The Nasty Family - Cover

The Nasty Family

by Craver

Copyright© 2022 by Craver

Incest Sex Story: A family goes on a cruise and shares a VERY incestuous vacation together.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Fiction   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Public Sex   .

As the big cruise ship pulled out of port the four of us grinned happily over the prospects of a terrific vacation together. Lately we had seemed to be drifting apart, and Jill, my wife and I felt a family cruise would be just the ticket to bring us back together again. My only concern was the close quarters we would be rooming in. To save money, we had opted for a suite rather than two rooms. So ... Jill and I would be sleeping in two twin beds pushed together to form a king-size bed, while Bart, our fourteen year old son and Ashley, our fifteen year old daughter would be sleeping in an upper and lower berth twin bed combination.

“Beautiful, isn’t it, kids,” I said, feeling a little dorky, like Clark Griswald in those funny Chevy Chase Vacation series of movies. Still ... it was beautiful. We were leaving from Puerto Rico, having flown there for our departure on our Southern Caribbean vacation.

“And it’s so warm,” my daughter exclaimed.

“God I love hot weather,” she continued.

“I even like to sweat,” she said, stretching her arms above her head. I noticed once again how much my little baby girl had matured. As the sun set behind her I could easily see the outline of her perfectly formed, full teenage breasts beneath the thin halter top she was wearing. And as usual, she wasn’t wearing a bra, so I could also see her nipples as she continued stretching.

“Dirty old man, she’s your daughter!” Jill whispered, teasing me again. For months now she’d been teasing me about lusting after our daughter, knowing it always embarrassed me.

“Hey, I’m only human, you know,” I answered quietly.

“And she does have a perfect centerfold body already,” I added, wistfully observing our beautiful blond-haired daughter. Ashley wore her hair long and straight, over her shoulders, parted in the middle, and with her gorgeous, and sensuous blue eyes framing her high cheekboned face, I was intensely proud of my daughter’s youthful beauty.

“Well Bart isn’t so bad either, darling,” Jill said quietly, staring at our tall, handsome son.

“I think football agrees with him. He’s certainly lost all his baby fat. God, just look at that washboard stomach and that small waist,” she sighed. Bart was wearing one of his cut-off football jerseys and a pair of cut-off faded jeans like his sister. I had to admit he was turning into a very good looking young man, and I wondered if he, and his sister, were still virgins.

Dinner that night was delicious, and afterward we strolled around the ship a while before deciding to turn in. Also as usual, after an afternoon in the sun I was rather more horny than usual, especially after gazing upon my healthy young daughter’s figure all evening. At dinner she had changed into a very slinky minidress with a low neckline, with an abundant amount of cleavage showing, something I did not fail to notice.

In the cabin, Jill said, “Okay kids. We’re going to have to take turns using the bathroom on this trip. I realize it will be difficult, but if we take turns, and share with one another we’ll be alright. So ... who wants to go first? Ashley or Bart?”

“I’ll go,” Ashley said, reaching into the drawer claimed by her upon arrival. She withdrew a negligee, then went into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later she came out dressed in the lingerie and I felt my cock leap in my shorts. It was so sexy I couldn’t believe her mother had allowed her to buy it.

“Jesus, Jill,” I whispered quietly.

“You can practically see right through that nighty.”

“Yes. I know,” Jill giggled softly.

“Isn’t she sexy.”

“Take a look at the way Bart is staring at his sister for your answer,” I said, pressing against my wife’s ass from behind, letting her feel my growing erection.

“Appears like she is having quite an effect on you, too, darling,” Jill whispered, pressing back against my hardening cock.

Bart went into the bathroom next, and came out wearing a tee shirt and boxer undershorts. We could all see the bouncing movement of his semi-erect cock as he moved across the room to his bunk, the upper one. Clearly he was excited over seeing his sister’s scantily clad body in the sexy negligee.

