The Riding Boot Chronicles: Two Little Vixens - Cover

The Riding Boot Chronicles: Two Little Vixens

by Fiona Hammill

Copyright© 2022 by Fiona Hammill

BDSM Sex Story: Ellen is invited to join her friend at the local foxhunt and it goes horribly wrong for both of them, captured by a couple who are against the hunt they are punished for the 'crime' of foxhunting in a disturbing way

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   Fiction   Zoophilia   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   First   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Foot Fetish   .

University life in the big city was a new adventure for Ellen Hastings, a redheaded quiet small town girl with big dreams and settled in well in her first year, it was helped that her new best friend she met at the induction, Tara Pilkington, was in the room next to her at the halls of residence and they were both horse lovers, both owned horses and entered competitions. It was Ellen’s nineteenth birthday and Tara burst in, the blonde was very much gave the appearance of a stereotypical upper class lady, her accent, the way she carried herself, she had a slight over bite but it somehow made her look cute in a naive way

“Hi birthday girl, what you doing today” she said flopping on the bed next to Ellen, who for once didn’t look her cheerful self so Tabatha sat up and edged closer “you okay?” Ellen sighedgy

“I just miss riding, I miss my horse. Even getting dressed up in my best riding gear. Going home every second weekend isn’t enough, I stopped competing to do this but I ... I just want to ride, a good hard going ride with a real challenge” She shook her head but Tabatha tapped Ellen’s shoulder dramaticly

“Oh I got an idea, just a minute” she ran out the room with her phone in her hands and soon came back all excited “You got anything on next weekend?” Ellen shook her head “ good, I just spoke to daddy and he says because my sister is away abroad orking that weekend we have a space available for you ... At the foxhunt” Tara was barely containing her excitement, she had told Ellen about the hunts and this would be Tara’s third of memory served her right

“I’m not sure Tara” Ellen said cautiously “I mean you know how I feel about cruelty to animals” Ellen did do a well received article against animal cruelty for the University Newspaper but Tara was unfazed

“Don’t worry Daddy always makes sure the fox doesn’t suffer, besides while and his riding buddies gallop on ahead we can just trot along at the rear like I do the last few times ... Come on, a ride through the country, jumping fences, weaving through trees ... And at night there is a huge ball with some hot guys and I’m eighteen so it’s the first year daddy letting me attand it, before it was just the hunt “ she gave Ellen the big puppy eyes look she did when trying to convince Ellen” you get to ride my sisters horse, Valiant ... He’s a lovely stallion and ill let you use my spare saddle ... Please” Ellen admitted it did sound like fun

“Okay ... Okay you convinced me, I have a dress I can wear for the ball but what about the hunt?” She said to Tara’s delight, Tara told her whatever she wore showjumping would do, Ellen thought Tara was going to explode with excitement as ran off to get stuff to show Ellen

Ellen got her mum to send a box in the post with her showjumping attire. All Tara could talk about all week was the hunt, on the train, her parents Mercedes...

Her parents were lovely people, pleased to see their daughter have such a good friend, they pulled up to a large Manor house, Pilkington Manor, the guest room Ellen was given was amazing, king sized bed, ensuite. They discussed the finer points of the hunt with Ellen over dinner including explaining to her (and reminding Tara) that while the hunt takes them close to it, do not cross onto the Carter-Bowles estate, the owner, a woman in her early forties called Amanda hates foxhunting and has campaigned against the hunt for years, Tara quipped everyone calls her Triple B

“Brown Boot Bitch” she explained “she is never seen without brown knee high riding boots on, never. She has a horse but doesn’t ride much, she rarely has guests, there’s rumors she’s a lesbian too, she’s just weird”. The rest of the evening went nicely, Ellen and Tara talking away about anything and everything untill it was time for bed

The next day Ellen got ready, her red hair in a tight plait she perfected over the years, her white blouse and matching cravat went on, then her her plain black blazer, her mum forgot the jodhpurs so Tara loaned her beige ones, the were a comfortable fit, then she put her plain black blazer on and just finished pulling up the back zip of her knee high black leather riding boots when Tara walked in, hair in a low bun, similarly attired but in white Jodhpurs and her boots looked almost new

