Keeping Things Even - Cover

Keeping Things Even

Copyright© 2022 by Ka Hmnd

Chapter 15: Meeting a Wizard’s Apprentice

It had been a month since I had broken the conspiracy against the king. The whole city had been shocked when the whole truth behind my fight had come out. The king had even ordered the dead men hung from traitor’s wall. I had returned to my nightly stalking.

This night was a little colder than normal and most of the city stayed inside. I moved through the shadows easily until I reached the edge of the Curtain wall. I stopped as a young man stepped out of the shadows, he carried a tall staff and I knew he was a mage. I waited and he bowed, “My lord Peacemaker.”

I nodded, “Mage.”

He grinned, “Apprentice actually.”

I smiled, “How may I help you?”

He looked around, “My master requests a moment of your time.”

I only looked at him, “I thought the rest of the mages left the city?”

He shook his head, “My master has always lived here.”

I was surprised because I had never suspected that a wizard live here. He smiled, “Will you come?”

I bowed slightly, “Lead the way.”

He turned and started walking while I followed along behind. The house he led me to was on the edge of the farmers market, it looked old but well kept. In the front parlor an old man sat in a comfortable seat and smoked a long stemmed pipe. The apprentice bowed and withdrew while the old man waved to another chair, “Sit Peacemaker.”

I smiled and moved into the room and sat in the chair next to him, “How may I help you mage?”

He smiled thinly, “Do not trust mages do you.”

I waited and he nodded. His gesture and murmur towards the fire brought a flare of flames. Out of the flames appeared a stunning young woman. Even with the flames wrapped around her, I knew her hair would be a reddish gold color. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds as they stared into my soul.

I finally shook myself and looked at the mage as the image shifted and faded back into the fire. He looked at me quizzically and then smiled gently, “Her name is Kendra Alexandria Sarah Marie Brigham. She is the emperor’s ward and third in line for the throne.”

I nodded, “Where is she?”

He sighed, “Held captive outside the city in a Sorcerer’s dungeon.”

I looked at him and my eyes narrowed, “The emperor would never allow...”

The old mage held up his hand, “She was taken from the Imperial palace three days ago. The means used was one of treachery by a councilor to the Emperor.”

I looked at him and my eyes narrowed, “Who?”

He shrugged, “it does not matter. His treachery earned him a quick death.”

I nodded and looked at the apprentice as he carried a tray into the room and set it on a small table. The old mage gestured to the scroll on the tray, “This will direct you to the Sorcerer’s Keep.”

I did not touch the scroll, I only glanced at it and looked back at the mage, “Why help me?”

He smiled and looked into the flames of his fire, “Lets just say I speak to the dead too.”

I nodded and reached for the scroll. I stood and looked at him but he never looked away from the fire. I walked out and after leaving his house carefully opened the scroll. I only needed one look to know where I needed to go before it flashed and disappeared. I headed for the eastern gate with long purposeful strides, the image of the young woman still burning in my mind. I slipped out the postern gate and walked through the shanty town outside the city walls.

The few shady people that saw my shadow hastily vanished. I quietly left the city behind, moving through moonlit fields. It was another hour before I saw the low wall that marked the estate boundary for the sorcerer. In the moonlight I could see moving shadows and knew the sorcerer had spells protecting his estate and Keep.

I should explain the difference between a wizard or mage and a sorcerer. A wizard or mage stores energy in an object like a wand or staff and uses it to create stronger spells. A sorcerer can not use an object so they either use only their own natural energy or they use energy from another person. Most sorcerers are not bad, however the ones that are, are very bad and take a person’s life energy by force, draining them completely and leaving a them dead or dying.

I waited as the shadows gathered near the wall and then swiftly vaulted the wall. Even as I landed the shadows were attacking. I knew their power was limited but dangerous. I had kept a small pouch of ground salt since the mages and pulled a handful to toss it in a wide arc. The silent screams as the shadows touched the salt vibrated in my bones as the salt broke the spells that held them together.

I moved quickly towards the distant Keep, knowing the disruption of the guard spells would alert the sorcerer. I slipped my climbing claws on after sprinkling salt on myself. When I reached the walls of the Keep I leaped and started climbing. I slipped over the wall and onto a walkway as a large altered dog rushed me. My swords swept out as I shifted and turned. The headed bounced past me as the body collapsed.

I did not bother with the stairs as I dropped over the wall on the inside. I walked towards the manor and kicked the large double door open. A young looking man spun to face me from the other end of the room, “YOU DARE!”

I did not even slow as I headed towards him, “For your acts of treason I sentence you to death.”

He looked around and made a pulling motion that pulled a bound man from a hanging curtain. I slipped a sword into its sheath as he mumbled a spell. I threw a cloud of salt as he gestured and it sparkled before bursting into flame. I drew a spike and threw it as he gestured again and he staggered back with it sticking out of his chest. I reached him as he plucked at the spike and looked at me with wide eyes, “But I can not die.”

My sword flashed and his head went back before his body started to fall. I moved forward and knelt before bringing the blade down again. It was always a good idea to remove the head of a sorcerer. I stood and looked around before starting to search. I had to be very careful because sorcerers tended to leave traps for the unwary. I moved up floor by floor until reaching the master suite.

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