“My turn,” Jill said cheerfully as she, too, selected a negligee from her dresser drawer. After a few moments she walked back into the cabin and I was stunned at her appearance. The negligee she had chosen was pale yellow, and as transparent as a thin curtain. Her naked tits could be seen under the thin gown, as could her nipples, which I could tell had become quite erect. Looking lower, I also was able to easily see her thick patch of pubic hair. Jill is of Italian heritage, and she is a dark-skinned brunette with brooding dark brown eyes, and thick black hair, everywhere. On occasion, to humor one of my kinky fetishes, she has let the hair under her arms grow for a week or two, something she knows turns me on immensely, only for this trip she was clean shaven. Under her arms. Her pussy, however, was another story. The thick black pubic hair had grown so abundantly it actually ran down part way on her thighs. I wondered how she expected to wear a bathing suit looking like that, and as I pondered her predicament, it dawned on me that our son and daughter were staring at her as closely as I was, and being provided with the same view as I.

Smiling at me, she said innocently, “Okay darling. Your turn.” Her eyes were sparkling with the intensity of her actions, and I knew that look. Oh no, not tonight, not with the kids right here in the cabin with us, I thought. Was she serious?

In the bathroom I quickly showered, then, as had Bart, I donned a pair of boxer shorts and a tee shirt. When I came out the lights in the room had been turned down low, and Jill was waiting for me in bed. I crawled under the blankets, and turned out the lights in the cabin.

“Goodnight, kids,” Jill said.

“Night Mom. Night Dad,” Ashley said.

“Night,” Bart mumbled.

As we snuggled together, feeling the soft languid sway of the ship’s movements, Jill leaned in to me and grasped my cock.

“Jill, no!” I whispered.

“Yes!” she whispered back.

“I’m so fucking horny I have to have you. Feel me,” she added, taking my hand and placing it on her wet cunt. She was sopping, and instinctively I inserted two fingers inside her eager pussy, causing her to moan softly.

“Shhh!” I whispered.

“Fuck me!” she whispered back. Moonlight was streaming into the cabin, and as she crawled on top of me, immediately forcing my cock up inside her wet cunt, I realized our eyes were becoming accustomed to the darkness of the cabin. I also realized the cabin, with the moonlight streaming in, wasn’t all that dark. Clearly the kids would be able to see what we were doing. Wouldn’t they? Jesus! I thought. We need to stop this. Right now.

But of course we didn’t. Once I start fucking, or once any guy starts fucking, our cocks take control of our brains, and we do what comes naturally. We simply keep right on fucking, which is what we did.

“Oh God!” Jill moaned out loud. I heard Ashley giggle, and Bart gasped.

“Ashley, be quiet!” Jill moaned.

“Sorry, Mom,” she laughed.

“Guess Dad is in good form tonight, huh?”

“Hmmmm, the best,” Jill moaned again, making no pretense now to hide what we were doing.

“Oh darling, YES!” she groaned, pumping up and down on my hard cock just as I exploded inside her clinging cunt.

“OH GOD, YES, FUCK ME, FUCK MEEEEE!” she cried out, coming with such intensity I thought she might break the bed under us.

“Jesus, Dad. What are you doing to her?” Bart giggled.

“He’s fucking her, dickhead,” Ashley laughed.

“Must be doing it pretty good, too, to make her come THAT hard, huh, Dad?”

“Oh God!” I moaned, breathing hard as above me Jill continued milking my cock until every last drop of cum had spurted out of it.

“Sorry kids,” Jill exclaimed.

“Your poor old mother was just too horny to help herself tonight. I hope you guys understand.”

“Sure, Mom,” Ashley said, her voice strange sounding, almost garbled.

“As long as you and Dad understand when Bart and I play with ourselves since we can’t fuck,” she continued. I looked over at where she was lying, and noticed she’d kicked the blankets off. I strained to make out her youthful body in the light from the moon, and what I saw made my cock begin to harden again. Her legs were spread, her hand was inside her panties, and she was masturbating.

