For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

“What’s this fool up to?” I heard Money asked and looked out the window to see someone approaching us. Money reached in front of him under the seat and pulled out a silver-colored handgun. I held my breath. I didn’t even know he had that! As the guy came closer, I recognized him.

“Money wait,” said as I heard the gun click. “I know him.” It was Jack.

“Know him? What the fuck he want?”

“I don’t know, but remember I said I got a hundred dollars from my uncle and a hundred from another guy? He’s the other guy.” Jack was suddenly standing outside of Money’s window smiling like an idiot. Money put the gun on his lap but kept his hand on it and lowered his window a few inches.

“You must be her pimp,” Jack said as the window came down. Money turned to look at me with anger.

“Hi Lisa,” he said stooping lower to see me through the opening.

“How he know that?”

“I don’t know, I must have mentioned it or something...”

“Mentioned it?!?! Bitch you don’t fuckin’ talk ‘bout me!”

“I assume you’re the nighttime pimp,” he added still smiling like an idiot.

“Lisa told me she has two pimps, one for the daytime and one for the nighttime.” I felt Money’s stare just before I felt his hand squeezing my leg like a juicer. He was not happy about that!

“What you want, fool?” Money finally asked returning his attention to the trespasser.

“Is she finished working for the night?”

“I said, what you want?” Money asked again with a meaner tone.

“I was hoping we could conduct business again,” he said smiling at me, “but I wanted to wait until she was finished for the night.”

“She ain’t ever gunna be finished,” he snarled at me.

“Jack, just go away, please,” I said hoping to avoid any problems with Money. I could tell he was getting really pissed at this guy and I already saw a sample of his anger. I liked Jack and didn’t want him to be beaten up, or worse.

“I have the money this time.” Money’s glare never left my face. A hundred-dollar bill was pushed into the window and held there for him to take.

“You get the money, right? I mean she provides the, um service and you collect the money. Isn’t that what pimps do?” The muscles in Money’s jaws clenched.

“We can do it in the back of my Jeep again.” Money took the bill and looked at me.

“Do ‘em,” he said. I knew that I didn’t have a choice and I also knew that we’d have a very serious discussion once I was finished with him. Disclosing personal information like that was a server violation in our relationship. I got out and he met me in the front of the car. I felt his hand go behind my waist as if he was walking with his girlfriend in the mall.

“What’s his name?” Jack asked. “Your pimp.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I counted nine customers, right?”

“Something like that.” We got to his Jeep and he opened the back for me to climb into.

“Did all nine fuck you? I mean in the pussy.”

“Most did, but not all.”

“Did they use your ass?” I sighed.

“Two did.”

“That’s hot.”

“Were any of them black?”

“One was,” I grumbled getting tired of his questions. “Are you going to fuck me or ask me questions?”

“I’d like to do both.”

“Why are you even here, Jack? Why did you follow us?”

“I wanted to see where you worked.”

“You were spying on me.”

“I guess. I think it’s hot that you’re a prostitute. You’re like a mini Julia Roberts, huh?” I had no idea what he was talking about. “How many customers do you normally have a night?” I ignored his question as I unzipped my skirt and tossed it to the side.

“Is ten normal?” He wasn’t going to shut up until I told him something.

“It’s a slow night, Jack. After you I’ll probably do another five or six before I go home.”

“REALLY?!? You do sixteen guys in one night?!?”

“Yea and that doesn’t include the ones I fuck in the daytime.”

“My god, Lisa, when do you have time to sleep?”

“Normally I don’t.” I replied and reached for his cock. It was really hard and I rubbed it through his jeans. “Here,” I said and handed him a condom before laying back and spreading my legs.

“You are so fuckin’ sexy!” He said staring at me in the dim light.

“You better hurry or my black pimp will come knocking on the window.”

“Right,” he said and quickly pulled down his jeans and rolled the condom onto his hard cock. I shifted my hips to give him more room and he lunged into me. I could tell he was excited by his movements and he kept asking me questions about the nine men that had paid me for sex that night. Race, cock size, sex acts, but the one question he asked that caught me off guard was if I had an orgasm with any of them.

