They all know you have a whore for a daughter now and guess what, daddy, they all want to fuck me too!” I smirked at his shocked expression.

“In fact, my racist father, Lester fucked me the same day you did so not only did you have your cock in the same hole as his black cock, but I also probably had some of his cum still inside of me! Your cock was swimming around in his cum, daddy! His BLACK cum! How did it feel?”

“DEAR GOD, LISA! YOU HAD SEX WITH A BLACK MAN?!?” My mother groaned and I laughed loudly.

A black man, mom? I’ve probably fucked half the black guys in LA County by now!” She put her head on the table and openly sobbed, her shoulders shaking.

“It won’t be long before the other half fucks me too!” I looked back at my father.

“And all the guys at your work!”

My dad had already been crying but the waterworks really opened up after that. I wasn’t sure if it was knowing the guys at his job were going to fuck me or if it was because of all the black men that were fucking me. Either way it didn’t matter. Both of my parents were a mess, completely broken and I knew they would no longer be a problem for me.

“I’m leaving now and I won’t be back. Don’t try to find me or I’ll tell the police everything and I even have videos to prove it. You fuck with me and I’ll fuck right back, isn’t that right daddy?” I stormed toward the door without looking back. I felt good about putting them in their places.

It wasn’t that I wanted to ruin my family and throw all the guys under the bus, but I couldn’t allow them to have Money arrested. He was the most important thing in my life, well, actually meth was, but Money had the meth and I wouldn’t have it without him, so I needed to protect him at all costs, including my entire family.

I stomped quickly away from the house and took out my phone to call Money.

“Hey, come get me,” I told him. “I’m ready to go with you.”

For some twisted reason I felt good about what I had just done. I literally tore my family apart at the foundation and irreparably changed my parent’s relationship. I didn’t know if their marriage would survive the night but frankly, I didn’t care. I had my freedom; I had my man, and there was nothing they could do to change that. All of the animosity I had been feeling toward everyone was gone and it felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

I didn’t hang around the house and headed toward the corner to meet Money at the 7-Eleven on the corner just in case they had a change of mind and came looking for me. I doubted it, but I didn’t want to risk it. I no longer wanted to live with them, I wanted Money, or more precisely what Money gave me in the form of my shot. I would do anything he wanted as long as he gave me what I needed.

I didn’t see it as a drug. It wasn’t a vessel for which he controlled and manipulated me. It was a shot, like I got at the doctor’s, but only so much better. So much better. I was feeling the hunger for it and the urge grew more intense with every passing moment. The yearning for it over-shadowed everything else.

I had almost reached the 7-Eleven when a car pulled up beside me and drove slowly to match my pace. It took a second to realize it was my uncle’s car as the passenger window lowered and Cory called me over.

“Where are you going?” My uncle asked leaning forward to see my face.

“Far away.”

“Need a ride?”

“No. I’ve got a ride coming. Just be careful when you go home.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mom’s on the warpath.”


“You’ll find out when you get home.”

“Am I in trouble?” Cory asked with concern. I grimaced at him.

Everyone’s in trouble.”

“What did I do?”

“You know what you did. You both did it and mom found out.”

“HOW?!?” Uncle Russell asked with desperation in his voice.

“I told her.”

“WHAT?!? WHY?!?”

“She was going to call the cops on my boyfriend and have him arrested so I told her I’d do the same thing to everyone else that fucked me, including my dad.”

“Jeff fucked you too?!?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just be warned when you go home.”

“Shit, Lisa, now I’m really fucked! Where am I going to go?”

“Don’t know, don’t care. You’ll find someone to live with, you always do.” The headlights coming closer caught my attention and I looked up to see the car slowing down. It was Money.

“My ride is here,” I said starting to walk away. “Good luck.”

Money parked behind his car and went over to in.

“Who the fuck that is?” He asked staring at the back of the car.

“My brother and my uncle.”

“What’s going on, boo? You said you want be with me. You mean foreva?”

“Yes. I’m tired of their bullshit and how they keep trying to tell me what to do. I feel like I’m in prison and I want to be with you.”

“Dat’s my boo,” he said leaning over to kiss me. It was one of his special kisses that he hadn’t given me for a while and I felt lightheaded once he pulled away.

“You need a little something-something, huh?” He asked taking out the plastic holder with a single syringe. I sucked in a deep breath of air and extended my arm, placing it on the center console. I still couldn’t watch as the needle pierced my skin but felt it and seconds later my breath was taken away from the rush. My heart began racing and my drowsiness quickly vanished. God that shit is fantastic!

“Let’s go make me some money,” he said backing up to turn around. Uncle Russell’s car was still parked on the side of the road as he debated on what to do. I watched in the side mirror until I could no longer see them and sat quietly as he drove for a while. I recognized the house we went to and sighed.