“Just because we’re on vacation doesn’t mean we can’t do what we do at home in the privacy of our own rooms,” Jill said, getting out of bed, walking toward the bathroom. When she reached Ashley’s bed, she paused, leaned down, and kissed our daughter softly on the lips.

“Enjoy yourself, honey,” she said, patting her on the cheeks. Then she went into the bathroom.

After a moment or two, Jill returned, and handed Bart a towel.

“Here baby. You may as well do what you do at home, too. Don’t try to deny it. I’m the one who does the laundry, you know, and I know you like to come in a towel. Oh, and Bart,” she added, leaning down, getting something out of her closet.

“I also know you like to use a pair of my soiled panties when you masturbate, so here’s the pair I wore today, sweetie.”

“Jesus, MOM!” Bart grimaced.

“I ... I can’t do that HERE!”

“Why not, baby?” Jill asked.

“In front of ASHLEY?” he exclaimed.

“But she can’t see you, baby. She’s in the bunk below you,” Jill reasoned.

“Well, yeah, but ... but she could hear me.”

“Bart, do what you want. I’m doing it,” Ashley groaned, her voice strangled with lust.

“It’s hot! Try it!” she insisted.

“Jesus,” Bart mumbled, turned away from us toward the wall, but I noticed he’d taken the towel from Jill.

A few moments later we heard Ashley groaning.

“Oh God, it feels so fucking good,” she gasped. Her eager, young fingers vibrating on her wet pussy filled the cabin with loud squishing noises, and in a moment we heard similar kinds of noises coming from the top bunk as well.

“Oh God, he’s doing it, too!” Ashley groaned loudly.

“God I wish I could see him,” she moaned.

“Do you want to?” Jill asked our daughter.

“Jill! Are you CRAZY?” I asked, stunned at how serious she sounded.

“Do you, Ashley? Would you like to see your brother playing with his cock? I would,” Jill said, suddenly leaning over behind us to turn on the room lights.

“Come on, Bart. Show us!” Jill said, standing next to Bart’s and Ashley’s bunk beds.

“MOM, JESUS!” Bart cried out as Jill pulled back the covers. Bart’s fist was clenched around his erect cock, and it was covered with his spit and pre-cum lubricant.

“Oh God, Ashley, get up. Look at this, baby,” Jill moaned, holding out her hand for our daughter. Ashley scrambled from her bed, her fingers still buried in her pussy, moving rhythmically, as she stood next to Jill observing Bart.

“OKAY! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE?” he asked, turning toward the two women, his hard cock sticking straight up in the air as he rubbed it up and down. Overcome with excitement, he removed his fingers and let his mother, and his sister, watch as his cock began to twitch.

“Oh shit, I ... I’m gonna ... I’m gonna-”

“Yes, baby. Do it for us. Shoot it for us!” Jill moaned, also masturbating now. Bart took the towel and held it in front of his cock.

“NOOOO!’ Jill screamed, grabbing the towel just as Bart’s cock exploded. Arcs of cum shot out the end, landing on the towel Jill was holding under and several inches in front of the cock.

“Oh GODDDDD!” Ashley gasped, her shoulders shaking violently, legs buckling, as her own orgasm slammed into her. Her fingers were flying furiously over her young pussy, and her tits were jiggling deliciously as her body jerked and twitched through wave after wave of what clearly was very intense pleasure.

After everyone had settled down, we all began to laugh.

“Well now I’ve seen everything,” I said, staring at Ashley. She stared back, her eyes clouded with lust, and said, “But we haven’t. We haven’t seen your cock, Daddy.”

I felt myself blushing, actually blushing, while at the same time my cock was becoming rock hard again.

“Yes, Chuck. What’s the matter? Afraid to share with us?” Jill smirked, challenging me.

“Jill, come on. Stop it,” I snapped, scowling, trying to look angry.

