For the Love of Money - Cover

For the Love of Money

Copyright© 2022 by wetfly6969

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Raised in a strict, Christian home, 14-year-old Lisa has never been in love. That all changed when she met the man of her dreams while visiting her cousin and the older, handsome man completely swept her off her feet. The charming and charismatic stranger quickly had her under his spell and she was soon willing to do anything for his love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Incest   Brother   Father   Cousins   Uncle   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Food   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

Taking off my PJs I pulled on a tee-shirt and a pair of denim shorts. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone but put on a little makeup just to give color to my face. I went out and saw my uncle, cousin and brother actively unpacking his things. He was taking over the whole freaking living room!

“I’m walking down to the corner store to get something,” I called as I headed toward the door.

“Don’t be long,” my uncle called back. Was he serious? He just moved in and he’s already ordering me around!?!? I ignored him and slipped outside to wait. I wasn’t sure what he drove and watched cars passing until a black Jeep Rubicon stopped right in front of my house. It looked amazing. As I approached, I could see Jack sitting behind the wheel.

“Hey beautiful,” he called to me with a smile.

“Hey yourself,” I replied and opened the door. Once I slipped inside, he made a U turn and headed back the way he came.

“Where’s Cody?”

“Home. I figured we needed some private time together; you know to get to know each other.” I looked at his profile. Very handsome and his arms looked huge. He still had on a tank top but changed into gym shorts. His legs were just as muscular as the rest of him, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was a body builder or something.

“You must work out a lot.”

“I guess. I’m on the wrestling team at CSLB.”


“Cal-State, Long Beach.”

“Oh. That’s cool.”

“Thanks, What about you? What school do you go to?” I didn’t want to tell him I was a freshman in high school, so I mumbled a community college that I heard about.



“I gotta tell you, Lisa, I was a little worried about how old you are when I picked you up. I mean when I met you earlier your hair was all crazy, your clothes were messy, and you looked about eighteen. After seeing you cleaned up, I was afraid you were a lot younger. Too young.”

“Yea, most people don’t believe it when I tell them I’m eighteen. I guess I just have one of those faces.”

“I guess. What are you studying?” I didn’t know what he meant so I rambled off the classes I was taking. He laughed.

“So, you’re studying general education?” I nodded.

“I’m majoring in kinesiology. Do you know what that is?” I shook my head. “Basically, it’s the study of human movements. I’m going into sports medicine.”

“That’s cool.” I had no idea what he was talking about and didn’t really care.

“Was that black guy really your boyfriend?”


“How long have you been dating?”

“Not long.”

“And you’re already having sex?”

“That’s personal!”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. Do you still live with your parents?”


“They’re cool with you dating black guys?”

“What’s with all the personal questions?”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to pry, but I’m fascinated by white girls who are into black guys. Something about the interracial aspect is a turn on for me, you know, black on white stuff.”


“I don’t know. Hard to say, maybe because it’s taboo, or maybe because society frowns on it or maybe it’s because the blacks have turned the tables on the whites.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Tables turned?” I nodded. “A couple of hundred years ago whites owned blacks and now it’s like the blacks are owning the whites. Or at least owning the sexualization of white women.” I felt his hand on my leg and I stared at it.

“I dated this one chick last year that was big time into black guys. Fucked a ton of them.”

“While you were dating?”

Before, during and after. Last I heard she was living with a couple of black dudes off campus.”

“You were okay with that?”

“Like I said, it’s a turn on,” he said winking. I thought that was really weird. A white guy that was perfectly fine with his white girlfriend screwing black guys. He made a left turn at the corner.

“How many black guys have you had sex with?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business!”

“Is it more than just the one I saw you with?” It seemed like a statement. I looked to his lap and noticed a very conspicuous bulge. He was getting a boner! I looked out the window and realized that we were just going around the block. His hand moved further up and no longer rested on my bare skin.

“Why do you like having sex with black guys?”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Lisa. I’m just being nosey I guess.”

“I’m not upset,” I replied and caught a glimpse of him shifting his erection. “I just don’t really like to talk about the guys I’ve had sex with.”

“Guys? Have there been a lot? Black ... white ... other...?”

“Does it matter?”

“No, not at all,” he said turning off the street into the burned-out driveway once we made a full block.