“WHAT?” I gasped as he continued thrusting into me.

“Did you have an orgasm? Did you cum?”

“Of course not! They paid me for their pleasure, not mine.”

“But you do have orgasms, right?” His drives were becoming less intense and more constant.

I began moaning and thrusting my hips to match his. My legs wrapped around his and I gripped onto his sides like a handgrip. I grunted several times before thrusting my butt upward and arching my back. My moan echoed in the small vehicle and he quickly came. Once his breathing slowed, he lifted his torso off of me and smiled.

“Did you just cum?” God, how dense can this guy be?

“Yes, Jack, you fucked me so good that I couldn’t help it. Thank you.” I smiled up at him and he returned the gesture.

“I’m glad. I’d hate to see you not having an orgasm after having so much sex.”

“Can you get off of me now? I need to go before Money comes looking for me.”

“Money? Is that your pimp’s name?” Shit! Did I just really do that?!?

“Please don’t tell him I said that. He’ll be mad at me.”

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” he assured and sat up, resting his back on the window.

I stared at his deflated cock still wrapped in the wrinkled condom and moved closer. Even in the dim light I would see the liquids along the tip and reached for it. He didn’t resist as I pulled the baggy from his spongy tube and slurped off the juices before pushing the used condom into my mouth to suck out the cum. He watched with interest as I pulled the empty rubber out of my mouth and tossed it out the back window.

Reaching for my clothes I wrapped my skirt around my waist and zipped it. In the small area I could smell myself and it wasn’t pleasant. I reeked of body odor, sweat and sex, just what every fourteen-year-old girl should smell like. Jack quickly redressed and we got out of the back together.

“Thanks for the fuck, Jack,” I said with a smile before heading back toward Money. He was in close pursuit.

“I know the way,” I growled hoping to get rid of him but he stayed beside me.

“I want to walk with you.” I sighed but didn’t protest. He even came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. Money was the only other person to ever do that for me and it only happened once. I got in and he stooped over to see Money.

“You have a great girl here, sir,” he said grinning. “I’m sure she’ll make you a lot of money.” I felt like dying.

“I’d like to see you again; can I call you?” He asked. I turned to Money and he just looked away. I wasn’t sure what that meant.

“Excuse me, sir,” he said speaking a little too loudly for being right next to me.

“If you ever want her to have more customers let me know. I go to CSLB and there are a lot of guys I know who would love Lisa. That is if you’re interested.” Money looked at him to see if he was joking or not and then looked at me.

“You got her number?” he asked Jack.

“Yes, I have it.”

“Call it when you have someone for her. I’ll hook you up, a’ight?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It mean you get her enough dick, and I’ll let you fuck her once fo’ free.” His face lit up and creased with his smile.

“REALLY?!? I can do that!” Money started the car and put it into drive. Jack quickly moved out of the way to keep from getting knocked over and the door slammed shut by itself.

“Don’t fuckin’ talk ‘bout me no more to no one!” he scorned while shifting gears quickly. I remained quiet for a while.

“You got that shit worked out with your dad?” I sighed. I knew this would come up.

“No, not yet. I need more time.”

“You ain’t got more time. You said you gunna fix this shit but you ain’t!”

“He’s really pissed at me.”

“I don’t giva fuck ‘bout that, Lisa. You had your chance. Now it’s my turn.”

“What do you mean?” He pulled the gun out and cocked it. “What are you planning to do?”

“Take him out. The motha fucker is fuckin’ with my business, I’m gunna fuck with his life. I don’t let no one do that shit, understand? I’m gunna pay a visit to yo house and put a cap in everybody there! They ain’t gunna keep you from me, understand?”

“Money you can’t do that! Just give me a little more time, please. I don’t want you to hurt my family!” He drove another block before talking again.

“Only one other way to fix this shit, Lisa and you bess do it, a’ight?” If it meant saving my family, I’d do anything.

“What is it?”

“Fuck ‘em.”

“Fuck him? You mean have sex with him? With my father?!? Money I can’t do that!”

“Why the fuck not? You already fuckin’ you uncle and you cousin and you brotha. You’re brotha is the worse ‘cause you got the same genes and shit!”