“Oh stop yourself. You know damn well you’ve been staring at your daughter’s tits and ass all day, and especially tonight. You’ve seen her, so why not let her see you? What’s the big deal?”

“Yeah, Dad. Mom made me show her and Ashley my cock. Now it’s your turn,” Bart said, still slowly stroking his spent penis.

“No way,” I said, as my cock began telling me, “do it!”

Jill and Ashley moved toward the bed, giggling, their arms outstretched.

“Your turn, Daddy!” Ashley teased.

“Come on, darling. Fair is fair!” Jill giggled, as both of them jumped on the bed and began tugging back the covers.

“Jill, Ashley, STOP IT!” I laughed, feeling Jill’s fingers tickling me in the ribs, something she knows I can’t stand. When I raised my arms to defend myself, Ashley pulled off the covers, revealing my stiff cock.

“Oh GOD, Daddy! That’s BEAUTIFUL!” she groaned, instinctively reaching out to touch it.

My daughter’s fingers felt cool and small around my hard cock, and the instant she touched me I felt an intense tingling in my balls.

“Oh God, Ash!” I moaned, lying back, letting her feel all of me she wanted now.

“God, Mom, what does it feel like to have THIS monster up inside your pussy?” she gasped.

“Wonderful, darling,” Jill said, her voice husky, filled with lust.

“Why? Do you want to try it?”

“Jesus, Mom!” Ashley said, looking at Jill.

“Could I? You wouldn’t care?”

“Not if your father cares if I try out Bart’s,” Jill said, stunning me with her reply.

“Jill, are you CRAZY? We could get arrested for child abuse!” I gasped.

“Oh for crips sake,” Jill snorted.

“Who would know? Who would tell? We don’t know anybody on this ship, and we’re on vacation. You know how horny I get, and YOU, TOO, Mr. Innocent, when we’re on vacation. Remember last time? When we fucked that couple we met in Mexico?”

“JILL!” I gasped, not believing she would mention that to the kids.

“Oh God, Mom, DID YOU? YOU GUYS FUCKED SOMEBODY ELSE? THAT’S SOOOO FUCKING COOL,” Ashley exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Sure did, baby. And your father loved watching another man fucking me, didn’t you, Chuck? Admit it?”

“Oh God,” I moaned.

“So why not do it with our kids this vacation? We love them more than anyone else ... right? Wouldn’t you like to fuck your old mother, Bart?” Jill asked, turning toward Bart, stripping off the negligee as she spoke.

“Here ... between these tits? Or in my pussy? Or my mouth? Or my ass?”

“Oh God, MOM! Oh SHIT yeah I’d love that?” Bart drooled, his cock rock hard again.

“Then get down here and show these two how to fuck, baby,” Jill said, stripping off her panties, handing them to Bart to sniff. They were wet, and warm, and when he inhaled, deeply, as Ashley and I watched, I felt my daughter crawling on top of me as her mother had earlier.

“Oh please, Daddy. Fuck me, too. Please?” she begged, pulling her panties aside, showing me her wet, young, tight pussy as she crawled up over my body, straddling my cock.

I just watched, too stunned to move as she lowered herself to me, onto me, onto my cock. God she felt wonderful. I found myself reaching out to her, to her tits, feeling them, fondling them as she began fucking me, and I knew this was going to be the best vacation ever. On the other bed Bart was fucking Jill, now. He was on top of her, and her legs were wrapped around his waist.

“Look, baby,” I said, turning Ashley’s head so she could see her brother fucking her mother.

“Isn’t she hot, baby? Did you know your mother was such a hot slut,” I gasped.

“Yeah. I did, Daddy. Bart and I ... we ... we went through some of those videos you guys have hidden in your closet one day. We ... we saw the ones of Mom getting fucked by other guys. God it made us hot. So hot, in fact ... well ... we weren’t going to tell you guys this, but, well, Bart’s been fucking me, too, ever since then.”

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