“Unless they’re all black,” he added with a goofy smile.

“Where are we going?”

“Your secret place. I figured we could talk more freely here.” He turned the Jeep off and turned in his seat to better look at me.

“You’re incredibly beautiful, do you know that Lisa? And what makes you even more attractive to me is that you’re that beautiful and still choose to fuck black guys. You could have just about any white guy you wanted but you chose to degrade yourself with black dudes. That’s super-hot!”

“What do you mean by that!?!” He was starting to piss me off.

“Don’t take offense, Lisa. I didn’t mean anything by it. Everyone knows what society thinks of white girls that fuck black guys. They’re reduced in status to the blacks. Most people don’t see you as a white girl anymore, you’re like a subclass of white. I’m not like that, in fact I think it’s incredibly hot.” I was confused.

He moved closer and kissed me. It was a nice kiss. Not earth shattering like when Money or D kissed me, but very nice. The kiss went on for three of four minutes before he pulled away and he just stared at me from about six inches away for the longest time.

“Thank you,” he said smiling. I took a deep breath, and he came in for another kiss. I let myself go and allowed him to slip his tongue into my mouth and enjoyed how he sucked on my tongue when it slipped inside of his mouth. I felt his hand on my tit, but I didn’t stop him. I was too caught up in the moment to resist and I really liked him.

When I felt his hand grab between my legs I pulled away.

“Sorry,” he muttered and wiped his mouth. “Am I going too fast?” I shook my head and looked out the window.

“Is it okay to kiss you again?” I nodded and he moved closer, pulling my face into his. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and he once again slid his hand between my legs only this time I didn’t push it away.

Shifting his body slightly I felt both of his hands working to unfasten my pants and he managed to get them undone quickly. The tension relaxed as he struggled to unzip them. I grabbed his hands.


“What’s wrong? You don’t want to have sex with me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So, you do want to have sex with me?”

“Jack, I, uh, I, er really don’t know. I mean I like you and I want to but...”

“I get it, you prefer chocolate over of vanilla...”

“No, that’s not it. That’s not it at all.”

“Then what is it?” I really didn’t have an answer. “If it’s not the wrong color, do you think maybe I’ll be too small? My dick I mean. I’m not you know.”

“It’s not your cock size, Jack. I mean I’ll have sex with you, but you, um, have to, um...”

“What? What is it?” He was growing impatient.

“I don’t have sex for free,” I announced but didn’t look at him. I couldn’t bear to see his face when I said that. Why I said that I’ll never know. I blame the meth. It changes who you are and what you do. It changes your brain’s chemistry and makes you say and do things that you’d never consider doing.

“WAIT, WHAT!?!? YOU’RE A PROSTITUTE?!?” It didn’t sound very good the way he said it.

“Never mind,” I said and reached for the door handle. He grabbed my wrist

“Hold on! I didn’t say I didn’t want to; it was just a shock that’s all. I wasn’t expecting that.” He stared at me for a few long seconds.

“Was that black guy really a customer?” No matter what I said he was still going to ask me about that. I didn’t answer him.

“How much did you charge him?”

“Look, Jack, I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything,” I told him and once again reached for the door handle.

“You’re a nice guy and I...” He kept his grip on my wrist.

“Don’t leave, please. I want you. How much do you charge?” I hadn’t really thought much about it and said what my uncle had paid me.

“A hundred dollars?!?! Are you serious?!?!” I was thinking that maybe I was asking too much. “You’re selling yourself short, baby. A young, pretty girl like you with a kickin’ body could ask two or three times that and guys would pay it because you’re so fuckin’ sexy!” He reached over and tweaked my left nipple that had been poking out through the fabric.

“Do you have a pimp?” He asked staring intensely at me. “It would be so fuckin’ hot if he was black. Do you have a black pimp, Lisa?” What was his obsession with me being with black guys?

“I don’t want to talk about that. Do you want sex or not?” I snapped.

“Yes, I want sex, but I need to get some cash first. I wasn’t expecting this,” he said starting the Jeep and pulling out from the abandoned house.

“This is actually better than dating,” he said smiling at me. “I mean after dinner and a movie you’ve already spent a hundred bucks and there’s no guarantee of getting pussy. This way you cut right to the chase and get the reward without any of the bullshit.”