“There has to be another way.”

“There is,” he said waving the gun near my face.

“This way,” he said releasing the hammer, “or this way,” he added and pushed the barrel between my legs.

“Your choice.” It wasn’t much of a choice.

“My father will never do that.”

“You be surprised what a father will do if given the chance,” he said smirking. “If you control the dick, you control the man. He won’t give you no shit ‘bout you leaving with me if he know you gunna snitch him out.”

“I know my dad. He won’t have sex with me no matter what I do.”

“Yea he will. I’ll show you how,” he said turning into his apartment complex. “Fo’ now we gunna play at my house. Tony and DeShawn been missin’ you.” I knew I’d be having sex with them and in a way, I guess it was alright as I wouldn’t have to think about my father for a while.

Tony and DeShawn weren’t the only guys in the apartment as D was there along with another man sitting in a chair I’d never seen before. He was introduced to me as Roscoe and, according to Money, was their oldest brother. It’s funny but none of them looked alike, except for being black, but I had to take them at their word.

“Go say ‘hi’ to my brother,” Money said nudging me forward. Like his brothers, he was a big guy, very stocky with a wide nose and wearing dark sunglasses. He also had on a knit beanie cap with multiple colors, a silk shirt opened at the front to expose several layers of gold chains and a pair of baggy jeans.

“Hi,” I said smiling.

“Suck my dick,” was his response. Wow, that was a greeting, but I knew that’s why I was there. Dropping to my knees I reached for his zipper and pulled it down before shoving my hand into the large opening. He wasn’t wearing underwear and I quickly found the meaty beef stick. It wasn’t hard but already was a handful. Big cocks must run in their family. I pulled it free and it flopped over my fingers like a deflated balloon.

Taking it into my mouth I began sucking, feeling the sponginess growing firmer with each forward jab. It was bumping against my throat and I knew eventually I’d have to take it further inside, which I did without having to be told. He remained motionless and silent as I worked on his cock until it was fully erect. It was very sizable and gave his brothers a run for their money.

I kept trying to get more and more of it into my throat but the wide head prevented me from penetrating myself very far. I continually worked on it, jerking the part not inside of my mouth while jabbing my lips back and forth over the rest. The head kept sipping in and out of my throat and rubbing it raw.

I felt someone behind me and my skirt was unzipped and thrown aside. Hands lifted my hips and someone was behind me pushing their cock against my pussy. Seconds later they were inside of me and at the time I didn’t even know who it was, not that it mattered. Fingers began fondling my tits and soon my shirt was pulled off of me harshly. I thought I heard the fabric tear as it was yanked away.

“Bring her ova here,” someone said and I was lifted from the ground like a doll and carried to wherever the person wanted me. It was D and he was reclining half off of the couch with his pants off, and holding his erection straight in the air. I was unceremoniously dropped onto his lap as he fumbled between us a second before finding my opening. My reddened, sore pussy was once again taking another big cock.

DeShawn stood next to us, took my right hand and brought it to his cock. I began jerking it and soon Tony was in my left hand to balance it out. I was pushed onto D abruptly and felt some cold liquid being smeared onto my asshole. Glancing backward I saw Roscoe slathering his cock with lubrication as he moved closer. D stopped moving and Roscoe forced his large fat cock into my asshole.

The brothers began moving as one as their cocks stretched me more than what should be physically possible. I was neglecting DeShawn and Tony and one by one they placed their large black hands over mine and began jerking their cocks until I took over. I was too distracted with the double penetration to worry about jerking them off.

Not to be left out, Money pushed his way next to Tony and pulled my head closer to his hard cock. I opened my mouth and began sucking. This was the first time I had ever had sex with five men at the same time but it wouldn’t be my last, not by a long shot.

For the next few hours, they used me like an inflatable sex doll, twisting and turning me this way and that way, pushing their cocks in me and at me, not holding back and each one trying to outdo the other as if in some kind of fucking competition, especially the brothers. That rivalry must have gone back for years! They had been going at me nonstop for the longest and they were beginning to tire and take longer breaks.