Sunday nights at Angel’s wasn’t that great. There were too many girls and not enough customers to go around. The five other women there were giving me the stink-eye as I got the lion’s share of the men. They complained to anyone who would listen and one actually had the nerve to tell me before midnight to just leave. Of course, Money wasn’t around to take me home and I wasn’t about to leave until he came to get me. They would have to deal with it.

“I gots bills to pay, bitch!” one of the oldest women there yelled at me when I came out of the back after my ninth customer.

“You need to back the fuck off!” She was probably in her late 30’s but looked much older and the makeup didn’t really hide very well her poor complexion and aging skin. Even with extra-large fake tits she had only had two customers and had been just as long as I was.

“I can’t help it if they want me,” I retorted and went to sit on the other side of a man sitting at the bar talking to another woman. He glanced at me and briefly turned away only to return his gaze with a smile.

“Hey baby, where you came from?” he asked looking me up and down.

“Get the fuck away, I got this one, bitch!” The woman that had been talking to him leaned forward to spat at me.

“Hold on, baby, don’t be gettin’ all crazy and shit. She just wanna talk, right?” he said not taking his eyes off of me. I nodded.

Money had bought me a bright red see-through teddy at Victoria Secret’s and even though it was an extra small, it was a little loose on me and my tits were showing from around the sides. His eyes seemed to fixate on my burgeoning chest.

“Bitch! Find your own man!” She followed up. I looked around the room to find only two other customers and both had someone sitting on their lap making out.

“What’s your name, baby?” the older black man asked as he ignored the woman who looked three times older than me.


“Lo~la,” he repeated emphasizing the syllables.

“Lovely Lola,” he added and I smiled. The other bitch that had just given me a hard time came up behind me an elbowed me into the side.

“Don’t steal tricks, bitch,” she whispered into my ear opposite of the man I was talking to. I pushed her face away from me.

“He can pick whoever he wants!” I shouted and turned away from her. I didn’t see the swing coming as she swung her hand hard and slapped the side of my face. I was knocked into the guy and nearly fell off of my stool. Samuel was right there and pulled the woman away.

“What’s going on here?” Angel yelled over the music as she came flying into the room.

“Your little bitch is steeling customers!” The woman who had just hit me announced struggled to break free of the bouncer.

“I wasn’t steeling!” I objected. “I just sat at the bar and he started talking to me!”

“Crystal had him first, isn’t that right, Crystal?”

“I was talking to him first, Angel. I was about to close the deal when dis ho stepped in.”

“I want the three of you in my office, NOW,” she snapped and went to the man.

“I’m sorry for all this, let me make it up to you. Pick a girl, any girl and you can have her fo’ free tonight. How does that sound?” He smiled and stared at me.

“I like that one,” he said pointing to me.

“The young white girl.” Of course.

“She’s yours then, just let me settle this and I’ll send you out to you, okay, suga?” she asked and touched his arm. She turned and glared at us.

MOVE.” I swallowed hard as I didn’t want to be in trouble.

“I didn’t do anything, Angel, I swear!” I exclaimed even before we were all inside of the small office.

“Sit,” she demanded and sat in an office chair behind a small desk.

“Crystal, we been workin’ together fo’ a while and I ain’t never had no problems with you. We made good money together and I wanna keep makin’ it with you but this shit gotta stop!”

“I’m sorry Angel, I...”

“I ain’t done yet!” She interrupted and then looked at the woman that had hit me.

“Honey, you been here what, five or six months and I been havin’ complaints ‘bout you. Too many fo’ my taste. I don’t need no troublemakers workin’ fo’ me, understand?”

“I’m sorry if I...”

“I said I ain’t done talkin’! This ain’t no discussion, Honey. I want you to get your shit and leave. I don’t want you comin’ back here no more, understand?”

“Angel it wasn’t my fault! This little bitch is...” Angel slammed her hand onto the desk startling everyone. Honey stopped talking.

“GO!” She growled and pointed toward the door.

“Crystal, why don’t you take the rest of the night off and start fresh tomorrow.”

“Why do I have to go? I didn’t do nothing wrong?”

“It’s a slow night anyway, Crystal. Just do what I say, okay?” She nodded and got up, giving me a glare as she turned to leave. I watched her until the door was shut and I was alone with Angel.

“Look, Lola, you new here and maybe don’t know all the rules, but when a girl gotta customer, you leave ‘em alone, okay? These girls all got families to support and need to make money. You just worry ‘bout the mens you get and leave the others alone. Do you understand me?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good. You young and pretty and I know we can make a lotta money together but you gots to play nice with the other girls.”

