Party Girl - Cover

Party Girl

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Bailee liked to play hard and sometimes she played a little too hard. This time her antics got her in big trouble and she was sent to her Aunt's where she could do less damage! But Bailee wasn't to be stymied so easily...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Sharing   BTB   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

A couple days later Bailee was packing her things to go live with Aunt Ruth. Because it was the weekend and Bailee’s mom didn’t have to work, she decided it would be a good idea to go with her to make sure she got to Aunt Ruth’s. Besides, she hadn’t seen her sister in awhile so it was a good excuse for a visit.

It took about four hours to get to Ruth’s small town from where they lived and another hour to get to her house. Ruth met them at the bus station and took them the final leg of the trip. While they drove, Bailee’s mom explained the situation.

Bailee sat in the back seat, listening to the two women talk and getting embarrassed whenever Aunt Ruth would look at her in the rear-view mirror. This was beyond mortifying as Aunt Ruth had this way of looking at you that made you feel small and ashamed even when you did nothing wrong!

“Don’t you worry, Anne. I pretty much raised you after Mom and Dad died, I think I can handle this one. Besides, I have enough chores and work around the house to keep her more than occupied! She won’t have time to be bored or to get in trouble!” Aunt Ruth said.

“I don’t go in for all the computer nonsense either, so she won’t be able to email her friends or the tweet thing or whatever the kids are doing these days! Just an old-fashioned telephone!”

Bailee’s heart sank. Not only was she going to be living in the middle of nowhere, she wouldn’t even be able to talk to anyone either! This was going to be hell! Aunt Ruth showed Bailee her new room and left her there to unpack her things. She went back in to talk some more about Bailee and her problems to her mother before Bailee came back out.

Bailee’s mother stayed the afternoon with Bailee and Aunt Ruth before heading back home. Bailee settled into her new home and tried to make the best of it. “Maybe if I keep my nose clean, this won’t last forever!” she thought. So she pitched in and helped with the dishes, did her chores without complaint, and tried to be on her best behavior.

Unfortunately, an impetuous and spirited young girl like Bailee can’t toe the line for long.

After about a month, Bailee was downtown with Aunt Ruth doing some shopping when she noticed a Help Wanted sign on the door of Johnson’s Hardware, the town’s small hardware store.

Since Aunt Ruth had to pick up some things in the store anyway, they went in and while Aunt Ruth shopped, Bailee went to talk to the owner of the store about the job. Later that evening after dinner, Bailee approached Aunt Ruth about the job idea.

“Aunt Ruth, can I talk to you a minute?” Bailee asked as they sat in the living room.

“What is it, honey?”

“Well today when we were at the hardware store, I saw a Help Wanted sign on the door. I talked with the owner and he said I had the job if I wanted it. Can I go to work at the hardware store? I’ll still keep up with my studies and my chores, but it would be nice to have a little spending money. I know Mom gives you something to help take care of me, but I would like to have some money of my own,” Bailee said.

“I see. Well you have been doing well with your studies and you have helped out around here a lot. Let me think about it and I will let you know,” she said.

“Okay, but please hurry ... I don’t want to lose this job! It sounds like fun and Mr. Johnson, the owner, said he would pay me $7.50 an hour.”

“Well let me think on it and talk to your mother about it. We’ll see...” she said.

A few days later, Aunt Ruth was in the kitchen fixing lunch when she called Bailee in to eat.

“How is your schoolwork coming along?” Aunt Ruth asked, as she served up lunch.

“Fine, I’m almost done. Then I’ll get on my chores,” Bailee said.

“I talked to your mother today and told her how you are doing. She seems pleased that you are doing better here.”

“Oh? How’s Mom doing at home?”

“She’s fine. She misses you, of course.”

“And I miss her too.”

“Your mother and I talked about you getting that job at Johnson’s Hardware. I told her I thought it would be okay if she approved of it.”

“What did she say?” Bailee asked hopefully.

“She said that it would be okay if you took the job so long as you continued to do your schoolwork and kept your grades up and as long as you continued to do your chores around the house too.”

“Oh I will, Aunt Ruth! I will! Oh thank you, thank you!” Bailee said excitedly.

So the following day, Aunt Ruth drove Bailee to Johnson’s Hardware and sat in the car while Bailee went in and talked with Mr. Johnson. About a half hour later she came bounding out of the store, grinning and exceedingly happy.

“I got the job, Aunt Ruth! I got the job!” she squealed as she got in the car.

Bailee couldn’t wait for the next day when she started her new job. She arrived at the hardware store a half hour early and was sitting out front on the park bench when Mr. Johnson arrived to open the store. She followed him inside and he began showing her what her new job would be.

He gave her one of the store employee aprons and started showing her around the store. Bailee would start off by greeting the customers and helping them find what they came to the store to get. Bailee paid close attention so she would know what things were called so she could help the customers. There was so much to learn!

Bailee enjoyed her job and the extra money she was earning. Things were looking up for the young girl. Her schooling was doing well and she had a new job. Her and Aunt Ruth were getting along and enjoying each other’s company and Bailee called her mother once a week and even their relationship was doing better.

And then one day Brad Cooper walked in the hardware store.

Brad Cooper worked for a local construction company and that day he was in the hardware store looking to replace a couple power tools. He walked into the store and was promptly met at the door by Bailee.

“Hello, Welcome to Johnson’s Hardware store,” Bailee said in a cheerful voice.

Brad lifted his face which had been obscured by his black cowboy hat and looked at Bailee. “Thanks,” he said. Bailee looked up into Brad’s handsome, rugged face and saw his sparkling blue eyes and shining smile. And his dimples! Bailee looked at him speechless, her mouth hanging open as she couldn’t find her words anymore.

“C ... Can I help you?” she stammered, blushing over her reactions.

“Yeah, I need to pick up a new circular saw, a couple extra carbide framing blades, and a nail gun,” he said.

“Sure, if you’ll follow me, I can help you find those things,” Bailee said, trying to keep her professionalism. She led Brad over to the tool section of the store and began showing him the different models and types of tools they had.

“These are all okay for the weekend handyman, but where are your professional tools? Do you carry Bosche, DeWalt or Milwaukee brand tools?” he asked.

“Yes, we have all of them. But they are in the back – we don’t get a lot of call for them. Would you like to see what we have?” Bailee asked.

“Yeah, these home handyman versions wouldn’t last a week with me!” he said, “I need something a lot better built that’s going to last.”

She took him back into the back of the store where the heavy duty tools were kept. As he looked over what they had they talked a bit.

“So how long have you worked for Johnson’s?” he asked.

“Oh, I just started about a couple of months ago,” Bailee said.

“That’s cool. I haven’t seen you around, are you new to town?”

“Yeah, I’ve only been here a short time. I’m staying with my aunt for awhile.”

“I thought so. This is a pretty small town – new people sort of stick out around here. Especially cute ones!” he said glancing over to her and smiling.

Bailee’s heart skipped a beat. He thought she was cute! Bailee’s head was beginning to spin as she stood there next to him. Brad was a very good looking young man.

At six foot three inches tall, he was a full foot taller than her and he was very well built, with a broad chest, thick arms and a small waist. He had collar-length sandy blonde hair, a scruff of a beard, and he was well tanned from working outside all day.

“So when do you go to lunch? Want to grab a bite to eat?” Brad said.

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