“Let’s do two in the pink and one in the stink,” Roscoe suggested. I had never heard that term before but I was about to find out what it meant firsthand.

Roscoe got on the couch with his ass half hanging over the edge and his legs bent at the knees, his neck was bent along the back. I climbed on top of him and reinserted his bloated cock into my numb pussy. D came up behind me and I thought to fuck my ass but he pushed his cock lower. It kept slipping away and usually ended up in my asshole.

He would take it out and try again. After the fourth time it dawned on me that he was attempting to put his cock inside of my pussy along with Roscoe’s, just like Mike had done. The main difference was that D’s and Roscoe’s cocks are both huge whereas only Mike’s was really thick. I was shifted around a few times and eventually he found a space large enough to penetrate and the head of his cock slipped inside of my pussy right along with his brother’s. I grunted loudly.

He allowed me no time to adjust and immediately began pushing deeper inside of me, stretching me more than I’d been before. Soon both were in me as far as they could go and I felt someone climbing onto my back as if riding a horse. It was Money.

With his body parallel to mine I felt his poking around my backside in a feeble attempt to find the opening. I knew eventually he would and braced myself for the inevitable. Seconds later, he succeeded and I had three very large black cocks inside of my lower body at the same time! I had never felt so stretched before in my life. To compound the situation DeShawn and Tony both decided they wanted me to suck them at the same time. My face was distorted as they pushed their hard cocks into my mouth together. Three holes, five cocks.

It was amazing the number of combinations they came up with and the various sex acts them performed on me but I managed to get through them all. My body, my mind and my soul had been broken and I was little more than a serious of fuck holes for them to use. For anyone to use. They took longer and longer breaks between orgasms but there was always at least two of them on me the entire time. At the very end sex toys were brought out. I didn’t know who they belonged to or where they came from but I no longer cared.

The five of them commenced to use them on me, managing to find the largest, most obscene looking things possible. One was very thick and looked like a real foot-long cock. They started with that one and for some reason it didn’t occur to them that a twelve-inch toy wouldn’t fit into a five-inch-deep hole but that didn’t matter, they tried anyway. Another was eighteen inches long with head on both ends and they seemed to favor that one the most.

There were vibrators, bullets, stretching devices, fake arms, and at least six dildos of various shapes, sizes, and colors. They were all used on me, often more than one at the same time. They enjoyed putting double-headed dildo into me with both heads at the same time and then they folded it in half and shoved the middle part into me to where it looked like I had two cocks growing out of me. My ass, throat, and pussy were battered repeatedly for hours with the ‘toys’.

I don’t know if they just got bored or if they were tired but they suddenly stopped using things on me and stopped fucking me altogether. It was time for Money to take me home and I had the ‘pleasure’ of walking outside with the double-headed dildo folded in half and lodged deep inside of my pussy. The car ride home was uncomfortable as I wasn’t permitted to remove it until he dropped me off. I could feel the cool air inside of my pussy as I slowly made my way to my house. I was sure that my holes would never close back up.

It was 5:27 when I finally crawled back into my room and shut the window. I had cum inside of me, on my skin, in my hair, on my face and reeked of sex. I needed to clean up but didn’t want to wake anyone. Quietly I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. In the still of the night the water seemed to scream as it drained out. As soon as the washcloth was wet, I turned it off. How could it be so loud?!?

I wiped myself the best I could with what water I had as I didn’t dare risk turning it back on. It made way too much noise. There was a trail of dried semen running down both inner thighs but the cloth was already saturated with semen so I didn’t bother cleaning that area. That would have to wait until morning. Reaching for my pajamas, I heard the door open and my uncle was suddenly standing in the doorway. I gasped and covered myself as he stood gawking at me.

“I thought I heard someone,” he said. His eyes kept going from my chest to my crotch and back again. One arm covered my chest while my hand covered my pussy.

“Do you mind?!?!”

“Why are you up at five-thirty?” He asked.

“I needed to use the bathroom, can you leave?”


“Please get out!” I spoke a little louder. He remained staring at me for another thirty seconds before backing out and shutting the door. I rushed over and locked it before exhaling deeply. I quickly put on my pajamas and rushed out of the room, noticing my uncle was standing in the shadows at the end of the hall.