“I will. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“I know it won’t, girl. Now go out there and give that man the fuck of his life. Make him want to come back fo’ you,” she said winking. I smiled and left her office and as expected the man was still waiting at the bar for me.

Over the next two hours only five more customers came in and I was able to get two of them without even trying. The other three girls each got one and I sat watching the clock as it slowly approached 4 am. I wasn’t sure how long Money was going to leave me there and I was starting to get my hunger for another shot.

“You okay?” Samuel came over and sat with me.


“She hit you pretty hard.” It had been over two hours earlier and I had already forgotten about it.

“I’m fine.”

“Slow night.”


“How many you done so far?” I counted the tickets.

“Eleven. Twelve actually but I had to do one guy for free.” He smiled.

“That’s twice what Cinnamon did and she’s usually the top dog.” I shrugged my shoulder. Most of the other girls had left and there was only me and one other girl sitting in the empty room waiting for someone, anyone to come in.

“I’m outta here!” the woman announced with a loud sigh, got her things out of a locker and left without even looking at me. I was sure she was pissed at me too. They all were. Samuel put his large muscular arm around me and pulled me into his side. He had a physique like a body builder and wasn’t bad looking.

“You my favorite you know. I keep a good eye on you, don’t want nothin’ bad to happen to you.” He smiled. It felt good that I had my own private bodyguard.

“Thanks,” I smiled up at him.

“The girls usually pay me for lookin’ out fo’ them.”

“I don’t have any money,” I replied. I only had the tickets and Money would redeem them and keep the money.

“I don’t want money,” he said easing his meaty fingers into the front of my teddy to rub my right nipple.

“Samuel what are you doin’?” I heard Angel’s screechy voice ring inside the room. He quickly moved his hand and took his arm away from my neck.

“Just talkin’, boss,” he said with a guilty expression.

“Is he botherin’ you, suga?”

“No ma’am, we’re just talking.”

“You don’t gotta do nothin’ with him you know. It up to you if you want.” I smiled at her and nodded.

“If you do sumthin’ there ain’t no extra money fo’ you, you know that, right, child?”

“I know.” She looked at Samuel with her hands on her hips.

“Don’t touch the merchandise unless they good with it, Samuel, I done told you that befo’!”

“Sorry, boss. I wasn’t doin’ nothin’ I swear.”

“I gots cameras all over this place...”

He was busted but wasn’t in trouble. I didn’t know what arrangement she had with him but she needed someone like him to keep the peace and remove troublemakers. She winked at me and left the room. I guess she wanted to make sure that I wasn’t pressured into having sex with him.

As soon as she left the room his arm went back around me and his hand slipped back inside my top to play with my tit.

“Where we was?” he asked being a little rougher with my nipple. I looked at the clock. Three minutes before 4 in the morning and I was all alone with a large, hulking, bull-sized man playing with my tits. Where was Money?

“I can make sure you get extra customers,” he informed me.

“I’ll send them to you. I do that fo’ special girls, like you.”


“Yea. Special. You special, Lola, real special.” He emphasized that with a pinch on my nipple. “You be nice to me and I be nice back,” he added with a wink.

“So, you’re saying if I have sex with you then you’ll help me get more customers?”

“I’m sayin’ you do me a fava, I do you one back.” The music had been turned off almost an hour ago and the room was disconcertingly quiet. I could hear the clock down the hall chiming the top of the hour. It was four o’clock.

“I’ll make sure the other girls don’t fuck with you too,” he added shifting his hand between each breast.

Samuel wasn’t bad looking, he was just huge, build like an ox and was nearly three times my size. If penis size was relative to body size, he would be enormous. My eyes wondered to his crotch, just to confirm my suspicions and he definitely had a hard-on as there was a fat, long bulge running down his left pants leg. It was sizable but not extreme. I could do this.

I looked at his face. There were a few wrinkles and the hair around his temples were turning white. His hands were rough and weathered. I’d had sex with much uglier men and older men so why not? It may help me later, especially since all the other girls seem to hate me. I smiled at him and placed my hand on his large leg.

“Where should we do it?” He seemed surprised that I agreed.

“Your bed?” I wouldn’t call it ‘my’ bed as it’s used by whomever needed to use it. I nodded and he lifted me like a new bride and carried me into the back. For the first time in a while, I giggled as he handled me like a rag doll. I was placed gently on the thin mattress and slipped out of my teddy while he hurriedly undressed.

I was sitting with my knees bent and my arms wrapped around them as he pulled off his shirt. At one time he had a really nice body but age, overeating and lack of exercise left him a little flabby. He kicked off his shoes and his pants came off next. I watched with casual curiously as he stepped out of them and was left with only a pair of boxers.

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