He drove to the end of the street to the 7-Eleven and went inside to the ATM. A minute later he came out with a wide smile and a full-on erection. There was no hiding that thing. He got back in, handed me five twenty-dollar bills and pulled away from the building.

“How many guys do you see in one day?” Oh my god is this guy ever going to stop?!?

“Varies.” I kept it short and vague.

“What’s the biggest cock you’ve had? Was he black?”

“It was really big and yes he was black.” I figured he’d be happy with that answer. He was obsessed with black guys and white girls for some reason.

“Do you know how many inches it was?”

“It’s not like I measured it!”

“Compare it to your arm. How long from your wrist up?” Extending my arm, I pointed to a spot about halfway between the crease of my elbow and my shoulder.

“DAMN!” he exclaimed with a huge smile. “And you took the whole thing?!?”

“Of course not!”

“Shame,” he said putting his hand on my bare leg.

“Ever have any diseases?” That was a weird question.

“Yea, but it’s been a while.”

“Really?” He seemed excited. “What did you have?”

“Strep throat. I ended up having my tonsils removed. It happened when I was seven.” He laughed.

“No, I mean a STD. Ever have one?” By this time, we were turning back into the abandoned house.

“STD?” I had never heard of that.

“Sexually transmitted disease. You know, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, shit like that. A lot of sex workers have them.” I smiled at his term ‘sex worker’. Seemed less insulting than ‘whore’ or ‘prostitute’.

“I don’t think so.” He turned the Jeep off and turned in his seat to look at me.

“You might want to have yourself checked out. It’s pretty common in your line of work.” I nodded and watched as he reached into the glove compartment and took out a condom. Who keeps condoms in his car?

“We’ll have more room in back,” he said getting out. I stayed in the front seat and watched as he flattened the row of seats behind me and opened the back. “Join me?”

He had already paid me, so I had to go through with it. Opening my door, I got out and went to the back. His shorts were already pulled off and his fat hairy cock was hard, and the head stretched past the navel. He was a really good size. Climbing in with him I reached for it and placed my mouth over it. He moaned.

I couldn’t believe I was doing that. I had just met this guy hardly two hours ago and I’m already giving him a blow job and I’m about to have sex with him. I pushed his cock deeper into my mouth, feeling my throat opening up as it entered. His hand was behind my neck urging it deeper, which I did. Soon it was fully embedded, and my cheek was smashing his tight ball sack. He moaned and so did I.

Moving up and down I sucked hard and fucked my throat with his bloated cock while he continued making strange sounds.

“That feels really nice,” he grunted. “You must have sucked a lot of cocks to get that good. A lot of black cock, huh?” There he goes on that black thing again.

“You never did tell me how many guys you fuck in one day.” I kept my mouth busy so that I didn’t have to answer. His hand kept pushing my pace faster as his excitement increased. A few minutes later he pulled my face away from his crotch.

“You’re going to make me cum,” he said squeezing his cock just below the head.

“That’s what you want, right?” He paid me to have sex with him which means he’ll eventually cum.

“I want to feel your pussy. Are you still tight or has all that black cock stretched you out?” I wanted to tell him hardly six months ago I was still a virgin but kept that to myself.

“Let me see your tits.” I nodded and pulled my shirt over my head. His eyes suddenly had a concerned expression.

“Why are they so small?”

“They just are.”

“You’re not eighteen, are you?”

“Do you really want me to tell you?” He thought about it a second.

“No, I guess not.” Opening the wrapper, he rolled the condom on while I took off my shorts. His eyes never left my pussy as I shifted around to mount him. Most of the bruises had faded but it was still swollen, discolored, and rosy. Grabbing his cock by the base, I held it upright and lowered myself onto it. He had a nice thickness and slowly slipped inside. Again, we both moaned.

He had a great body and I leaned forward and placed my hands on his muscular chest to support myself as I began moving my hips, going side to side and back and forth, hardly raising off of him at all. His hands were on my hips pushing and pulling me at a faster speed than I was going so I sped up. He kept wanting it faster and I kept up with his demand. This went on for a few minutes before he started to grunt, he eyes squeezed tightly shut, and his face began to wrinkle.