It was five-forty and even though I had been though a lot that night, I wasn’t tired. I laid in bed watching the clock slowly change, counting closer to six o’clock and listening to the sounds of my sister snoring. Even if I could fall asleep, I had to get up soon for school. With a sigh I shut my eyes and willed myself to sleep.

“Lisa,” I heard my name at a distance and at first thought I was dreaming.

“Lisa, wake up,” the whispered voice repeated. Slowly I opened my eyes to see Cory hovering over me like the Good Year blimp. I batted my eyes until his face came into focus.

“What do you want?” I huffed and tried to turn away from him to face the wall. I had just fallen asleep. He took my hand and placed it on his cock.

“REALLY?” I growled. If he only knew what I had been through these past few hours.

“Come on, Lisa, turn over,” he insisted while pulling on my arm. I ended up on my back and he pulled my covers away. His pajamas bottoms were already off.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a hushed voice looking over at Brooke. “She might wake up!”

“I’ll be quiet,” he said getting on top of me before covering both of us with the blanket. I couldn’t believe he was going to have sex with me again right in front of Brooke! He struggled to get the top of my bottoms down and managed to get them as far as below my butt before he started jabbing his cock between my legs.

Under normal circumstances he was at the wrong angle and I should have been too tight for him to enter me but he found a way. I had been opened up enough and was still very wet from the recent activities and he just slipped right in. No hesitation or resistance. I kept an eye on Brooke as he fucked into me with short, quick jabs. Surprisingly my bed didn’t squeak much and he only made a few muffled grunts before cumming about four minutes later.

Just as quick as it started it ended and he rolled off of me as if a fire alarm had gone off. I watched as he hopped around on one foot toward the door while trying to get his pajamas back on. He nearly fell once which made me smile. He was still pulling them up when he rushed out of the door. I could feel his cum leaking out of me and I pulled up my bottoms to keep it from getting on the sheets.

Willing myself out of bed I made my way to the bathroom to clean up again. I could hear mom in the kitchen making breakfast and it was late enough now that it wouldn’t rouse suspicion. I washed the dried cum off and scooped out what I could from Cory before heading back to my room wearing only a towel. I pulled the door open and nearly screamed at seeing Uncle Russell standing right there in the hallway!

“STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME!” I nearly shouted and tried to move around him. He was too close to the door and blocked my path.

“Can you please move out of my way?”

“I know about you,” he whispered leaning closer. I wasn’t sure what he ‘knew’ but with the smirk on his face, I knew it wasn’t good.

“What do you think you know?” I snipped and held the top of the towel just to ensure it wouldn’t come loose.

“Bryan told me about you and Cory.”

“Bryan doesn’t know shit,” I huffed and once again tried to go around him. “He’s lying!”

“I saw Cory come out of your room a while ago.”

“He came in to wake us up,” I lied.

“Then why was he pulling up his pajamas?”

“I don’t know, just leave me alone, okay?” I said trying to push past him.

“Is everything okay?” I heard my father’s voice at the opposite end of the hallway. He was coming out of his room and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huh, yea, Jeff, I was just going into the bathroom and Lisa was coming out. We almost ran into each other,” he said smiling at my father as he backed away from me. I went out still holding onto the towel.

“With four people using that one bathroom I guess we’ll have to make a schedule or something,” my dad joked as he passed him. I was already in my room and quickly shut the door before he reached me. Brooke was still fast asleep so I went to wake her.

Mom went all out on breakfast and had eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, toast, and everything. I guess she was trying to impress my uncle as she normally only had one or the other. I wasn’t very hungry but tried to eat anyways, or at least gave the appearance of eating to avoid any drama. When I felt the foot touch my leg, I moved my chair. Uncle Russell was smirking at me from across the table. I quickly finished, cleaned my plate, and headed off to finish preparing for school.

I could hear my uncle telling my dad that he was going to be checking the want ads today and was hopeful to find employment soon so that he wouldn’t be a ‘bother’ to us much longer. I was sure that he was bullshitting my dad as he had no intention of actually getting a job!