“Your traditionally supposed to wear beige but daddy let’s me wear my white jodhpurs” she seen Ellen straighten herself out in the mirror and walked up, drew her in tight side by side so they were both in the mirror “Damn we make this outfit look good” she attached a pin of the Pilkington family crest to Ellen’s jacket lapel “there, perfect”

“Your boots are lovely, really suit you” Ellen noted with a smile, Tara blushed, it was the first time Ellen ever paid a compliment on anyone either of them knew without prompting

“I like youres too, you look so. Ellen can I chat with you after the hunt about something...” Ellen nodded and saw Tara get all shy and nervous but composed herself “Well we better get going, don’t want to miss this” they headed out but not before Tara’s mother took a picture of the two looking smart and beautiful in their riding gear

Some of Tara’s school friends were there, Tilly, Mollie, Val, Brandi and Rose, all welcomed Ellen and helped her adjust the saddle and reigns on Valiant, he felt a bit restless but Ellen was sure she would be fine

When the hunt started Ellen quickly relised Tara’s idea of a trot in the countryside was entirely different from hers she struggled to keep up, they were coming up to the first hedge, she barely made it, Valiant was resisting her efforts she made the second jump, barely time to recover then the next ... She doesn’t know exactly what happened, but next she knew she was flung from the horse and hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of her and knock her out when her head hit the ground despite a helmet. Valiant continued rider less and Tara ... She was a mix of tunnel vision Ed and in friendly competition with her friends to notice one of them was missing

She doesn’t know how long she was down for but Ellen woke up. Her head fuzzy and sore and she was confused, she slowly got up and took her helmet off letting it slip from her fingers to the ground, she felt some raindrops on her head and all she could think of was get shelter, the nearest she could see was some woods nearby, not ideal but it would have to do so she staggered over not realising that the treeline marked the start of the Carter- Bowles estate

Amanda Carter- Bowles was driving her Range Rover back from the supermarket up her tree lined private road when she saw Ellen stagger about in amongst the woods, she stopped and rushed out to the girl, Her light brown hair flowing loose, vision in a tweed jacket and matching skirt with her ever present brown knee high riding boots she caught up to Ellen

“Are you okay?” she said looking around see if there was a horse anywhere too “what happened” Ellen mumbled on about being thrown, trying to find shelter from rain, Amanda was all concern untill she seen the Pilkington pin badge on the lapel, so she was one of them, a fox murdering little bitch ... So one finally trespassed on her land, a wicked smile came over her, she had waited for years for one to do just that. Finally she caught a ... volunteer ... And such a pretty little thing, she looked Ellen over ... Hmm and pretty riding boots too ... She was perfect. She composed herself, nice smile “Come, let’s get you out of the rain, we are just going up there ... See?” and she pointed to her country house and its outbuildings just up the road “you’ll need to ride in the back okay?” Ellen nodded vacantly

Ellen’s head was getting worse, all she wanted to do was sleep, she had wandered deep into the trees and was lucky to come across the road and get help from a nice lady who wore brown boots, she was trying to think why thswas a notable detail. She was helped into the back and before even the engine started she rested her head and drifted off to sleep

As the hunt went on, Tara noticed Elen was not with them and turned around. She shouted to Tilly that she would be back but Tilly was too into the hunt to listen, she quickly seen Ellen’s disguarded helmet and picked it up, she looked around wondering where Ellen would go to, it was raining so somewhere somewhat sheltered would be good, then she looked at the trees, relised Ellen might have went there ... The Carter-Bowles estate, Daddy told her never to go there but she had to, she guided her mare, Twinkle toes towards the trees

Ellen woke with a start, her head clearer now she seemed to be on the floor of a decent sized sitting room with an open fire that was roaring away nicely, she went to rub her head and noticed her hair had been loosened out the plait l her hands creeped lower down to her neck where it bruched against something thick and leather, with little spikes lining the inside and a small box at the back then she relised she was in a cage, one like you keep large dogs in at a veterinary surgery and then she noticed she was naked except ... Oddly ... Her riding boots were still on, though as she wriggled her toes discovered her socks had been removed, she couldn’t process it, one minute she remembers riding ... Jumping ... being thrown from the horse ... And not much else after. How the hell did she end up in some quaint sitting room in a dog cage wearing just her knee high riding boots and a dog collar? Her answer wasn’t long coming