“FUCK!” he roared then his cock exploded, jerking violently inside of me several times. I was thankful that he wore a condom as he would have flooded my pussy.

He fought to catch his breath and kept his hands squeezing my legs for dear life. I fell on top of him breathing hard myself. It was quite a workout. A minute or two passed before I climbed off, as his dwindling cock fell out of my hole with a splat against his skin.

Pulling of the condom I held it by the middle to keep the cum inside while I cleaned his cock with my mouth. He seemed to enjoy that and moaned often. Afterward I put most of the condom in my mouth and tilted it upward. The thick gel slowly leaked out and into my mouth. After a show of swishing it around, I swallowed it and showed him my empty mouth. He looked totally shocked.

“HOLY SHIT!” He gasped. “That’s got to be the craziest shit I’d ever seen! That’s ... that’s ... so freakin’ sexy!”

He seemed to be lost for words. I honestly didn’t know what all the fuss was about as that was a normal part of the job, wasn’t it? I began to dress, sitting on the hard surface as I pulled my shorts up. There wasn’t a lot of room. Jack just laid there still naked from the waist down watching me.

“I know a few guys that would like to fuck you,” he said. “Same deal, if you’re looking for more tricks.” I pulled my shirt over my head without responding. “Most of them are athletes so they’re in great shape, and a lot are black,” he smiled at the last sentence. I simply shrugged my shoulder.

“Are you trying to be my pimp?” I asked leaning over to kiss his cheek. I didn’t want to kiss his mouth after what I had just done. He grabbed my face and kissed me right on the lips, hungrily pushing his tongue into my mouth. I was shocked that he did that after I had just swallowed his cum. After a minute I pulled away.

“I don’t want to be your pimp, I’ll leave that to the black guys, but I can find you more customers. I don’t want anything in return for it.”

“No strings? Why?”

“Because I really like you and I like how slutty you are.”

“You like slutty girls, huh?” I asked smiling.

“Hell yea, the sluttier the better. Whores are even better than a slut!” I laughed at his eagerness. “Is it wrong to want to watch you get fucked by a bunch of black guys?”

“I’m probably not the best person to answer that.”

“I can get you a lot of customers, if you want me to.”

“Okay,” I said. “Find me more customers.”


“Sure. Why not? I’m sure my big black pimp would love more money,” I joked while lifting his flaccid cock and shaking it like a soft, fleshy rattle.

“So, you do have a black pimp?!?” he asked, and I felt his cock twitch.

“Yes, I do. Actually, I have two.” I thought that would get a rise out of him. I was right and felt his cock starting to throb back to life. He looked at me to see if I was teasing or not. My face was somber.

“Are you serious? You have two pimps? Two BLACK pimps?!?” I don’t know why I confessed that. Maybe I saw how much he was turned on by white girls fucking black guys or maybe just seeing how excited he was about me having a black pimp or maybe I just wanted to push his buttons. Who knows?

“Yes. I have one that pimps me in the daytime and one that pimps me at night.” He still wasn’t sure if I was joking or not. “I have to go,” I said climbing out of his Jeep.

“Lisa...” he called out after I made it a few feet away. “How much time does that hundred dollars get me?”

“Why?” He slapped his newly aroused cock against his leg. The damn thing was hard again!

“Sorry, but one hundred gets you one pop, that’s it.”

“Okay, I get it, thank you for letting me have sex with you.” He smiled. I smiled back at him.

“You’re welcome, but if you really want to show your thanks do what you said!” I winked before resuming my walk home.

I knew that he was just having some sort of fantasy and wouldn’t ever tell his friends about me. He was just running his mouth, trying to be a big man and getting off on whatever sick dream he had about me. He probably didn’t even have a girlfriend that loved to fuck black guys. He was delusional and perverted and was just jerking my chain, just as I had done to him. He still hadn’t left after I reached my house.

I saw my father’s car in the driveway and groaned. I was hoping to beat him home, but I guess that’s not happening now. Uncle Russell’s beat up old Nissan car was gone, and I don’t know if he left before my dad got home. Opening the door slowly I looked to see if he was sitting in his chair. It was empty. Shutting the door quietly I snuck toward my room.

“He’s in the shower,” I heard Cory say as I approached my room. He was standing in his doorway waiting for me.

“Does he know I wasn’t home?”

