Keeping Things Even - Cover

Keeping Things Even

Copyright© 2022 by Ka Hmnd

Chapter 16: Teaching Knights to dance

The news of the Emperor’s Ward being in the city spread quickly. It was as if new life had arrived to breathe fresh hope into everyones life. Nobles and merchants alike planned grand balls and parties in her honor. The city Guard was becoming much better with my lessons helping them. It was two days after returning Kendra to the Ambassador that something happened.

I was in the marketplace with Teresa who was shopping. The disturbance from an entrance quickly spread and drew near. I held a staff in one hand and a large basket in the other as Teresa bargained with a farmer for chickens. Suddenly the crowd in the merchant row hastily scattered as three knights walked ahead of a lady and two more followed her.

I could see how stiff she was and the way she was frowning at the brutal treatment of the knights. As the knight in the lead reached me, he reached out to shove me aside. I swayed back and brought the end of the staff down on his foot. He yelled as he began to hop on one foot and the other two knights went for me. I swept back and forth, slamming the end other the staff against their shins.

They jerked back and went to one foot as the two knights in back moved forward. I thrust down into one’s foot and then swept across into the other’s shin as he yanked his dagger out. I shook my head, “courtesy gentlemen.”

The noblewoman was grinning as the knights fanned out. I sighed and took a step to the side to push Teresa into the merchant’s booth and set the basket down. I stepped out and one of the knights slid forward only to jump back and hop as my staff cracked against his shin. I smiled as they rushed me and then jerked back and shifted onto their other feet. I shook my head, “A knight must be ever courteous in all his dealings.”

I thrust down to hit another foot that was quickly jerked back. Things changed when they looked at each other and drew their swords. I shifted and changed my stance. The staff lashed out as they moved and slammed into one knight’s hand. His sword dropped from his numb hand as he jerked away. The butt of the staff lifted and shot out to strike another’s elbow and his sword spun away.

The three knights left lunged and my staff swept sideways knocking their swords away before spinning and one end crashing down on a wrist. The staff spun sideways and slammed into the forearm of another knight. His sword spun away over a merchant’s booth as I turned and back stepped away from another lunge. I brought the staff around and down against the wrist holding the last sword and it to dropped to the ground. I shook my head, “I am very disappointed gentlemen.”

They growled as they clutched at their daggers. I glanced past them at Duke Godfree who had walked up to stand beside the lady. The Duke cleared his throat and the knights glanced back before paling. The Duke nodded to me, “Perhaps you gentlemen would move this ... display to a more suitable place.”

The knights stepped back unsure and I bowed to the Duke, “it is good to see you again sir.”

He nodded and looked at the Knights “why don’t you offer to take this to the guards practice yard? It is not that far away.”

They looked from me to the Duke and frowned before nodding. One looked at me, “Well?”

I sighed and looked at Teresa, “I am watching and protecting someone. Perhaps later.”

The knight growled and I shrugged as I looked passed him at the Duke, “I have lessons with the Guard tomorrow morning if they still feel the need for instructions.”

The knight started to step towards me and the Duke cleared his throat, “I am sure they would be glad to meet you then.”

The knights looked at him in surprise and I bowed, “Thank you for understanding.”

He nodded and held his arm out to the lady and turned to walk off. I looked at the knights as they looked around angrily and began picking up their swords. They left pushing people out of the way and the merchants started laughing. I picked up the basket as the merchant went back to bargaining with Teresa.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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