“You’re no bother,” my dad told him. “You’re family. Stay as long as you need too.” I sighed and shook my head as I rushed out of the house. The guy’s a leech and will wear out his welcome here just like every other place he’s stayed at. I dressed and rushed out of the house as quickly as I could.

I felt a lot better when I saw D’s big car parked a few houses down the street. I was really needing another fix and could feel the effects of not having my shot when I needed it. I was still refusing to call it an addiction or even call it a drug, it was ‘my shot’. When I pulled open the passenger door, I immediately noticed Roscoe was sitting in the back.

“Hey beautiful,” he said grinning at me. After I got over the shock, I smiled back and sat in the front seat.

“Get in back,” D told me. I nodded and joined his brother in back.

“I had a great time last night,” he said after I shut the door.

“We all did.” I wanted to tell him that ‘we’ didn’t include me.

“I still can’t believe a little thang like you took on all five of us like that. Your little pussy can stretch like a motha fucka,” he added with a smile. I was still feeling the burn of what they had done to me. D put the car into drive and pulled away from the curb.

“Lemme see your pussy,” Roscoe said while unfastening his pants.

“I’m still a little sore,” I said looking into the rearview mirror at D.

“Give ‘er this,” he said reaching to the sun visor and taking out the syringe.

I felt my heart race, my eyes widened and focused on the bright orange cap and I noticed that I had licked my lips. What he was holding was the most important thing in my life. Roscoe took it and my stare followed it as it drew closer. I extended my arm and rested it on his leg. A couple of slaps at the crease of my elbow yielded what he wanted and he quickly pushed the needed into my arm. I looked away, but seconds later I felt it as it surged though my veins right to my brain. I released a soft, extended moan.

“She likes this shit,” Roscoe said smirking at me. I could only imagine what my face looked like as I felt incredible inside. My eyes rolled up into the top of my lids briefly.

He quickly resumed removing his pants and his nearly hard cock flopped around as he struggled to get them below his knees. I followed and pulled my pants down, removing them from one leg before flopping flat on the seat. Roscoe moved between my legs and lunged forward, sending his big fat cock straight into the back of my pussy. There was no mercy in his thrusts but I was in too much of a stupor to care.

He fucked me fast and hard until I felt the car stop and then finally released his load inside of me. D was turned around and watching from the front seat until his brother got off of me and pulled up his pants. Even though D’s car was a lot bigger and had more room in the back, it wasn’t big enough for someone his size.

The driver’s door opened, D got out and traded places with Roscoe. His cock was already out and hard as he climbed into the back seat and got on top of me. It slid into me like a greased summer sausage and I grunted as it slammed into my very depth. With one foot firmly on the floorboard and the other haphazardly toss over the back of the seat he tore into me with the fury of a foot soldier. My recent shot minimized the throbbing pain and discomfort and reduced my empathy, even for myself.

I looked up and saw a bird flying in circles high above the tree we were parked nearby. It was too far to tell what kind of bird it was but it kept my mind occupied while D took his pleasure from my body. It was only fair as he had given me my pleasure. He finally came, flooded my insides with more creamy goo and then rested for another minute. After he pulled out, he pulled me into a sitting position and tugged at my hair to bring my face closer to his cock. He didn’t need to tell me what he wanted. Afterward I watched as he pulled up his pants and refastened them. Roscoe had gotten into the front passenger seat when D climbed into the back to fuck me.

“I need to get you at 11 today,” he said after he had finished as he back out of the car. “Roscoe wants to introduce you to someone.” It wasn’t open for discussion and he shut the back door before getting back into the driver’s seat.

I was leaking like a broken faucet and felt a pool of slime under my butt. I had nothing to clean up with so I just pulled up my pants and felt the wetness in my crotch. I’d have to clean up when I got to school. After fastening my pants, I watched out the window until he dropped me off at school.

“Remember, 11 o’clock, don’t be late.” I nodded and slid out of the backseat.

I had almost made it to the building when I heard my name. Not wanting to see anyone right then I kept walking until the person caught up with me and grabbed my arm. It was Kyle.

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