“Yea, but I told him you walked down to the store to buy something, and you’d be right back. Lucky for you he’s only been home about fifteen minutes.”

“Thanks, Cory.” I smiled at him.

“You owe me,” he replied and reached out to grope my left nipple.

“You already got yours!” I heard a loud commercial on the TV and turned to look inside our room. Brooke was lying in bed watching TV.

“I’ll tell dad you’re home,” he said before heading toward our parent’s room. I nodded and went into my bedroom to find Brooke with a book open in front of her but her attention on the TV.

“You’re supposed to be doing homework, not watching TV,” I huffed and turned it off before I sat on my bed.

“You’re supposed to be home after school, not going to your friend’s house,” she replied very snottily. Little brat.

“I was home for your information. I just went to the 7-Eleven. That wasn’t entirely a lie as I did go there with Jack!”

“You were gone a long time.”

“Don’t worry about it, okay?” I snapped and laid down, putting my arm over my eyes to block the bright light.

“And from now on, shut your fucking mouth to mom and dad about what I do, got it?”

“Oooo, I’m telling momma you said a bad word!”

“Brooke, just give it a rest, will you?” I turned away from her and stared at my wall. She’s such a fucking brat! I heard the TV turn back on.

“I told dad you’re home,” Cory said sticking his head into our room.

I nodded and put my head back down on the pillow. I was starting to feel pretty crappy and thought about Money. Well, at least the stuff that Money has. I rubbed the skin at the crease of my elbow where I get the shots and sighed. I could really use something right now. I didn’t like feeling like this and those injections make me feel so much better. My door opened and I smiled at seeing my father’s face appear.

“Brooke, turn off the TV until your homework is finished,” he barked then turned to look at me. “Go start dinner,” he said before shutting my door a little too hard. That’s it? ‘Go start dinner?’

I got up and went after him. I needed to convince him to let me go with Money tomorrow or I’ll be screwed. Actually, I wouldn’t be screwed and that’s the problem. He had just got a bottle of beer from the fridge and was heading to his chair. He liked to have a beer to unwind after work, especially if he had a hard day but momma didn’t like him drinking. I waited for him to sit before going over.

“How was your day?”

“Fine. A little hectic for a while. How was yours?”

“I had a good day,” I replied smiling. “So, dad, since I came home like I was supposed to today can I go to Rachael’s tomorrow?”

“Coming home one time on time won’t remove your punishment, Lisa. I have a feeling that you won’t be able to go anywhere until the end of school.”

“END OF SCHOOL!!!???!!! Dad, you can’t be serious!”

“This is very serious, honey. I don’t know what’s gotten into you but lately your attitude is lousy, you’re using bad language, you’re being disrespectful to your mother and me and you’re no longer helping out around the house. Your mother is working really hard to do most of what needs to be done around here and you’re not lifting one single finger help!”

“I’ll help from now on, I promise. Just let me go to Rachael’s tomorrow, okay?”

“No, Lisa. Ask me in a month and if I see an improvement, I’ll think about it.”

“A MONTH!?!? Dad that’s fucked up!”

“LISA!!! See that’s exactly what I’m talking about!”

“I’m really sorry, it just slipped out.”

“Whoever you’re hanging with that uses that kind of language you need to stop hanging around them immediately!”

“I will, so can I please go?”

“No. Now go start dinner, your mother left everything out for you including the directions.” I wanted to punch him right in his smug fat face! I’d never been a violent person but right there and then I wanted to do some major damage to his face. How dare he? This isn’t a prison! I smiled at remembering that D had said the same thing earlier.

I read her note and took out everything that I needed. She had marinated the meat and all I needed to do was stick it in the oven at 375* for forty-five minutes. I was to make some au gratin potatoes but that would come later. I had just put the meat in the oven when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It was Jack.

>>’Hey beautiful,’ was his text. I smiled. >>Njoyed 2day.”


>>’When can I c u again?’

>>’When can u have $$?’

>>’LOL. Seriously.’

>>’When u want2?’


>>’We just did it.’ Winking smiley.

>>’Not enuff. I want more.’ He included a smiley face with heart eyes.

>>’I told u I had a date.’

>>’How about after? Don’t mind sloppy 2nds.’ A winking and tongue smiley face.