“Ah my little vixen, good to see you awake” said a voice, Amanda stepped into sight all smiles, she was dressed in a brown turtleneck sweater, a tweed skirt and her brown riding boots, “the boots told Ellen everything she needed to know about where she was” I am Amanda Carter- Bowles and you tree passed on my property you little fox murdering whore” the smile dropped and the eyes hardened

“What? No. Its not like that ... Aaah!” a star jolt went through Ellen’s neck, causing muscles to spasm

“Shock collar” Amanda explained, holding up a small remote pressing it again, and again. And again, every time Ellen tried to speak till she just held the button down in one long burst “Now are we going to pay attention? No interruptions?” Ellen nodded, eyes filled with tears “I have told those Pilkingtons to stay out of my estate, sure some have trespassed but usually men. You see I have been looking for a little vixen ... Just like you”, she pressed the remote when she seen Ellen about to talk “you see, you lot Rob a fox of its life, so you, You are going to become a little Vixen for the rest of your life” she seen Ellen’s eyes go wide as Amanda brought out a box “it’s hard to get all orange gear, so orange trim it had to be ... And don’t worry we have spares”, She brought out shackles in black trimmed with orange and put them in the cage

“Put them on” she said and held the remote up in silent threat, she put on the ankle ones and was given padlocks to put on the fastenings, the wrist ones had tight mittens attached so she had to go up to the bars for Amanda to help, she then opened the cage and with encouragement from the collar, crawled out, three pieces of chain were brought out the box, one went between the wrist shackles, another between the ankle ones and one raan between the two other chains restricting Ellen to crawling on all fours, they were all padlocked in place, she then brought out a black and orange trimmed body harness and put it on Ellen, above her ass was a long fluffy fox tail

“Well you are a pretty vixen” said Amanda as she knelt down in front of Ellen and kissed her “don’t worry as well as being a cute vixen ... My partner Karen and I will have fun with that pretty body of youres” and with that on went a head harness with detachable ring gag, and fluffy fox ears attached, she stood up “now I got these muddy rescuing you vixen, lick them” she said pointing to her boot Ellen hesitated and got shocked for it so she locked with determination “good vixen, very good” once she was finished she was coaxed back in the cage, Amanda looked at her watch “My partner should be here shortly ... We are part of a clay pigeon shooters club,” she then explained she should have been with Karen but had things to do in town the shopping “Lucky me, otherwise I might not have found you” just then the door opened and in walked Karen, with a backpack and a bag for her shotgun, she looked in her late thirties, dark brown wavy hair, chunky knit sweater, tight jeans and dark green hunter wellies, Ellen would discover that like Amanda’s brown boots, Karen’s hunter wellies are ever present on Amanda’s lover. She put the long bag containing her shotgun down and they kissed lovingly, they both looked down at the girl in the cage

“Oh this is the Vixen you were eager for me to come back and see, she is a pretty one ... Do you have the spare set of restraints?” she then whispered something in Amanda’s ear that made Amanda’s eyes light up

“Baby Pilkington?” she said in a hushed tone so Ellen couldn’t hear “today is our lucky day” and she took the spare set of restraints out the box and putting the stuff in the backpack she had on when she came in”The collar should be fully charged”

Tara stood outside the cottage, having tied Twinkletoes to a fence post waiting on Karen, who she met as she was looking for Ellen, she had been kind and she confirmed Tara’s suspicions about Amanda’s sexuality, suggested maybe Ellen was in the cottage, Karen came, backpack still on her back

“Good news Amanda has found your friend but she is resting and we are waiting for an ambulance as she did hurt her head, she is lucky to have such a caring friend” Karen said, noting just how relieved the Pilkington girl showed, this wasn’t just a friend

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