>>’r 3rds’

>>’B home 2 late.’

>>’Ill wait up.”

>>’Another time.’


>>’I cant. Sry.’



>>’Wish u were my gf.’ I stared at that line for the longest time. John had said no decent guy would ever want me for a girlfriend, let alone for a wife. Jack was decent, John was wrong. I smiled.



>>’Wont work tho.’


>>’Cause im a ho.’

>>’U b my ho. U can screw around ne time u want2.’ A winking face followed. He was weird.

>>’G2g,’ I texted.

>>’Y’ proceeded a crying smiley face.

>>’Got things 2do.’

>>’Got a trick 2 do?’

>>’No. Dinner.’

>>’trick would b better.’

>>’LOL. Yep. I need $$’

>>’Y?’ I had to think of a response and remembered that Uncle Dennis asked the same thing.


>>’Car? Wat kind?’


>>’Ull need lotta tricks.’

>>’I no.’

>>’I can help with that.’ Smiley face.

>>’C U 2morrow maybe.’ I needed to end this conversation.

>>’K. bye sexy.’

With a smile I put my phone back into my pocket and began making the au gratin. Uncle Russell came into the kitchen for a beer and stood behind me watching as I cooked. I thought that was strange, but I ignored him. He stood there quietly for several minutes.

“You’re growing up, Lisa,” he said finishing off the beer and getting another one from the fridge.

“Thanks.” I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not, but I thanked him anyway.

“It’s been a while since I saw you.”

“You saw me last Sunday at Uncle Dennis’s house, remember?”

“I saw you there, but I didn’t really see you, if you know what I mean.” I turned to look at him and picked up on a funny vibe. Was he hitting on me?

“There’s something different about you. You’ve matured a lot. You’re very, uh, sensual.” SENSUAL?!? What does that even mean?

I ignored his comments and slid the dish of potatoes into the oven with the meat and washed my hands. I was hoping that if I ignored him that he’d just leave and stop creeping me out. I could feel his stare on my ass as I bent over to check the meat and when I turned around my uncle was standing about two feet behind me, and I nearly ran into him.

“Sorry,” I mumbled and moved around him. He had that look in his eyes that most men get when they want to have sex with me. I shook it off. I must be mistaken. Was I being paranoid and thinking that every guy that sees me wants to fuck me? I’m sure my uncle wouldn’t be like that. Would he? Did Uncle Dennis say something to him? Did Cory or Scott?

“Don’t be sorry, Lisa. You can run into me anytime,” he said with a wink. Seriously? I set the timer and hurried out of the kitchen. I needed to get away from him and wanted to talk to my dad once again about my grounding, but my uncle followed me in and sat on the sofa a foot away. SHIT!

“Dad, I think you’re being unfair. What have I done to be punished?”

“Lisa please, I’ve made up my mind. Now do what you’re told and stop asking about this. If you keep pushing it, I’ll extended it through the whole summer!” Shit. That’s what I didn’t need. I looked at Uncle Russell and he was sipping his beer while staring at me with that weird look on his face. I got up and left the room.

“What channel is the game on?” I heard him ask my dad as I entered the hallway. UGH!

My uncle has always been a mooch. Lived with my grandparents until he got married at 24 and then mooched off my aunt until she got tired of his lazy ass and kicked him out. He then bounced around between other relatives hoping to find a job get on his own. What a fucking joke! The guy is 40 years old and still doesn’t have his shit together, but the big difference now is he’s mooching off of us!


My mom got home around 7, we ate, and I helped clean up. Everything seemed normal, at least on the surface. During dinner Brooke and I sat on one side of the table while Cory sat across from Brooke and Uncle Russell sat across from me. My mom and dad sat on the ends of the table.

Several times Cory kept stretching his leg across under the table and touching my leg. I kept moving them and shooting an annoyed look at him. I assumed it was him but whenever I looked at him, he was always cutting his meat or shoving food into him mouth totally oblivious to my irritated expression. Another odd thing was that he had never done that before. I looked at my uncle and caught him suppressing a wide smile. Was it him?

Surely my uncle would not be playing footsie with me under the table, especially not with my parents sitting right there. He was acting very oddly toward me for some reason and every time I looked at him, he was staring at me but trying to hide it.

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